A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 153: Be a guest of the Sun Tribe

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Fortunately, the Lightning Bird did not starve to death. Cook successfully constructed a deformation model of the Lightning Bird. This time, Cook has a more thorough understanding of the wizard.

"It turns out that the wizard's body absorbs energy, not all of it. Just like I absorb more wood energy, then if I am a wizard, I should be a wood specialist, and the reason why the fireball model built by the bronze giant The combat effectiveness is not strong, because the bronze giant should be a gold type specialization, which is the same as a magician, but although the wizard's body absorbs a lot of energy from some other types, other energy from other types will also absorb some, so others The energy has no model to store energy, it is all absorbed by the body, so the strength of the wizard's body is comparable to that of a soldier." Cook has a lot of insights, which is completely different from Cook's previous theory.

After Cook’s practice, I learned that wizards do not mean that they can build models at will, just like if Cook builds a gold model, then Cook’s combat effectiveness is scum, because Cook’s body itself is gifted with wood. To build a wood model, Cook may be able to build a second model in a few months, but if it is a gold model, then Cook may not be able to build a new model for two or three years. This is the gap.

Among the wizards, the most famous are the fire specialization and the ice specialization. These two types have the strongest attack power, and there are more people. What does it mean to have more people? It means that these two specializations The model has been thoroughly studied, and there are countless ways to use it. Although the gold specialization and the deformation specialization are more specific than the fire and wood specializations, the number of specialization talents in these two aspects is small, so the development is very slowly.

In fact, strictly speaking, the transformation specialization is a branch of the wood specialization, because the main obstacle of the transformation wizard is to cultivate the transformation target, which needs to consume life force, and except for the wood system, if the remaining life force is consumed excessively, it will Causes permanent damage, while wood specialization does not. Even if it is hurt, it can be added slowly. Of course, the transformation wizard only has wood specialization, and it also needs analysis specialization. Analysis refers to the level of intelligence. , And the brain’s IQ, the higher the IQ, the shorter the analysis time, and the less consumption. If the IQ is not high, then the analysis time is longer and the consumption is more, which will have an impact on the success rate of the construction. So the deformation wizard strictly speaking is Only two kinds of compound specializations of wood department and analysis can achieve this profession.

"You have to accumulate crystal nuclei!" Cook sighed, frowning, Cook's crystal nucleus was gone.

"No matter what, continue to refine the weapon." Cook then continued to refine the weapon, the same two-handed sword.

"Sir, sir." A voice rang outside.

"Cruel, what's the matter?" Cook asked.

"The chief of the Sun tribe invited you to the tribe, and others have come in person." Krull said.

When Cook heard this, his eyes lit up, how rich this Nima Sun Tribe should be, how can you be worthy of yourself if you don't go for a stroll, so Cook immediately replied: "Okay, you go down first, I'll come right away." "

"Chief Aliba, welcome." Cook said hello with a smile when he saw Chief Aliba.

"Elder Locke, I don't know if I have time to visit our tribe." Aliba directly invited.

"No problem." Cook agreed directly. Cook learned from Cruel that Chief Aliba did not go back at all,   has been waiting here.

When Chief Aliba heard Cook say this, he rubbed his hands and said, "Sir, shall we leave now?"

Cook doesn’t care about the title of giant. Some people call it Mr. Cook, which is a direct title of a sage, and some people call it an elder. This is the title of others after Cook became an elder. Cook nodded and said: " Let's go."

When Aliba heard Cook say to leave, he immediately led the way. Cook explained some things to Krull, and then prepared to go to the Sun Tribe alone, but what Cook did not expect was that Wucai Elder actually sent six This elder follows himself.

Chief Aliba was a little dissatisfied with the actions of Wucai elders, but who made the family the strongest.

"Tsk tsk, you deserve to be the Sun Tribe." The Sun Tribe came with flying mounts this time, and Cook sighed when he saw this scene.

"Hehe, Mr. Locke, our Sun Tribe has the largest flying team in the Giant Tribe. The main reason is that our territory is too big. If there is anything to do with the general mount, there is no way to arrive in time." Cook sat behind Aliba .

"En." Aliba's mount actually propped up an energy shield. Cook was not surprised by this. In fact, when the giant rides on the flying mount, he doesn't need an energy shield at all,   because the giant's body is strong enough.

