A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 161: Underground City (6,000+)

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"Get up and report to the guys in the dungeon that Aliba is going to pass through the fluorescent basin." The halfling patriarch ordered afterwards.

"The patriarch." Hadi looked at his patriarch in amazement, knowing that Aliba hadn't returned yet.

"Damn it, can you keep those giants chasing after us?" The halfling patriarch has the heart to kill Hardy, but Hardy is an indispensable key person, so the patriarch can only hold back his anger and shout loudly .

Hardy understood immediately, and immediately said, "I'll go right away."

"Boom." Hardy ran, feeling that the entire channel underneath was shaking. This was a movement made by giants. Fortunately, in the underground world, countless small caves and crevices allowed more halflings to escape. But even so, Hardy estimated that this time the halfling loss was at least close to one-third, that is to say, at least 50,000 halflings died. The giant elder’s tricks were too great, and at least hundreds of them were killed at once. Hundreds of giants, of course, more halflings ran away scattered, but those greedy guys were still behind, Hardy's tribe had already robbed good things and returned.

Wucai elders were anxious, but there was no way. The giant tribes were far away from each other. Fortunately, there were flying mounts. Even so, it would take about two days. This is because the Sun Tribe and the Star Tribe are close. If you don't get close, I'm afraid the distance will be farther.

However, in the air, the elders were relieved looking at the giant camps flying by below. Below are the camps of the Sun Tribe. Obviously these camps have not been attacked, but every time they go to a camp, there will be behind. The elder fell, and then Cook heard the angry roar of the giant from a distance, and Cook knew that the surrounding halfling tribe had suffered.

For two full days, it was impossible to fly at night. The danger was too dangerous at night, and the mount needed to rest. Cook heard the angry roar of the giant fighting.

"Damn it, this star tribe has also been attacked." Wucai Elder looked at this, angrily.

Cook curled his lips, because Cook knew that Aliba had only just arrived, that is, the attack was launched at dawn. At this time, even the giant crossbow had not been assembled yet. Cook touched his forehead. It can be said that it basically failed. It was only half of the plan. There is no way. Those halflings are ahead of the time in Cook's plan. If the halflings wait until the time of Cook's plan, then Cook can get two super tribes in one fell swoop Fortune, now Cook just got things from the Sun Tribe, and the Star Tribe is basically fine.

"Aliba, what are you doing." Finally Wucai elder saw the situation and let out a roar in the sky.

The corners of Cook's mouth twitched, and the giants below who were fighting with each other immediately separated. Just kidding, there are more than a hundred elders here, and they are all flying mounts. Very few mounts on the ground are fast, and they are left in the sun. The tribe cleared the halflings over there.

Cook was very interesting and didn't get close, but the angry roar of the colorful elder let Cook know the result. Of course, Aliba was also angry. Cook keenly realized that Aliba's subordinates looked at Aliba a little unsightly. Up.

"Come here, bring Aliba back to the land of inheritance, imprisoned for three hundred years." Wucai Elder gave the order with a black face.

"Elder, could it be said that the people of our Star Tribe died in vain." But someone stepped up and asked the Wucai elder.

"Yaoxing, what do you want." Wucai Elder asked, looking at the chief of the Star Tribe in front of him.

"I need all the weapons, equipment, and that kind of giant crossbow that Aliba brought this time." Yaoxing spoke directly.

"Don't think about it, that's something from our Sun Tribe." Aliba roared.

"Sun Tribe, Aliba, do you still expect you to have the Sun Tribe from the land of inheritance?" Yaoxing grinned, and then asked with a smile.

Aliba roared: "Yaoxing, you bastard, don't you think..."

"Shut up and take away." Wucai elder roared, and Aliba was forcibly taken away.

Wucai elder said: "Weapons and equipment can be left, but Yaoxing, you can't do anything against the Sun Tribe."

"Elder, can the place of inheritance interfere with tribal affairs?" Yaoxing looked at Wucai elder without fear and asked.

Wucai elder sighed: "All this is caused by Aliba, we..."

"Elder, I'm just asking, if you didn't come, what would happen to our Star Tribe, colluding with halflings, this is a scum, Aliba shouldn't live in this world." Yaoxing interrupted Wucai Elder. , Shouted sharply.

The elder Wucai was so utterly shameless when Yaoxing yelled at it. Elder Wucai said in a cold voice, "In this case, I don't care. You want the weapon of the Sun Tribe. Get it yourself."

