A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 164: Practice (6,000+)

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The summoning model of the summoning wizard is equivalent to a different kind of fishing. The spiritual power of the summoning wizard activates the summoning circle through the summoning model. The summoning circle is like a fishing rod. The spiritual power is the fishing line, and the alien plane It is the fish pond. As long as the spirit power touches the creature being summoned, the activated summoning circle will forcefully sign a master-servant contract with the summoned creature. Of course, if the summoned creature is too powerful, then the summoning circle will It will collapse, just like the fishing rod is torn when a big fish is caught.

A dwarf-like creature appeared in front of Cook's eyes. It was covered in snow-white color and looked like a female summoned creature. A piece of information flooded into Cook's mind about the summoned creature.

"Snowman." Cook knew that the name of the summoned creature was called Snowman, and the snowman was also a smart creature on the ice plane just now. Under the huge ice sheet, there are roads extending in all directions, and the snowman has built cities.

"Go back." Cook just got a little understanding and put the summoned creature back directly. The summoned snowman has no combat effectiveness. The summoning circle signed only a temporary contract, not a permanent one. Will consume a lot of mental power, of course, after the summoned creature is released back, the next time it is summoned is another creature.

In fact, the key to summoning a wizard depends on luck. If the creature is not powerful at a critical moment, then the summoning wizard will be a tragedy. Therefore, the physical fitness of the wizard is very good, which can almost be described as abnormal.

"Spiritual training." Cook finally found a way to improve Jing Senli, which is to use the summoning circle to summon high-level creatures as much as possible. Once the high-level creatures are successfully summoned, the mental power will increase significantly, but The negative effect is also very obvious, the mental strength is backlashed, and at least a few days have to rest.

"This." When Cook saw this, he was almost speechless. What kind of exercise is Nima.

Cook once again looked in the mage tower of the summoning wizard. There are ways to exercise mental power, and not one, but they all have extremely unstable negative effects. For example, you can find a high-level creature and force the signing Contract, then the spiritual power will increase greatly, but once the high-level summoned creatures are harmed, the owner will also be hit hard, and the other is the long-term use of spiritual power. Needless to say, Cook has already done it. The advantage is safety, but the effect is slow.

There is also a third type, which is to consume as much mental power as possible, but after the mental power is exhausted, the chance of backlash is very high, so it is not very safe.

"Soul fruit, soul crystal, soul fire." When Cook saw the things that supplement his mental power, he found that he knew only these three types. Cook didn't know the other Dema potions, Toto pills and other potions. .

"Soul fire is very troublesome to handle." Cook finished reading the three materials. Not to mention the soul fruit, it is very rare, but it can't be found. The soul crystal can enhance the mental power, but the effect is not very obvious. And it consumes a lot. Soul Fire is mainly to purify and eliminate the negative things in it, such as the memories, emotions, and some memory fragments in Linghu Fire, which is very troublesome.

Barry is competent, but Barry's character Cook understands. If this guy is good, he will definitely run faster than anyone else. If there is no good, then he won't be angry for a long time.

Cook unwillingly read the entire collection of Summoning Wizard Tower again. This time, Cook found a very unreliable method in a travelogue, which is to use the Soul Gathering Array on the plane with abundant soul particles. , The Soul Gathering Array has a high chance of generating a new soul fire, and then swallowing this new soul fire, the soul power will be greatly improved.

Of course, the arrangement of the soul gathering magic circle is also very dangerous. The new soul fire will fluctuate when it condenses, and creatures within a certain range around will come over. Everyone knows that the plane with sufficient soul particles is only the plane of the undead. , Underworld, no one knows the specific location of the underworld until now. There are many planes of the undead, but the undead have one characteristic, that is, they are not afraid of death, and there is no pain. The creature, as long as it does not damage the fire of the soul, even if the undead is left with his head, it will continue to fight, especially the hair wizard among the undead, which is even more maddening.

So doing this is extremely dangerous, but when Cook sees this, his eyes are bright, others are afraid of the dead, and he is not afraid. First of all, Cook’s physical power is good, and the broken star on Cook’s body. Hammer, what does Thunder tooth do.

