A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 92: By accident

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"Suck." Cook guessed that someone must have opened the secret door here, and Cook has no time to leave now.

Because this secret room is just a space coordinate, and others come in and use this space coordinate. Of course, to be precise, a room can be divided into millions of space coordinates, but the impact of transmission is more than the size of a room.

The use of the teleportation array is different, because the space fluctuations of the teleportation array are only limited to the teleportation array or the portal. This kind of coordinate transmission without a portal or a teleportation array has a relatively large error. The transmission is actually breaking the space and forming A space channel.

General transmission is just like the operation of an elevator. People transmit in a small independent space such as an elevator. The transmission door directly breaks through a passage, just like a tunnel. Therefore, the general transmission is in one direction. That is to say, if other people send it over, then the people here can't send it over. Not only will spatial fluctuations affect each other, but the space that the two parties will send to break will cause some abnormal changes. This is extremely dangerous for space teleportation, let alone teleportation without the teleportation array.

However, if Lina has a deep understanding of the law of space, she can use her unique talent to detect the trajectory of others' transmissions and easily avoid it, but Cook can't.

"Damn it." Cook quickly poured a bottle of invisibility potion, and then hid on the round table.

Cook stood on the round table. , Cook did not return to the body, because that would be very dangerous and not conducive to future actions, and there is no hiding place in this place. The surrounding bookshelves and walls are all the same height, so Cook risked standing on the round table .

"What the **** is this?" Cook looked at the people coming in through his thick glasses. Of course, Cook looked at from the outside of his eyes, because some strong people are also extremely sensitive to the sight of others. In fact, this is the perception of mental power. When you stare at others, your mental power will extend unconsciously. Although it is very weak, it can be felt by the strong. The peripheral light of the eyes is different, and there is almost no spiritual power extended. Even if there are, there are very few people, and there are more people staring at them, as long as they are in the field of vision, they are all illuminated by the afterlight of the eyes.

The three people almost rolled into the room. After these three stood up, Cook discovered that they were halflings. The classification of people in the astral world is very simple. A race that is one-third shorter than an adult star giant is called a halfling. One third higher than the star giant is called a giant, it's that simple.

The three halflings were very embarrassed, there were blood stains all over, and the equipment on their bodies was tattered, and the time that seemed bad had just happened. Cook squinted his eyes, because looking at the halflings, it seemed to be accidental. Broke in.

"Darson, alert, let's treat the wound first," a halfling said.

"There is a **** warning. There is obviously no exit from this place. I said Captain Marco, did you use the wrong scroll?" Darson replied in an annoyed manner. At the same time, he took off his equipment and he could see this person. There were serious traumas on his body, not only had **** wounds rolled over, but also black patches. Obviously the battle was very fierce.

"Ah!" Dasen took out some medicines from his bag, which was actually some powder, and then sprinkled it on the wound, and began to wrap it with some kind of fabric that he carried with him. The severe pain made Dasen sweat profusely, but Dasen Sen moved quickly, apparently doing this a lot of times. Da Sen himself was able to bandage everything he could bandage, and he screamed.

"Captain, help." Darson shouted to Marco out of reach.

The other two were obviously less injured. They watched the surroundings vigilantly with Marco. When he heard this, Marco helped Darson bandage, and then Darson bandaged Marco again.

"Na, go and bandage over the table." Marco said to the other halfling after he was bandaged.

Cook's eyes widened. This halfling is a woman. When a halfling woman is a minor, she has only one word for her name, which is similar to her nickname, and will follow her husband's surname when she reaches adulthood. In the civilization of halflings, it belongs to the surname of the man.

"Yeah." Although the table was not high, it was already covered enough. Na walked to the other side of the table, and Marco and Darson turned their backs to Na.

Cook turned around depressed. Cook is not a slumber, and for Cook, he does not match a halfling. Think about a giant thousands of kilometers high. Cook can Match?

"Hissing." Na made a hissing sound, apparently not properly bandaging herself, but this was also helpless.

After a full ten minutes, Na was finally bandaged. Marco and the three were together. Darson said, "I'm starving to death, but now I don't have any food. What should I do?"

"Wait a minute, you see, although there is no one here, it is very clean. I guess it is someone's secret room or something. When others come in, we can explain it." Marco pointed. Said the clean ground.

