A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 138:  Training Apprentices (Part 2)

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The giant's speed is extremely fast. The task was completed in half a day. After eating. Cook gave another order. A group of ten people. Here. Start digging. Five steps to laugh. About one person tall. Dig ten first.

The giant apprentice began to dig without saying a word. This is another half day. Then Cook continued to order: "Half of the people go to collect dry wood. They want the kind that is flammable. The other half cut all the chopped wood into pieces about one person high."

Wait until the dry wood is almost collected. After most of the wood was chopped. One day is over. What he did on this day puzzled all the giants. But none of them spoke. After all, Cook's fame lies there. Cook is safe to eat and drink boldly. go to bed.

the next day. After Cook got up. Seeing that the Giant Apprentice was already waiting. Cook nodded. After breakfast, Cook looked at the dug hole. Then he directed to dig the fire door of the charcoal earth kiln on the other side of these pits. throttle.

The earth kiln itself is on a slope. It doesn't take any extra effort. Then Cook ordered these giant apprentices to put dry wood under the earthen kiln. Then erect the cut pieces of wood in the earthen kiln. Then seal it with mud. Just leave a few holes for smoke extraction.

"Ignite." The earth kiln ignited.

After ignition. Cook checked it out himself. Although Cook has not burned charcoal. But charcoal is produced in a high temperature and oxygen-deficient environment. Check mentally. Don't be too simple.

What is the Giant Apprentice doing? Of course it is crushing ore. The ore was smashed into something like powder. Three or four days have passed. Charcoal was finally burned. Roots of red charcoal were taken out. Then bury it in the dirt trough dug first. Cover with dirt.

Immediately afterwards, earth kilns for smelting metals were built. But inside this earthen kiln is a layer of refractory bricks made by Cook. no way. This thing is not understood by the giant.

"If you want to cast a weapon. Then you need metal first. What you did in the previous few days. It is the material needed to smelt the ore. First is charcoal. This is the fuel. Then the ore. Why is the ore crushed into powder. This is because of the powder temperature. It's easier to penetrate. Save fuel..." Cook told the giant apprentice. Start to explain. Only then did the surrounding elders know that the metal was burned out of the ore.

The smelting metal furnace water finally came out. The crucible made by Cook is full of metal. Cook does not intend to proceed further. Because of the shooting; the content is very complicated. It's better to let the giant beat continuously.

Cook took out more than one hundred sets of forging tools. Under the command of Cook again. More than one hundred iron-making furnaces have been built. Only then did the elders understand why Cook had built a wooden house.

This time the messy giant is useful. A giant apprentice. Two miscellaneous. So the whole hill thought of Dangdang's voice.

"Continue to beat. Be sure to beat it while it's hot. When you beat it evenly. Don't beat it here. Do it there. See if you can. That's me. Dangdang." Cook taught. Demonstration.

There is no need for Cook to worry about smelting metals. Those chiefs sent hundreds of giants here to collect wood. Smash the ore. Then smelt the metal. Pieces of metal are smelted out. Then send it to the casting apprentice.

"Continue to fight. Five hundred times to go back and forth." Cook roared loudly while strolling around. Don't say it yet. These giants learn to forge. It's so suitable. These tempered metals. The performance has completely changed. Cough. As for saying that this metal is not a metal inside. This is something about Cook. Of course, it is mainly Cook who can separate it. The giant can't help it.

Dangdang. Dangdang. Dangdang's voice was heard all over the hill. The giant is also busy. Standing by the fire to work. That's an uncomfortable thing. Some giants demolished the wood around the house. Leave something like a shed. Still upper body.

This forging by Professor Cook. It is the simplest forging. It is not necessary for dwarves to master temperature so complicated. Just burn the metal ingot in the fire to soften it. Then continue to beat. Cook first let these giants beat a batch of ordinary axes. Mine hoe. Wait for something. Used by other giants. Of course the most important thing is quenching. This is for the huge heat. It is not difficult. After all, this forging does not need to add anything else.

"You don't need this kind of cold water for quenching. Don't put it in for too long. Put it in. Then take it out immediately. Then put it in again..." Cook walked around the ironing room of each giant apprentice. Then one by one professor. Some giants learn it once. Some need to be taught several times.

