A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 154: Aliba's big hand

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"Let's take a look, I'll talk about it when the time comes." Cooke was not stunned by the sight before him, but faintly replied, indeed, three thousand weapons and three thousand sets of equipment need to be refined, and the materials and crystal cores needed are all Quite a lot, although there are many crystal nuclei in this place, it can't hold that Cook is a big nucleus eater.

"So where is Mr. Locke going to cast?" After Aliba led Cook to look at the material warehouse, he pointed to the surrounding caves and asked.

"Just this one, but I need to be quiet, so if there's nothing to do, don't bother me, and there are a few other things to do." Cook said unceremoniously.

"That's for sure, even I will always wait for your instructions from Mr. Locke." Aliba was relieved when he heard that Cook didn't need anything.

Cook nodded, and then asked: "So what attributes do weapons need?"

"Sharp and strong, we don't want the rest." Aliba said.

Cook was a little surprised in his heart. Yes, the power of the giant's metamorphosis, as long as the weapon is tough enough and sharp enough, it is enough. There is no need for other special attributes at all. It is of little use. On the contrary, it is Will consume more energy.

Cook asked about the needs of equipment and the needs of long-range giant weapons. After Aliba finished speaking, Cook had the bottom line. Cook was going to refine the magic giant crossbow for the giant. This thing is very valuable, and The arrow is equally important.

But three thousand weapons are enough for Cook to refine for a few days, not to mention the decomposition of materials, there are three thousand sets of equipment, although there are only chest protectors and helmets, but this is equipment after all, it can't be too ugly.

Cook was stationed in the Sun Tribe. Every day, with flowing water-like materials, the crystal core was moved into the cave where Cook was located. On the first day, there were only three great swords, and the second day was five great swords. There are ten great swords in three days, and they continue to accumulate every day. This speed shocks Aliba and others. Aliba and others think that it will take at least two years for Cook to refine 3,000 sets of weapons, but according to Looking at this rate now, it will take up to two months.

Cook is also helpless, and there is no way,  If the three thousand weapons follow the previous speed, it will take at least two years. Where does Cook have time to wait so long, so he can only slowly increase the speed.

When Cook was refining weapons in the Sun Tribe, the Wucai elders and others did not stop Cook at all except for sending guards, because once the Wucai elders blocked it, they would conflict with the Sun Tribe, but the Wucai elders also wanted Cook to leave because The people from the Sage's Association were actually here.

"Elder, I want to know where exactly Locke Sage went?" A member of the Sage Association asked Wucai Elder directly.

"I know that the legs are on others." Wucai elder didn't raise his eyelids. From Wucai elder's view, the guy in the Sage Association in front of him was weak and disrespectful to himself.

When the messenger of the Sage Association heard this, he said angrily: "If the elders don't say anything, then our Sage Association probably won't be able to participate in this fall trade conference."

"Can't participate?" Elder Wucai asked puzzledly. The Autumn Conference is the grand trade between the Sage Association and the Bronze Giants every fall. The main thing is to trade some tools and daily necessities that the Bronze Giants need.

"Yes." The messenger didn't lift his eyelids, and replied faintly, sample, you giants need so many daily necessities, we don't trade, you don't even have to eat salt.

Hearing this, Wucai elder blinked his eyes and said, "Well, if you don't participate, you won't participate. I'll let someone notify you."

"W...what?" The messenger of the Sage Association looked at Wucai Elder in disbelief.

"Well, this is what you said not to participate in the autumn trade conference with us." Wucai elder snorted and said with a smile. In fact, Wucai elders are also struggling with the autumn meeting. The main item of the autumn meeting is the crystal core, but the bronze The giant tribe now has crystal nuclei, so the messenger of the sage association said, Wucai elders are still eager. As for daily necessities, the food reserve this year is definitely not a problem, because the weapons refined by Cook, all tribes are hunting large The beast, as long as there is no shortage of food and daily necessities, there will be less.

"This..." The messenger of the Sage Association didn't expect that the elder would actually say this. Could it be that the Bronze Giant is too much for life.

Wucai elder didn't even look at the messenger, and then said: "In this case, I will leave, and you will leave as soon as possible. After all, this is an important place for our bronze giants."

Yes, the messengers of the Sage Association and the Wucai elders meet in the wilderness. The Wucai elders will certainly not bring the messengers of the Sages Association into the land of inheritance. The emissaries of the Sages Association watched the giant elders take people and ride their mounts. go away.

