A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 165: Wizard Book (6,000+)

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"Thank you Elder Locke." Shandou said quickly. The weapons made by Cook are very scarce. Some of the weapons made by the giant apprentices are not intended to be used at all. First of all, they are not sharp enough, and they are easily damaged. It also broke directly. At the beginning, there were giants who went to the giant apprentice to see if there were weapons or the like. Now no one goes there at all. You must know that the weapons are all fighting. Nima is fighting the prey. If it breaks, the form will be reversed immediately, so, quickly run safely.

"This is a receipt, you can go straight away." Cook took out a piece of animal skin and wrote something similar to a receipt. Shandou directly sent the things that Cook needed, so someone would exchange it for Shandou. .

"Sir, do you want other things? Anyway, I'm useless." Shandou asked as he packed his belongings.

"No." Cook shook his head. The remaining items contained too little magic metal, and it would not be cost-effective to decompose. Of course, if there were no other items, they could be decomposed.

"Elder go slowly." Shandou watched Cook turned and left, and immediately said respectfully, and then took the things that Cook needed and went to the tower of heritage where Cook was.

"Elder Locke, sit down. This is the Ginkgo Fruit I picked at Yunhai Mountain." Cook came to the second stall. Before sitting down, the stall owner brought a basket of fluffy fruits.

"Well, I don't take advantage of you, a weapon with attributes." Cook looked at the hairy fruit and said directly. This fruit is not simple, it can strengthen the body and has a very good healing effect. So to collect fruits, one is for yourself, and the other is Windsor. Windsor is a flower fairy. He likes all kinds of rare plants the most. So for this kind of rare plant fruits, Cook is very generous. After all, Yunhai Mountain is up and down. It takes a month for a trip, and the white hair fruit is only produced in these few days a year.

"Thank you Elder Locke, elder, look at these things, I picked them along the way." The stall owner hurriedly thanked him, the weapons with attributes, this more than a month is not in vain.

A gleam of silver flashed in Cook’s eyes, and then he said: “This, this, this, and this, send it all to me. I will give you a weapon without attributes, and a bottle of healing pills. A bottle of antidote pills, and one more place for you."

"Thank you elder, thank you elder." The stall owner was very excited, not to mention weapons. Pills are also needed for giants, and there is a quota. This quota means that the stall owner can give Cooke materials, and Cook is responsible for casting. Weapons, of course, must be paid.

Shandou came to Cook's Tower of Inheritance with his things, and knocked on the door: "Boom, boom, I delivered it."

The gate of the Wizard Tower opened, and Angel Mayden appeared at the door. After Shandou saw Mayden, he smiled what he believed to be the most kind: "I delivered the goods to Elder Locke."

"Receipt." Mayden uttered two giant words.

"Here." Shan Dou quickly took the receipt in his hand and leaned in front of Mei Deng.

"Take things in, and then there is what you want." Mayden looked at it and said.

"Thank you, thank you." Shandou immediately thanked him when he saw the little thing with wings stepped away.

After that, Shandou was stunned. The entire tower of inheritance was actually piled up with weapons and equipment. Shandou rubbed his eyes in disbelief. You know, the mountain beans were all piled up last time, but how many more are there now? , Shandou secretly made up his mind to rush to the next trip, knowing that someone would be dissatisfied afterwards: "I said Shandou, you hurry up, we are waiting in a hurry."

"So much nonsense." Shandou took a look, and the other stall owners who ran over in a trot behind. Although these giant stall owners are not from a tribe, they have been setting up stalls in one place for more than half a year. understanding.

Shandou quickly put aside the things that Cook had selected, then stood in front of a pile of weapons and equipment, and handed the receipt to Mayden. After receiving the receipt, Mayden said, "Okay, you can take it."

In fact, Mayden also knows some giant languages. Of course, the receipt is written in angel language. This is also why Cook is not afraid of these giants.

"Hehe, come on, Mayden, this is for you." Shandou's eyeballs rolled around, and then a crystal nucleus with the size of a rice grain was drawn out. This crystal nucleus is of the light system, although in the eyes of the giant it is just one It's just garbage, but in Mayden's view, it has a crystal core the size of a head.

"Thank you, start from the left." After receiving the benefits, Mayden naturally didn't mind giving a finger on Shandou.

