A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 137:   Training Apprentices (Part 1)

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Cook took a closer look at the process of constructing the model of the deformed wizard again, and then, after comparing it, Cook was very depressed: "Nyma says that it requires the blood of an adult deformed object."

Cook used cubs for the blood of adult deformed subjects, so in other words, after the transformation of Cook, it will be in the juvenile form. Cook now has some regrets, how can he ignore such the most important point.

Cook touched his chin, and then carefully looked at the things left by the transforming wizard. This time Cook looked carefully, and he remembered all the precautions. After reading it, Cook sighed: "It looks like there is no other way."

Yes, once the transformation model of the transformation wizard is established, it cannot be changed at all. Of course, if it is to be erased, it is still very simple. Cook sighed. The transformation in the infancy stage does not have much effect on Cook.

Cook's mental power moved, and then began to erase the deformed model. With the action of Cook's mental power, the deformed model began to slowly disappear. This was absorbed by the body, and there was no flying wombat in this model. Blood or something, it was only used for the analysis model. It was broken down during the analysis. It was similar to the magic pattern, but the function was not the same.

After the first deformation model is established, it takes another month to establish the second one. Cook also analyzed this and believes that this is mainly for his own body consideration. After all, to build a model once, the vitality and energy required are consumed. Less, but at this point Cook thinks he has no big problems.

"Forget it, wait a few days, you can't handle it according to your own guess." But Cook still shook his head. On the one hand, Cook was not sure of his guess, on the other hand, Cook did not have a good transformation target.

Although the transformation wizard can also increase the number of transformations according to the level, Cook is not prepared to do this, because after each transformation, a lot of training is required. After all, every creature has a different fighting method. It consumes a lot of time, and what Cook lacks most is time. Cook can't wait to spend one day on two days.

In the next few days, Cook made a lot of weapons. Now Cook takes out 20 weapons every day. Of course, more of them are put aside. Cook also collects a lot of materials and rare materials. Said that after Cook went out to buy a trip of materials, when the giant came to make a deal with Cook in the future, he would take out the materials. It is good for Cook to see it, but it doesn't matter if he doesn't.

After about a week, Cook’s mental power was refining weapons every day, and the increase was quite obvious. At this time, Cook received a notice that the personnel were ready for the address of the casting apprentice. Even the ore is ready, just wait for it to go.

"Mr. Locke." Wucai elder came to pick up Cook in person.

"Let's go, elder." Cook also felt that he should be active. After all, he had been refining weapons for a long time, and Cook felt that he would vomit when he saw a two-handed sword.

Cook and his party consisted of hundreds of people, among which the elders accounted for nearly a hundred people, and the chiefs of various tribes, of course, some large tribes, out of the place of inheritance, Cook saw a very shocking scene, hundreds of mounts , There are flying mounts, there are ground mounts, hundreds of mounts start to move, Cook sits on a huge mount that looks like a flying dragon, this is an elder's mount.

The ranks of these mounts are not very high, the highest is about Tier 4, the elders here are probably Tier 3, there are only a dozen at Tier 4, and there is only one Wucai Elder at Tier 5, but even Wucai Elder has a combat power comparable to one. Tier 6 creatures, after all, belong to a family of giants, and their combat power bonuses are very powerful.

"Elder, what kind of mount is yours, and how is its combat effectiveness." Cook asked after sitting down.

"Locke, my mount looks very mighty, but in fact it's not very powerful, and it's too big to be conducive to fighting at all." The elder said.

Cook then asked: "Whose mount here has the strongest combat effectiveness."

"Marco, that's the blue bird over there. Regardless of its size, it can release ice and snow energy, and it's not big, very agile in the air, even the colorful elder's mount is not an opponent." The elder pointed out. Refers to a big blue bird not far away. This big bird is like a dove. It is not very big and is full of people.

"Is it fast?" Cook asked again.

"Of course the speed is fast, but only a short sprint." The elder continued the introduction.

Cook gave a hum, and then asked: "Elder, what is the most powerful flying creature you have ever seen."

"Of course it is a green sharp-billed bird. The green sharp-billed bird is a social creature. There are hundreds or even tens of thousands in a group. These birds are extremely fast and have a sharp beak, even the most powerful creature. Faced with tens of thousands of such birds, there is only one consequence, and all the flesh of the body is eaten by these birds." The elder replied.

Cook did not expect this to be the answer, and Cook asked again: "So the single one is the strongest."

