A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 131: Expedited charges

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"Don't do it." Cook sneered while eating. What honorary chief, could he command other tribes? This is just a virtual title. Cook doesn't like these illusory things.

Wucai elder and the others were dumbfounded, and half a moment an elder wearing a red feather said: "Mr. Locke, this is the warchief, the leader of the entire giant clan."

"Hehe, I am not a giant at all. There can be the leader of the entire giant clan." Cook refused with a smile.

Wucai elder said: "Because you are an outsider, Mr. Locke, we adopt the title of honorary chief."

"I'm sorry, I won't do it, I have a lot of things." Cook's words were just an order to expel guests.

"No, the honor chief doesn't have much to do. After all, we elders can still do things." Wucai elder thought that Cook didn't want to do something, and said immediately.

Then I know that Cook is even more sneer. These elders of you actually want to make themselves an honorary chief who does nothing. When something happens, don't you want to let your honorary chief come out to commit the crime, so Ku Ke shook his head with a smile and said, "I don't have time, I still have to forge weapons."

"There is no need to delay Mr.'s time." Wucai elder immediately said, Wucai elders and others also took a fancy to Cook's talent for refining weapons, that is to say, Wucai elders and others recommended Cook to be the chief chief, and other tribes It’s not easy to object, object, do you still want to forge weapons, and once Cook becomes the honorary chief, then things must be done by the elder Wucai and others. During this term, then these elders are sure to be the next The tribe still has to listen to the recommendations of the elders. I have to say that these elders have a good calculation.

When Cook heard this, his heart became even more dissatisfied, ya ya yeah, just let me show up for a while, let alone in charge, if it is really in charge, Cook may still be interested, but elder Our thoughts, plus Cook knows about the affairs of the tribes outside, is even more unlikely for Cook to agree. Cook shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested."

"Um." Hearing Cook said that he was not interested, Wucai Elder and others couldn't say anything.

But Wucai Elder still didn't give up and asked: "Then sir, would you think about it again."

"Don't think about it, I'm not interested in honor or anything." Cook shook his head. In fact, Cook's words have another meaning. Give me some power. I will still consider it, but the Wucai elders will definitely not agree.

When Elder Wucai and others heard this, they shook their heads. Elder Wucai never thought that Cook wanted some power. Of course, even if he knew it, he would not agree to it. After all, the position of the warchief is too sensitive. Once agreed, Then after the warchief issues an order, he must agree. It cannot be said that yang is against the Yin, this is not the character of a giant.

After seeing the elder Wucai and others have gone, Cook shook his head and muttered in a low voice: "People nowadays, treat everyone else as fools."

Cruel came back with a blushing face. Cruel received a lot of things just now, because everyone else was anxious. Seeing that others were as good at cutting melons and vegetables as large beasts, he was still waiting. It is not only related to face, but also related to interests.

"Sir, someone asked me to ask you outside to see if we can cast weapons for them first, and the rewards can be negotiated." Kruul had to bite the bullet and asked.

When Cook heard this, his eyes lit up, and then he said: "Okay, is there any urgency? As long as the price is right, I will cast it for them first."

Knowing that Cook has hundreds of weapons on the third floor, Cruel said, "I'll notify them."

"Don't worry, you first count all the urgent items, and then see how many crystal nuclei they produce, and then rank them according to the number of crystal nuclei. I won't sleep today, five places." Cook gritted his teeth. Looks like.

Cruel nodded: "I will go to the statistics right away. Only five places are available."

"Yeah." Cook nodded, this is another trick to search for wealth, expedited expenses.

This time after Cruel came out, he only came in for an hour. When he saw Cruel's appearance, the corners of Cook's mouth twitched. Cruel's nose and face were swollen and his clothes were damaged. Hard and dangerous battles are average.

Da Xial snickered, how could he do such an offensive thing, Kruel tilted his mouth and said, "Sir, this is a crystal core, and there are places."

"Kang Dang." With a sound, Cook's chin fell off, and the bag was almost half his height.

"Okay, okay, thanks for your hard work, Cruel, you go find materials, I will forge a weapon for you for free." Cook saw Cruel working so hard, his heart moved slightly, he said.

Hearing this, Kruel was stunned, his mouth opened wide, and after a long time he said excitedly: "Thank you sir, thank you sir."