Cook was speechless. When Cook packed the book, he thought there was too much dust, so I cleaned it up. What Cook can do now, Cook can only expect these three people to become hungry and faint, and then leave by themselves, as for these three Halfling, that's the future.

Half an hour passed, Marco was on alert, but Na and Dasen actually slept, but Cook did not dare to sleep.

"Worse, the effect of the invisibility potion is going to pass. The strength of the body is too high and the potion is consumed too quickly." Although Cook has already increased the amount of the invisibility potion, after Cook understood the law of space , The body strength increased again, and the dose of this medicine was somewhat small.

And what's bad is that Cook's potions are all in the natural ring, and now if the natural ring is used, Cook's invisibility effect disappears.

"Good risk." Cook returned to his body at the moment when the potion failed. Cook was on a stool, secretly saying that it was dangerous.

This is because if Cook returns to his body, magic fluctuations will also occur, causing his invisibility to fail. When Cook just turned into a giant, he did not dare to move easily, because Captain Marco is obviously a combat class and his invisibility is not detected. Gram is sure, but when moving, there must be movement. For combat professionals, if this is not detected, it is a joke.

So Cook jumped on a stool when the invisibility potion expired, and then returned to his body. Even so, Cook made a sound on the stool.

"What sound?" Marco's voice came over. Cook stood on the stool and slid down the stool legs. Now Cook compares this Marco, like an ant and an adult.

Cook slipped under the stool, turned his head and ran towards some of the blood-stained fabric that Na had just discarded. No way, the stool was pulled open when Cook unlocked the magic pattern lock of the drawer.

"Captain, what's the matter?" Darson also woke up, worthy of a combat career, and a bit of trouble, Darson woke up.

"It's okay, continue to rest." Marco checked it carefully, and even went down under the table to look at it. Of course, Marco did not continue to look at the place where Cook was hiding.

Cook breathed a sigh of relief, but the next moment Cook was shocked. The halfling girl turned red and grabbed the pile of things that Cook was hiding, and stuffed it into her backpack. Of course Cook It was also stuffed in.

"Damn it, it turned out to be underwear!" Cook understood. This pile of things are women's underwear. Just now Marco came to check, Na must be embarrassed.

"Hey, there are star nuclei." Cook looked at the dozen or so star nuclei in the backpack, which are several meters in size. Of course, for halflings, it is only the size of a grain of rice, which is considered waste.

"Captain, what shall we do?" Cook touched the mouth of the backpack and pricked his ears to listen to the movement outside. Darson asked.

Na also said, "There is no food, no water, and the space is so big. Seeing that there is nothing in the house, maybe the owner will come here every few months."

"Okay, let's leave." Marco heard Na's words and finally nodded.

"I just don't know if the slippery skin monster is gone." Darson asked nervously.

"I guess it's gone, it's been so long?" Marco wasn't sure.

Cook's eyes widened, aren't they, can these three people teleport back? The magic civilization here is so developed.

"It doesn't matter, hold on to me." Marco looked at Darson and Na, and they had no better opinion, so Marco spoke.

"Space items." Cook couldn't see Marco's movements, but he couldn't hide the fluctuations in space. It was obvious that Marco had spatial items in his hands.

Ten seconds later, Darson said in a delightful tone: "Go, the slippery skin monster is gone, this thing is so disgusting, it can't attack ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Let's go, let's go back and find more People, we must solve this guy, otherwise it will be a threat to the tribe." Cook heard Marco say that, Cook wanted to leave immediately, but considering the space and objects in Marco's hands, Cook's mind became alive again .

"Cough cough, something." Along the way, something was constantly stuffed into the backpack where Cook was hiding, **** fur of a certain animal, some dripping plants, and some seeds of a certain plant For things like that, there was actually a handful of wild flowers in the end, making Cook's whole body full of pollen.

"Darson, you go back, I'm going to discuss something with the patriarch." Cook did not show up, but Cook knew that he had returned to the tribe, but Cook hurriedly retracted as soon as he appeared, because now Na is carrying a backpack Yes, with the backpack under Na's sight, Cook didn't dare to act rashly, and she wouldn't be able to pat herself like a mosquito by Na then, that would be enough.

"I'll have a chance...cuckoo." Cook was waiting for the chance to go out on the mouth of his backpack, knowing that Na took out the flowers, and Cook was also brought out by the flowers, and then Cook didn't even react. Fell into the water.

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