A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 160: Plan to proceed (6,000+ words)

On the crystal ball in front of Cook. You can clearly see that the bright spot representing the halfling patriarch is constantly moving. And the speed is not slow. Cook was a little puzzled: "Do these halflings also have mounts."

"Brothers. Flush for me." In a small forest. Two giants patrolling by the Sun Horde. I was shocked to see the dense halflings. It's not the same as the halflings you usually see. Some of these halflings have metal armor. The other part is also equipped with leather armor. As for the weapons in his hand, there are all kinds of weapons. There are broken metal weapons. There are some kind of biological teeth. These halflings actually launched a charge against the giant. Let the giant be intolerable. The two giants roared.

"Boom." The black iron stick in the giant's hand swept over. There was a bang. A dozen halflings were beaten out. And left a canopy of blood fog in the air.

"Kill the giant." It was just this gap. More halflings rushed towards the giant. Some of these halflings even held stones in their hands. stone. Wooden stick. Animal teeth. There are also broken metal weapons. All kinds of weapons greet the giant.

"Dead." The giant was angry. Yes. He was actually hurt by a group of halflings. The giant stomped suddenly. The whole ground trembled. The halflings around all fell to the ground.

"Asshole." Just when the giant lifted the black iron stick in his hand. A halfling roared. A green light shot at the giant.

"Ah... Zi Zi Zi." The giant's face was directly hit by green light. The giant made a huge scream. Then the giant's face began to fester. Obviously it was poisoned. The giant slowly fell to the ground. The moment the giant fell to the ground. He was thrown on by countless halflings. After a while. Except for the poisonous head. The flesh of this giant is gone even a little bit. The other giant also became a skeleton. However, this giant died when he was hit by a sharp weapon in his eyes and injured.

Countless halflings poured out from the cave. More giant patrols were directly piled to death by halflings. But even the dead halfling. Only the skeleton is left. And his head was cut off by other halflings. After cooking. Eaten by all the halflings. There were bare skeletons left. These halflings believe. The dead halfling will give him great power.

Cook didn't know the style of halflings. Even if it is known. Cook will not do anything. Because Cook is now busy in the warehouse of the Sun Tribe.

"Boom." A hidden secret room in the warehouse was smashed open by Cook with a hammer.

"You still know Tibetan privates." Cook looked at the crystal nucleus inside. Higher quality. The purity is better. Cook did not hesitate to raise the Star Breaker. Smashed the past with a hammer. Of course Cook is watching the halfling's movements closely.

Secret room. Various high-end materials in the warehouse. Some of the higher-order crystal nuclei were taken away by Cook. The other part is all turned into energy by the broken star hammer for storage. no way. If you take it all away. Cook can't handle it himself. And it will be noticeable.

"It's almost there." Cook also wanted to take a closer look at whether there were other things in the material warehouse. But seeing halfling speed. Cook knew almost. ‘

Cook just walked out of the material warehouse. I saw Elder Hank rushing over. Cook still has the crystal nucleus and some materials in his hands. Cook looked at Hank. Surprised and asked: "Elder Hank. You are."

"Elder Locke. Quick. Quick. The halfling is here." Hank said anxiously. That anger in Hank's heart. Hundreds of thousands of halflings were touched under their eyelids. No one actually knows. Hank was angry though. But think that Cook is still here. Hank glanced at the halfling. He came back quickly.

"The halfling is here. What do you mean." Cook was still puzzled.

"At least there are hundreds of thousands of halflings. We are already very close. The patrol didn't respond at all. Obviously, it is also very bad luck." Hank said quickly.

Cook jumped up suddenly: "What. A hundred thousand people. Where is Aliba."

"I don't know." Hank was in a bad mood.

"Elder Hank. Hurry up. Gather the giants. Hit those halflings back." Cook looked angrily.

"The entire tribe is less than fifty giants. The rest don't know where they are." Hank felt angry. more. Hank was puzzled. Yes. There are fewer than a hundred giants in the core camp of a large tribe. This makes sense.

"Ah. Then let's run quickly. And take the giants with them. You can't let the giants die in vain." Cook heard this. The face is green. Said quickly.