However, in the star realm, Cook has no time to find the plane of the undead, so Cook is counting on the soul crystal, but the absorption and transformation efficiency of the soul crystal is too low, and Cook also needs to be used to make spiritual power recovery potions. Speaking of soul fruit, this thing is hard to come by, unless it is in a place where there are enough soul particles. After countless years of precipitation, there is a small chance that soul fruit will grow. Soul fruit is like Tai Sui. It’s not that Cook has never thought of cultivating soul fruit, but it’s not that the soul fruit can not survive in the natural ring. No one knows the shape of the soul fruit and the growth habits, so let alone It is even more wishful thinking to say that it is cultivated.

So after all the calculations, the Soul Gathering Array is the best way. Cook let out a long sigh: "I just don't know if this Soul Gathering Array is useful, and there is no place to verify it."

In fact, Cook also overlooked one point, that is, the time for the soul gathering magic circle to produce the soul fire. There is no law for this time. In other words, it may take a few years, maybe a few days, or more likely to be a number. One hundred years.

In the days to come, Cook devoted himself to refining weapons and equipment for the giant tribes. Even the giant crossbow was refined a lot. Of course, Cook also gained a lot. First of all, he was full of the Star Smashing Hammer. Energy, enough to use 20 times, of course, you can smash so much energy out at once, but then Cook will kill himself, because Cook can’t control with mental power, that is to say, the throwing distance is limited, so Cook measured that the energy within the safe use range can be used as many as twenty times.

Then there was Thunder Fang, which was also full of energy. Even the natural ring was filled with a lot of energy by Cook, because crying had no place to pack so many crystal nuclei. In fact, the crystal nucleus was not as valuable as the rare magic metal.

"Hehe." Cook looked at a ring in front of him. This is a spatial object. In the view of Cook now, it is not very large, but in the view of Cook's body, it is considered to be very large, almost equivalent to The belt is gone, no way, Cook needs something with rare magic materials.

Cook also heard that the halfling city had surrendered and became a vassal of the giants. With the support of the giants, the halflings in the dungeon frantically encircled and suppressed the surrounding halflings. Now this halfling dungeon has hundreds of Ten thousand people, and more than one million warriors armed by the giants. This one million halfling warrior cleared out other halfling tribes in the underground world. This was a countermeasure negotiated by the giants.

Half a year passed quickly, and Cook knew that he had caused trouble in the Sage Association, so there was no place to pass on. Every day, he did not study things related to wizards, or refine weapons and equipment. I have to say that in the past six months, Cook's mental power has been greatly improved, but it is not enough to support the lock of the broken star hammer,'

"I can lock in a spell attack anyway." Cook's physical strength is almost equivalent to that of a Tier 1 starry sky giant, which is the ninth level in the Sage Association. This has a lot to do with what Cook eats on the side of the giant. It can be said that Cook eats all kinds of extremely precious creatures every day, which has a great effect on the enhancement of the body.

The giant casting apprentices have been able to successfully cast some daily necessities, various knives, various pots and pans. Now the giants have also begun to use metal products, mainly the giants have a high metal output, because almost every one is larger. All of the giant tribes can smelt metal, then make molds, and cast them. Although the quality of the daily necessities cast in this way is not very high, and in Cook's eyes, it is very heavy, but for the giants, it is very suitable.

"The casting of a great sword should pay attention to balance. Seeing if it is not, the great sword I cast can easily stand up. Balance is very important for a weapon. In the process of using it, it will not be affected by weight imbalance. Leading to excessive power..." Cook patiently explained about the casting of weapons. In fact, strictly speaking, it is forging. However, a big sword needs time and time to be forged by a giant. It also takes half a month, and it must not stop. The complex beating of the metal allows the impurities in the metal to be continuously discharged, and finally the required effect is achieved. The toughness and strength must be suitable.

This is just the material. Weapons need to be sharpened, quenched, polished, and other processes. Each process is very important. This is related to the service life of the weapon. It can be said that as long as these giants learn to forge weapons, they can basically go out.

Cook was very dissatisfied with the learning progress of the Giant Apprentice, but Cook looked at the bustling giants all around with smiles, obviously very satisfied with the learning progress.

"Hey." Cook sighed secretly. Although Cook wanted to go to Barwon City as soon as possible, he still had half a year to go. First of all, three months later, the power of the giant clan will compete. Cook needs to follow Wucai Elder. Waiting for people to go to the holy land of the giants.

There are also orders from the various tribes of the giant. Cook needs to rush to work as much as possible to complete in three months, and the Bawang City is under the jurisdiction of the Sage Association, so it is still a trouble for Cook to go.

