A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 132: Collect materials

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When Meiden heard this, he was even more astonished. Cook smiled and asked, "Do you know me?"

"Knowing, count as my elders, but we are not the same surname." Meiden said.

"Oh." Cook looked over with suspicious eyes.

Meideng said: "Our angel family has many surnames, and each surname is a big family. There are 13 larger families, and the others are small families." When Meiden saw Cook's eyes, it was originally. These things cannot be said, but Mayden dared not say anything, so he revealed a little bit.

Cook understood. Cook asked: "Did they bring the main artifact."

"No, the main artifact was not brought here, but an accident occurred when opening up the space, and it fell here. According to our guess, the wormholes that occur from time to time are inspired by this wheel of time and space." Speak.

"No way." When Cook heard this, he was even more surprised at the so-called Wheel of Time, with such a large amount of energy.

Meiden shook his head and said: "This is just a guess, because a space wormhole will always appear somewhere in the God Realm, but the exit here is very uncertain. As for the specific reason, no one can know, because the star The world has a thick space barrier, and the space barrier has a powerful assimilation ability. Even if it is a god, as long as it touches the space barrier, it will become a part of the space barrier."

"Space barrier." Cook is not very familiar with this term.

"In fact, we guess that the space barrier is the law of substance, representing the law of the astral realm, and isolating the connection between the astral realm and the outside world, just as there are space barriers between the gods and the sanctuary..." Meiden said there is no such thing here. Having said that, because Mayden realized that he was talking about the sanctuary, the giant in front of him certainly didn't know what it meant.

But Mayden didn't know that the giant in front of him was a human being. Even if Cook said it himself, Mayden would not believe it. After all, this is too hard to believe.

Cook nodded thoughtfully. In fact, the entire universe is like an egg, with eggshells, egg yolks, and egg whites. There are clear intervals between each layer. This interval is called a space barrier. Like in the absence of a strong external force, the egg white will never run into the yolk, nor will the egg yolk run into the egg white. There are boundaries between each other, unless a strong external force can break the boundaries between them.

Mei Deng watched Cook leave with very complicated eyes. Mei Deng did not tell the truth just now. These angels are all outstanding in the angel family. They are very powerful. They are all close to the main god. But these are close to the main god. The existence of this level is actually used by the giants here to buy and sell. Mayden feels that the world is too dangerous. Compared with the peaceful life these days, Mayden feels that there is still some sense of security here, at least not being chased by other creatures. kill.

It's not that Cook didn't want to ask Mayden about the angel family further, but Rome was not built in a day. There are opportunities behind it. Some things are said to be stressful once, but one point at a time, then maybe the pressure is not great.

Cook returned to the laboratory and began to sleep. Now Cook is sleeping in the laboratory, and the laboratory is protected by the wizard tower, so Cook does not have to worry at all. The laboratory is the most tightly protected place of the wizard tower, so Cook put Put things here, it is very safe.

After sleeping, Cook began to design weapons for himself. The equipment on his body was almost as designed by Cook. Now it is a weapon. The first choice of weapons is the bow and arrow, but it is very difficult to refine the bow and arrow. The material required for the bow arm has strict requirements on toughness, hardness, and elasticity, not to mention the bowstring, and the material of the bow directly determines the strength of the bow.

The bow in Cook's hand may be useful when in the sanctuary, but in this star realm, even the extremely powerful "Greeting of Death" is not very powerful. Of course, if it can display its strength in the star realm, Then in the God Realm, that can also exert strength.

"The bow is in the first place and the gun is in the second place. One-handed weapons are also indispensable. The other is defense. One-handed shields should be prepared. The other is daggers. You can also prepare some energy throwing weapons." Ke first lists his own plan, and of course he does it according to the design in the end. This requires materials to decide. Anyway, there is only one, as long as the best is the best.

The design of the weapon is relatively simple, anyway, there are only a few pieces, the styles are all ready-made, and Cook has a lot of memory in his mind.

"The next step is to collect materials. The giants have a lot of materials here. If there are materials for creatures of the order, it would be perfect." After a while, Cook planned, and then Cook was ready to collect materials.