It took a full day of flying to reach the central area of ​​the Sun Tribe. In fact, after flying for half a day, I entered the territory of the Sun Tribe. The rest of the time was to go to the core area of ​​the Sun Tribe. It can be imagined that the Sun Tribe occupied What an area.

"There are not many people here?" Cook looked at the destination of his party and asked in confusion.

"Mr. Locke, our tribe has too many people, so we can't live together. We are divided into dozens of parts, and the distances between each other are almost the same." Aliba explained.

When Cook heard this, he was relieved. Hunting is not the same as planting. Even if it is planting, it takes a large area to provide food for the giants of the Sun Tribe, let alone hunting, if they all live in At the same time, the hunting distance is too far, and spread out like this,   the food source is more secure.

The cave. The place where Chief Aliba lives is a cave, just like one side of a mountainside was chopped down, the cut rocks were paved into a flat ground, and then countless caves were dug out on the side of the mountain.

"This is the largest warehouse of our Sun Tribe. In winter, most of the tribe will come back, and in spring they will be scattered again." Aliba said, pointing to countless caves.

"Not bad." What can Cook say, of course it is not bad. Being together in winter can not only save fuel, but also prevent the attacks of wild beasts. After all, wild beasts lack food in winter and are hungry to a certain extent. They will also attack the giants, let alone hordes of beasts.

After eating and drinking, it was actually a banquet to welcome Cook. Cook had enough food and drink and asked, "Chief Aliba, what weapons do you need?"

"Three thousand great swords, and can you also cast some equipment, simply, protect the head and body back and forth?" Aliba replied.

"Yes, but why do you need equipment? Other tribes only need weapons?" Cook was a little surprised. How could Aliba ask for equipment.

Aliba smiled and said: "We spend a lot of time with outside businessmen, so we know the importance of equipment."

"Oh, no problem, are you only going to equip three thousand weapons?" Cook asked afterwards.

Aliba then asked in a low voice: "Sir, I heard that you can forge a huge weapon, and you can destroy a mountain?"

"Yes, but if you have such a weapon, you won't be able to use it either. The crystal nucleus you need is not a small number, and the other is too large to move." Cook said, shaking his head.

"Hey, sir, we found an underground city." Aliba said with a smile.

"Underground city?" Cook was surprised.

"Yes, and it was established by the Abyss Race." Aliba replied affirmatively.

The abyss race refers to the general term for the races that live in the darkest area at the bottom of the Astral Grand Canyon, which is different from the abyss race that Sanctuary refers to.

"Do you want to use powerful weapons..." The one behind Cook said nothing.

"Yes, sir, we want to conquer this abyss city, but this city is well-built, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and fight underground. Our giants have inherent disadvantages. Fortunately, these abyss races are not very powerful. "Ariba said.

Cook pondered for a while and said: "Weapons can be cast, but they are certainly not powerful, but they require a lot of materials."

"The materials are okay, first cast three thousand weapons and equipment, and the remaining materials are used to cast the weapons you mentioned," Aliba said.

Then Aliba even promised: "If the husband doesn't dislike it, let's go to surrender this abyss race together?"

Cook shook his head and said, "I want to go, but I don't have time~www.wuxiaspot.com~There are more than one hundred apprentices waiting for me."

The reason why Cook refuses is because the abyss races are basically very poor. Some people say that the abyss races collect gems and so on. It is the abyss races that trade with the outside world to collect gems and the like. The gems cannot be eaten or cannot. What's the use of drinking it? Just like the plants of the ground world, the race on the ground world will collect a lot, and the abyss race is the same. The gems are only useful if they are traded with the ground race.

And there are powerful creatures in the abyss. Some of these creatures need gems. Therefore, in general areas rich in gems, there are vicious creatures. The average abyss race will not provoke these powerful creatures. As for what Aliba is thinking about, Ku Gram is not known.

"So, let's prepare the materials first." Aliba was puzzled when he saw Cook's refusal, but then said with a smile.

"Mr. Locke, this is the material we prepared. What do you think?" Aliba took Cook into a cave and said, while Cook looked at the piles of crystal nuclei, his mouth twitched. Ma Jingnu was actually piled on the ground like a pile of rubbish, what a local tyrant.

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