A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 142:    trial production

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Cook knew about the structure of Thunder Tooth before, but at that time Cook’s mental power was not enough to comprehend how the Thunder Tooth is refined. Cook’s mental power penetrates directly into Thunder Tooth, and there is a huge inside Thunder Tooth. Space, in this space is full of thunder and lightning energy.

"Could it be that the horns of the Ancestral Dragon also have spatial attributes." Cook was puzzled, because there was no artificially refined magic circuit or something in this space. Everything seemed to have formed naturally, and Cook was puzzled.

But doubts return to doubts, Cook still has to take a closer look. Cook’s mental power penetrates part of Thunder Tooth’s material. Thunder Tooth’s material is the horns of the ancestral dragon. As for what the ancestral dragon is, it is a kind of ancient times The giant beast, as for where the giant beast is now, Cook has no idea.

Cook’s mental power is comparable to a high-power microscope. Under Cook’s mental power, the molecular state of this material is revealed. Seeing the Zulong horn in molecular state, Cook is amazed. Generally speaking, whatever material you want, Absorbing and releasing energy are all electrons in molecules. In the horns of the ancestors, not only the electrons in the molecule are absorbing energy, but the innermost atom is absorbing energy. This situation only occurs somewhere. , Only appears on living objects.

Just like Cook’s body is getting stronger now, then the cells that make up Cook’s body are getting stronger, but what constitutes the cell, or the molecule is not, that is, the molecule is increasing, and the increase of the molecule means that the molecule has absorbed enough energy , The electrons and atoms in the molecule are absorbing energy here.

The material is dead, only electrons absorb and release energy, but the situation in the horns of the ancestor dragon has overturned Cook's cognition.

"Could it be that the molecules in this Zulong's horn have also undergone substantial changes." Cook was puzzled.

Although Cook was puzzled, Cook did not have a place to know the answer, why, because when Cook was not alive, the molecules of the horns of the ancestors were compared and studied. Of course, this was also a very complicated process.

"Then the thunder tooth becomes bigger because it has absorbed enough energy, just like a balloon, the inflation becomes bigger, then can I refine my own equipment like this?" Cook had another thought in his mind.

Cook studied it carefully, of course, from a theoretical study. Balloons are mainly good malleability. The balloon can be blown up, or it depends on the material, and other materials can’t do this. Cook has countless thoughts in his mind. .

"It seems that only some experimentation is needed. After the equipment is refined, the material becomes countless times larger, like cotton in a pocket. If you compress it hard, the volume of the pocket will become smaller, and the equipment can also be used. Constantly condense, and then use it with full energy to make the equipment bigger." Cook studied for several days and finally came up with a method with a low success rate. Whether this method works, Cook needs to test it. .

Cook did not experiment with the seventh-order materials, but took out the third-order animal skins for experiments. Condensation is to continuously compress the energy, wash the materials, and increase the density of the materials. Since the masses are equal, the density If it increases, the volume will definitely become smaller. This is the most basic basis for Cook's idea. As for whether this idea will succeed, Cook doesn't know at all.

To condense the material, there are more magic patterns involved. First, increase the density. To increase the density, the only way to increase the pressure is to keep the gap between the molecules in the material shrinking. As for the degree of shrinking, this is the same as the time of condensation. The pressure is related.

Cook chose a small cave, and then countless complicated magic patterns were painted on all sides of the cave, and the whole cave was equivalent to an independent space.

In one day, this small cave Cook painted as many as tens of thousands of magic patterns. There are many things involved, including high pressure, high temperature, energy washing, and control, energy supply, and so on. It is a huge magic pattern. The systematic magic pattern combination.

"Hey, I don't know how many crystal nuclei will be consumed." Cook looked at the tens of thousands of magic lines he had carved. Once these tens of thousands of magic lines are in operation, they will consume a lot of crystal nuclei. There are also many crystal nuclei.

"Turn on." Cook's mental power moved, and the whole cave shook slightly. Fortunately, Cook had defensive magic patterns in it. Otherwise, if tens of thousands of magic patterns were activated, the whole cave would collapse.

The third-order material was thrown into the cave by Cooke, and countless energies continued to oscillate throughout the space. The temperature and pressure of the entire space continued to rise. The impurities in the material were constantly being condensed under the scouring of energy. It is refined and then burned directly into nothingness by high temperature. Although the temperature inside is very high, it is not enough to burn the material, and the material is a whole, and those impurities can be said to be almost in the molecular state.