Shandou quickly took it from the left. Shandou didn’t know it before, but after two months of trading, he also knew that the same weapons and equipment also had quality points. This was mainly due to Cook’s choice of materials and sometimes some quantity. There are not many magic metals that are of low value, so Cook doesn’t bother to pack them up and mix them together. Therefore, the quality of this batch of weapons and equipment should be better, because Cook’s materials are decomposed and refined. Shandou doesn’t understand, but Meiden understands it. Meiden didn’t think that doing things would be beneficial, but once Shandou took out the same light system crystal nucleus. From Shandou’s point of view, Meiden is Cook Feeding pets is the same as when we see familiar people’s dogs and the like, it is subconscious to feed something, but Mayden is not the pet’s IQ, so I gave some pointers.

This Bushandou will bring some kind of crystal nucleus every time it comes. This kind of crystal nucleus is useless in the eyes of giants. It is useless for children to play. The Sage Association will not charge it, so it is basically Waste, as for the crystal core of the mountain bean, the first-order creature is in the eye of the mountain bean, that is a dish.

If Mayden knew that the crystal nucleus came so easily, it would probably not be so excited.

"Shandou, what were you doing just now?" Another stall owner saw Shandou's movements and asked suspiciously.

"It's okay, just tease." Of course Shandou wouldn't say anything, joking, such a good thing really can't be shared.

The giant stall owner who asked the question looked at Shandou’s back, thoughtfully, and after a while, the giant also walked out of the wizard tower with a smile, and whispered to himself: “I didn’t expect this Kind of a good thing."

When Cook returns, there are only two giant stall owners at the entrance of the Wizard Tower. Cook's schedule is very stable. In the morning, he decomposes materials, refines weapons, practices wizard spells in the afternoon, and finally goes shopping. Yes, inheritance. The outside of the entrance is already equivalent to a town. Otherwise, there are a lot of houses and special shops. All these are naturally established. First of all, the foundry site has moved over. The daily necessities cast by the giant apprentices include The giant comes to trade, first a house, then a second, then shops, hotels, it can be said that a town has spontaneously formed.

After the two giants were gone, Midden flew to Cook and reported: "Today there are..."

"Well, well done." Cook nodded. In fact, Cook also wants to use giants, but Cook always feels that giants are outsiders. Of course, this angel is not strictly speaking an insider, but after all, he is from a plane. , Even if he was very dissatisfied with Birdman, Cook still asked Mayden to do these things, while Cruel was on the side of the Giant Apprentice, and Ke Shu and others.

"They gave it to me today." Mayden hesitated, and placed a dozen light system crystal nuclei in front of Cook.

"Well, you take half of it, and the rest is mine." Cook took half of it directly, and then said, did Cook take a fancy to these crystal nuclei? No, but Cook, as a master, cannot treat slaves Too presumptuous, if you give it all, it’s not half of it. As a leader of a power, Cook is very easy to control his subordinates.

"Thank you, thank you." Midden did not expect that Cook would be so generous and gave half of it directly to himself. You must know that sometimes none of them are given. Although these things are given to themselves by those giants, Midden knows that if there is no library K, you can think of what situation you are in.

Maydensie held the crystal nucleus to practice. Although the crystal nucleus is not big in the eyes of giants, in the eyes of Mayden, it is a rare energy crystal. Although the texture is not very pure, it can't stand the bulk.

Cook fiddled with the strange item he had just received, and directly threw it into the Decomposing Magic Weave without knowing what its purpose was. Cook who knew its purpose put it aside.

"This thing is weird." Cook is holding the strange disc from Shandou. As Cook learns more about wizards, some others seem useless. In Cook's view, that It's very useful. It's just the disc in his hand. Cook still has some doubts. Cook didn't rush to inlay the disc with crystal nucleus.

In the age of wizards, there were standards for crystal nuclei, and the value of standard crystal nuclei was very high. The origin of standard crystal nucleus was to decompose other crystal nuclei and then condense into standard crystal nucleus again. Of course, the standard of each stage position. The energy contained in the crystal core is the same, and the standard crystal core is also the currency of the wizarding age.

Cook infiltrated it with mental power, but there was no response. Obviously the quality of this thing was very high. Cook was thinking: "There are only a few environments that can be used to prevent the infiltration of mental power. What a danger."

Cook took out a standard crystal nucleus. Cook’s standard crystal nucleus was made by Cook himself using the decomposing circle left by the wizard and the condensing circle. This was recognized in the era of wizards. There is nothing. The argument of coining money privately.

