A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 83: What reward do you want

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Cook was silent for a moment. The real people around were a little disappointed, but these real people were not dissatisfied with Cook, because in the world of real people, this is very common. All kinds of knowledge are wealth. I told you that you have to give something. What's not, I have to study something without money.

The youth director was about to speak, and he heard Cook say: "Actually, I also have a little bit. I found that lightning is absorbent, and now the surrounding dark clouds are densely covered. I want thunder and lightning attacks to make Thunder pterosaurs carry lightning attributes. Then will the lightning be absorbed? Facts have proved that I was right."

"If it's not right, you are..." a real person said immediately with dissatisfaction.

"Enough, wrong is just an attack, can anyone of you be sure to kill this thunder pterodactyl with one blow? What I look down on most is a villain like you, what happened to other people’s experiments, they’re successful, it’s not like Some people.” There was a real person who helped Cook speak immediately, mocking the real person who spoke.

"Haha, there are people who envy and jealous of a sage. Tsk tsk, this kind of temperament." Someone even fell into trouble.

"You guys..." The real person who just spoke was very regretful. He just wanted to find Cook's mistakes, but he ignored that Cook's experiment had minimal impact on the results. Yes, no one can wipe out Thunder Dragon in one strike. .

However, some people asked Cook doubtfully: "How does this prove the adsorption effect of thunder and lightning."

"Use an artificial crystal rod, which is usually used in the preparation of medicines, and a fine spider silk cloth. Rub the artificial crystal rod with the spider silk cloth, and then look for some hair fragments. The hair fragments will It is adsorbed on the artificial crystal rod, and at this time there is a faint lightning on the artificial crystal rod." Cook didn’t speak for a long time just now, just looking for a reason. If Cook knew he didn’t say anything, no one would persecute him, Cook. I certainly won't say, of course, this is also caused by Cook's ignorance of the sage world.

Hearing what Cook said, these real people couldn’t sit still anymore. They hurriedly found things and did the experiment. A real person made the experiment in one minute, looking at the absorbed hair debris and measuring. The real person was shocked by the lightning attributes that came out.

"Mr. Locke, this, this is true." The real person who made the experiment said.

"I discovered this accidentally. I wondered at the time what kind of force made the hair stick to the artificial crystal rod. As a result, I studied it for a long time before I realized that it was the lightning attribute." Cook said nonchalantly.

What Cook didn’t know was that when he said this, the data measured by the helmet was a bit high. The young director saw his subordinates pointing to this data and said angrily: “If someone forces you to say something like this Come on, will your data fluctuate."

After thinking about it, the real subordinate nodded and said nothing. If Cook knew, he would be surprised that Nima could actually detect a lie.

"It's a great discovery. Thunder and lightning actually have the same adsorption power as magnetic energy, but I don't know whether lightning can be converted with magnetic energy." A real person said.

"Impossible, these are two completely different attributes." Someone denied.

When Cook heard this, his hand shook. The original attack aimed at his head was directly missed. This data fluctuates abnormally. You must know that Cook's output is very stable. The young director saw this scene and said : "Erased this data fluctuation."

"Is it right?" Seeing this situation, the subordinates of the youth director asked in a low voice.

"No. Ten, it seems that Locke also likes to research, and his hands-on ability is still very strong." The young director touched his chin.

"Or the real person assessment starting the next year, let's..." The youth director's subordinates know that magnetic energy is still an unpopular in the energy field. Of course, the thunder and lightning energy field is also an unpopular. If you are here to study and lead in this unpopularity Sky City, then the consequences are limitless.

"Shut up." The youth director said grimly.

"Daily will issue a notice of recruitment to Heiling City, saying that Locke has been recruited by us and transfer all the information." The youth director then faintly ordered.

"Gao, Gao, the director is a good way. Since then, Locke has been under our jurisdiction." This subordinate immediately understood that compared to his own, this is simply a draw from the bottom of the pan, and in the next year, it may be discovered by others. Yes, but since now, no matter whether Locke has research results, it is within his own jurisdiction.

However, what the youth director didn't know was that Heiling City actually refused to call for the notice, which turned out to be a lot of trouble. Of course, the young director never thought that he had created the first and the first was rejected by the sage association.