"Haha, no, let them come tomorrow morning." Cook took the bag and went to the third floor.

Da Xial was also stunned. Seeing Cruel's excitement, Da Xial was embarrassed. When doing things, Kruul did a lot more than Da Xial. Da Xial often thought he was very smart, but at this moment, Da Xial Al only knew how stupid he was.

Kruul saw the look of Darcy and shook his head to do his own thing. After Cook came to the third floor, he placed the crystal core on the third floor. Although Cook’s natural ring space is large, it can’t fit so much. Things, and the next advancement of the natural ring does not know what conditions are needed.

"Hey, the one who is on the pole is sending crystal nuclei." After Cook opened the bag, there were at least hundreds of crystal nuclei, and Cook's eyes lit up.

"Midden." Cook saw Midden afterwards. The angel was already awake, and the light system crystal nucleus was not much smaller.

"Yeah." The angel hummed and flew in front of Cook.

"It is said that the main artifact of the angels is here. Do you know what it is." Cook still doesn't know what the main artifact of the angels is on the star realm, and whether there is any on the exchange terminal of the Sage Association.

"It's the wheel of time and space." Mayden looked at Cook in astonishment, wondering how the giant Cook knew about this.

"The wheel of time and space." Cook asked suspiciously.

"Yes, it is the strongest master artifact of our angel family. It has the attributes of time and space, and it is very powerful." Meideng explained that if it is in the **** realm, it will definitely not be said, but this is the star realm.

"Time attribute, it's impossible." Cook didn't believe it at all. The time attribute was just derived from the magic theory and had no actual basis.

Meiden shook his head and replied: "I don't know the specifics, but when a certain energy reaches its extreme, time will stop. As for the wheel of time and space, it was originally an artifact that connects the stars. It only enters the stars once. He was left in the star realm when he was in the realm, and the main **** also disappeared in the star realm, so we will continue to send people to the star realm, but only a handful of people can go back."

"I can go back." Cook looked at Mayden in surprise.

"Of course, we also have a city here, but when we came in, the location of the space wormhole changed." Mayden nodded and said.

"The city has also been established, so do you know the location of the city." Cook was surprised when he heard this. The angels had actually established the city in the star realm. This is a good thing for Cook.

Mayden shook his head: "I don't know."

"Hey." When Cook heard this answer, he couldn't predict it, but according to Cook's guess, the city of the angel family must be built in an extremely remote place.

Cook thought of something. He immediately opened the gold map that he bought. There are already several bright spots on the gold map. Cook knows that this is a treasure of spatial attributes, as long as Cook has been to places, especially if it is transmitted by space. Wherever you pass, you will leave coordinates. As for the role of these coordinates, Cook estimates that it can be teleported, but Cook’s current mental power is not very strong, and he dare not rush to understand the role of this map, but as an ordinary map It can still be used.

"We are here, and Bawang City is here, so the area where Bawang City passed is extremely remote, which means that the city built by the angel is probably in this direction." Cook guessed in his heart.

But then Cook shook his head again, because such a guess is also unsure. There are many angels in the city of Hope, but it is not necessarily the city built by angels, because these angels may also appear in the space wormholes. Over there.

Midden carefully looked at the map in Cook’s hands and kept in mind the area on the map. It can be said that this is an extremely valuable asset. As long as you return to the realm of God, Midon draws the map, then Midon The reward is huge.

"Okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~You can go and play." Cook said to Mayden with a wave.

When Mayden left, he was shocked when he saw a pile of crystal nuclei in Cook’s laboratory. The value of these crystal nuclei is inestimable in the God Realm. It was a period of time in the giant tribe. Mayden also knows how valuable such a high-quality crystal nucleus is.

But then Cook thought of something, and immediately asked: "Mayden, do you know these angels."

Cook opened the exchange terminal of the Sage Association, and then directly released the images of a few angels. These are the angels hanging on the trading terminal on the other side of Palwang City. There are three in total.

"This..." Mayden was stunned, covering his mouth with both hands, then looked at Cook in horror.

"Ahem, this is a kind of trading terminal, and everything on it is goods." Cook coughed and explained quickly. Cook was mainly afraid that Mayden thought he had done to this angel. Even if Cook is more powerful, Being watched by the whole angel family, Cook felt a little guilty in his heart.

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