"Dramarck." Cook said a spell in a low voice after setting up the standard crystal core. When using the wizard's items, most of the game uses the spell. From the wizard's perspective, the spell is just like a voice control device.

"Eldovar." There was no response from the disc, Cook frowned, and then continued to chant a spell, but there was no response after a while.

"Hexus." Cook continued to experiment. These spells are some spells that Cook knows, because Cook already knows the environment in which the disc is used, so there are only a hundred spells, of course this is very The original spell, of course, after countless years on this disc, even the opening spell left by the original owner has failed. Let’s put it this way, the change of the spell depends on the control model in the disc, but the control model must Relying on energy to remember the master’s spell, and the original spell is engraved in the model, even if there is no energy, it will not disappear, and the energy remembered by the model for a long time, even if it is not Energy will not disappear, but this time may be decades, hundreds of years, just like some mobile phones, after a long power-off time, the clock becomes 0, and short-term power failure, the clock does not It will be 0, which is almost a truth.

"Arathi." Cook tried dozens of spells, and finally after this spell, the disc in Cook's hand began to emit bright energy circuits.

"It's actually this thing." Cook understood after seeing the disc's reaction.

Immediately afterwards, the disk slowly began to show. Cook has been waiting quietly, but he is very nervous. In the wizard age, this disk is a personal equipment that every official wizard must have, and its function is the same as that of the current library. The point redemption system is the same as that of Ke.

However, this disc is not only connected to the discs of other wizards, but also an independent space established by the entire wizard. This space is the trading space. The wizard is a group of guys who value time very much. You want the wizard to run. To complete a transaction within a month, in the wizard's view, it is not as good as making it yourself, so there is such a thing.

"Energy is actually zero." Cook realized after a few mental movements. Cook took out a large number of energy crystal nuclei. The energy crystal nucleus was placed in the light curtain projected by the disc, and it disappeared immediately.

"Teleport." Cook took a deep breath, and then moved his mind.

Then Cook disappeared all of a sudden. When Cook was shaken, Cook came to a huge space with countless wizard towers.


ass=\'character\'style=\'background-image:url(/img/1447607605659/32846786/2445397606161992940.png)\'>But most of the wizard towers here are tattered, some even collapsed directly .

"What's going on." Cook was puzzled. The disc in Cook's hand was something that could be traded, transferred, and acted as a bank card. It was a butler-like wizard item.

From a distance, the space here is huge, and the ground is covered with very expensive Yaojing, which can show how prosperous it was at the beginning. Yaojing is a kind of light system energy ore, very rare.

Cook looked at the sky again, it was gray, but Cook knew that it was a defensive shield set up by a wizard, and the defensive shield could be transformed into any scenery, very advanced.

"Turn it on." Cook came to a relatively intact wizard tower, and the disc in his hand shot out a light.

"It actually needs ten second-order standard energy." Cook is speechless. Entering this wizard tower still needs energy. As for the source of energy, it is the source of energy that Cook placed in the light curtain at the beginning and directly converted into standard energy.

"Turn on." Cook confirmed the consumption of energy to turn on.

Then the wizard tower in front of Cook opened the door, and Cook entered the wizard tower. The space inside the wizard tower was very wide. As soon as Cook entered, a voice sounded: "Honorable wizard, do you need service? "

"Yes." Cook nodded and agreed.

"The 035 is for you." Then there was something like a flying elf in front of Cook. Cook's eyes lit up. This is a kind of puppet made by a wizard. In the life of a wizard, every countless will create some puppets. Some of these puppets are used to assist wizards in experiments, and some are used to manage wizard towers. They have various functions.

"Honorable wizard, do you need to buy things, sell things, or post special tasks." The elf-like puppet suspended next to Cook's head and asked.

"I'm shopping, do you have a list of goods?" Cook said.

"One hundred and sixty pieces of existing goods, of which thirty-eight are below the first level, one is at the fifth level, one is at the seventh level, and the others are all sundries." The puppet immediately released a light in front of Cook. The curtain, above is the existing goods of the entire wizard tower.