After Cook’s demonstration, although hundreds of flying creatures later attacked the sky city, they were all struck by lightning without exception, and Cook no longer had the task of dealing with sky creatures because of this. As long as you hit the creature, you don’t care if it is a critical attack. Those real people can let a talent like Cook do such a simple thing. Of course, in order to compete for flying creatures that everyone didn’t want to deal with, the real people are even close to each other. It was staged a martial arts tour, which surprised the assistants with blue noses and swollen faces.

"It's okay, it's okay." The expressions of the people on the walls of Tianya City were very strange, and the huge flying creatures flew directly above their heads. The disdain for Tianya City made the people on the wall surprised. At the same time, there are countless question marks in my heart.

What are the high-ranking sages who are in charge of commanding, cursing mothers: "You idiots, trash, bastards, pigs, shit, why don’t you jump off the cliff and die? Not only did you hurt yourself, but you also smashed others’ things. Things that are afraid of death are not worthy of being Lao Tzu's subordinates. Come, take away these **** and idiots to me, and wait until the injury is healed, and drive out of Tianya City. We Tianya City does not lack such cowards and villains... "

Hearing a series of curses from the high-ranking sage in charge of the command, everyone around was gloating and said, "Oh, this is a miracle. This time the reduction in combat personnel actually wanted to commit suicide."

"That is, you want to commit suicide and jump into the sea, and you don't need to pay compensation for smashing other people's things." In the hearts of those present, they despise the guys who are greedy for life and fear of death.

Of course, most of the people present are still very envious of these guys. These guys react too fast. If they react faster, then they will be scolded. But the guys who reacted so fast are right to drive away. Wan When you encounter danger in the future, it's not that someone can run faster than yourself.

"Okay, don't say it, go back to alert." Seeing hundreds of people being escorted away, these hundreds of people are also in grief and indignation, and the curse of flying creatures in their hearts is definitely indispensable.

"It's too weird." The high-ranking sage in charge of the command looked at the deserted surrounding seas and the huge flying creatures that weren't flying over. He thought it was too weird. This is a wave of beasts once every five hundred years.

This sage also saw someone on the city wall fart and chat. The last time, who was not nervous, now, it feels like looking at the scenery, if it weren’t for the dazzling beam of light in the sea ahead, The sage thought that the animal tide was over.

"No, there are no creatures five hundred kilometers away." A good news finally came.

The beast tide is suddenly too strong. These creatures are all marine creatures. They only surface when they are 500 kilometers away from Tianya City. Some marine creatures are very fast, basically half an hour or less. It was in contact with Tianya City, and the end of the beast tide was also a sign, that is, no marine life appeared in the place where the beast tide appeared.

Of course some people wanted to figure out what was going on with this beast tide, but after a Tier 6 real person entered the ocean research and did not return, no one did it again. It was an act of seeking death.

Half an hour passed, except for the occasional two or three creatures that were slow and lagging behind the big team, the rest were gone, and the real people on the scene cheered.



"It's not easy." Real people sighed. You must know that real people have not rested since the beginning of the animal tide. Of course, rest is secondary. The main thing is to interrupt the research of these real people. Things that real people hate.

"Below I announce the rankings, the number of kills ranked No. 66, the highest energy use rankings, No. 86, the precision rankings No. 86, the best regional task completion rankings No. 86, the innovation rankings No. 86, the comprehensive rankings 86 Number." The youth director announced.

"If Locke can come early, 66 will probably be fine."

"That's right, I used to look like No. 66 ass, now it's alright, I was beaten in the face by a sage."

"It seems like you haven't been slapped in the face, hey, I went to study, I don't have the face to stay here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This real person disappeared after speaking.

Hearing the words just now, his eyes lit up: "I don't have a face anymore, but I'm going to collect research specimens now, saying that I seem to have seen a relatively complete creature..."

The director of youth looked at Cook who was left alone on the scene, and was very upset. The director of youth was going to beat those real people, but whoever beat them now actually ran away.

The young director called Cook to his side, and then asked, "Rock, what do you want."

"What do you want?" Cook asked in confusion, and Cook didn't know what the rankings meant.

"That is, the number one in the ranking is rewarded. What kind of reward do you need." The subordinate of the youth director explained.

Cook hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I am longing for the real world, but I also know my own talent, so I want to learn more." This, the first time to read the genuine content! Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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