Hank nodded: "Yes. It's Elder Locke that you are right. Your safety is the first thing. As for halflings. Prepare for the anger of giants."

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh It blew.

"Kill. Kill. Kill the giant." There was a huge roar. Dozens of giants gathered at the sound of the horn. Some of the giants still have numerous scars. Even Cook was surprised. But the roar of the halfling let Cook know. Even giants. In the face of huge numbers. There is also no possibility of survival.

"Our task is to ensure the safety of Elder Locke. Go." Hank simply said a word. It's not that Hank didn't want to say. Because I have seen the halfling at the foot of the mountain.

Cook glanced at the halfling. Unexpectedly, these halflings also have simple metal armor. For this. Cook felt a little surprised. Although these metal armors look very rough. For the attack of giants. Without the slightest defense. But smelting metals represents the beginning of a civilization's awakening.

"Damn it. These bastards." Cook, Hank and others were far away on another hill. Watching hundreds of thousands of halflings swarming into the giant's warehouse. Various materials. The food was continuously transported away. There was even a halfling conflict. Hank scolded.

"Elder Hank. What is going on." Cook's face went dark. Of course Cook did it for Hank.

Hank's face was also green. Because those halflings actually took out various parts of the giant crossbow from the cave made by Cooke. Actually began to assemble. And soon the assembly is over. A new giant crossbow is complete. Hank gritted his teeth. Needless to say. Assembling technology from halflings.

"Elder Locke. You haven't cast this giant crossbow anywhere else." Hank took a deep breath. Asked.

"No." Cook said coldly.

"Aliba. You bastard." Hank scolded.

"Boom." A sound. Hank and the others watched as a dark shadow shot over. Then there was a loud noise around him.

"Hand over Locke. Otherwise. You all will die." A halfling was on another hill. Arrogantly shouted at Hanke and others.

Cook heard this. Angrily: "Asshole. You asshole."

"Damn it. These halflings actually know the existence of Elder Locke. Could it be that..." Hank was even more complicated.

"Haha. Shoot me those bastards." The halfling who clamored was Hardy's patriarch. The patriarch of the halfling didn't expect the giants to run away. how can that be. Giants are brainless bastards. Why did you run away. It should be a **** battle to the end. Then easily captured the elder Locke.

"Hurry up." Cook yelled while urging the mount under him. Yes. Under Cook's body are other giants' mounts.

Hank didn't move either. There are more than 100,000 halflings here. And although he has a flying mount. But one person has to deal with 100,000 people. It was a dream.

After a long time. Hank returned with a gloomy face. Cook quickly asked: "How's it going."

"A large part of the halfling has left." It's strange that Hank's face is not black. More than one hundred thousand halflings. Fleeing in all directions with the supplies stored by the Sun Tribe. In the jungle. These halflings are just like rats. It is not easy to be caught. A small rock gap can keep these halflings away for a long time. But the giant couldn't get in.

Cook sneered inwardly. There are many underground passage entrances around this sun tribe. These halflings were obviously scattered and retreated. And Cook's choice of direction also makes sense. Cook learned from intelligence. There are no entrances and exits for halflings in this direction. otherwise. If it goes in the other direction. Uncertainly, he ran directly into the encirclement of the halfling.

One night passed. When Cook and others returned to the core camp of the Sun Tribe. All that is left here is a pungent stench. That is the excrement of a halfling. More than a dozen huge caves were looted. Nothing is left.

"Hey. Let's go." Cook sighed.

"No. We are going to kill those halflings." The giant guard of the Sun Tribe roared angrily.

"Calm down." Hank yelled. The angry giant guard looked at Hank.

"Have you thought about it? Why are there only giants like you in the core camp? Have you thought about it. Why do those halflings assemble the super weapons forged by Elder Locke. You know Elder Locke has never left." Hank asked loudly.

The rest of the giant guard heard this. Loudly shouted: "Impossible. This is impossible."

"Nothing is impossible. I wondered. Why did Chief Aliba want a giant crossbow. You must know that the most suitable for your giant is the two-handed sword. There must be a conspiracy in it." Cook also said.

"Damn it. Go. Locke. Let's go back to the land of inheritance." Hank gritted his teeth.

