A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 127: New approach

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Spell preparation position, this is a way to save mental energy in wizards. Spell position is the magic model constructed. Spell position refers to whether these spell models are working or not. On the first night, the wizard will prepare for the next day. For example, if you need a fireball tomorrow, then the spell model of Frost Archery will be closed. It will not consume mental power, but it will not store energy. There will be no way to fight. If you need it the day after tomorrow, it will be opened again tomorrow night This model, this is the way wizards save their mental energy.

But in Cook’s view, this method is very disadvantageous, that is, no one knows what situation you will face, so wizards sometimes encounter some embarrassing things, that is, the prepared spells have no effect on the enemy. , So the wizard will prepare different spells.

"Specialization." Cook saw the magic specialization again. The magic specialization is related to the wizard's own talent, that is, the talent of the wizard. The wizard absorbs all kinds of energy, that is, the energy of various departments. , But according to each person’s physique and talents, they absorb a certain type of energy, that is, the speed of the element is different. The wizard created the fire type specialization, which means that the fire type energy absorption speed is fast, then this wizard can Perform fire specialization.

There are also various specializations such as ice specialization, gold specialization, water specialization, etc. In addition to spells, there are alchemy specializations, forging specializations, and gathering specializations.

"Could it be that the magician is a wizard who has developed to the extreme." Cook wondered, aren't these specializations the current alchemist, blacksmith and other professions.

Cook looked at the model that was storing ice elements, and the egg hurts. At this rate, it would take at least two days for the model to be filled with ice energy. But the pain of the egg is the pain of the egg, and Cook is still very expectant. I hope that I will release my first ice magic in the star realm, and it is also the first time that Cook has ever made it. Not to mention, this feeling makes Cook very excited.

Under the powerful healing potion of mental power, Cook built several models again, earth-based quicksand, wood-based healing, gold-based golden light, which forms a metal on the skin surface of a certain part of the body. Things like thin films have a certain degree of defense.

"Hey, it's a pity that they are all basic models." After Cook completed the construction, he sighed. These are all basic models, and there are no advanced things. As for the spatial model, there is none.

At this time, Cook discovered that the fastest accumulation rate is the wood-based healing technique, followed by the earth-based quicksand model, the third is the gold-based, and the ice-based is the last. As for the fireball, Cook basically Not established.

"The energy absorbed in the body has gone there. It is impossible to say that they are all integrated. This is wrong." Then Cook was concerned about another problem, that is, the energy absorbed by the body is not mental. There is no difference in absorption. If all the five conditions are absorbed, then the question arises, how can the body be able to withstand such different types of energy.

Cook immersed his mental power in the body, carefully feeling each element, from these different elements into the body surface, and then a part of the solvent muscle, this part of Cook found that muscles can actually absorb various elements, which made Cooke Surprised, but this is not the most surprising.

The various elements contained in the blood account for more than 90% of the energy that enters the body. What does this indicate is that the energy melted into the muscles and skin is less than one-tenth, but according to the energy stored in the model, it only takes up About 40%, then the problem is coming, and 50% of the energy is going there.

Cook's spiritual power melts into the blood. Under the perception of spiritual power, Cook's blood looks very beautiful, like a dreamlike scenery, with colorful elements running in the blood. This is not Cook's attention.

After the element enters the blood, it first enters the heart. When passing through the heart, Cook found a problem with his mental power, and an element in the blood has been rapidly reduced.

"Does the fire element have something to do with the five elements." Cook knows a lot about the five elements. The way that Cook uses the soil element to pierce the wood element is fission of the wood element, which is enough to explain the problem.

"The heart is fire, and the liver is wood. This is hematopoietic, which means life, the spleen is the soil, the lungs are gold, and the kidneys are water. I rub it, it really occupies a few basic elements." Cook was surprised and found out Five basic elements are absorbed by the five internal organs of the body.

As for other types of energy, these basic elements are actually extended, and they occupy a small amount of energy. Just like ice elements, they are actually just a change of water.

Knowing this, Cook couldn't help but admire the people who created the profession of wizards. Not only can they release various spells, but they can also strengthen their bodies. It can be said that they are almost geniuses. Of course, who created the wizards? Profession, Cook has no idea.

"Oh, it's been two days." Cook stretched his waist and looked at the time and found that the period of time he was studying had actually passed in two days.