"Elder Ma Ke’s mount is counted as one. It has a strong ice and snow attribute, and in the air, as long as it is hit, the action will become slow, and once it is hit too many times, it will fall directly from the height. On the snow-capped mountain, it is said that there are many such creatures, but we don't see it often, so we don't know." The elder shook his head.

Cook finally asked: "Then what rank is Elder Mark's mount."

"Tier Four." The elder began to control the mount, because the front mount began to descend.

Cook looked at it for a while and felt that it was still not suitable for him. The bird's rank was too low, but it was also listed as one of the candidates.

"Mister, here it is, this is the new casting site. This is the central area of ​​several large tribes. To the east is the Sun Tribe, to the west is the Star Tribe, and to the south is the Earth Tribe." After landing, Wucai elder said.

"Haha, great." Cook nodded.

"Sir, let's look at the ore and the facilities first." Wucai elder asked.

"Of course." Cook looked around and found no buildings.

Wucai elder opened his mouth and said: "We decided to set up the casting site in the cave. This cave can also mine ore..." Wucai elder pointed to the cave.

When Cook heard this, he shook his head: "No, you need to build another house with wood."

"Um, all right." Wucai Elder didn't expect that Cook would actually build a house.

On Cook’s suggestion, hundreds of giants began to level the foundation, then cut down wood, and began to build various facilities. Cook needed to teach the giants to forge, so the site needed was not small, and metal was smelted, so it also needed to reserve Fuel place.

Large chunks of wood were transported back by the giant. This time they were all powerful giants, but even so, it took two days.

"Mr. Locke, these are the giants who were selected as apprentices, and they all have a lot of strength." Wucai Elder said.

Cook gave a hum, and then asked: "Don't you guys go back."

"Let's take a look, take a look." Wucai elder and others were willing to leave, and replied with a smile.

"Then I will go." Cook nodded and walked towards the hundreds of giant apprentices.

Cook just walked up to these apprentices, these giants immediately bowed and saluted: "Hello, teacher."

"Well, don’t look at you now, there are more than a hundred people, but in the end, only a few of them can learn from me. Let me make it clear first. I have rules here. First, let me get rid of the disobedient. Second, give me the **** who can't finish what I'm confessing. Just these two rules, do you hear them?" Cook said loudly.

"I heard it." More than a hundred giants immediately replied.

"The casting method I taught you was adapted by me. It can be suitable for you giants. Now I order to cut down trees first and fill up all the open space over there." Cook first issued the first and second orders, which is to cut down. Tree, what Cook wants to do, of course, is burning charcoal to smelt metal.

"Mr. Locke, look at cutting down trees..." Wucai elder said when he heard that trees were about to be cut down.

"Elder Wucai, if you think you have the ability to teach them to cast, then what I said will not count." Cook interrupted Elder Wucai without angrily.

Wucai Elder's expression was a bit ugly, but he still said, "Please."

"Let’s go, I’ll be with you." Cook looked at these giant apprentices and said, don’t underestimate burning charcoal. This is also a technical job. First, choose wood that is hard and does not have a lot of moisture. Not all wood can be burned with charcoal, it is charcoal made from soft wood.

The giant followed Cook to the forest. In fact, it was only a few steps away. Cook looked at the giant’s apprentice and said: "Everyone is wondering why the casting is made of wood. I won’t tell you this, because I tell you, you too. If you don’t understand, you just need to do what I said, then you will definitely understand why."

"Felling trees also requires technology. The first wood required has strict requirements. First, the wood should be hard, but not hard enough to cut. Second, the wood should not contain a lot of water, which is of little use. , Everyone can use this kind of wood, remember, as long as the arm thickness is enough, don’t need too thick, let’s get started." Cook waved his hand and said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Sark, led someone to record and chop The least night without food. "Cook said loudly to the director Zach.

"Yes." There are also many giants here, at least two hundred. They are responsible for mining ore, hunting, preparing food and other things. Although not so many people, but what kind of calculations the giants do? Ke knows it, it's nothing more than stealing the teacher to learn art, but forging this thing depends on proficiency, if you can see it, Cook will hehe.

"Comfortable." Cook walked aside, sat on the ground, and then leaned on the hillside, watching the giant apprentices collect the wood hard. These giants didn't use tools at all, just reached out and broke the wood with one arm.

Seeing this scene, all the giants wondered what they were going to do, so everyone was watching the excitement, and some chiefs carefully looked at what kind of wood it was, and then wrote down.

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