A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 91: Mageweave lock

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With a sound of "Crack!", the soul crystal on Cook's mental protection necklace shattered again.

Cook’s face is green. Looking at the little thing in his hand, Cook really wants to kill this guy, but this kind of soul fruit that gives birth to life is extremely rare, and Cook doesn’t want to destroy this little thing. Although this guy is more precious than the soul fruit, the effect is even better.

After all, Cook’s thinking is not the thinking of the natives of this world. Cook’s thinking comes from the earth. If a strong man in this world gets such a soul fruit, he must be used as soon as possible. In this world, strong The person is respected, as long as you become a strong one, you can do everything, let alone deceive your master and destroy your ancestors, and killing is even more commonplace.

"Forget it, you must be frightened by the little things." Cook took out a bottle made of the best magic crystal and put the little things in. Of course, this bottle has protective magic patterns. This little thing will definitely not run. The lid of this kind of crystal bottle has golden and silver lines. This is the magic pattern loop. Usually such bottles are called gold-studded crystal bottles, which are high-quality magic props.

"Haha." Cook shook the bottle, and the soul fruit rolled around inside the bottle. Of course, this little thing could not be seen outside in the bottle. It was a dark environment, and the tentacles of the little thing stretched out. Coming out, and then shaking, the upper eyes turned steadily, with a cautious look.

When Cook saw the little thing cautiously, he packed the crystal bottle, and then Cook began to check the books inside.

"Ancient magic language!" After seeing the text on this scroll, Cook was surprised. The text here is completely different from the text of the star giant outside, and the text used here is actually somewhat similar to the ancient magic language on the Sanctuary. .

"Precision Forging." Cook looked at the name of the scroll, then opened the scroll.

The books in the library of the Star Realm are all in the form of scrolls. The scrolls are mainly convenient to use, because they are all recorded using animal skins, which is very inconvenient to cut, just like ancient Chinese books. .

The reading order of the text here is also from top to bottom, but from left to right instead of right to left in ancient times.

Cook opened the scroll and took a look, and found that it was actually recorded in the sanctuary plane of the dwarf's equipment manufacturing method, which surprised Cook, and it seems that the accuracy of forging on this is higher than that of the dwarf, dwarf The current accuracy is one tenth of a millimeter, but the accuracy here has reached one thousandth of a millimeter.

Maybe everyone thinks that this is definitely not a fact, but it is indeed a fact. Take machining as an example. High-precision machining equipment was built by hand at the beginning. The greatest advantage of machining equipment is its speed. For precision parts, it may take a day to build by hand, but after the equipment is installed, it may take only a few minutes.

Not to mention the highly developed sanctuary of magic civilization, where the individual combat power can be said to be comparable to a nuclear bomb. A magician at the peak of the sanctuary can easily destroy a city, and it can also be reused, made by a god-level alchemist. The magic that comes out is very poisonous, and can poison an entire plane of people.

"Good thing." Cook put this scroll away. Fortunately, after Cook understood the law of space, Cook's natural ring was once again several times larger. In the past, the area of ​​the natural ring reached thousands of kilometers in diameter. It is like a plane, so although the volume of this scroll is relatively large, it can still be put down.

"The progress of energy pharmacy." Cook picked up a scroll again and found that it was actually an energy potion.

"Energy potions are also called magic potions, but in terms of address, the name of energy potions is much more accurate. In the beginning, energy potions were only used by people with a certain kind of plant with energy. It was a poisonous medicine. At that time, it was mainly hunting. It simply boiled a certain kind of poisonous energy plant, that is, purified it, and slowly developed it into a detoxification medicine, and then discovered it in a long-term life. Certain creatures will eat some kind of energy plant after being injured, and develop the first energy potion.” Cook watched the development of pharmacy and couldn't help reading it.

"The energy medicine passes through the initial powder, which is simply to dry the energy plant, powder, and then directly use it externally, or boil it, and then take it orally. This is the initial stage of the energy medicine. At this time, the energy medicine material is single, and a certain energy Plants are a kind of energy medicine. The advanced stage of energy medicine is the preparation of various medicines. In order to facilitate carrying, the medicines at this time are all made into pills. The advanced form of energy medicine is to purify the effective ingredients in the energy plant and then prepare them. Take it than the city solvent. Since the purified energy medicine has a good effect, the energy medicine at this time is basically packed in very small bottles, which not only saves the carrying space, but also makes it easier to carry." Cook continued to watch Go down.

