A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 144:   話說

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In fact, there are some **** crystals in Cook's natural ring, but these **** crystals are not decomposable by Cook's magic patterns. Even if they are decomposed, they are very slow. Besides, the **** crystals are for Cook's current body. , Is too small, so Cook directly uses the nucleus of the star boundary.

"Nima." When the sketched model was absorbed by Cook's body and then connected to the wizard model, Cook discovered that his height had actually increased, almost the height of an adult star giant, Cook screamed secretly. Don’t reduce the madness multiplier. In the previous time, Cook had reduced the madness multiplier once, and Cook’s height was restored to his original appearance, and Cook was reduced to four times to superimpose the madness, plus the beast soul transformation. In this way, of course Cook's beast soul came from the Sealing Demon Pillar, and as for whether it was a beast soul, Cook didn't know.

After the transformation model was successfully connected to the wizard model, Cook felt excited and did not hesitate to move: "Start transformation."

Then Cook's eyes went dark and he didn't know anything. When Cook woke up again, Cook found that he had a splitting headache. This was obviously the result of severe trauma. Cook shook his head and looked around. Around, Cook found that he had restored the sanctuary form.

Cook checked himself again, and found that there was nothing missing, the wizard model was also intact, and the deformed model was gray, and there seemed to be something wrong.

"What happened?" Cook began to recall slowly.

When recalling that he started the deformed model, Cook paled suddenly, and Cook cursed inwardly: "Pig, Cook, you are a pig. You actually ignored the most basic common sense."

What Cook has neglected. Cook has ignored his own physical condition. It is not enough to support the transformation of the ninth-order giant. Yes, to be transformed, you must first have the conditions for transformation, that is, your own strength, your own energy, your own His body has to reach a certain level.

What kind of existence is a Tier 9 giant? It can be said that there is no problem with a slap and a slap on the main god. But for Cook itself, even if he is not at the **** level, Cook ignores the most important point, that is, Cook turns into a giant. , Is the product of Cook’s madness increase and the increase of Beast Soul’s transformation. Cook’s body does not reach the level of giants, so as soon as Cook starts the transformation, the two increases will directly collapse, so Cook is directly The backlash was in a coma.

"Fortunately, it's safe here." Empress Cook was terrified, so his face was extremely pale. If on the battlefield, Cook would not know how many times he had died.

Cook regained some strength, then quadrupled madness, the beast soul transformed and returned to half the height of the star giant.

When Cook left the cave with a pale face, he immediately shouted: "Keshu, prepare something, I'm hungry."

"Why so many people." Then Cook saw hundreds of giants looking at him, and Cook sweated profusely.

"Sir, you haven't come out for two months, and we are all very worried." Kashu said excitedly after seeing Cook come out.

"Haha, I am in retreat. I have finished casting all the weapons that those guys are going to forge. But the tree, the food I am going to eat, starved me to death." Cook was sweating profusely. It seems that he was in a coma for a month. Time, but Cook immediately had an excuse.

"Ah." Hearing Cooke's words, the surrounding giants all exclaimed, knowing that Cook has received a huge number of orders, a total of more than two thousand weapons, unexpectedly all of them have been cast.

But the tree hurriedly went to prepare the food, Wucai Elder saw that Cook did not trouble him, and immediately leaned forward: "Mr. Locke, are you okay."

"Oh, it's okay, elder, you go to notify the person who traded with me, and bring Bakru over." Cook's body is in desperate need of energy, so he said to the elder Wucai.

"Okay, okay." Wucai elder was guilty. What Wucai elder gave to Cook was the flesh and blood of a dead man, the flesh and blood of a frozen corpse of an ancestor of the giant family.

In fact, what Cook doesn’t know is that it’s right for Wucai elders to do this. This is why Cook needs to consume so many stones of life to rejuvenate this flesh and blood, because this flesh and blood has almost no vitality. The flesh and blood of a giant that has reached the ninth rank, each cell contains soul power and powerful law power, which is far from what Cook can deal with now. When the body is taken away by others, Cook does not know why, and the corpse Almost all the cells inside have no vitality, let alone anything like power.

As for the age of this giant's ancestor, no one knows at all, but the only thing we know is that this giant should be a figure in the Bekalin period. It is also the holy land of the giant family, guarded by the ice and snow giants, so the Wucai elders did it. Thief once.

