A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 130: Honorary Chief

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Then all the giants looked at Cook, and Cook curled his lips and said: "This; the scaled wolf is just so big, and it will definitely be gone after tearing, and you have such a big weapon to slash this scaled wolf. Too much."

Yes, after this two-handed sword is down, the scaled wolf becomes a pile of pieces of meat. Cook knows that the giant's IQ is like this. The two-handed sword used by the giant Nima is larger than the scaled wolf. Besides, It also has tearing properties, what do you say is the result.

"so amazing."

"Gosh, I want one too."

"This weapon must be quite powerful against large beasts." (Don't be entangled with the word "giuli," I just want to express this meaning,)

The surrounding giants were all talking about it. When looking at the giant’s weapon, the eyes shone inexplicably light. When Cook saw this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Nima, the tearing attribute is just adding a magic pattern, attribute material. Also saved.

"Well, I'm going to forge other people's weapons." Cook clapped his hands and prepared to leave. To be honest, Cook has been very busy recently. There are a lot of weapons that need to be forged, and he has to forge weapons for himself. Forging weapons by yourself is basically at the end. Cook wants to forge the best weapons, so he must collect the best materials.

"Sir, sir, I want this weapon too, I don't know." A giant stopped Cook, bent over, and asked in a low voice.

"Yes, but definitely need to increase the crystal nucleus." Cook replied immediately where he would miss such an opportunity.

"No problem, sir, I am ranked No. 265." The giant immediately took out a leather bag, which seemed to contain a crystal core.

"Two hundred and sixty-five." Cook was puzzled, he didn't have a different number.

Da Xi'ar quickly said at this time: "Sir, this is my number."

"Good job." Cook's eyes lit up, and he didn't expect Da Xi Al to have such a mind.

However, the situation changed immediately. The dozens of giants around heard that Cook had agreed to the request and took out their leather bags one after another: "Sir, I am number 182, and I want to tear the attributes."

"Sir, I am number ninety-two, and I also want to tear the attributes."

Cook saw this situation and said loudly: "Everyone, everybody, the tearing attribute can only be useful against large beasts, so there is no need for everyone to have this attribute."

"Sir, we are going to deal with big beasts." When the surrounding giant heard Cook say this, he immediately spoke.

Cook is speechless, but Cook doesn't want to tell these giants about cooperation or the like. The giants are a race that advocates violence. The more violent things are, the more they like them.

"Well, all of you will go to Kruel to replenish the contract and hand in the crystal nucleus." With a word, Cook acted as a hand shaker, Shi Shiran left, and Kruel and others were immediately surrounded. .

"Crul, record it for me first."

"Crul, if your kid doesn't record me first, I'll go to your father and let your father beat you."

Cruel was immediately surrounded by the giants, and said to Cruel one after another, facing Cook, these giants still know what politeness is, and for Cruel, this time it is the warriors of various tribes who came here. Kind of character, so Cruel was threatened.

"Okay, okay, let's start on the second, okay." What can Kruel say, so he had to follow the order.

"Just take it, it should start with me on the second." A giant in the giant heard Cruel's words and immediately agreed.

"Go away, I am the chief of the Redstone tribe..."

"Redstone tribe, I'm Cruel's brother-in-law."

Cook shook his head and entered the Wizard Tower. As for how Cruel faced him, it was Cruel's business. Then Cook discovered that Darcy had secretly followed him in. Obviously, this fellow was also helpless in this situation.

Cook continued to return to the third floor, and then Cook began to refine the two-handed sword. This time it was batch refinement. Cook was cruel this time, and he was ready to refine five hundred first. After all, the alchemy magic pattern has been drawn. After all, the materials are decomposed enough. After all, Cook came from the Qingshan tribe with decomposed materials.

Refining weapons in batches is a manifestation of the alchemist's skills. For Cook, it just consumes more mental power.

"Kang Dang." After finishing refining a big sword, Cook threw the big sword aside like trash.

"Kang Dang." A few minutes later, another big sword was thrown on the ground.

It can be said that Cook is now almost an automated assembly line, put in the required materials, the materials here are relatively single, so Cook directly throw it in, the material has become a very fine powder, and it will melt directly after a while. , Cook needs to use his mental power to control the melted material. Of course, the magic pattern is drawn by the way. That is to say, it takes a few minutes to refine a two-handed sword. In fact, Cook needs no more than one minute. , And wait for the material to melt the rest of the time.

