A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 87: End of the battle

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"Boom." Cook fell heavily on the edge of the pool of water of life. Cook seemed to be dead, motionless at all.

Feeling a tyrannical mental power directly scanning his body, Cook did not move. It was not that Cook was unwilling to move, but that the man’s mental power was too great, and Cook wanted to see what this person was. What's going on, the daring of the art masters means Cook. Of course, if Cook is instantly superimposed seven times madness, plus a beast soul transformation, this person will probably be pinched to death by Cook, but only Competing for mental strength, Cook still has to be careful, careful, and then careful.

"A powerful body is comparable to a giant dragon. It's incredible, but the mental power is too weak, but this is a good thing for me, quack, after sleeping for countless years, I finally have a suitable body. "This strange man did not leave the pool of life water.

Cook was lying on the ground, unable to see the appearance of this weird person at all, because the side of the pool blocked Cook's sight, but when Cook heard a suitable body, Cook immediately woke up, this man is obviously life When it came to the end, even being immersed in the pool of the water of life could not stop the weakness of the body, which showed that this person was really dying.

"Boom." Hearing that this man was about to take his body, where did Cook dare to lie down, Cook jumped up and instantly became sevenfold mad, and his fist hit the skinny weird.

"Damn pig." The strange man's body was directly hit by Cook's powerful force on the edge of the pool of the water of life. The strange man roared, his powerful mental power turned into a golden storm, and swept towards Cook.

"Go to die." The Thunder Fang that Cook had prepared for a long time, pierced the weird person directly with the winding electric light, and the golden storm also enveloped Cook's body.

"Crack, click, click, click, click." Four crisp cracks sounded on Cook's neck, and the seven soul crystals on Cook's spiritual protection necklace exploded in an instant. Four.

"Roar." A huge roar rang out in the golden storm, and Cook's body was directly knocked out by such a huge force.

"Boom." Cook's body hit the wall of the hall, which was actually the hollow trunk of the tree.

Cook's powerful body made Cook just spit out blood and nothing happened. After Cook spit out blood, he rushed towards the strange man again. This strange man was cut a hole in his chest by Cook's thunder teeth. There was something black around it, it was not muscles, it was like rotten meat, this strange man was struggling to sink into the pool of water of life.

"You can't let this guy sink." Cook was anxious. Cook knew that this man was relying on the powerful energy of the water of life to keep his body as it is now. What Cook had to do was to prevent this guy from sinking again.

"Human, you **** it." The strange man saw Cook rushing towards him, and was very angry. This strange man's body was already on the verge of collapse, and once the body collapsed, this person would have no way of survival at all, so the man's heart The anger is conceivable, and a golden arrow formed by mental power shoots towards Cook.

"Kacha." Cook was not moved at all, letting a golden arrow shoot at his body, the mental protection necklace on Cook's neck once again shattered a soul crystal, and now there are two soul crystals. .

"Boom." Cook jumped over the pool of water of life, and then the thunder teeth in his hand pierced into the strange man again.

"Ah, the weapon made by Zulong's horns, **** it." The strange man saw a small hole on his shoulder again, and there was a trace of purple electric light around the hole, the strange man screamed.

After Cook's blow, he quickly avoided. When Cook fell on the ground, before he turned his head, a dull sound rang, and the entire hall was shaking violently.

"No, this guy can control this giant tree." Cook yelled no, and the whole person rushed at the strange man again.

"Die, **** shit, dare to hurt the great Dorocas." Dorocas said his name for the first time. From the entrance of the hall, a dozen huge tree roots appeared in a swarm. The roots of the tree exude a metallic luster.

This is not surprising. In fact, the better the grade of most plants, the higher the metal content contained, and the attack methods and methods displayed are different depending on the metal contained.

In fact, the same is true for people. Cook’s bones are basically metal now. Cook’s blood now contains metal, but it’s liquid metal. Of course it’s not ordinary metal. It’s because of this, Cook. The magic of the body can pass smoothly.

