A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 141:  Difficulty

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"How is it, Sack, what progress has been reached." Cook came out to let the air out. After all, he has been doing boring things for a long time. It is easy to get bored. Although Lazarus Cook is still walking around eating and drinking every day, even in As he walked around, Cook's mind was also on material handling. A set of more than a dozen pieces of equipment involved different parts and different handling methods. All of these must be taken into consideration.

Sack reported the matter in detail. After Cook listened to it, he smacked his lips: "Hey, I have to wait a month."

"According to the current progress, it will take a month for everyone to cast it." Sack nodded and replied affirmatively.

"Well, one month is one month." Cook thought about it, and felt that one month would be a month, just to refine the equipment for himself. In just one month, Cook estimated that he was a little nervous.

Sack nodded, and then said, "Then sir, what to do with the products cast by the apprentices?"

"Well, these products are yours to manage. As for the sold prices, they are also yours to customize." Cook waved his hand and handed these things to Sack. For Cook, these are irrelevant. And it is still very troublesome.

But it’s different from Sack’s point of view. You must know that although the kitchen knives, axes and other tools made by these giant apprentices are not very good, they are made of metal after all. Those tribes have long been jealous, just because of Cook’s No one is tempted by the relationship. Cook left this to himself. Sark thinks this is a good opportunity to have a good relationship with the various tribes.

Zack watched Cook walk into the working cave again, but the tree was still responsible for guarding the entrance of the cave, and Zack walked back cheerfully.

"Refining equipment, but if you want the equipment to adapt to any body shape, you must use the composite space to expand the magic pattern." Next is the most difficult problem that Cook encountered, which is the size of the equipment. Cook now Refining equipment is to prepare equipment of any shape that suits you, so the size changes greatly, and the larger the size of this equipment changes, the more difficult it is to refine, and the higher the degree of difficulty, and from the size of the humanoid in the sanctuary , To the size of the current giant form, and then maybe to the size of the bronze giant form behind, there are too many changes involved, and Cook doesn't know if his opposite is reliable.

The space expansion magic is just like a fishing rod, but the fishing rod is a one-way expansion, and the angle of the equipment is hard to say, just like armpits, shoulders, these changes in shape are also for space expansion. A big challenge.

Not only the space needs to be expanded, but also the magic pattern on the equipment must be connected and used very well. This is another problem.

Although Cook made the plan, when the real plan was implemented, Cook discovered that the plan can never keep up with the rapid changes. The theory involved is very deep. Cook is a person, so sometimes there is a problem. Cook needs to ponder for a long time, maybe one day or two days.

Therefore, the progress of Cook's refining equipment is very slow. How slow is it? A few days have passed. Cook has not yet started to do it. Because of a happy problem during the design, Cook had to overthrow all the designs. It has always been inevitable that when space expansion magic lines are running between ordinary magic lines, various energy shocks will cause some crashes.

Because Cook’s set of equipment must fit at least three sizes, then the space expansion magic pattern must be designed at least three grades. How to say, the space expansion magic pattern is like making the whole set of equipment like clothes made of rubber. It can be big or small, and this size can vary greatly. This is one aspect.

And another aspect is the movement of the magic patterns on the equipment. After all, the equipment still changes in size, so the relative magic patterns are depicted on it. What should I do when there is a change? If the whole leather armor has a total of 100,000 magic patterns, then In the human form of Cooke Sanctuary, if these 100,000 magic lines are activated together, the expansion of this size can withstand such a large energy impact. No, the energy impact here refers to the energy pressure of each magic line circuit.

Therefore, these magic lines also need the grade corresponding to the space expansion magic lines. Then the problem will come. If it is simply controlled by mental power, it is easy to say that each magic line has one more energy control circuit, and at most A mental force connects the control loop.

But have you ever thought about it. If there is one more energy control loop for each of the 100,000 magic patterns, plus a mental power control system and loop, how much the number of magic patterns will be reduced, and these energy control loops and control How much energy does the system and loop need to consume, and how much the total combat effectiveness of the entire equipment drops.

