A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 145:  Origin

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Cook has no idea what's going on in this gray state of the deformed model. In a word, he still doesn't know enough about the deformed wizard. After watching it for a while, he was under a big tree. , Took out the things about the deformed wizard in the wizard tower, and looked through it carefully. This time Cook looked very carefully.

Cook’s wizard model is full of energy, and even the surrounding attack models are full of energy. This is the so-called spell slot preparation of wizards. A first-level wizard can only afford three first-level spell slots. A wizard has only three spell models. In fact, for a first-level wizard, there are at least a dozen spell slots, so every night the wizard must activate the spell model used on the next day to recharge the model. The rest of the spell slots are disconnect.

"Insufficient energy." Cook finally found out what caused the deformed model's current state, which means that the spell slot of the deformed model is disconnected, or the charge has not ended.

"It seems that it is still my own problem." Cook took a closer look. It was not that there was no disconnection, but that his own energy was not enough to support the release of this deformed model.

When he got here, Cook breathed a sigh of relief. As long as there was no damage, Cook would not worry. Cook then used two days to carefully read the things that the transformation wizard should pay attention to. After reading it, Ku Ke looked weird.

"According to the above record, the target of the transformation is best to use the flesh and blood of the biological target that just died for training and analysis, and most of the reason for the failure of the transformation model of the transformation wizard is because in the process of training and analysis, The energy carried by the flesh and blood itself conflicts with its own energy, causing the construction to fail, but why the deformation model of the ninth-order giant I constructed succeeded? Is there any reason, or it's all human." Cook wondered.

"Moreover, the second choice for the transformation target is the cub. I understand that the evolution of living beings is also the law of understanding, so these cells contain such law energy. This is because living things are a whole. The law of comprehension is definitely different from what people comprehend, so it causes conflicts. It’s no wonder that the profession of transforming wizards is very rare among wizards. High-level creatures who have just died, as well as cubs of high-level creatures, are all met and unattainable. Something.” Cook continued to ponder, and finally made Cook figure out some truth.

Now that he knew the reason and understood the reason, Cook had to find a way to solve it. Cook thought about it and found that if you want to use the deformed model, you can only charge up, and Cook does not need other spell models now, so Cook Decided to let this deformed model slowly recharge and use it as a killer.

But the problem came again. Cook's body could not withstand the activation of this deformed model. Once activated, Cook directly crashed. This is the most important problem that Cook faces.

"Or to build a new deformed model that does not require much attack power, but only requires high speed. In this star realm, there is no chance of winning in a frontal battle. Although I understand the laws of space, I cannot use space at all. To reach the combat level, then the primary goal of transformation is to preserve strength.” Cook finally gave up the idea of ​​charging the giant transformation model and turned to another way.

Cook smacked his lips, and then looked at the wizard's spell model. Cook decided to build all the spell models that could be constructed. There are many basic spell models, such as fireball, ice archery, appraisal, distant vision, and night vision. And so on dozens of spell models.

These spell models can be further expanded to form a certain specialization, just like fireball. At the second level, it can expand the fireball, flame burning, and the ice archery can be expanded to the serial ice archery and freeze at the second level. This is the basis of specialization.

"Hey, there are undead spells." When Cook saw this, he found that there were undead spells. The basic spell of undead spells is Corruption. Of course, Corruption requires corpse poison, but at the second level. It can be expanded into a super-corrosion technique, summoning skeletons, and the material needed for summoning skeletons is corpses.

For undead magic, people in the gods and sanctuary are actually not as scared as they think. Some people say that undead magic is strong, and the undead army is very powerful. Yes, the undead army is powerful, but as long as it is magic, it is You can’t get away from your spiritual power and magic power. If you want to summon an army of millions of undead, first you have to have so many corpses, and then you have to have enough corpse poison to process these corpses, that is, to corrode the meat directly. , And then the skeleton can be summoned, and even if it is summoning a skeleton, there is a success rate. There is no 100% successful magic, and the corpse required to summon a skeleton is a corpse seven days after death, because after seven days, the soul in the corpse will completely disappear If there is no soul fire at all, then the summoning fails.

The legendary army of undead is a legend, and even a god-level necromancer, dare not say that you can easily summon countless army of undead, because every time you summon one, your spiritual power will control one, millions of undead army, Just continuous mental energy consumption is enough to make any **** collapse.

