A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 136:  Failed Transfiguration

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The stall owner looked a little embarrassed when he heard this, but let the other giants bring the materials. After Cook saw the materials he brought, he asked with a weird expression: "You will bring these materials. "

"We thought, Mr. Locke, you need materials." The stall owner replied with a sigh.

Cook squatted down, looked at the materials, and asked in confusion: "What kind of materials are these, why are there jars?"

"This is the material we prepared for the prophets of the land of inheritance, this is the fur of the dark bat, this is the nose of the big-nosed mole, this is..." the stall owner introduced to Cook.

After listening to the introduction, Cook smiled bitterly. Although the giants in this land of inheritance have acquired the inheritance of some wizards, they are basically two knives. Some people have inherited the pharmacy of wizards, so they began to prepare potions, but they are level. I don’t dare to compliment it. It’s almost at the level of an orc witch doctor. When Cook heard these materials, he knew that these materials were used to fool people. In fact, the main purpose of this tribe this time was to trade with other small tribes. There are dozens of huge pots, but there knowing that they have robbed other people's business, Cook rubbed his nose and said, "Sorry, you don't have the materials I need here."

Cook stood up and was about to leave, but the stall owner saw that Cook was leaving, and immediately said, "Sir, look, this jar contains the blood of a Tier 8 creature, and this is the heart of a Tier 8 creature... "

"Sorry, I don't need it. You should give these things to those who need them." In fact, the blood of higher-order creatures is of great value to Cook, but the preservation methods of these blood are not good, and they are on the verge of corruption. Up.

Once the blood of high-ranking creatures is processed, the shelf life is very long. The stall owner still doesn't give up, and said to Cook: "Mr. Locke, what materials do you need, we will definitely be able to do it."

"Let’s take a look first." Cook didn’t care about it. Why? What you need to say now is that it’s customized. The price is definitely hard to say, and to be honest, Cook didn’t think about what materials he needed because Cook is very The biological cognition of the astral world is not very thorough.

Leaving the stall of the Earth Tribe, Cook came to the Sun Tribe. The giant of the Sun Tribe’s stall holder held a two-handed sword. Seeing Cook leaving the stall of the Earth Tribe from a distance, he immediately rushed over: "Honorable Mr. Locke, The Sun Tribe welcomes you."

"Hehe, let me take a look." Cook laughed. Cook admired the attitude of the Sun Tribe. Although Cook did not visit the Sun Tribe, he still refined dozens of two-handed swords for the Sun Tribe. But those big swords don't have any additional attributes. As for the sharp attributes on the big sword, cough cough, who wants to buy the big sword if it is not sharp.

The Sun Tribe obviously prepared a lot of materials, but these materials were not handled well. Cook looked through it for a while, and then said: "This animal skin, this animal head, and these poisons. Capsule, how many crystal nuclei are needed."

"Sir, these things are given to you by our Sun Tribe. I just hope that you will have time to come to our Sun Tribe as a guest." The stall owner didn't want crystal nuclei, but instead asked Cook to go to the Sun Tribe as a guest.

"Well, then, I will lead the casting apprentice to your Sun Tribe in the future." Cook said with a slight smile. No matter what he controls the Giant Tribe now, it is true that Cook must first earn wealth. Of course, the other side is It is to show kindness to the big tribes.

Noken has been following Cook, and he was surprised when he heard Cook’s answer. Cook recruiting apprentices for casting is no secret in the big tribe, but it’s unimaginable to lead apprentices to a certain tribe. of.

Cook left the Sun Tribe and came to the Star Tribe. What made Cook puzzled was that the Star Tribe had a lot of materials and occupied a large share. Cook looked at Noken in doubt.

Noken replied awkwardly: "This year our tribe should provide materials for the prophets."

Cook immediately understood that the prophets of the land of inheritance also need to consume materials, but the people here buy materials at the cost price, so no tribe is willing to provide it, but it cannot be stated clearly, so the three major tribes took turns to give them This place of inheritance provides materials, this year it should be the Star Tribe, but the low transaction volume of each tribe this year is scary, why, because most of the giants have accumulated crystal nuclei, including which small tribes, and then go to Cook for casting Weapons. Good weapons are the most important thing for tribes who make a living from hunting. As for pots, knives and so on, just overcome them.

"Tsk tsk, there are a lot of materials here, but Noken, do you have any high-level beasts here." Cook is now short of a good vein.

"Trains, what's the use of that thing? I can't eat it, and no one wants to sell it." Noken shook his head and asked suspiciously.