When the first metal axe was built. It is already a week later. Such an axe is to be sharpened. this is very simple. There is water and stones in this place. Cook made a demonstration for the giant apprentice to learn to make edge. This is a necessary link. Not that it just needs to be forged.

"Mr. Locke. This axe is simply too sharp. But it needs to be polished after a few uses." Wucai elder personally tested the sharpness of the axe. For Wucai elders. This is a surprise.

"It's only a few days. I want to build a good thing. Besides. This doesn't use any crystal nuclei. Of course it needs to be polished. And do you need such a good thing to do?" Cook waved his hand indifferently. When Elder Wucai heard this, it was true.

Charcoal is fired in large quantities. There are also metal ingots that have been carefully fired. The ordinary forging method was gradually mastered by the giant apprentice in a week.

at this time. Cook opened his mouth and said: "There will be a competition tomorrow. The last fifty will be gone." Cook said this directly.

Elder Wucai heard this. Looked at Cook in amazement. Wait until Cook finished. Immediately came over and asked: "Sir. How do you say this."

"It's enough for the elders to build ordinary tools. That's not a big deal. I plan to just teach ten people to build weapons. The rest will be gone." Cook waved his hand. Build weapons. That's a lot of attention. The first is the metal for weapons. At least one refining. At least it is made into steel. Of course, the intensity just now doesn't mean much here. Cook intends to refine some alloys. As for the material. Of course it is all kinds of animal bones. There is also a lot of metal in animal bones. The more advanced animal bones. The richer the metal content.

This is the difference between humans in this world and humans on earth. As long as the metal on earth exceeds the standard. Then he burped right away. But the fighters here. The higher the level of cultivation. Then the stronger the body. But how is this physical strength formed? Is it still carbohydrates. no. It is the metal contained in it. The energy in the body itself. Of course it's not all things like metal.

To put it simpler. Such people are already between carbon-based life. A species between silicon-based life. As for God. Cook estimates that it is basically a silicon-based organism. But Cook has never studied God.

As for the magic crystal. Crystal nucleus. The energy contained in it is extremely radioactive. If the average person, Cook, give these people the star core of the star beast. Then these people burp in minutes. But met a magician. warrior. Can control energy. There is no problem. This is the question of talent.

I heard Cook say so. The elders looked at each other. So this night. Dangdang's iron strikes kept ringing. Cook saw more than a hundred giant apprentices the next day. They all looked at themselves nervously. Cook asked very arrogantly: "Do you know why I haven't asked your names for so long."

"That's because I don't want to know your names at all. Only the ones left at the end are worthy of me remembering the names. Your task is to cut trees. Lead charcoal. Then smelt metal ingots. Finally, create a kitchen knife. Finally compare the quality of the kitchen knife. Let's start." Cook said with a wave.

"Sir. No. There are not so many stoves." A giant apprentice said immediately.

"Isn't it over if you come one by one." Cook waved his hand in a bad mood.

So more than a hundred apprentices rushed to the nearby forest. Then began to cut trees. This is learning. After all, cutting down trees requires cutting enough for one kiln. Of course, building a kitchen knife does not require so much fuel. But no way.

Watched it for ten minutes. Cook shook his head. These giants don't know what cooperation is. One hundred people look at two. That's enough to burn an earthen kiln~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Let's make it together. Then smelt metal ingots together. Then everyone builds them separately. But these giants seem to have to toss for several days at least.

"Forget it. I'm going to do my own thing." Cook saw here. I know that this time the test is very early.

The elders around were also nervous. We must know that among the more than one hundred people, there are relatives of their own. Sark looked closely from one side. There is an axe. So it didn't take much time to cut trees. Some giants are smart. Cut the wood to the required length when cutting the tree. Then put it directly into the earthen kiln. Some are dumb. Fortunately, Cook did not set a time this time. Charcoal is fired in earth kiln. It takes a while. More than one hundred kilns were fired. At least half a month. Let alone smelt more than one hundred furnaces of ore. It takes at least two hundred days. But Cook is not in a hurry now. Cook has something to do.

"Sir. Noken has something to do with you." Cook just walked into his cabin. Cook's wooden house was built under a big tree. On the back of the mountain. It's quieter here. The elders also built wooden houses here. Cook is choosing materials for himself to refine weapons. Sack's voice rang outside the door.


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