Cook was surprised when he heard the words of Elder Wucai. He was even more impressed with Elder Wucai. The people Aliba brought were all elites. Although there were only a thousand people, they were all equipped with two-handed swords and chest protectors. There are also the elite helmets, not to mention the giant crossbows that have been assembled, if the Star Tribe really wants to do it, then the loss will be great.

Yaoxing jumped up angrily when hearing Elder Wucai's words, "Elder, you don't care about it."

"Our heritage site should not be involved in tribal affairs." Wucai Elder said coldly.

Yaoxing really wanted to do it, but Yaoxing looked at the weapon equipped by the Sun Tribe and gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I will follow the instructions of the elder."

"That's right, you can give you weapons and equipment. After all, two of you are dead, but you don't have to find the trouble of the Sun Tribe. The core camp of their tribe was ransacked by halflings. I don't know how many things can be recovered." Hearing these words, I felt very happy, Nima, everyone was afraid of the interference of our heritage before, but now they are actually subdued.

"Okay, but we want Elder Locke to come to our Star Tribe as a guest." Yaoxing is jealous of this equipment. If it weren't for the dangerous terrain of the camp, it would have been broken by the Sun Tribe, so Yaoxing is now anxious to arm himself.

Wucai elder shook his head and said, "Is there something to pass on."

"What, elder, Elder Locke can go to the Sun Tribe but not our Star Tribe." Yaoxing asked dissatisfiedly.

Elder Wucai shook his head and said: "Because of this danger, Elder Locke has to return to the land of inheritance."

"Elder, I found it. We interrogated a prisoner. It is said that this time the halflings came from Fluorite City." An elder rushed over and reported.

"Damn it, return it to Fluorite City. Tell the other elders to come to the Star Tribe to gather. I want to see if this Fluorite City can stop our giants." Wucai elders are angry, Fluorite City, a settlement in the underground world. , Although halflings are said to have hundreds of thousands of people, this is nothing to the elder Wucai. In the past, the giant didn't care about Fluorite City at all. Now it seems that this Fluorite City cannot be left.

Cook touched the crystal ball in his arms. Cook was very puzzled. Cook also knew about Fluorite City, but this time it was not the forces of Fluorite City, but Cook can't say anything now.

The war mobilization of the giants has begun. Countless giants are constantly rushing over, and the elders continue to go deep into the underground world to fight halflings. However, in the underground world, halflings occupy a lot of money. The results are not so good.

"Elder, I don't think it was the hands of Fluorite City this time." Cook found the Wucai elder in private and said.

"Elder Locke, tell me something." Wucai Elder looked at Cook and asked.

"Very simple, giant crossbow, those halflings took away the book giant crossbow, and we recently fought Fluorite City, the halfling did not use the giant crossbow at all, you must know that these halflings can install the giant crossbow in a hidden place, It will bring us huge lethality. I suspect that there are other halflings. Fluorite City is not to be afraid of, but the giant crossbow must be taken back. This is a huge threat to the giant." Cook explained.

When Wucai elder heard this, he nodded: "The giant crossbow should be taken back, but since it is not Fluorite City, then who would it be?"

"Elder, this matter still has to fall on Fluorite City. We can still attack Fluorite City, but it is not a real attack, but to let Fluorite City know how good we are, and then let the halflings of Fluorite City find us the murderers. "Cook said with a smile.

Wucai elder nodded and said: "The way is a good way, but if Fluorite City gets the giant crossbow, it won't be handed to us."

"Hey, as long as the giant crossbow is close to me within a thousand steps, I can have a way." Cook laughed, in fact, Cook knows the location of the giant crossbow, as long as the giant crossbow is filled with the crystal core, it will be in Cook's crystal Show on the ball.

"Elder Locke, a good method." Wucai sighed.

Cook touched his nose: "This giant crossbow is too powerful. If someone targets me, I will lose my face if I get hurt by the weapon I cast."

Wucai elder smiled bitterly, and then said: "I didn't expect there to be such a thing."

Cook rolled his eyes: "This is the default rule of the Sage Association, and every casting division will do this."

Of course the elder Wucai did not know that the Sage Association had this rule, and of course Cook did not know that there was such a rule, but this did not prevent the elder Wucai from thinking it was true.