Of course, the ultimate magic of the undead is to sacrifice their own vitality and soul to summon countless undead army, but when such an undead army is summoned, no one can control it. What kind of creature the undead is, it is also the representative of the weak and the strong, so high-level undead Will kill the low-level undead around him without hesitation, yes, if the summoned person is sacrificed, then the undead army will fight in the first place.

So the Necromancer is only relatively strong. After all, you don’t need to fight with the Necromancer himself, just hide in the dark to control it. Of course, such a legend is related to the Necromancer leading several skeletons and destroying a small village. , After all, ordinary people have a natural fear of skeletons, let alone their combat effectiveness.

But Cook is still preparing to build the Corruption Art. What Cook values ​​is the ability to collect corpse poison in the Undead Spell. Don’t forget, Cook is a pharmacist, and Cook who can use poison will not use it.

"Animal taming, this is okay, it matches my talent of animal words and beasts." Cook also saw a rare magic system, animal taming, which is the basic spell of the beast taming wizard.

After reading the spell slots that can be constructed by the first-level wizard, Cook decided not to build it, but the natural spells Cook must be built, as well as animal training, corrosion, and the previously built fireball and ice bolt. Spells, appraisals, etc., Cook already has nearly ten spell models.

The appraisal technique mainly relies on one's own knowledge plus the appraisal of the model to determine what an item is. The advanced model of appraisal is analytical technique.

"The wizard's ultimate skill is the big prophecy. Isn't this the magic of the birdmen." Cook saw that the wizard's ultimate spell was the big prophecy, and Cook was a little puzzled.

However, the wizard’s record of the Great Prophecy is only a few sentences. Cook also checked other records about the wizard that he purchased. It took him several days, but Cook said The profession of wizards is even more in awe. The ultimate skill of wizards is the spell of time, which means that the magical inferences of the sanctuary are correct. All the laws are space and time to the extreme, but in the sanctuary, No one has confirmed this.

"It seems that it is not confirmed by no one, but blocked by people in the gods. Of course, for people below the **** level, even if they know it, it is of no use." Cook saw that the giant apprentice has basically been built. So, he put aside the things in his hands, and Cook had a general understanding of the development direction of wizards in his heart. It has to be said that compared to wizards, the profession of wizards has a more diverse development path and a higher growth length.

"Keshu, you know what the fastest creature is." Cook asked as he walked.

"Lightning bird, that guy, flies like lightning, and disappears after a swish." Ke Shu Lima replied.

"Okay, but shouldn't those trading guys come?" Cook asked again later.

But the tree nodded: "Almost, mainly because everyone did not expect that you, sir, could have completed the casting so quickly. Many people have returned to the tribe. It will take a few days to notify."

"Well, let's go and see how the casting guys are." Cook patted his **** and walked towards the giant apprentice. These days Cook has not done anything at all, just look at the information about the wizard, plus Eat well, Cook's body has long recovered.

This time, when Cook saw the tools made by giants, he was slightly surprised. I have to say that the power of these giants is very suitable for forging. Look at the toughness of the metal being forged, the strength has increased a lot. The pattern produced by forging on the kitchen knife gives a beautiful feeling.

"Yes, yes, this time you made a very good one. First of all, in terms of casting, you are all qualified~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But from a casting master, all of you are unqualified. Of course, you It’s an apprentice. I originally wanted to eliminate some people like this, but for your good intentions, I won’t be eliminated this time, but the next casting will be very difficult, because the next thing we need to cast , Casting the cauldron, yes, someone has to ask, why do you want to cast the cauldron." Cook said with a smile, but the giant apprentice below heaved a sigh of relief. Of course, Cook knew how hard these giant apprentices were forging. Otherwise, Cook would not do it.

As for whether Cook intends to use free labor extensively, no one knows this.

"Because of the cauldron, your children can grow up healthily. If the children grow up healthily, then your number will increase. This is more important than any weapon. As for casting a cauldron, it is actually very simple. Follow my orders. "Cook said loudly afterwards.

So under the work of the giant apprentice, a larger smelting furnace was made, and a larger crucible was made. Of course, the crucible was made by Cook, and what Cook has to do now is the real casting.

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