A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 103: Pop pop

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"Uda, what are you talking about." Sack immediately jumped up when he heard this, almost crushing the cup in his hand.

"Didn't I say that, Sack, with your talent, you should go back and be your prophet, don't be ashamed of us here, haha, prophet, what a nice name." Uda didn't care. Replied.

"Puff." As soon as Uda finished speaking, he felt cold on his face. It turned out that Sada poured the water from the cup on Uda, ‘

Uda didn't expect that Sack would be like this. He jumped up and shouted: "Beat him hard for me."

"Wow, wow." The giants behind Uda screamed and rushed towards Zack.

Zack had already held the dagger in his hand. Of course, the scabbard of the dagger had not opened. Zack swung the dagger vigorously, and Zack took a big step suddenly. In the eyes of others, Zack was As if being pushed over by a strong force, the few people who rushed over watched Zack’s body tracing a beautiful line and shot through the gap of their attack formation. You must know this. The fists of the few people were still held, and they didn't fight at all, because the combat experience of these people did not expect that Sada would react so quickly.

"Bang." Wuda suffered even more. Wuda just saw his eyes flashed, and then he was violently hit somewhere in the lower part of him.

"Wow." The intense sudden pain made Wuda scream, and at the same time his body was like dried shrimps.

But at this time, Wuda saw a fist constantly enlarged in front of his eyes, and then: "Boom." With a sound, Wuda's nose was hit hard, and Wuda felt his nose and tears streaming out. , (Hehe, hitting the nose is actually more fierce than hitting the eyes, hitting the nose basically loses combat effectiveness in a short time, but hitting the eyes is not necessarily, after all, there are eye sockets around the eyes, and the nose is very fragile.)

Then Uda fell to the ground uncharacteristically. At this time, Sack didn't forget to kick Uda hard: "You such a trash dare to talk to me, I see you hit you once."

All this is very slow, but the time is very fast, but; in two seconds, Zack used one second to successfully pass through the defense line of Uda’s dog leg, and then punched Uda’s vital part. After all, Zack’s The height was just that, when Uda bent over in a subconscious reaction, Zack punched Uda in the nose with a punch, and the battle was over.

"Looking for death." Seeing that Uda was beaten like this, several of Uda's followers rushed towards Zack with a roar.

"Bang, come here, believe it or not, I blinded Uda." Sack grabbed a wooden stool on one side and slammed it on Uda's head. No matter how tough, Uda had to faint. Then Sack picked up a shattered wooden thorn, stuck it in Uda's eye, and threatened loudly.

"Damn it, Zack, wait for the sun tribe's revenge." One of the giants roared at Zack.

"In search of death, I dared to threaten me. I poke blind Uda's eyes first. First, let you be retaliated against. You will be punished if you protect Uda from disadvantage." Sack roared angrily, and then grabbed the wooden thorn Raised his hands high.

"Don't, don't, Sack, don't listen to him nonsense..." another giant quickly blocked him. If Uda's eyes were pierced, his fate would not be much better, at least he would be sent every time. The most dangerous hunting team may die in the wilderness at some point.

"Hmph, since you know he is talking nonsense, hit me in the mouth." Sack interrupted the man and said.

"This..." Several people were stunned.

"If you don't fight, if you don't fight, I'll just hit it." Sack said while giving Uda a few big mouths.

The faces of several of Uda's guards turned green, and one of the guards immediately said: "We fight, we fight."

"Dare you." The giant who threatened Sack just now heard that these people were about to beat him, and immediately threatened.

"Guys, if we don't fight, Uda wakes up and knows to be so insulted..." a guard said quickly.

"Hit." The others gave Zack a fierce look, and then said.

"You... bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.)

"Go on, I like to hear this voice." Sack said with a smile.

As soon as Modal walked into this room, he was stunned. What was the situation with Nima, Modal pulled Lassaq and asked, "What's wrong."

"Hehe, they see me okay, they are going to show me something." Sack said with a smile.

"He said nonsense, it was he who attacked Uda..." The other giants were grateful when they saw Modal coming.

Sack saw that these people dared to file a complaint first, so he asked angrily: "Did I tell you to stop, papa, did I tell you to stop, papa."

"Don't, don't, let's play, slap, slap, slap." The giants saw that Uda was beaten for two rounds again, and the mouth was swollen high, and the giants quickly surrendered, so they were just caught His face was swollen like a pig's head and the guy was snapped by several giants again.

Modal was surprised: "This is Uda."

"Well, the self-defeating guy actually dared to provoke me. I will see you once in the future. What do the elders say." Sack asked.