"But that's okay, then we will know who is actually engaged in the conspiracy." Wucai Elder could only say so when he heard this.

"Haha, yes, but fortunately, there are not many arrows on the crossbow arrows, but the elders. This is also an opportunity for our giants." Cook said with a smile.

Wucai elder asked: "What opportunity?"

"Of course it's a chance to conquer a dungeon." Cook replied.

Elder Wucai rolled his eyes, which looked funny to Cook, and then Elder Wucai said irritably: "What's the use of wanting those things that are scumbags of combat power."

"Wrong, elder Wucai, you are wrong. You don’t see a halfling, even if it’s a hundred halflings or 10,000 halflings, you don’t see it, but for ordinary giants, there are With the support of our bronze giant, how many halflings can gather in this dungeon." Cook asked rhetorically.

The elder Wucai was very depressed, and then said; "But what is the use of having a halfling."

"Hey, the halfling is in the underground world, what is there, metal ore." Cook is so angry, why is he so unconscious.

Wucai elder looked at Cook in amazement: "What do you want so much ore for?"

"Hey, we can forge weapons and sell them to other people. We can also sell the smelted metal to the sage world, the tribes in the Grand Canyon, and the gems of the underground world are very valuable in the sage association. Ah." Cook said with a sigh.

That knows, Wucai elder stretched out his hand and said: “First, it’s not good to sell other people’s weapons. This time, if halflings don’t have metal weapons, we will suffer. With metal weapons, wouldn’t it hurt us more? Second, the tribes in the Grand Canyon are not a good thing, and they are very untrustworthy. In addition, they are far away. Third, the sage association does not lack metal and sells gems to the sage association, which has nurtured sages. The association makes the Sage Association stronger."

Cook was speechless. What is Nima's point of view? Cook sighed: "Well, then the halfling city can act as the eyes and ears of the giants, and discover in advance that there are unfriendly behaviors against the giants."

"It's pretty much the same." When the elder Wucai heard Cook's words, he nodded for a while, and Cook covered his face. It is only strange that the giants of the Nyima family are thinking that they are not down.

"Elder Locke, don't participate in this operation." Wucai Elder said to Cook afterwards.

"No, you can't give warning without me. In case I am ambushed by a giant crossbow, I am very upset." Cook shook his head immediately, joking, you don't like the gems of the dungeon, but I do. .

As Cook said, Wucai elder nodded. In recent days, giant elders have continued to penetrate into the underground world, causing halflings to escape, but the underground world is complicated.


47261390695/32846786/-8792209364917397244.png)>There are deep gaps everywhere, as well as various passages, and there are mysterious underground creatures. Of course, it only causes some trouble for the giants. The fighting power of giants is powerful.

The assembly is finally over. The giants are equipped with chest guards and helmets. The elders found that ordinary giants equipped with helmets, and after the chest guards, the damage they received was reduced a lot. As for the big sword in this underground world, it is a bit uncomfortable. After all, there are some places here. narrow.

"Hey." Cook looked at the wide underground passage. This was the way the giants thought. The underground passage was widened and the gaps and openings on both sides of the passage were blocked with big rocks. These giants would not be like Cook at all. The same thing is to change a weapon, and this passage leads directly to the dungeon area. I have to say that the giant's labor is indeed very good.

"How about it." Wucai elder pointed to the passage and asked.

"No, in order to prevent halflings from rushing out of the underground world, we should set up some sentries and set up checkpoints." Cook said solemnly. In fact, Cook is joking. The halflings in the underground world are not the same race as the ones attacking the giant tribe. Because halflings in the underground world cannot live in an environment where the light is dazzling, and they can’t stay in the surface world, they can make the body ulcerated. Cook guessed that it is probably caused by radiation such as ultraviolet rays, but there is no specific The experiment is not certain.

Wucai elder shook his head: "There is such a trouble to use there, just keep the hole directly."

Cook was silent. The Nima giant elder was also a giant, but in a day and a half, the giants pushed to the vicinity of the dungeon. In fact, they didn't meet anyone at all. After arriving here, Cook had nothing to do. Just eating and drinking in the cave, surrounded by at least a hundred heavily armed giants guarding Cook.