Cook shook his head and said, "No. Elder Hank. We should follow the halflings. See how these halflings emerge."

"Good." Hank heard Cook say this. Nodded and said.

"And we should give these halflings a good look. You come with me." Cook said to dozens of guards.

After Hank and Cook went in for a while. Excitedly said: "You all go in to get weapons. There are dozens of weapons in the secret room hidden by Elder Locke. There are also matching equipment. We want those halflings to know. The wrath of the giant."

"Hi hi... hi hi." Dozens of giant guards roared.

But ten minutes. Equipped with a two-handed sword. Chest protector. The helmet giants set off. Hank drove the flying mount to track the halfling in the sky.

"South." Hank went out to investigate. After rushing back. ; Immediately pointed out the direction.

"Hi. Hi. Hi." The giant roared angrily. He drove the mount and chased it south.

Boom boom boom. The giant and the mount made a loud noise in the entire jungle. Cook followed close behind.

"Hi." The giant roared in anger.

"Ah..." The halfling screamed.



"Kill the giant...ah."

"Hi. Hi. Boom." Dozens of giants equipped with two-handed swords. It's like a huge harvester. Not very big trees. shrub. jungle. Halfling. Under the two-handed sword. One after another was cut. Some halflings also tried to resist. Sneak attack. But it is equipped with a magical alloy helmet. In front of the giant breastplate. No weapon can cause fatal damage to giants.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." A strange drum sounded in the jungle.

"Gather me. Gather," a halfling shouted. More and more halflings gather here.

"Summon plants." Cook sneered. A wood spell was released. This is a Tier 3 wood spell. You can summon a magic plant to fight for yourself.

"Kacha. Kacha." A huge flower emerged from the crowd of halflings. This huge flower is bigger than a giant. The flower opened suddenly. Swallowed a halfling in. Then there was a clicking sound.

"Shoo." The halfling was stunned. Then the huge flower swelled up. Then the flowers showed a gap. Then there was a huge breaking sound. Some bones were sprayed out.

"Ah..." The surrounding halflings screamed.

"Kill." The surrounding giants also killed here. The huge two-handed sword cut batches of halflings into several pieces. The length of the big sword is long enough. Plus it is extremely sharp. So these halflings have no possibility of being close at all.

"Frost Archery." Cook saw energy fluctuations in a halfling patriarch from a distance. Cook inspired Frost Archery without hesitation.

"Boom." A huge ice arrow exploded above the halfling patriarch. A large area was hit by countless ice fragments. The halfling below was blown into countless pieces. Then the trees in this area were frozen one after another.

"Good job." Elder Hank shouted loudly in the sky. Hank was also speechless. In the forest. Flying mounts have little effect. Attacks are simply impossible. There are huge trees everywhere. But Hank also sensed the energy fluctuation below.

"Tweet." A strange voice rang in Hank's arms. Hank took out a wooden bird sculpture.

"Hank. What's going on." The wood carving was taken out by Hank. Hank said some spell. The angry voice of the colorful elder immediately rang from the wood carving.

"Elder. We are in the south. The damned halfling attacked the core camp of the entire tribe. We are pursuing. Elder Locke is safe." Hank replied loudly.

"What. Damn it. I order you to wait. We will come right away." Wucai elder roared angrily.

"Yes." Hank was relieved. Wucai elder obviously did not come alone.

But half a minute. Cook heard the huge roar of the colorful elder from the sky: "Kill me all the halflings. These scumbags. Actually dare to offend our giants."

"Yes." Then there was a loud response.

"Boom." A huge mushroom cloud rose far in front of Cook. Even Cook felt the huge vibration of the ground here.

"Older Shang. Locke." Hank drove the flying mount. Let Cook sit on it.

After Cook sat down. Hank drove the flying mount directly into the sky. The scene that Cook saw was shocking. The giant elder drives a flying mount. One huge fireball was released from the hands of these giant elders. Fall to the ground. It's just a huge cloud of mushrooms. Don't talk about halflings. The stones and trees are directly turned into powder.

"Isn't that the fireball model is not good?" Cook asked after a while.