"This, what is this all about." The messenger of the Sage Association said such a sentence in a long time.

What Cook didn't know was that after he lit a fire in Black Ridge City, a large number of battle regiments swarmed into Black Ridge City, constantly attacking the wolf tribe, and there were great casualties among each other, but no one. What I thought was that the wolf tribe had divided its forces. Some of them stayed at the wolf tribe’s resident, which was easy to defend and difficult to attack. Another part was out of the wolf tribe’s territory and attacked a city controlled by the sage association, Hongye City. The entire Hongye City suffered heavy casualties and was missing. More than 10,000 sages died, let alone civilians, and the entire Hongye City was almost in ruins.

This part of the wolf tribe’s armed forces returned to the Star Boundary Grand Canyon again after attacking the Red Leaf City. The Red Leaf City was flattened. This made the Sage Association very annoyed, so the Sage Association spent a lot of effort and sent someone to take it away. In the resident of the wolf tribe, the entire hilltop of the resident was scraped by a layer. As for the members of the wolf tribe, all were killed, and only a few fled into the forest.

Faced with such a situation. The remaining part of the wolf tribe’s armed forces furiously attacked the cities of the Sage’s Association, but these people did not attack the city, but attacked the towns outside the city. For a while, as long as they were close to the towns around the Grand Canyon, it was a panic. , And the Sage Association believed that the wolf tribe’s armed forces were funded by other tribes, so they protested. Just now they protested. Some of the remnants of Red Leaf City actually slaughtered the bear tribe’s small tribe, so the bear tribe joined the battle. , For a time, the entire area around the Grand Canyon was closed due to war. Today you slaughtered one of my towns, and tomorrow I slaughtered your two tribes.

But the strange thing is that the sage association did not declare war with the tribe. The sage association believes that all this is done by Cook. In any case, Cook must take part of the responsibility, so he will look for Cook everywhere. As for why the Bronze Tribe was found, it was because Keshu and others were registered with the Sage Association and it was very easy to find.

Although Wucai elders don’t know what the sage association is looking for for Cook, but now the bronze giant tribe cannot do without Cook. Not to mention weapons and equipment, it is to build a model, and to turn face with the sage association, the elders don’t care. Is a little messenger.

"You go to inquire and see what the sage association is asking for Elder Locke?" Wucai Elder was not relieved, and then asked people to inquire about it. The Giants have no idea of ​​collecting information at all. Of course, this has something to do with the size of the Giants. Where is that big head, how can I get the news?

"Elder, the construction model has been completed, and all the elders have been constructed, but the consumption of crystal nuclei is a bit large." An elder came to report at this time.

"The consumption is high, and the consumption is high. This time we have to discuss the inheritance competition of several tribes, and we must be the most sure to get the first place." Wucai elder waved his hand indifferently, and said.

"That is, but do other tribes have any ideas?" Another elder asked worriedly.

"I'm not afraid to have ideas, but Elder Locke's strength is a bit low, do you want to..." Another giant elder said hesitantly.

Wucai elder shook his head and said, "No, Locke's talent is very good now. There is no need to change the bloodline, otherwise, it may happen."

"But without changing the bloodline, Elder Locke's strength is not very high." A giant said worriedly.

"What do you know, I suspect Locke has the talent of a saint." Wucai elder said in an angry tone.

"Holy talent, it's impossible." The surrounding giants took a breath. The holy one was the name of the master of the giant clan during the Bekalin period.

"How can it be impossible~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This Elder Locke is not our giants in the first place. This is correct. According to the records in the Holy Land, our giants have no talent for saints. Elder Locke can not only release flames, You can also release ice and snow, and you can also release quicksand. These spells are only available to the saints. More importantly, how long does it take for Elder Locke to open the tower of inheritance? In less than half a year, he has gained such a huge inheritance power. , And can build a variety of models, this is not what the saint talent is, once the bloodline changes, what should the saint talent disappear?" Wucai elder explained.

The eyes of the surrounding giants lit up: "If Elder Locke really becomes a saint, wouldn't it be possible to open the holy ground..."

"Hmph, even if Elder Locke reaches the Holy One, it is impossible to open the Holy Land." Wucai elder said with a cold snort.

"This..." The surrounding elders all looked at Wucai elder.

"Opening the Holy Land is not necessarily a good thing, don't forget, what position our giants were in that era, isn't it good for us to be free now?" Wucai elder said quietly after a while.

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