A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 128: Material with attributes

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"Yes, yes, but I didn't take it with me." The giant nodded immediately.

"Then you go back and get it." When Cook heard this, of course he had to agree. Natural materials with attributes are all high-end goods, light-type star shining stone, wind-type copper, and fire-type Yan iron and other things are things that can't be met, and in comparison, these attribute materials are more expensive than crystal nuclei.

Although the crystal nucleus also has properties, the shape of the crystal nucleus can only be changed by cutting and polishing. However, the shape of general property materials can be changed in various ways. This is the first difference. The other difference is the material with properties. It has its own energy and will slowly replenish it after it is used up. Although the crystal core also has its own energy, once it is consumed, then the crystal core is a piece of waste.

Of course materials with attributes are very rare. Cook just said casually. If there is one, it is good. If not, Cook can also use magic patterns to increase attributes. As for whether Cook will use magic patterns to increase attributes , And to swallow natural materials with attributes, it depends on Cook's conscience. Of course, Cook's conscience seems to be a little bit, but it is definitely not a lot.

Then there was the second giant, but Cook waited for a few minutes, but no one came in. Cruel came in at this time, reporting to Cook with a weird expression: "Sir, all the giants in the line are gone."

"Run." Cook wondered, stood up and came to the door. It turned out that Cook could see people walking by the door, but now there is no one, but the traces on the ground still show that there were many people here.

"I shouldn't, should I be paid a lot." Cook turned his head and asked Cruel.

Cruel shook his head and replied: "No, sir, all the warriors and chiefs of various tribes who are here to participate in the Prophet Conference this time have a lot of wealth. Sir, the price you want is in the eyes of these people. That is acceptable."

"Then this is." Cook stroked his chin, but Kruel couldn't answer.

"Boom." Just when Cook was puzzled, there was a booming voice, and then Cook saw countless giants flying, and these giants were shining with lights of various colors, of which bronze was the most , And then white silver.

Cook knows that this is what the bronze giant looks like when fighting. Once the bronze giant fights, the whole body will emit a bronze color light. This is also the reason why the giant is called the bronze giant. Of course, the higher silver color is very rare.

"Get out, get out, I'm in the first place." A voice roared.

"Idiot, what's your name?" But then someone shouted angrily.

The rumbling sound was endless, like a galloping horse, Cook even felt the ground tremble constantly.

When Kruel saw this, his legs trembled a little, and Cook took a step back quickly, and Cook stepped back into the Wizard Tower.

"Crazy, these people are crazy." Cook muttered to himself, but what made Cook wonder what these giants were holding in their hands.

"Bang." A giant rushed directly to the door of the wizard tower where Cook was. The huge inertia made this giant have an intimate contact with the wizard tower.

Cook's eyelids twitched all he saw, but this person didn't care about that many, and shouted, "I am the first."

"Bang, get out, bastard, I'm second." The giant behind heard this and immediately crowded crazily.

"Sir, Mr. Locke, should I be the next one?" The first giant who yelled at himself a moment ago saw Cook right in front of him, and quickly bent over and asked in a low voice, matching the sludge on his forehead. Qing's big bag is very funny.

"Oh, come in, what did you do just now?" Cook heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that these giants had no plans to attack his wizard tower and asked.

"Sir, we have all gone back to the materials with attributes." After the giant came in, he quickly put down the package in his hands and replied, ‘

When Cook heard this, his eyebrows twitched, and then he asked: "There are many materials with attributes."

"It's not a lot, but the price of materials with attributes on the trading floor has doubled five times, and it's still rising." The giant took out the contents of his package.

Cook's breathing was a little bit quicker. Yes, there were a dozen yellow beads in the giant's package. The beads were only the size of a finger, but there was a layer of yellow mist on the beads.

"Oh, but not all materials with properties can be cast." Cook said lightly.

"Sir, can I have these beads?" The giant immediately asked nervously when he heard Cook say this.

Cook stretched out his hand and said, "Let me see."

Cook squeezed a bead. Cook felt a strong fluctuation of the earth element, which can also be said to be the energy fluctuation of the earth element. Cook asked, "How did this bead come from."

"Oh, it was obtained by hunting a big rock snake." The giant answered honestly.

