A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 82: Tier 6 Thunder Pterodactyl

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The reason why flying creatures are difficult to deal with is because they are fast and difficult to aim. The violent sirens sounded in Tianya City, and soon the guards resting on the wall were shouted.

"Get up, get up, there are flying creatures." One by one loud roars sounded on the wall, and the sleeping guards were alarmed.

After receiving the specific news, the high-ranking sage in charge of the command had a very gloomy face and issued an order: "The logistics personnel are ready to enter the shelter."

The refuge is a space excavated below Tianya City. After several destructions, Tianya City gradually concluded a truth, that is, marine life only destroys ground buildings and will not be interested in anything underground. It turns out that, The refuge is successful. Of course, if there is danger, it is directly teleported away. Here, teleportation does not require points. Of course, this requires real people to let go of the teleport authority. It can be said that the refuge is a transit station.

"No. 86, responsible for flying creatures." The youth director issued an order, and the two subordinates next to the director were also nervous.

"Turn on the defense system." The director then gave the order again, and a shield shining with blue lightning appeared on the periphery of the entire Sky City.

"What is that?" The people around Tianya City saw a purple light cluster tens of thousands of meters above the sky. There was obviously something in the light cluster.

Someone who understands immediately yelled: "That is the [shield of the Sky City. Only when it is in danger, the Sky City will open the shield."

Hearing this, everyone was a little surprised, and then there was some fear. Why, because of the appearance of the sky city, there is a dangerous alarm, which is enough to prove the degree of danger. The high-ranking sage saw this scene and gritted his teeth and gave orders. : "Retreat, all enter the shelter."

The commanding high-ranking sage ordered it, and the entire city wall began to be a little messy. Not only people had to be removed, some valuable weapons had to be removed, but now the shield of the city wall was still intact, so it seemed that there was still enough time.

When Cook saw the aggressive swarm of flying creatures, he said loudly: "Quickly, let Tianya City close the shield."

"What?" The youth director said in shock.

"No time to explain, hurry up." Cook knows that most flying creatures have one characteristic, that is, it is light-driving. The shield of Tianya City is shining. Although it is obvious on the ocean, it is not as good as the sky. It seems so conspicuous.

"Close the protective shield of Tianya City." The youth director gritted his teeth and issued an order.

"Director..." The two subordinates were shocked.

"Execute the order." The youth director decided to take a gamble.

The shining Tianya City that was in the eyes of everyone suddenly lost its light, and real people were shocked. Knowing that this is a segmented defensive shield, it can't be destroyed all at once.

The guards of Tianya City were still retreating in an orderly manner. Suddenly the shield disappeared. Everyone looked at the outside of the city wall in shock. The atmosphere of fear and shock continued to spread.

"Look!" Someone had a good look. They saw a huge flying creature hundreds of meters long thousands of meters away. The huge head and swarthy scales made the flying creature full of death. breath.

"It's over, it's over." The senior sage in charge of the command saw this scene and knew it was over.

However, within two or three seconds, the huge flying creature had arrived in the sky above Tianya City. Its body was hundreds of meters long, and a pair of huge fleshy wings stretched out for several thousand meters. Most people closed their eyes in despair.

"Run!" a voice roared loudly, but without the magic shield, the voice couldn't reach far, because there were not only beasts, but also the violent sea lang, but hundreds of people around this person heard this. , Suddenly turned around, and then, regardless of the height of the city wall, jumped high from the city wall into the city.

"Boom!" It was just a gust of wind. Some things in Tianya City were rumbling by the huge wind, and countless roofs were overturned. Fortunately, except for the guards, everyone else was in the shelter. .

"Huh." The high-ranking sage who was in charge of the command was stunned. The Nima flying creature flew directly past, and did not attack Tianya City at all.

"Yeah!" Seeing the flying creatures approaching Tianya City, the youth director raised his heart, but seeing the flying creatures fly directly over Tianya City, the youth director jumped up immediately.

"Locke, why should you close the shield?" the youth director asked eagerly.

"Because most flying creatures have light-repellent properties, and Tianya City is not in the air and will not block the route of flying creatures, so closing the shield is the best way." Cook explained.

The youth director heard Cook's explanation and immediately screamed: "No, close...Boom!"

The entire Sky City shook violently, and Cook and the others were better, because these real people were immediately fixed by a layer of cobwebs, and the so-called assistants suffered, and they rolled in the hall.

"What's the matter?" Cook only felt it, but couldn't see it because of the helmet display.

But then Cook heard the young director's angry roar: "Get me out of the crap, Locke."

