A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 102: Sun tribe relationship

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The name of the giant tribe is not random. There are rules. The giants believe that the stars are eternal and the most powerful, followed by mountains, rivers, and animals and plants. So from the tribal name, The tribe named after the stars is undoubtedly the most powerful, followed by mountains, rivers, and finally animals and plants.

Just like the Shanqing tribe, in fact, in the giant tribe, it is the smallest and the smallest, with only more than a thousand people. It is considered the lowest level. As for the Shanqing tribe, it is because the Shanqing tribe came from the Gruul tribe. In the language of giants, Gruul means steep, unclimbable mountain.

So there is a mountain in the Shanqing tribe, but the name of Shanqing is not the name of the mountain, so it does not violate this rule, so there are some Evergreen tribes, Qingliu tribes and so on around the Shanqing tribe.

The name of the tribe has a blue character, because the giant thinks that the green hills have nurtured the giant family, so it has a blue character.

Being able to establish a relationship with the Sun Tribe, Cook will definitely not let it go. Who knows what kind of good things are in these large tribes, after all, the larger the tribe, the longer the inheritance.

"Mr. Locke." The chief of the Evergreen tribe is still as tall as ever, and his mouth shows his molars after seeing Cook.

Cook also said with a smile: "Chief Li Bone."

The name Li Gu is not a Chinese surname. In the language of giants, Li is a kind of fruit tree. Li Gu means that Li Gu’s father hopes that Li Gu’s descendants are as many as the fruit on the plum tree. As for bone, this There is a lot of randomness, just like a dog's egg, but this is really a dog's egg, so what if it is a dick.

"Mr. Locke, I'm here this time to invite you to the Evergreen Tribe. Our Evergreen Tribe is willing to entertain guests like Mr. Locke." I have to say that this Li Gu looks more literate, but a sturdy giant It always feels a little weird when paired with such brilliance.

"Hehe, definitely, I will go if I have time." Cook replied with a smile, this is the breadth and depth of words.

"Um." Li Gu didn't react for a while.

But the tree is not satisfied anymore. What do you mean, although you are my old husband, but after all, this is still a mountain green tribe, so Keshu said: "Mr. Locke means that he will not go if he has no time. ."

Cook also nodded. This Evergreen tribe is not easy to go. Besides, why should Cook go? The Evergreen tribe can give it, and the Shanqing tribe can still give it. At the same time, the Evergreen tribe has another disadvantage. The sun tribe behind it is not as easy to greet as the small tribe.

"Well then." Li Gu saw that Cook was unwilling to go, and there was no way.

But then Li Gu put forward: "Mr. Locke, I would like to ask you to cast a lot of weapons, and you can rest assured of the remuneration and materials."

"Okay." Cook nodded and agreed directly.

"Uh." Li Gu was a little puzzled, and he really simply agreed.

"But it takes time. The Mountain Green Tribe still has hundreds of weapons to be cast. Chief Li Bone. You should know that casting weapons is not a simple matter. It takes time and patience." Cook continued. .

Li Gu rubbed his hands excitedly, and then replied: "Of course, that is of course."

"Mr. Locke, I heard you can customize weapons here." Li Gu asked a little nervously.

According to Li Gu's knowledge, the Sun Tribe has a caster, and that caster has a very high status, but that caster cannot successfully cast a weapon every year, and it is still a standard weapon, that is, It was something like a black iron and wood stick, and the resources consumed needless to say.

So after seeing Keshu's weapon, Li Gu's eyes brightened. After getting started, Li Gu felt that the weapon cast by the sun tribe's foundry was nothing but **** compared to this.

"Yes, but the remuneration for non-standard weapons is definitely a lot more in terms of materials." Cook nodded and replied.

"Of course, I know this." Li Gu does know that the cost of non-standard weapons is dozens of times that of standard weapons, let alone some strange materials.

Ke Shu said at this time: "Mr. Locke can also cast long-range weapons."

"Long-range weapons are the standard weapons of the combat profession." Li Gu asked in surprise.

In the Sage Association, weapons are standard, non-standard, general, and non-universal. Weapons in the shape of iron-wood clubs and maces are standard, general-purpose weapons. All sages can equip it.

There is also a non-universal weapon, which needs to be equipped according to different occupations. However, non-universal weapons are generally non-standard weapons. The Association of Sages has strict regulations on the weapons of each professional equipment. of.

"Yes." Cook nodded.

"So are there any samples?" Li Gu asked excitedly.