"Take it away." Cook did not continue to look down, although Cook still wanted to.

"Take it away!" Cook looked at the book full of books, excited.

Cook even took away the bookshelf, so that he occupies nine tenths of the natural ring, and the remaining is less than one tenth. Of course, this one tenth of the space is still huge. , Because Cook used about 30% of the natural ring space before, but after the natural ring space is expanded, it will only be about 1%. The space is like this. If the diameter increases by one meter, the space does not know how much to increase. .

The whole space was empty. Cook looked at the table and chair, and found that the table actually had drawers.

"Can't open it!" With a mental movement, Cook found that the drawer was actually locked. The lock here is not a mechanical lock, but a magic pattern lock.

Cook looked at the familiar magic pattern. Although there were some differences between this magic pattern lock and the one used in Sanctuary, for Cook, this was not a problem at all.

Taking the necessary tools, Cook began to study the magic pattern lock. First, he must find the energy supply circuit, the control circuit, and see if there is any self-destructing circuit. This is an extremely difficult process because the magic pattern is a three-dimensional structure. What you see is only part of it.

Fortunately, Cook has magic eyes. Cook stimulated the magic pattern lock with his mental power, and then he focused on the magic pattern circuit. The mental power stimulates the magic pattern lock. First, the induction circuit in the magic pattern will respond with energy, and then The energy supply circuit responds, and finally the control circuit responds. At this time, if Cook’s mental power is still sensed by the magic pattern, then Cook should use his mental power to input the magic pattern key, and then open the magic pattern lock, but the magic pattern is sensed. If Cook's mental power is not sensed when the control loop responds, the control loop will automatically close and maintain a standby state.

The principle is like this, but the energy response time is very fast, the energy response time is the same as the electrical response time, that is to say, the speed is the same as the speed of electrical transmission, and the area of ​​a magic pattern, let alone It's just a short loop.

Cook’s magic eye clearly captures a trace of energy movement in the energy circuit exposed to the outside, but this is not enough. Cook writes down the circuit that has energy movement, and then stimulates it again with mental power, this time it is to check that there is energy The sequence of the running circuits.

After a full half an hour, after Cook used mental stimulation a dozen times, Cook finally determined the sequence of exposure circuits. According to the standard process of unlocking the magic pattern lock, the final determination requires ten mental stimulations. , Because the magic pattern lock is generally equipped with valuables, the value here is relative to the strong like Cook.

And these magic pattern locks generally have alarm devices and self-destruct devices, so if you make a mistake, you might lose your life.

"Oh!" Cook was shocked after opening the drawer.

Space compression is obviously used in the drawer. There are hundreds of fist-sized transparent boxes in the drawer.

"Shen Jing!" Cook looked at the larger rapeseeds in these boxes, and Cook knew very clearly that this was the Shen Jing of the God Realm.

Cook turned his gaze to the other drawers, one drawer per seat, there were dozens of drawers here, and the Shenjing was picked up by Cook.

The sweat came out, and Cook opened the second drawer. Inside the second drawer was the star nucleus, but it was not a low-level star nucleus, but a head-sized star nucleus. From the perspective of Cook’s body, This star core is several kilometers in size, like a mountain.

However, most of the boxes here are empty, but even so, Cook has harvested dozens of star cores.

After the third drawer Cook opened, he was disappointed. There was a thick layer of dust inside. Obviously it was originally filled with good things, but time can turn everything into dust, no matter what. Things, even the gods are ashamed in front of time.

The fourth drawer, the fifth drawer.

"It seems that there is nothing good." Cook looked at the last drawer. There was some dust in the drawer, and there were unknown eggs in one drawer. Cook thought it was good~www .wuxiaspot.com~ But just touch it and it becomes dust.

"What is this? Crystals are not crystals, and crystal nuclei are not crystal nuclei?" Cook opened the last drawer and found that it was a cube of crystal-like things, which took up half the size of the drawer.

"There is no magic wave, but why are there so many magic circuits in it?" Cook looked at the dense magic circuits in the crystal, layered on top of each other.

"Is it the control core of a certain device?" Cook turned it over again and found that the bottom of this thing was all the breakpoints of the magic circuit, which made Cook think of the cpu, but this kind of control core Cook has never seen Over.

"Pack it up first." Cook put this thing into the natural ring first, regardless of the amount.

Cook looked at the table last and took them away together. The entire space was empty. Cook checked it carefully and was about to leave, feeling a wave of space.

"Not good." Cook knew that someone was coming in, and Cook secretly said badly.

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