Modal looked like a hell. Uda was incapable of provoking you, but Modal had to believe the fact that the redemption Uda was beaten into a coma, and the reason why he could see that the beaten coma was because Uda was unconscious. Da's nose was swollen and he was still bleeding, and his mouth was swollen. This was not the reason why he was beaten.

"Let's go, the elders are just free now." Modal glanced suspiciously at Sack, and then said.

"Bang, you guys remember that, when Wuda wakes up, tell Wuda that you will provoke me again and hit me once." When Sack left, Bai did not forget to kick Wuda.

"Looking for death." When Zac left Uda, several of Uda's guards rushed towards Zac.

"You are going to do..." Modal quickly roared.

"Boom, bang, bang, bang." Before Modal finished roaring this sentence, Modal felt his eyes dizzy, and then saw the figure of Zack appearing among several guards, and then there was a bang.

"Ao Wu" several giants fell to the ground like dried shrimps, obviously they were hit.

"Huh, I still want to come, let's go." Sack said grimly, and then said to the stunned Modal.

Only then did Modal come over in surprise, and quickly said: "Go, go, go."

Modal didn't ask Sack along the way, because in the eyes of Modal, Sack became very mysterious. If you want to know the strength of Sack, Modal knows.

"Elder." Sack respectfully greeted an old man.

"Sake, do you have anything to do with me, but let's talk about it first. I may not be free for some time recently." The elder looked at Zack and said.

Sack quickly said: "I dare to trouble you elder, but I got a good thing this time, and I specially showed it to the elder to see."

"Good thing." The elder asked, looking at Zack. In fact, this elder liked Zack very much, because Zack would come, but the inheritance he got was too low, and there was no way. He had to go back and be a prophet.

"Yes, our tribe has recently come to a foundry master..." Sack said quickly.

Hearing the master of casting, the elder stood up. When he heard that there were two casted non-standard weapons on Zack, the elder was no longer calm. When he heard the power of the weapon and the additional attributes, the elder Already excitedly grabbed Zack's hand.

"Take a look." The elder said directly.

"Please look at the elder. This is called a one-handed sword. As long as you swing the one-handed sword to a certain speed, it will naturally accelerate." Sack first took out the one-handed sword.

"So... bang." The elder shook the one-handed sword suspiciously, and it was too late for Zack to stop it. The elder also uttered two words, and then the elder slapped his mouth heavily.

Sack covered his eyes with a look that I didn't see. The elder stood up all of a sudden, his eyes widened: "It's actually true."

In the next half an hour, the entire room was filled with the elder's shaking figure, and the elder's voice: "Oh, ah, oh, O.

"Elder, elder, there is a crossbow here." Sack had to interrupt the elder's experiment.

"Hand crossbow, you said this is a long-range weapon." The elder reluctantly returned the one-handed sword to Zack, then looked at the hand crossbow and asked.

"Don't, elder, don't experiment here, this thing is extremely powerful." Sack quickly stopped the elder's movements.

"Is it very powerful?" The elder pouted, knowing that this is a tower in the land of inheritance, and the defense is extremely abnormal, so the elder didn't believe it at all, so the elder raised his hand toward the door. This thing is too simple to use.

"Rumble." The elder raised his hand and saw no movement, but the door made a rumbling sound, and then it was broken into countless pieces in the eyes of the elder.

"Roar, **** it, who broke my door." Then, a voice outside roared.

Sack covered his face, then squatted down, the elder was dumbfounded, and looked at the small things in his hands stupidly. Nima was so powerful on this point.

"My door." Then the elder screamed.

"Your gate, okay, I said why my gate was broken. It turned out to be you. Look, look." At this moment, another elder rushed in and shouted at the elder. .

"Impossible, Elder Moka~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This elder shook his head and said suspiciously.

"What, Elder Risso, what is your attitude, go, go, let's go and see together." Elder Moka heard this and grabbed Elder Risso and left.

When you come outside, you can clearly see that there is an obvious trace in the middle of the gate between the two towers. The stone slabs laid between the towers have been broken, and the gate of the tower where Moka is located has fallen inside. Go in.

"Elder." Zack wandered around the gate of Elder Moka, and then found the piercing crossbow. Then Zack handed the crossbow to Elder Risso.

Seeing that Elder Risso's face turned green, Zack explained quickly: "As long as the crystal core is inserted, it can be reused."

"This is the thing that ruined my door. Okay, I have confiscated it." Mocha's eyes lit up when he heard this, and then he grabbed the Sunderbolt.

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