Of course, the level materials that Cook said are just thinking about it. For the level materials, Cook’s current level of mental power is estimated to be difficult. After all, the higher the level of the material, the higher the energy consumed during refining. The higher the mental power, the higher the difficulty. This is like a piece of aluminum wire. I can fold it over with my hand, but if it is a copper wire of the same thickness, it will take a little more effort. If it is a steel wire , It is estimated that it can't be folded at all. This is the difference in material level, and the same is true for refining equipment.

"Barkrew." Cook shouted while standing on the third floor.

"Sir, sir, I'm here." Barcrew hurriedly climbed to the third floor and shouted as he climbed.

"I need some high-level biological materials, whether it's animals or plants, do you know where they are?" Cook asked.

"Sir, there are also on the trading floor." Barcru said.

"Why didn't I see it last time." Cook asked suspiciously.

"The common cargo area, the high-end materials are in another area." Barcru heard Cook say so, thinking Cook was blaming himself, and said quickly, of course, the last time Cook was brought by Arnold.

"Okay, go, let's take a look, I still need some high-end materials." Cook heard such a place and said immediately.

Of course, Cook's trip attracted the attention of many giants. Cook walked past these giants indifferently, but it was not so easy for Bakerlu in the back. He was stopped by each of the giants, and then asked quietly.

So Cook hadn't walked far before the matter of Cook's collection of high-level materials spread out. For a time, dozens of giants rushed to another area.

In the middle of the trading area, in a scrapped wizard tower, the wizard tower has five floors. The empty wizard tower in the past now contains hundreds of stalls and it is still a stall.

"Asek, the cooperation goes well." A giant and a stall owner negotiated a deal and spoke politely to each other.

"Hehe, you can count on your acquaintance. This is the jaw of a **** centipede, with a strong penetrating ability." The stall owner picked up a piece that was half a person tall, said with a smile, and he was about to pass it to the one in front of him. The guests.

"Father, father, don't trade, don't trade." At this moment, a giant hurried in and saw his father want to trade the **** centipede's jaw, and immediately shouted loudly.

"What are you doing." Assek asked angrily when he heard this voice, knowing that the **** centipede is a rank 7 creature. He just picked up this thing accidentally. Now he can trade it out. But God bless it. Don't let the transaction.

"Mr. Locke is here." The giant said breathlessly.

"Asek, thank you for the goods." Asek didn't pay attention, feeling light in his hands, and then the things in his hands changed hands, and the opposite guests said loudly as they walked.

"Modo, I won't sell it, I won't sell it." Assek immediately realized something, and immediately chased after him.

"Haha, goodbye, Asek." Modo smiled immediately after seeing Asek chasing him, and then ran away quickly.

"Stop, stop, I won't sell."

"It's already sold, but you still want to regret it, you are still not a giant."

"Why am I not a giant anymore, I won't sell it anymore."

The two of them fought in this wizard tower. When Cook entered this wizard tower, he was still very curious when he saw this strange scene. Could it be that this is a strong buying and selling.

After seeing Cook's figure inside, the stall owners were very excited. To know this transaction, although everyone is very happy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ but everyone brought very few goods transactions out, unless it is necessary The business of these high-end material stalls is even more deserted. You say that your materials are good, the materials are good, and whether there are weapons or not. This is the giant of this heritage. He used to buy high-end materials, but this time there is no People come here, but they have to sell the high-level materials they collected in the past. Of course, they are going to find Cook for making weapons, so the business is even more difficult.

"It's really a good thing." Cook took a cursory look and found that there are basically third-order and fourth-order materials here. As for the other high-end materials, there must be some, but they are very rare. There are also many orders.

"How do you sell this tooth?" Cook came to a stall near him. There were dozens of teeth of different sizes on it. This tooth was obviously a creature. According to Cook's identification, it was at least the tooth of a Tier 4 creature. These teeth are covered with golden filaments. For Cook, this is a very good arrow material, and of course it can also be used as other materials.

"Mr. Locke, look, after reading it, let’s talk about it again. Don’t worry, I’m a real Noken." When Noken saw Cook staying in front of his booth, he asked the price directly, and those who were happy would faint. , Immediately replied respectfully.

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