"Kang Dang." A big sword was refined and then thrown aside. A few hours later, there were already a pile of big swords like small hills in the room, but Cook was still refining. The decomposed materials are consumed, of course, are general materials, and then make room for subsequent decomposition materials.

When Meiden heard the constant clacking voices, she was a little confused, but Meiden did not go to check, because Meiden now feels that the creatures in the astral world are two words, terrifying, terrifying strength, terrifying thoughts, and actually wanting Make your own soup.

However, Mayden is still very grateful to Cook. After all, the crystal nucleus of the light system is still such a large piece. It is quite rare. It may appear in the gods. Mayden estimates that he only needs to absorb this crystal nucleus. Now, you can definitely become a twelve-winged angel, maybe it is a silver angel, and it is not impossible to advance to a golden angel.

In one day and one night, Cook’s crystal nucleus consumed about one-tenth, and hundreds of two-handed swords were refined. The materials were basically used up. Of course, it was ordinary materials. The precious materials Cook can Reluctant.

"Finally I can breathe a sigh of relief." Cook heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the big swords piled up half a house. Don't worry now.

During this day and night, Cook's mental power increased slightly, which Cook did not expect.

"Oh, I'm starving to death." After a sigh of relief, Cook realized that his hungry chest was stuck to his back, and he hurried downstairs.

"Crul, have dinner." Cook yelled before he went downstairs.

"Mr. Locke." However, there is not only Kruel downstairs, but also the elder Wucai and several others here.

Cook commanded: "Cruel, the upper food, Wucai elder, sit down."

After the food was served, Cook dropped the two big swords in his hand and said, "This is the weapon for the past two days. I have cast it together. Take it to the giants."

"Yes, sir." Kruel quickly agreed when he saw the two big swords, knowing that the tearing attribute big sword is outside. When the limelight is in the limelight, use this big sword against the big sword. The wound and tearing effect caused by the beast is simply amazing. In just two days, the giant with this large sword has singled out two huge beasts, and they are Tier 4 beasts. It is almost impossible. As long as this big sword hits the beast, it will seriously hurt the beast in the morning. The wound will tear and the bleeding will not stop. The big sword is extremely sharp and the wound is deep. With the tearing effect, it looks like a joint The huge gap is average.

The giants outside are already crazy, they have to add crystal nuclei to tear the attributes, and the value of the crystal nucleus continues to rise, making the giants on the trading field almost no deal. For these giants, weapons The most important thing is that with powerful weapons, you can have whatever you can’t get, that is, the crystal nucleus. So far, Kruul has not touched the big sword. Kruul heard that Cook let himself Take it to the other giants, how could Cruel be upset.

"Elder Wucai, what you have done is complete." Cook asked while eating Hesai.

"No, Mr. Locke, we are here this time to invite you to become the honorary chief of our giant family." Wucai elder said.

"What." When Cook heard this, he could hardly believe his ears.

"We want to invite you to become the honorary chief." Elder Wucai and others are very satisfied with this idea in their hearts. First of all, the giants have the position of a great chief, which is the chief of all giants~www.wuxiaspot.com~ manage all giants , But in fact, the warchief was not elected at all. The warchief not only needs the consent of other tribes, but also the consent of the old guys in the place of inheritance. The warchief has only existed for two generations. Has been suspended.

And recent events have given the elders of the Land of Legacy see hope and the hope of the Great Chief, because in the giant’s world, the tribes are equal and do not interfere with each other, and the outside tribes and the Legacy Land and management authority are separate, which means that the elders of the inheritance land do not have the right to govern the tribe, and the outside tribes do not have the right to govern the inheritance land.

In the past, the chiefs elected outside did not agree with the people in the inheritance land, and the outside tribes did not agree with the elections in the inheritance land, so this matter was delayed.

"Don't do it." When Cook heard this, he immediately refused and joked. Cook knew that there was no position of honorary chief in the giant world. Isn't this fooling yourself? According to Cook's guidelines, you should do nothing. Rape is stealing, so Cook refused directly.

"Huh." Now it was the turn of several elders to look at Cook in astonishment.

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