Cook continued to ask: "Where is it."

"It's in the middle position." The giant gestured.

"This thing can be used as a casting material, but it can only increase the defensive effect. As for the strength of the effect, this is not so sure." Cook understood. This is actually a kind of stone, just like pearls are actually impurities entering the mussel. Inside the body, the mussels secrete substances to wrap these impurities so as not to cause harm to the mussels. Beads can appear in any organism, which are similar to stones.

According to the giant, the stones should be gallstones. The gallstones have long been in the body of this earthy organism. What condenses into beads is also the substance in the organism, so it has the earthy attribute. But according to Cook’s guess, this Gallstones should also have the effect of detoxification. After all, they have been soaked in bile for a long time. Of course, Cook would not say it in person.

"Then, the sir agreed." The giant said with joy.

"Well, but this material is a little bit scarce, is there any such beads?" Cook asked.

"No, but I can go buy it." The giant said quickly when he heard this, as if he was afraid that Cook would not give it to casting.

"Well, I have about three days to cast it for you. I will try it in these three days. If it doesn't exist, then forget it." Cook nodded, holding a date and five dates before hitting two shots. Of course, Cook has one more. The plan is that if the giant does not acquire the material, then Cook will use the magic pattern instead, if there is, Cook will use part of the casting.

"Yes, sir, I'll go right away." The giant turned and left immediately.

"Don't go, Kruul, write down the materials, twelve yellow snake beads, 31 other materials, and then ask this friend to leave a name. By the way, the reward is also based on the first one." Cook Instructed Cruel.

"Yes, sir." Krull didn't move yet, Dar Xi Al immediately sat down, took a piece of animal skin, and began to write.

The giant quickly left the material, the crystal nucleus, and then hurriedly left with a piece of animal skin, and then third and fourth. Cook was also eye-opening. These giants have materials with attributes in their hands. There are not many, most of which Cook has not seen before, and even the Sage Association has not recorded it. Of course, Cook is still able to initially judge the properties of these materials.

Cook stretched his waist, and the number of giants he saw in a few days was enough. Cook couldn't help sighing in his heart: "What a simple giant, I left without asking for the material, really a group of good customers."

Cook looked at the piles of materials, and he was not too happy. You must know how big a pea-sized material with attributes is in the Sanctuary in Cook's eyes. If so many materials are brought back to Sanctuary , Cook can equip several legions with a full set of magic pattern equipment.

"Quack, **** of the gods, I will take a few legions up by that time, look at your **** Council of the Gods, what are the dragons, birdmen, and all the dissatisfied beating them." Cook thought of his happy place. , His mouth burst open with laughter.

Krul and Dar Xial saw Cook's happy appearance and looked at each other. Obviously they didn't know why Cook was so happy.

"Go, let's go to the tavern." Cook waved his hand and was about to go to the tavern. It's not that Cook doesn't have good food and drink here, but it just doesn't have the atmosphere of a tavern.

But Kruul immediately blocked him: "Sir, it's not very convenient to go out now."

"Huh." Cook glared. Although he said that the giant was taller than Cook, it was inconvenient to get out, so why don't you let it out?

"No~www.wuxiaspot.com~No, sir, there are all giants lining up outside now, if we go out..." Da Xiar quickly explained.

"Impossible... Fuck." Cook was a little disbelief, just stretched out his head and looked outside, Cook was speechless.

There are at least thousands of people outside, and there are long lines. These giants have big bags in their hands. But now these giants are sitting on the ground, some are lying, there are eating, and let Ku What is speechless is that there are actually giants who sell things. These giants who sell things are dangling in the team. From time to time, giants buy things. It seems to be food. Of course, there are also people who sell animal skins. These giants just use animal skins. Put it on the ground and then lie down, of course, some do not use animal skins.

"Forget it, eat, and rest after eating." When Cook saw this situation, he couldn't go out. Not to mention anything else, once he went out, he was looked at by thousands of eyes, and Cook felt very stressed. of.

After eating and drinking enough, Cook came to the third floor. Although the third floor used to be a laboratory, Cook did not occupy much space now. Angel Mayden was still sleeping with the crystal core. Obviously Mayden was not harmed. light.

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