A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 88: Battle of Gods

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"Haha, I'm back from Dorocas, hell...what is this place?" An extremely arrogant voice sounded in Cook's mind, and Cook quickly checked with his soul.

Dorocas looked at the endless starry sky, dumbfounded. How powerful Dorocas’s soul is, it will not dissipate in a short time. Just now Dorakas is a disguise, of course the effect of disguise is simply perfect. .

Dorocas rushed into Cook’s body enthusiastically, and then went directly into the depths of Cook’s mind, but when Dorocas entered the depths of Cook’s mind, Dorokas was dumbfounded , An endless starry sky.

"Damn it, it's God Realm, Star God Realm." Dorokas was just shocked, and he understood at once, then Dorokas jumped and cursed.

What is the realm of gods? That is the foundation of a god, but the realm created by most gods is like a piece of land, like a private garden. For Dorokas, such a realm is easy to find. Key places in God's Domain.

What’s the key to God’s Domain, that is the soul of the master of God’s Domain, just like Dorokas’s key location in God’s Domain is the big tree, this is the control center of the entire God’s Domain, Dorokas’ body is facing collapse, Doroka Si's soul can only be in the tree.

God's Domain is not just imagined out of thin air. God's Domain is actually the substantive embodiment of the law understood by this strong man. As a wood powerhouse, Dorakas can see from God's Domain that they are all huge trees.

The reason why Dorocas is interested in Cook’s body is that Cook is also of the wood type. This can’t be wrong for Dorocas, but what makes Dorocas crazy is that this wood is strong Why would a person construct such a realm of God.

The starry sky category of God's realm, I can say that I have never heard of it before, and Dorocas is crazy: "Damn, where is the key here."

Dorokas looked at the endless starry sky around him, there were dots of light everywhere, and then Dorokas rushed towards the nearest star.

"Boom." This star is an icy, lifeless planet. When Dorocas came to this star, the soul power Pengby came out, and the whole star burst in an instant.

"Ah..." After the stars burst, countless dust flew out in all directions, but there was no fluctuation in the entire God's Domain. Dorocas looked at the tens of thousands of stars around him, frantic.

If there are one or two, Dorocas is not afraid, but now Dorocas is just a soul, and these stars are actually materialized, so if Dorakas wants to find the star at the critical moment, he must Do well to attack tens of thousands of times, cough cough, I am afraid that before the end, Dorocas's soul will collapse.

Of course, there is a more important point, that is, this is the realm of Cooke's components, so in other words Cook is still hidden in this realm, ready to give Dorokas a fatal blow.



Dorocas destroyed several stars in succession, but in this dark starry sky, there was no effect at all. This feeling of helplessness made Dorokas feel very dangerous, because Dorokas’s soul power was constantly growing Passing.

Cook hides in the starry sky. Watching Dorocas' actions, Cook is also very depressed, because Cook has not yet been able to promote the operation of God's Domain. The operation of God's Domain is automatic. Of course, this does not prevent Cook from being in this God's Domain. Exert extraordinary strength inside.

"Come out, **** scumbag, coward." Dorokas marched wildly in this star field, but the surrounding starry sky seemed to be endless, and Dorokas became more and more fearful in his heart. The real starry sky is boundless. Endless.

"As you wish, Boom." Dorokas just heard Cook’s voice, and before he could say anything, he was directly knocked out by a huge object, and then his body hit a star, which was The impact broke directly.

Dorokas's soul flashed out in an instant, and Dorokas then grew his mouth: "What is this."

A huge giant, the giant occupies the vision of Dorocas. The fighting method of the soul is actually the attack of the law. The law is actually the same as the move. Only if you know it, then you can display it. The battle in the soul is actually Human combat power is only the way to fight with the soul, so Cook’s form can only illustrate one point, that is, when Cook understands this law, the ontology can also be used.

"Boom." The answer to Dorokas was a star-like fist, and Dorokas was knocked out again.

"Ah..., it's fake, fake." Dorocas didn't believe that a human could have such a fighting power. He would destroy a star when he raised his hand. This is not a human at all. Not only is it not a human, but a giant. It is not so easy for dragons and other races to destroy a star.

"Fake, hum, boom." The huge fist knocked Dorokas away again. Dorokas didn't know that Cook had been with the star giant for several months, although it was not enough to comprehend the starry sky. The essence of giant fighting, but simple attacks can still be done.