What Cook doesn't know is that after Cook transforms the giant, there are huge surprises waiting for Cook, but Cook needs a longer time.

"It's delicious." Cook praised as he ate, adding that he still has to eat to replenish his stamina, especially the best part of high-order creatures.

"Haha, sir, I'm already ready." Sack and Keshu said while serving Cook with a smile.

Cook watched the giant apprentices also wait. Cook said while eating, "Bring me what you cast here."

More than a hundred kitchen knives and axes were placed in front of Cook. Cook commented as he ate, "Who owns this? Look at this axe. I don’t know if it’s smoother. If you are so pitted, who wants yours? ."

"There is also this kitchen knife, I don't know if I got the handle, and the back of this knife is rough, who wants you."

"This kitchen knife is so small, who can use it, is it for halflings."

"You are a kitchen knife, I don't see it."

After Cook finished eating, he shook his head and said, "You are all unqualified. I tell you that the size of every tool is constant and unchangeable. Look at my axe and know why. Should the front of the cutting edge be longer, and why the hole on the upper handle must be square? That's because the front cutting edge is longer in front of it, which is convenient for chopping without getting in the way..."

"So you have to rebuild, and before you build, I have already judged that you are unqualified, do you know why." Cook said above with a low voice, but the giant apprentice below did not dare to take a mouthful. Why, because Cook is too powerful, these giant apprentices can guarantee that if they say something more, they will be directly beaten by the chiefs and elders who are staring at him without being dealt with by Cook.

In the world of giants, violence is full of any corner, including education. If a giant child makes a mistake, it will be a violent beating and can’t act for a few days. Then the child will definitely remember it in the future. dry.

"Who are you, you are giants, all of you are giants, you built less than three hundred tools, and it took you two months to build, what is this, this is a shame, it is the shame of the entire giant family, I It's just one person, and it's built in one day." Cook said loudly.

The following giant apprentices looked at each other, and the surrounding chiefs were also puzzled. Cook continued to say loudly: "Three hundred tools, three furnaces of metal ingots, three earth kilns of charcoal, and less than seven earth kilns are needed to build. Kiln charcoal, what do you guys look like in my eyes, that’s idiots, idiots, ten earthen kilns to burn charcoal, up to five days, smelting three furnaces of metal ingots, up to two days, to build, half a day, eight days After doing things, you actually did it for two months, you said you are not stupid."

"You have forgotten that you are all a race, you are all giants, you wasted time, for more than a full month, you don't know unity, you know fight, I heard that there are actually three powerful teams in you. , Very good, very good, the leaders of the three teams gave me a hundred laps around the foot of the mountain." Cook shouted loudly.

"Ah." The Giant Apprentice was shocked.

"It's the three of you, don’t look at others, aren’t you good? Bring up the team infighting, I Locke here to say something, the students I teach out, who dare to fight inwardly, I will clean up that, next time there will be another infighting, just Get out of here, I Locke doesn't need the kind of selfish people." Cook pointed to the three giant apprentices.

"Good." The giant chief who was in the audience heard Cook's words, looked at each other, and exclaimed.

The three giant apprentices began to run down the mountain. How big is the foot of the mountain, ha ha, not too big, it looks like one lap will run for two days, one hundred laps, ha ha.

"The rest, rebuild the tools, they must be exactly the same as mine, and you can only complete them in seven days." Cook shouted at last.

When the giant apprentice heard this, he ran away immediately. The surrounding chiefs saw this situation and approached Cook one after another: "Mr. Locke, you said so well, we should unite with the giants."

"That is, unlike some people, bullying small tribes."

"Ahem, isn't it just two hills? As for what I said here, I just give it back to you."

"There is something~www.wuxiaspot.com~what is it."

"The prey on the mountain."

"Okay, you still have prey."

The giant chief was very kind at the beginning, but the more he talked about it, the more he got more energetic, no, there were already signs of hands-on. Cook saw this situation, shook his head, and then left, leaving behind a bunch of noisy chiefs.

Cook is going to rest for a few days. Besides, Cook is very uncomfortable. After being busy for so long, the crystal cores in reserve are almost exhausted. There is still a large amount of medicine. You must know Cook’s current body. Come on, that's massive.

"Not reconciled." Cook sighed in his heart while looking at the work of the Giant Apprentice, while Cook mentally observed the already constructed deformation model.

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