"Make a weapon." Cook didn't expect Jin to be unpopular in the Giant Tribe.

"Make a weapon." Noken really didn't know that Jin could be a weapon.

Cook nodded and said, "Of course, Jin makes basically long-range weapons."

"Then I will go back and collect it immediately, sir, you will come to our tribe to be a guest when you come, and promise to provide a lot of tendons." Noken promised, patting his chest.

Cook nodded, then selected some materials from the Star Tribe, and then left. Noken personally sent Cook back to the Wizard Tower. There was still a long line outside the Wizard Tower.

"Cruel, why don't you see less of this person." Cook walked into the wizard tower and asked Cruel loudly. Cruel now has a big sword in his hand, which was given to Cruel by Cook. Of course the material Kruel still came out.

Cruel heard Cook's question and replied with a smile: "These are all from various tribes and are increasing."

"Oh, let them in." Cook screamed, and then began to collect materials today. Cook didn't want to be replaced by others, but Cook needs rarer materials instead of ordinary materials. At this point, no one is competent yet.

After collecting the materials, Cook went to the third floor. Cook looked at the flying wombat cubs and decided to experiment with transformation.

Transformation also requires a component model, but the component model here is not so random. The Cook component model is precisely the energy running route of the flying wombat itself. As for how to know the running route, this requires a series of Complicated work.

There are bottles and jars in front of Cook, which are all things that the deforming wizard needs to prepare before building a deformed model.

The first step is to use mental power to build a basic model on the surface of the body. This step is very simple, and Cook will quickly complete it.

The second step is to take the blood and fur of the flying wombat and place it in the model on the surface of the body. This step is also very simple.

The third step is more complicated. The skin of the body is cut open and the blood is immersed in the model. This step is the most important and time-consuming.

"Tsk tusk, this Nima is like a slice culture." Cook watched as his own blood was immersed in the model. The blood and fur of the flying wombat in the model actually began to grow, but the speed was very slow, and Ku Ke also felt the loss of energy and vitality in the blood, and obviously the blood of the flying wombat began to absorb energy.

Cook thought for a while, then took out a stone of life and put it into the model. Cook got a lot of stones of life in the sealed ancient **** realm.

"Cuckoo." The addition of the stone of life made the model suddenly light up. The blood and fur of the flying wombat in the model began to grow wildly. In a few minutes, the embryonic form of a flying wombat was formed. .

"Part four." When Cook saw this situation, he immediately proceeded to the fourth step. The fourth step is to add an analytical model to the deformed model. How can I say that this analytical model is like a scanner.

The analysis model was built by Cook in a few seconds. After the analysis model was built, the entire deformed model suddenly lit up, and then a ball of light wrapped the prototype of the flying wombat, and then Cook felt his own energy A large amount of loss, obviously this analysis consumes energy.

"Fuck." Cook quickly threw a stone of life into the deformed model. After the stone of life entered the model, Cook felt that his energy consumption had almost disappeared.

Cook paid close attention. Once he absorbed the energy, Cook put in a stone of life. After a full half an hour, the light ball of the analysis model began to light up. Cook knew that this was the most critical time. , As soon as Cook’s mental power moved, his blood rushed towards the deformed model, and the deformed model turned blood red.

Immediately after analyzing the photosphere of the model burst, Cook saw the place where the blood and fur of the flying wombat was originally put in the middle of the basic model of the deformed model. A complex new model was slowly being formed. The energy and blood in Cook's body were massive. It rushed past, and there was mental power, like a vacuum cleaner.

"It seems to be successful." Cook stuffed a stone of life in his mouth, mainly for safety.

"Successful." After a while, Cook found that the deformed model of his component was successful. The last step is very simple. Just move the model to the wizard model and connect it.

The model originally on the surface of the body gradually disappeared into Cook's body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then Cook's body shook, and then a small flying wombat appeared at Cook's location.

"Hey, why is it smaller?" Cook looked around and found that he was much smaller now, only one-third of the height of the star giant.

"Nima, it's so ugly." Cook looked in the mirror and found that the flying wombat is gray, with a pair of gray fleshy wings, which looks very ugly. There is a bear's shadow there, but it looks like a large bat. general.

Cook's mental energy then cut off the energy supply of the deformed model, and Cook's body immediately recovered.

"It seems that this transformation technique has a lot to do with my own physique. If I hadn't had the stone of life, then this transformation would have failed long ago." Cook mathematician understood that the most critical thing of transformation technique.

But then Cook was puzzled: "Why do I become so much smaller after I deformed."

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