Long-term research, coupled with taking too much mental energy will restore the medicine, Cook feels that he needs to walk a bit, and also need to eat.

Soon Cook’s food was prepared. After watching Cook had eaten enough food for five giants, Kruul and Da Xial couldn’t help but admire Cook secretly. In the world of giants, If you can eat more, your body is strong enough. If you don't eat much, you will be despised by giants. Of course, drinking is the same.

"Cruel, tell the people above to come and get the weapons. These two days have exhausted me." Cook handed Cruell a list with the names of four people, all trading with Cook People.

"Yes, sir." Krull hurried out, stubbornly.

Cook thought it would take a while, but Cruel came in as soon as he went out: "Sir, they are here."

"So fast." Cook was surprised.

"They have long been wandering outside, not only them, but there are many people outside, and they also carry all kinds of weird things." Da Xial looked at Cook without asking himself a word, and immediately grabbed Cruel's words. Cruel glared at Dar Xi Al very dissatisfiedly.

"Haha, okay, let them line up, and then come in one by one." Cook heard this and immediately slapped the table and said.

After the four giants received their own weapons, they continued to thank Cooke. They looked very respectful. Cook also said some decent words. The four giants who completed the transaction left, and then Cook saw the people in line. Up.

"How many people are out there." Cook asked casually.

"About two thousand people, and for the queuing matter, they fought once, and the strong ones are ranked first." Krull replied.

"One hundred every day, the rest are scattered." Cook waved his hand and said, although Cook said so, but he was happy, Nima, two thousand people, one percent of them have good things , Then I made a big deal.

"These few things of you are good, you need to change the crystal core or something else." I have to say that this giant tribe is a place that can surprise Cook. The first giant that comes in takes out the things that are used by wizards. Although the grade is not high, Cook can't use high-grade things, so Cook asked lightly.

"Sir, I also want to forge weapons." The strength of this giant is already second-tier strength.

For Tier 2, some people say that the strength of Tier 2 is so bad. Don’t forget, this is a giant. The strength of Tier 2 giant is enough to kill ordinary creatures of Tier 4 alone. On the side of the sage, it is also a human being. Up.

"Weapon, then you still need the thirty fourth-order crystal nuclei, including the cost. Who makes your thing I like?" Cook thought for a moment and gave a brother's opinion. Some people said that Cook is now turning Sex, not so black-hearted.

It’s not that Cook is not a black heart, but that the things used by these wizards are actually dozens of times more valuable than Cook’s plans to forge weapons. As for crystal nuclei, cough cough, Cook is now a wizard and needs low-level crystal nuclei. Used to do various experiments, so low-level.

"No problem, no question, sir, this is the crystal nucleus, and the extra is regarded as a thank you gift to my husband." The giant rubbed his hands excitedly, knowing that what he took out was picked up by himself and didn't need it. Things, it takes 30 crystal nuclei to cast a weapon. In the Sage Association, there are no two hundred crystal nuclei. Don’t even think about it, and there is no guarantee of success, and it will take at least two or three years to get the weapon , And on Cook’s side, take a look. It’s been said a few days ago. Someone got it today, and the success rate is quite high, and it’s still a non-universal weapon. Things that have face, unlike the Sage Association, are universal weapons.

"One hundred and twenty dollars, tut, forget it, I'll add an attribute to your weapon." Cook opened the leather bag, and a bag of crystal core made Cook chuckle. This Nima is too rich, so Ku Ke made up for the restlessness.

"Thank you~ Mr. www.wuxiaspot.com~, thank you." The giant was so touched that he could add attributes.

"This is our trading contract. Come to me to get a weapon in three days." Cook clapped his hands and handed the giant a piece of animal skin with the contract written by Cook on it.

"Three days..." The giant was stunned. He could get his beloved weapon in three days. This Nima is not dreaming.

When Cook saw the dumbfounded look of this guy, he coughed and said, "Cruel, bring in the next one."

"No, no, sir, can I choose the attributes?" The giant responded and stammered.

"You have materials with attributes." Cook asked with a smile, and at the same time Cook also found a new source of money. Whoever said that adding attributes will lose money. Materials with attributes are not good things. These giants treat treasures as treasures. Rubbish, don't kill, don't kill white.

ps: Finished with the headache.

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