Of course, for ordinary people, Cook's blood is not only extremely radioactive, but also highly toxic. The metal contained in it will directly destroy the body structure of ordinary people and cause ordinary people to die directly.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom." The thick roots are like whips, constantly beating at Cook. Cook keeps evading the attacks of these roots. Of course Cook can resist, but Cook knows The level of this big tree is also very high. It's just a big tree. Cook doesn't care, but isn't there a fellow Dorocas? If you get entangled by these roots, then Cook will be in great trouble.

"Damn, I want to take your soul out and whipped it for ten thousand years." Dorocas slowly slipped into the pool of the water of life, several golden arrows suspended in the air, constantly changing directions, because Cook is constantly avoiding.

Cook looked at the golden arrow with a headache, and when he saw that Dorocas was about to sink into the pool of water of life, Cook's face was a little gloomy.

"Thunder tooth." Cook looked at the thunder tooth in his hand. The magic power in his body continuously poured into the thunder tooth. The magic power in Cook's body is endless, and Cooke's body is very powerful, so The magic contained in it is very much, but within ten seconds, Thunder Fang was charged with one-third of its energy, and Cook wanted to wait for it to be filled, but Dorocas was already in the water of life for more than half of his body. Cooke's teeth stabbed at Dorakas in the void.

"Puff." Dorokas felt his body shook, then looked down at his chest, where he was hit by Cook just now, with a puff, countless purple thunder lights appeared.

"Damn it," Dorokas roared, because Dorokas saw that his chest began to turn into black dust, and Dorokas knew that his body had broken down.

A huge golden vortex rushed towards Cook. The huge golden vortex was like a huge spinning mill. Originally, there were huge tree roots everywhere in the hall, but these extremely hard roots were in front of the golden vortex. , Just like air, where the golden vortex passed, the black metal-like roots shattered one after another.

"Soul Storm." Cook saw what the golden vortex was at a glance, obviously this was a powerful attack released by Dorocas.

"Escape." Cook had only one thought.

"Beast soul transformed." Cook didn't have time to think so much, the whole human and beast soul transformed, and Cook's body suddenly became Locke.

"Ah..." Cook almost abruptly squeezed the roots of the huge tree, and the tree collapsed, but Cook was also hit by the golden whirlpool, but fortunately, the golden whirlpool hit Cook's instep. It hit Cook in the head, but even so, Cook still screamed and fainted.

"Zizizi." After Cook fell, his huge body smashed directly into the forest, and Cook's heels just fell into the pool of the water of life, and the water of life poured into Cook's body in an instant Inside, Cook's body made a sizzling sound.

"Ah..." With a desperate cry, Dorocas's body collapsed completely, leaving only a fist-sized green crystal in the dry pool of water, and the desperate voice stopped abruptly.

Cook didn't know how long it took, and slowly woke up, and Cook woke up feeling pain like acupuncture all over his body.

"Boom, **** it," Cook hammered hard, then sat up.

"Damn thing." Just as Cook sat up, he saw that the needle-like pain was actually attacked by those elves-like creatures, but those elves were like fleas in Cook's eyes, let alone Cook. Just now he unconsciously beat the ground, a huge pit. As for how many elves' corpses were in the pit, Cook didn't know at all, and many green arrows were still attacking him, and Cook was angry.

"Roar." After a huge roar, the world was quiet, and countless fleas-like elves ran away frantically and got into the low grass.

"It seems to have grown taller." Cook looked at the forest around his body and found that he actually seemed to grow taller.

Cook probed himself mentally, and then Cook opened his mouth openly: "As tall as an adult star giant."

"How could it be ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the body strength actually doubled five times." Then Cook found that his body strength increased again, which means that Cook's body strength has now reached the strength of the third-level combat sage.

"It turns out to have absorbed so much water of life." After Cook changed back again, he saw that the pool of water of life had no more water of life.

"Hehe, the stone of life is also a good thing, dear, at least thousands of tons." Cook looked at the pool that built the water of life and smiled.

"This is a soul crystal, and the gods also have soul crystals." Cook looked at the crystal at the bottom of the pool with a very surprised expression.

"Damn it, go and die." Just when Cook was puzzled, a phantom burst out of the soul crystal and rushed towards Cook's body.

"Fuck." Cook didn't think that Dorocas could do this at this time. Cook watched the phantom sink into his body, his face turned green. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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