"Boom." With a huge roar, accompanied by violent ground shaking, Cook swept away the dust on his shoulders, and was speechless. This battle was the giant intimidating the halfling of the dungeon, and he had to Said that this halfling city is very dangerous. It is actually in a huge horizontal crack. Apart from an up and down passage, there is no place to enter, so even if the giant comes, there is nothing better. The method is because there are stone walls up and down the gap. Any attack will be of no use unless it directly falls into the gap, and the gap is not very high. If the giant wants to enter, he can only bend over, and the road up and down is very narrow. And it's the kind of zigzag staircase-like road, where giants can't walk in a straight line.

"These chores." Wucai elder scolded angrily, and Cook was in the camp where the giant was.

"How about it." Cook asked.

"There is no compromise, those scumbags say that they don't know, and it's not about their business." Wucai Elder is depressed, but now Wucai Elder feels that these halflings are like mice under the cabinet, and there is no way to start.

Cooks measured it for a while, then said, "Go, let's take a look."

The reason why Cook wanted to see it was because Cook found that he had made a huge crossbow with hands and feet, and it actually appeared around. Although there was still a certain distance, Cook had no excuses in the camp, and that ransacked the sun. The patriarch of the halfling of the tribe also appeared.

Cook doesn’t think that giants are invincible. This is in the underground world, with a thick crust above his head. If Cook does it himself, don’t say thousands of giants, or hundreds of thousands of giants, and he can easily kill himself. Underwater, bombarding the crust overhead with spells, fire attacks and so on, so Cook had to guard against it.

Of course, if you have an idea in your heart, you can just think about it, but you can't think of it without this idea. Of course, this may be because Cook looks at something with a gloomy mentality, so the vigilance is also very high.

"Well, the establishment of this dungeon is too dangerous." Wucai elder also accompanied Cook. After several days of hard work, Wucai elder had to admit that this dungeon was indeed well established.

"Elder, haven't you thought of directly attacking with magic techniques." Cook asked with a playful expression on his face.

"It's useless, we bombed on the first day, but if we bombard from bottom to top, most of the spells hit the upper and lower stone walls, and occasionally one enters the gap. Those halflings have already escaped, waiting for our spells. When it was over, those guys came out again. For this reason, we lost a thick layer on the stone wall. If we weren’t afraid of collapsing this area, we would have flattened this **** dungeon. The ground is good, no So many worries." Wucai elder said depressed.

Cook was funny in his heart, and only giants would do this. In fact, according to Cook’s thinking, this dungeon is not very difficult. In the crevice, fire and poisonous gas can be used, and there are giants who tamed poisonous insects. This also works.

But Cook is not prepared to remind, because the underground world has the resources of the underground world, no matter what kind of contradictions between various races, vendettas, wars, or mutual enslavement, it is for two words, resources.

Food, territory, weapons, and equipment are all for resources. The resource giants of the underground world look down on them, and Cook also looks down on them, but Cook can just get it and leave. After all, this underground world doesn’t know how vast it is. If you encounter magic metal mines, you will make a fortune. In the civilization of giants and halflings in the underground world, the use of magic metal is very scarce. It can be said that it is almost not used. As for the Sage Association, the claws have not been stretched. Coming here, in Cook's eyes, this is a huge unowned treasure. What Cook has to do is find the place where the treasure is buried.

"Elder, go there." After walking for a while, Cook said with a serious face.

"There is a situation." The Wucai elder was surprised when he saw Cook like this. In the underground world, he used torches, a tree rich in grease. A torch can burn for about an hour. A torch is a must for every giant. s things.

"Go." Cook didn't say anything specifically, but pointed in a certain direction.

"Go on." Elder Wucai waved his hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and several giant elders followed in a low voice.

Cook saw several creatures rushing in in the direction that Cook pointed. This was the elder's mount. Many beasts had dark vision. These giants came in with their mounts, acting as guards and spying trailblazers.

Within ten minutes, a few dark shadows came back. After a few giant elders communicated with the mounts, a giant elder said: "Elder, there is a situation, there are a lot of halflings over there."

"Okay, dare to show up and go." Wucai elder did not expect it to be true.

Cook said immediately: "Be careful, I sensed that the giant crossbow is there, but the distance is a bit far away, if there is nothing."

"Let's go." Wucai elder has also been suffocated for several days, and now there is a place to vent, so regardless of Cook's reminder, his body shines with golden light and rushes up.

Cook slapped his forehead: "Hey, just some halflings. As for the use of your fifth-order giants." The first publication of this book is from 17k Novel. The first time you see the genuine content!

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