The other is the massive points on the Cook Point Redemption System. Cook can’t use it before understanding the attitude of the Sage Association. There is also the double-winged Firefox in the underground world. Cook also needs to continue to follow up. After all, this belongs to the tribe. conspiracy.

After Cook returned, he checked a lot of information. The eighth-order creatures are already extremely intelligent creatures. These creatures have the habit of collecting cultivation resources. So the nest of higher-order creatures is a small treasure. The lair of the double-winged Firefox is even more of a cornucopia, and Cook made this idea.

As for the cubs of the double-winged Firefox, for Cook, the value is not great. First of all, Cook is not of his current size. If Cook returns to the Sanctuary, this double-winged Firefox will impoverish the entire free chamber of commerce. of.

Even with the materials obtained, Cook will only carry the most precious materials, and the rest depends on the situation.

"Summon." In the Summoning Wizard Tower, Cook uses the summoning circle left by the summoning wizard to summon. The summoning circle is countless times more complicated than the model in Cook's body, but this summoning circle is also very abnormal. 10% chance of summoning creatures that exceed the first tier of the summoner, 1% chance of summoning creatures of higher tier two, 0.01% chance of summoning creatures of higher tier three, and 0.0001 chance of summoning creatures of higher tier four Creatures have a one in a billion chance of summoning top creatures. The development of this summoning is to amplify Cook’s mental power and place it on the farthest plane, just like Cook’s own calling model. It was only a first-order, and the planes that were summoned were just subsidiary planes of the astral realm. These subsidiary planes determined that there could not be too powerful creatures, but this kind of solidified augmented summoning circle was different.

He is very proficient in summoning Cook. Cook’s mental power is directly penetrated into a different space under the action of the magic circle, and then scanned with mental power. Once a certain mental fluctuation is scanned, Cook can decide whether to call, of course Summoning is not necessarily successful. Powerful creatures may refuse to call, then Cook’s summoning will fail. Some extremely powerful creatures can follow the spiritual power of the summoner and backlash the summoner, but this is useful for the library that uses the solidified summoning circle. For Ke, there is no danger at all, because there is an anti-backlash design in the summoning circle. Once the circle sense knows the mental power backlash, it will immediately disconnect from the spirit connection with Cook, so Cook uses this solidification summoning circle. Although a lot of crystal nuclei are consumed, Cook is worried that there is no use for crystal nuclei.

"Huh." Cook searched this plane for a long time, but he didn't realize that his mental power fluctuates. Cook had no choice but to give up. It is also very common at this time, that is, the plane where the mental power is thrown by the magic circle has no spirit at all. Fluctuations, so the summoning wizard must carefully choose the creature to be summoned, and then choose a creature to be summoned. The next time it is summoned, it will be summoned directly. In battle, it is summoned randomly. The danger is too high. Cook is looking for a permanent contract. The summoned creature of the summon contract.

After the failure, Cook needs to wait another day. This is not to say that Cook’s mental power is not enough to support the second summoning, but it’s not necessary, because if high-level creatures are summoned, the mental power consumed by signing the contract will be huge. The magic circle will absorb a large amount of mental power in an instant, and then amplify it to make the summoned creature succumb. Of course, it can't be too long, and it seems a little bit bluff.

"Summoning creatures is also difficult to choose." Cook has successfully summoned no less than ten creatures, but there are always such things that are inappropriate. First of all, the size is not too big, too big.


2846786/3760448697853319404.png)>There is no problem with Tao now, but it will be troublesome to return to the Sanctuary plane in the future.

In addition, there is the issue of rank. Summoned creatures also have a potential value. Those with high potential value will be promoted as Cook continues to advance, while those with lower potential value will be dragged behind, and the summoned creatures are not in vain. For you to fight, you have to continuously provide energy to the summoned creature, otherwise the summoned creature’s brain has a problem and needs to sign a summoning contract with you. Take random summoning as an example. Most of the energy consumed by the summon is absorbed by the summoned creature, so people Will help you, so the summoned creature can be regarded as a kind of mercenary, but it consumes energy. If it is permanent, when the summoned creature is promoted, it may also absorb the spiritual power of the summoner, so the spirit Full strength is very important.

Of course, Cook is not doing nothing, continue to decompose materials, refine weapons, and then rest at night.