"Yes, yes, but to the Prophet." Cook said with a smile.

"Here." Li Gu was shocked and gave it straight away.

"Hehe, we are friends." Cook replied with a smile.

Li Gu and Cooke came to an agreement. After reaching an agreement, Li Gu returned to the tribe. After returning to the tribe, Li Gu took out a single-edged sword out of thin air. After reading it carefully, he gritted his teeth. It's like making a decision.

"Go to the Sun Tribe." Li Gu made a decision to go to the Sun Tribe.

After Li Gu left, Cook decided to speed up the refining of weapons, because Cook felt that the Sun Tribe would definitely intervene. At this time, the Mountain Green Tribe needed the capital to negotiate terms with the Sun Tribe, which means that Cook took the mountain. The green tribe serves as its own shield.

"Keshu, let those guys bring the materials, I feel very good now." Cook said loudly to Kashi.

But the tree nodded and hurried out. After a while, dozens of giants came. Cook packed up all the materials. Cook prepared a large number of weapons. Of course, for Cook, it won't take long to make weapons. Time, on the contrary, takes a long time to disintegrate weapons.

‘Even so, it does not take Cook for an hour to refine a weapon, which means that if Cook wants to, he can equip all the men of the Shanqing tribe with weapons in a few days.

After several days of trekking, the prophet of the mountain green tribe lost his weight in a circle, and the mount he was sitting on did not hum slowly, because in the past few days, he hadn’t stopped at all. He drove day and night, the prophet saw After taking a deep breath in the huge cave, the prophet got off the mount, then took off his hat, and freshened up in a pool not far away. If Cook was here, he would definitely be blind. Because the giant has no habit of grooming, he likes to smear the juice of various plants on his body.

"Go." After the Prophet took off the mount, he patted the mount's butt, and the mount rushed into the forest next to the cave. Then the Prophet heard the screams of some creatures. Obviously, the mount also Was hungry.

When the prophet was in front of the cave, he took out a bottle from his body. Inside the bottle was some colorful powder. The colorful powder was taken out by the prophet, and then grabbed in his hand and sprinkled it out. Then the prophet sang weird The tune of this ballad is very difficult to learn.

A minute later, the powder in the hands of the prophet was also finished, and at this time, the huge cave entrance changed, and the space rippled like water waves.

"Sack." A person appeared from the water wave and yelled when he looked at the prophet.

"Modal." Sack is the name of the mountain green tribe prophet.

"Come in, you have something to come here." Modal asked.

Sack chuckled and said, "If something happens, it's still a good thing."

"Haha, let's go." After Sack entered the rippling space, the entrance of the cave returned to its original state.

Although Sark is not the first time to come to the place of inheritance, he was still shocked when he saw the hundreds of towers in it. This is a vast place. It seems that it is close to the sky. Just within reach, it looks a little barren, without forests, no big trees, and just a piece of grassland, but this empty feeling gives Zack an experience that he has never had before.

In the middle of these towers, there is a huge giant sculpture, this is the place where the giants inherited.

"Modal, how are you doing these days?" Sack asked.

"Hey, the elders are all angry, we have to be more careful." Modal sighed.

"Could it be that things didn't go well?" Sack asked.

"It's not going well, the elders have been seriously injured, if it weren't for running fast, I'm afraid the elders will die inside." Modal replied.

"Then the No. 9 tower hasn't got through the first floor yet." Sack asked suspiciously.

"It's not just the first floor. It was attacked just after entering. This number nine doesn't know what heritage is in it, it's very powerful." Modal sighed.

Then Modal asked: "Sack, what are you doing this time? If it's a little thing, don't look for the elder. The elder will definitely get angry."

"Haha, absolutely good thing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sack replied confidently.

Modal saw Sack doing this, so he said: "Well, this month is my rotation, I will report to the elder."

Moder took Sack to pour a stone settlement. It can be seen that there are a lot of people here, but these people are hurried on the road, and few people say anything together.

Zack found a house and walked in. The house was very empty, but Zack found water familiarly, then poured a cup from a wooden cup and started drinking.

"Oh, isn't this our Prophet of Zack? Prophet, tut, what a loud name. I don't know how big the tribe managed by the Prophet of Zack." At this time another person came in and looked at Zack. After that, he yelled loudly.

"Haha, what a prophet, that's an idiot who can't get along here, and has to leave to do something like that." But then another person laughed and listened to what these people meant, prophet This profession is still the most **** profession. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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