Dorokas was hit continuously, and he was also angry. As a strong man, Dorokas naturally had the heart of a strong man. Dorokas roared and turned into an ancient war tree tens of thousands of meters tall. , At the moment this ancient tree of war was formed, countless fruits of the war smashed towards Cook's huge body.

There are many kinds of ancient war trees. According to the shape of the fruits of the war, there are different divisions. Which kind of round shape will explode a large piece of poisonous liquid when thrown out, and the long thorns on the ancient war trees. There is also a kind of bursting fruit that can be shot quickly, and the old war tree that Dorocas transformed into has this kind of combat method. It can be seen that Dorocas’s understanding of the laws of wood has reached a very high level. Degree.

"Damn it." When hit by the fruits of the war, Cook felt like acupuncture, but just like acupuncture.

What is Cook's biggest advantage? Cook's body can enter the realm of God, and what is Dorocas is just a soul.

"Impossible." Dorokas watched as the blood was spurted from the body of Cook who was attacked by himself. Dorokas was horrified, because in Dorokas's eyes, a giant of this size could only be What **** **** soul use.

But in fact, this is the body of that guy, fighting against other people’s bodies in other people’s realm. Although Dorocas is tough, he also knows that it is a kind of death-seeking behavior. What is God’s realm is the most secret constructed by others. The place is also a place that can be controlled as you like, and it is a substantive embodiment of the laws of others.

It’s like entering someone else’s domain. Of course, the domain is illusory energy. As long as the energy of the person surrounded by the domain is strong enough, it is not impossible to break the domain. Then how much energy should this energy be, at least 20 times or more, possible.

As for what God’s Domain is, it is an upgraded version of the realm, and it is also substantive. To defeat the master in God’s Domain, how much energy is required, at least to be able to break through the God’s Domain, and also to be able to block the attack of the God’s Domain master, so the energy is at least Ten thousand times the master.

The reason why Dorocas dared to do something with Cook was that he thought Cook was the soul. The soul power Dorokas felt that he was still very strong, but now seeing that it was Cook’s body, Dorokas turned and ran.

"Um." Cook watched an ancient war tree move fast in the sky, and Cook was shocked.

You should know that although Cook in the gods can't push it, he can use it anyway. Cook's body disappears directly, and then he appears behind Dorokas's soul body.

"Boom." The huge fist directly slammed into the old war tree of Dorokas' change, and was directly shot into the depths of the Starry Sky God Realm.

"Ah..." Dorokas felt very scared. Dorokas felt that his soul had been hit hard, but Dorokas did not dare to fight Cook at all, because it was meaningless. First of all, others It is the body, and what is the body is that there is an extra layer of defense outside the soul.

With such a perverted body, it is not impossible for Dorakas to break through, but a breakthrough requires a great price, so how to face Cook's soul.

The second is to fight for replenishment, this is someone else’s domain, it is very easy to replenish energy, but Dorocas only consumes and consumes.

Needless to say, Dorocas can only hope to rush out of God's Domain soon.

"Boom." Cook's figure appeared again out of thin air behind Dorokas, and then Dorokas was knocked out again. After Dorokas was knocked off, he fled quickly. Someone wants to say, Doroka. Si didn't know how to avoid it.

Haha, this is Cook’s God’s realm, Dorokas’ speed and location, Cook knows when he closes his eyes, how do you avoid it, even if it’s speed, Dorokas can’t help it, Cook is in God’s realm and wants to go Go wherever you want, without mental energy, just think about it.

"Let me go, I know a huge secret." Dorokas was terrified~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You must know that God's Domain is large and small. According to Dorokas' current speed, it should have been out of God's Domain long ago. , But Dorocas discovered that this God's Domain was still like that. Except for the stars around him, it was pitch black. It felt like he hadn’t moved. Dorocas was knocked out again. Dorocas shouted loudly.

Cook doesn’t care about Dorocas at all. Secrets. Cook is not interested. Sometimes the secret is trouble. Cook’s huge fist hits Dorokas again. I have to say that Dorokas is very unlucky and simple. Cook had no chance of winning in the competition of the soul, but Dorokas actually wanted to occupy Cook’s body and also entered Cook’s God Realm. Of course Dorokas didn’t know that Cook’s God Realm was deep in his mind. You must know that the ordinary God's realm is an independent space, but who made Cook's God's realm Cook out of control, so Dorokas originally wanted to occupy Cook's body, but he actually rushed directly into the God's realm.

"Boom." Dorocas was knocked out again.

"Ah..." But this time, Dorokas hit a huge star, Dorokas screamed, and there was a huge white flame around his whole body. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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