Well, I don’t call the number directly anymore. The rest of the real people are poking their lips. Why, it’s like when the teacher calls the number uniformly during an exam, but one of the teachers actually calls the name. Everyone knows what it means, and the other students also Only envy, jealousy and hatred.

When Cook heard the words of the young director, he was puzzled. Then, on Cook’s display helmet, he saw four creatures violently attacking the city in the sky. From Cook’s perspective, the huge creature’s wings stretched out a thousand. Meters long, although purple thunder light shines on the shield, it has no effect on these creatures.

"Thunder creatures?" Cook looked at these creatures in astonishment. These creatures are like dragons on the Sanctuary Plane, but they are sub-dragons. This is only the appearance. As for the shape, it is not comparable at all. The creature's body is not like scales, but brown like leather without hair, but the purple lightning has no effect on the brown leather.

Cook looked at the description of the attacking turret again. To Cook's surprise, he could still adjust the energy attribute. Cook looked at the surrounding dark clouds and changed in. There was still thunder and lightning in the distance. Cook directly The attributes of the energy attack have been adjusted to the attributes of the mine.

"Is this an idiot..." After seeing the data, a real person next to the youth director cursed directly.

"Shut up!" The youth director immediately shouted coldly, and the youth director chose to believe in Cook.

After adjusting, Cook began to aim. Due to constant attacks, the Sky City kept shaking, but this time Cook did not need to be precise, but there are real people watching Cook’s jokes, and some real people are smiling. Said: "Oh, it's not easy to aim at the head. I bet that No. 86 will need to attack at least ten times to destroy a Level 6 Thunder Pterodactyl."

"I bet fifty times, don't forget the attack energy attribute of this No. 86 selection." Another real person also sneered.

"Fifty times, the energy utilization rate is very high, very high, haha." Another real person heard this and looked at the energy utilization ranking list again, laughing.

Cook also heard these words. Cook shook his head to talk about the understanding of energy. Compared with Cook, these so-called real people are far worse. In such an extreme environment, using other attributes is useless. Yes, of course this also depends on the situation, but lightning has a special attribute, adsorption.

"Zizi." The fort screamed, and a thick purple lightning directly hit a Tier 6 Thunder Pterodactyl.

"Haha, it's okay!"

"Wrong, missed the head!" The real people shouted after seeing Cook's victory.

Speaking of which, these real people were also extremely oppressed by Cook. They were not real people, but their records were higher than real people. So when they saw Cook made a mistake, these real people yelled without hesitation.

"Idiot!" Cook spit out two words softly.

"What, mean us?" real people asked incredulously.

"Boy, you are..." another real person shouted immediately.

"Okay!" The youth director looked at the sixth-order thunder pterosaur that was hit by the thunder column. The thunder pterosaur was surrounded by lightning, but the movement was slightly slower, and the youth director's heart sank.

"Rumble." There was a loud noise, everyone was shocked.

"What happened?" Someone turned his head and found that Level 6 Thunder Pterodactyl had disappeared, asking in surprise.

"Dead, dead." The other real people said in disbelief.

"This is too unlucky. I was struck by a huge lightning and the entire Thunder Pterodactyl was shattered." A real person said depressed, knowing that this is the best target to laugh at Cook, but now the target is not there. Now, you say depressed is not depressed.

When Cook saw this, he was relieved. , So Cook released a bolt of thunder again, now! With a bang, a purple thunder pillar once again focused on a thunder pterosaur, and the others were about to laugh.

"Boom!" The thunder pillar just hit the thunder pterosaur~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the thunder pterosaur was surrounded by lightning, and was struck by a huge lightning. It can be seen that the lightning came from a very distant place. , Behind this lightning is like a power grid, and the energy of more than a dozen lightnings gathered in front and hit Thunder Pterodactyl.

"Haha!" Seeing this scene, the youth director knew that Cook's approach was not simple.

Facts proved to be true. The remaining two thunder pterosaurs were solved within half a minute. Without exception, the purple thunder pillar that Cook attacked just hit the thunder pterodactyl shortly after the lightning in the sky. Like being attracted by the lightning pillar attacked by Cook, directly hitting the Thunder Pterodactyl, the real person who was present knew the power of lightning very well, and the power of dozens of lightnings, even Tier 9 creatures could not stand it.

Seeing this scene, the youth director eagerly asked: "Locke, does this have anything to do with your choice of thunder attribute attack energy?" After the youth director finished asking, the scene was silent, because these real people also want to know, real people actually Most of them are scholars. Although they sometimes jealous of others, they are still very humble when it comes to knowledge.

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