"Boom." A green ray of light did not enter a huge tree. The huge tree instantly seemed to have life. Numerous thick roots were pulled out of the soil, making a loud rumbling noise.

"Attack." Cook felt aware of the weak mental fluctuations, and gave orders to the giant tree.

"Boom, boom, boom." The thick roots of the tree rushed towards the target designated by Cook, a huge rock smashed over, and the gravel splashed.

"Unfortunately, it only has ten minutes." This is a wood wizard model, and a third-order spell model. To summon a giant, the material needed is a giant tree that has grown for at least two thousand years.

Ten minutes passed, and the roots of this huge tree were also full of scars. These roots quickly plunged into the soil. Then the huge tree did not wither, but grew a lot taller. This is the wood that Cook released. The role of energy.

In the wizard’s view of spells, pay is the only way to gain, so the summoning circle can provide energy to the summoned creatures, and summon giants to provide energy to the trees. Therefore, the wizard’s spells are rarely said to be unsuccessful. high.

"Boom, boom, boom." The stones around the place of inheritance have suffered. Every night Cook will release all the spells in the prepared spell slot. Now Cook can release a locked spell attack. It indicates that Cook is already a first-order wizard, and he is regarded as an official wizard. There are several requirements for an official wizard. First, he must build a wizard model. Formally, he must be able to prepare three spell slots and release at least one locked one. Spell attack.

The surrounding giants are not surprised. A large colony has formed around the place of inheritance. There are various things in it, such as trading materials, crystal nuclei, and various utensils cast from finished products, and All kinds of things, of course, the most weird things.

"Elder Locke, you are here." Cook likes weird things the most, so the surrounding giants are looking for such things. As long as they are picked by Cook, they will be furious.

"Shandou, you are here again. It's only a few days. I'm afraid things are not good." Cook knew the giant and said with a smile, and then sat expertly on a small wooden stake. Each stall is prepared, so that Cook can sit in.

"Elder Locke, my things are all good things in the ruins, take a look, take a look." Shandou sat on the ground, picked up the things and said to Cook.

Cook sat on the tree stump and looked at them one by one. Most of these things were in the remains of the Bekalin period. More than 90% of them were metal objects. When Cook looked at these things, he first looked at the material, only The material is good, so it can barely be regarded as a good thing, because even if it has no effect, if Cook gets it back and decomposes it, it will harvest the rare magic metal.

"This thing is not bad." Cook has a blue circle-like thing in his hand. Although Cook has never seen such a thing, the blue on the surface of the thing shows irregular dots. This is in the alloy. It is caused by the addition of crystal blue. Crystal blue is a rare magic metal. The role of crystal blue is to prevent corrosion. Even the most corrosive things will not have much effect on crystal blue. If crystal blue is added to the armor, it will be good. In the case of the magic pattern, this equipment is an excellent anti-poison equipment, but the texture of crystal blue is not very hard, so it usually appears in the form of alloy.

"Hehe." Shandou smiled when he saw Cook say this. In Shandou's eyes, Cook was the most generous.

Cook continued to choose. Not to mention, this mountain bean has a lot of things, at least hundreds of them in size, various colors, and all kinds of strange-shaped objects, 90% of which are metal objects.

"Huh." A non-metallic thing in Cook's hand. This thing is like a disc, thick with fingers, and a groove can be seen on the back of the disc, but there is nothing on the surface of the disc, no The magic circuit ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the material of the plate Cooke has not seen it either.

"I picked this up in the river below Black Wind Mountain on our side." Shandou said quickly. In fact, many of Shandou's items were bought from other tribes far away, and some of them were picked up.

Cook nodded. There are many city ruins from the Bekalin period in the Giant’s territory. Cook knows that there are several, but these city ruins are basically ruins, and things that can remain in such ruins for countless years are basically all Good things, even those things that Cook doesn’t like, also contain magic metal, but the content is very rare. These things have no value in other places, because there is no decomposing of the magic pattern, and the decomposing of the magic pattern directly removes the item. Break it down into molecules, and then filter. There is no other way.

"Boom, just these things, what do you want." Cook thought for a while, put the disc aside, and said.

"Elder Locke, I want to exchange equipment." Shandou said, rubbing his hands.

"Well, a weapon, a helmet, how about it." Cook hummed and gave the reward directly.

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