"Haha. We can't do fireball skills. But don't forget. What rank are we." Hank explained with a smile.

Then Cook was relieved. These giants are at least second-order. Third order. Not to mention the Wucai elder at the top of the fifth order. I just got the inheritance. Strictly speaking. Cook has just stepped into the threshold of the profession of wizarding. Although Cook successfully constructed a giant deformation model up to the ninth order. But there is no use for eggs. Even Cook now builds third-order. The fourth-order spell model. In the eyes of a real wizard. There is no use for eggs. Because it is unable to lock the target mentally. Then spells can only be said to be a means of listening. Not worthy of other wizards' attention. Although Cook is now able to release spells such as fireball. But these spells take too long to accumulate energy. Therefore, combat effectiveness cannot be formed. It's just to be tough once in a while.

And these giant elders. The lowest ones all released fireball several times. Obviously these giants have a lot of energy. After the release of some low-level elder fireball skills. The whole person jumped directly from mid-air. When jumping down. There is a faint golden light all over the giant.

"Boom." A giant fell into the escaped halfling. The giant's gravity plus the huge impact brought by inertia. Hundreds of halflings around were shaken into a pool of mud.

"Suffer to death." A giant elder wore a faint golden light all over. Rushing directly towards the halfling.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." In front of the giant elder. Whether it is a stone. Trees. Still halfling. All were crushed one after another. There was a booming sound.

"Damn. Sure enough, the bronze giant is most suitable for golden light." Cook looked around. Some elders also have two thick two-handed swords in their hands. The giant charged. The two-handed sword just needs to be held diagonally in his hand. Leave a huge trench. In this trench is the blood of halflings. There are also various trees. Fragments of stone.

"Elder Locke. Are you okay." Wucai Elder came from a distance. Asked.

Cook looked at the colorful elders close at hand. Everyone is in midair. Cook nodded and said, "It's okay."

"Hank. What's going on. Aliba." Wucai elder asked.

"Elder..." Hank told the story again.

Elder Wucai heard this. Roared: "Damn Aliba."

"Go. Catch up with those halflings. Today is to turn the ground over. Also kill all these halflings." Wucai elder then roared loudly.

Look around. The surrounding area is simply a **** battlefield. Each giant elder is like a humanoid harvester. But these harvesters harvest halfling lives. Cook saw this result. Although I had expected it a long time ago. But I didn't expect it to be the result of such a crushing. But Cook is not a saint. Since these halflings calculate themselves first. Then halflings must have the consciousness of being countercalculated.

"Elder. I don't think it will be that simple. Chief Aliba must have fallen into some conspiracy." Cook said at this time.

What does Cook want to do. Of course I want to see how the Star Tribe is doing. See if it is possible to fish in troubled waters. Cook said so. Wucai elder nodded: "It's very possible. Otherwise, more than one hundred thousand halflings suddenly appear. This is impossible at all."

"Then where should we go to find Chief Aliba." Cook asked.

"Elder Locke, what do you think." Elder Wucai thought about it. I really can't think of where Aliba went. So Wucai elder asked.

Cook stroked his chin. Then he said: "I think we should look at the other giant tribes around. I worry that this is not a conspiracy against the Sun tribe alone~www.wuxiaspot.com~This. Damn. All the elders obey orders. There are no flying mounts left. Continue to destroy the halflings. The flying mounts are divided into two teams. I take people to the Star Tribe. The other team goes to the Earth Tribe. And issue a battle order. Destroy all the halflings in the tribal territory." Wucai elder heard Cook say this. Say. Take a breath. If other tribes are also under attack. That is simply a disaster.

Cook was amused secretly. Wucai elders hurried to the Star Tribe with people. But even flying. It also takes nearly two days. Cook estimates that the Star Tribe is already in action.

In the underground world. Hardy was slapped by the halfling patriarch and flew out: "Hadi. Explain. Why did the giant elders come in hundreds. Explain."

"I don't know. Patriarch. I really don't know." Hardy and others were stunned by the **** methods of the giant elders. Yes. One huge fireball will directly make hundreds of halflings disappear. Not to mention the giant elder giant followed the halfling to the underground world. This is for halflings. That is disaster.

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