After the tens of thousands of magic lines were in operation, the entire cave changed its appearance. The energy emitted by the magic lines became more and more. Under the impetus of the magic lines, these energies continued to move. The entire cave space seemed to be filled with mist. The phenomenon of energy atomization, that is, when the energy is saturated, the condensing needs to be maintained in this way, and it cannot be too much. If there is too much, the energy will gradually materialize and form crystals. These crystals will not only form the atomized energy Obstruct, reduce the energy movement speed, and some will condense on the magic line circuit, causing damage to the magic line circuit.

Cook’s mental power pays close attention to maintaining the state of energy saturation, the surrounding temperature is getting higher and higher, and the temperature of the material condensing is inconsistent, which is very much related to the quality of the material and the order of the material itself. The relationship is that the same material, different stages of condensing, the temperature is different, which requires Cook's mental power to pay attention to it all the time.

Pressure, different temperature stages, different materials, different pressure, the pressure here is to increase the density and reduce the volume.

The speed of condensing is very slow and it is a very time-consuming work. This piece of Tier 3 animal skin material has been condensed for five days, but its volume has only shrunk several times. This is still very much expected by Cook. There was a big gap, but Cook didn't dare to apply pressure anymore, because Cook painted the magic pattern directly on the stone wall. If he pressured it again, the entire stone wall would collapse.

"Hey." Cook's mental power moved, and then stopped the operation of the magic pattern.

"The effect is good, but it needs to be made separately... Fuck, I am a fool. I want materials to have spatial attributes, not necessarily materials. I now understand the power of space, so when I portray the magic pattern, It’s also a way to input the space energy you comprehend, **** it.” Cook looked at the condensed materials, the quality is already very high, and it is no longer the material of animal skins. The original brown animal skins , Became like jade, exuding a fascinating luster, but at this moment, Cook's brain flashed and thought of a perfect way.

"However, it is good to condense the material once." Cook found that although the condensed material consumes the crystal nucleus, for Cook, what is the crystal nucleus? It is something the giants outside lined up to give themselves, so Cook again Take out the skin of the seventh-order mountain ape. Although the skin of the mountain ape has been processed, it is still much worse than condensing.

For the seventh-order animal skins, Cook took ten days to condense. As for the tens of thousands of magic lines, it consumes ten days non-stop day and night. Only Cook knows how many crystal nuclei are needed. Anyway, Cook crystal nucleus The shrinkage is huge.

"Let’s refine the wristband first to see if it works." Cook was about to test it, so he cut off a piece of animal skin. The size of this animal skin is the shape of the wristband. Cook’s mental power moves and the alchemy magic pattern Start, the required magic metal powder begins to be smelted, and the seventh-order animal skins cut by Cook are also undergoing high-temperature smelting.

Of course, it is not completely melting, but to let the animal skin reach a softening level. This requires the alchemy magic pattern to continuously maintain a certain temperature. As for the temperature, this must also be carefully observed by Cook on the spot.

After the animal skin is softened, Cook’s mental power can penetrate into the animal skin to portray the magic pattern. Otherwise, Cook’s mental power consumption will be too great. Even so, Cook is ready to recover his mental power. Medicament.

Cook depicts the magic pattern very fast. Although the wristband is not big, Cook also painted five composite magic pattern combinations on it. Of course, the role of the wristband is defense, and there are no other requirements, so it is relatively speaking. easier.

After depicting the magic lines, Cook began to input the energy he had comprehended. Cook had already understood the law of space, so the energy input by Cook also contained spatial energy.

The original rock-like mountain ape skin ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has a faint golden color after being condensed. After the magic pattern is carved, this color has not changed, but after the Cook’s magic pattern is inputted with its own energy, this The color is still slowly deepening.

"Open." With the input of energy, Cook's mental energy moved, and the magic pattern on the wrist was suddenly opened.

"Damn." Cook feels that the wristband is like a huge energy absorber. The fast-moving magic pattern quickly absorbs energy, and the entire wristband actually emits a golden light, and with the input of energy, a transparent line The shield lit up from above the wrist guard.

"Successful." Cook was startled as he watched the shield light up.

However, the wristband is still continuously absorbing energy. Cook carefully distinguished it. On the transparent shield above the wristband, there is still a trace of black gaps that are constantly swimming. Cook sees this, even more Excited; "There is still space for defense, this Nima is too abnormal."

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