The biggest point is that when the size is changed, it is often dangerous. Then you still need to be distracted to control these magic lines. Moreover, with so many magic lines, there must be a buffer time for operation. At this time Inside, if I can't distract and control these magic patterns, I still have a strong attack during this time.

At the beginning, Cook put this point in the design, because Cook did not have suitable materials at the time, but now it is different, Cook has materials, so this past thing must be added. .

"There are two solutions now. The first is to connect the energy circuits of the spatial expansion magic pattern with other magic patterns." Cook looked at the design and said to himself.

But this method is not good for Cook. Why, when the space expansion magic pattern is running, it will interfere with other energy differences, and the entire magic pattern is a whole. Once a magic pattern is disturbed, the energy supply will go wrong. Then this forms a weak area of ​​energy defense, which is commonly known as the weak point area, which is not what Cook wants.

And the serious consequence is that under the interference of space magic pattern, the entire magic pattern system collapses, then the consequence is very serious. Although the probability is extremely low, the probability is unclear. It is possible that you will not encounter it for a lifetime. Maybe Met for the first time.

"The second plan is to share a control loop between the space expansion magic pattern and other magic patterns, and then this control loop is connected with the energy supply systems of other magic patterns." Cook gave up the first plan directly, and then It is the second plan.

Although the second plan is more consistent in general, it also has a downside. That is, the space magic pattern is not very integrated with other magic patterns. The advantage is that it does not need to be controlled by Cook, and the weakness is that the space If there is a problem with the extended magic pattern, then the whole system will have a problem, the whole system will have a problem, and there will be a problem with Cook's equipment.

So Cook has been looking for a safer way. Cook spread out the design drawing again. The dimensions on this are already very accurate. The magic patterns on the place above are almost the same. Design a copy A qualified equipment manufacturing drawing is a very tedious process.

First determine the size, and then the layout of each core magic pattern, because the layout of the core magic pattern will affect the energy response speed of the entire equipment magic pattern, the energy supply circuit, and the layout of the magic pattern. A good design drawing can be as good as possible. Optimizing every spare part of, in the same size, the equipment refined by the senior alchemist is good and the low-level alchemist, on the one hand, is due to the accuracy of the alchemist’s refining magic patterns, and on the other hand is the layout problem. Precision is directly related to the size of the entire magic pattern, and the layout is related to the number of refined magic patterns of the entire equipment.

"Headache, if you use space to expand the magic lines, then the defense of this piece of equipment is 30% lower than I expected." After Cook wrote and painted for a while, he felt that his previous things were done in vain.

Reduced by 30%, this is also a reduction of several grades. It is equivalent to using fifth-order materials instead of seventh-order materials. The only difference is that there is one more function that can change the size, but this change size In Cook's view, the defense of the equipment should not be sacrificed, which is not cost-effective.

But Cook has no choice. First of all, there are too many materials needed to refine a set of equipment. There is also a problem of time. Moreover, after Cook returns to the sanctuary, sometimes he will still transform into a giant. If the equipment is not available Changes, but combat effectiveness will be greatly affected.

At this point, Cook feels that his work these days has been done in vain. Why? Cook has not designed the related things yet, and I do not like the design.

"Hey~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cook sighed.

Cook really doesn't want to give up, but if he doesn't give up, there is a big gap between the results he wants. Cook doesn't want to run naked anymore. Once he transforms himself, Cook needs to change his clothes once. Could it be that he suddenly changed during the battle? Into a white ass.

"Tangle, it would be nice if there were enough space-like materials." The space materials in Cook's hands are pitiful.

Space materials refer to materials with spatial attributes, excluding space magic crystals, space equipment, and space equipment are just space magic patterns depicted, not space materials. Cook has accumulated some space materials, but that is for In terms of the number of sets of equipment, almost none.

"How about refining a weapon first." Cook then thought that his current weapon was Thunder Tooth, and Thunder Tooth in the hands of the Star Giant was just a dagger, far from meeting the needs of combat.

"Hey, there is it." Cook thought of Lei Ya, his eyes lit up immediately, isn't Lei Ya that can be scaled, the size change is also quite large, Cook found an idea in an instant and started to continue working excitedly.

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