Although there is no one in this wizard tower, Cook does not dare to act rashly. Such a wizard tower is like a bank opened in a bustling downtown area. The security forces are very powerful. Cook guesses that even a high-level wizard came here, and he did not dare Speaking of rushing to snatch, as for the collapsed wizard tower outside, there will be no good things. Even if there is, it will be destroyed when the energy of the wizard tower is exhausted, unless those Cooks collect in the hands of giants. Outside of metal garbage.

Cook saw that the first-order wizard books are actually available in various categories. The first-order wizard books record complete first-order knowledge of a certain profession. For example, the first-order wizard books of the deformed wizards not only record the transformation. The structure of the model also gives the goals that most first-order wizards can choose, and there are various theories.

"One of ten first-order standard crystal cores is not expensive." Cook bought all the thirty-eight first-order wizard books. Cook now has nothing much, that is, there are many crystal cores, and the wizard books are like this. There are not too many things for Cook. Such a wizard will be destroyed directly when the wizard tower's energy is exhausted.

The fifth-order Cook looked at it. It was a pair of gloves: "Silver gloves, test aids, anti-virus, anti-corrosion, and anti-psychic reverse osmosis..., the price is fifty-fifth-order standard crystal core, I bought it."

After reading the introduction of silver gloves, Cook was immediately moved. In various experiments, this glove not only prevents poison, high temperature, corrosion, etc., but also anti-psychic reverse osmosis. This value is immeasurable. You must know the experiment Sometimes, certain experiments are extremely dangerous.

"The seventh-order wizard book." Cook was astonished. What is the seventh-order wizard book? That is the complete knowledge system from the first to the seventh.

"Space system, Nima." After reading this wizard book, Cook was very excited. Even if the space system is on the plane of the sanctuary, it is still in a state of groping, but here, there is a complete seventh-order knowledge system. .

"A Tier 7 standard crystal nucleus." Cook was shocked when he saw the price.

But Cook took a closer look and found that there is another condition below; "After purchasing the wizard book, you need to complete a task for the owner of the wizard tower."

"Haha, haha, I bought it." Cook laughed loudly, the master of the Nyima Wizard Tower was gone, and the wool task was completed.

Sure enough, after Cook bought it, no so-called master appeared at all, and the wizards who can purchase the seventh-order space system wizard book are all powerful, and the master must meet in person, so Cook won a wizard book for nothing.

As for the miscellaneous items, they are cheaper. After a while, Cook walked out of the wizard tower with satisfaction. Cook looked at the wizard tower and muttered, "It seems that the wizard tower can last for a while, let alone other things. , The nucleus I traded will be enough to support it for a long time."

Cook's mental power moved, and the disc released a light. Cook returned to his wizard tower again, and the things he bought appeared in front of Cook. The things purchased in the trading space will be directly transmitted to the wizard where the purchaser is. Tower, as for the trading space, it is a trading center for all wizards. Of course, no matter entering or coming out, it needs to consume crystal nuclei.

"Space-based wizard." Cook looked at the wizard book. The wizard book is only a bit thicker. Open it in two halves. However, in the cover of this wizard book, there is a gem-like thing. Cook entered a little space-based magic. .

The wizard book slowly opened, and then there is a piece of information that Cook needs to fill in, which is equivalent to certification. This wizard book will be Cook’s personal belongings in the future, and other people can’t use it. There is no way. If you After purchasing and using it, others can still use it, so wouldn't the creator of the wizard book be starved to death.

A column of text soon appeared on the wizard book, name: Cook, wizard level: first level, and then all kinds of knowledge about the first level of the space system.

"The first-order Nima only has one space energy absorption." After reading it, Cook was very upset, because the first-order wizards only have a way similar to meditation. The function is to speed up the cultivation of the space system. As for the space system spells, one No, not even crafting items, no ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The wizard book is not good at this point. If you have not reached the second level, the wizard book will not show what should be in the second level, of course you have to force it. Opened, then the wizard book was immediately damaged.

In fact, this is also a method of wizards. After all, you are only a first-level. If you know high-level knowledge, wouldn't it be possible to use high-level knowledge to trade? This seriously harms the interests of other wizards.

"Then meditate and give it a try." Cook has no choice but to give it a try. Fortunately, the content in the wizard book is directly entered into the brain when it is displayed. Of course, it will be the first time if it appears. Accidentally, if you don't remember, then the rest will consume energy to display, and then you slowly study it yourself. This is the advantage of the wizard book.

"Build a new extended model." Cook began to build a new extended model. Yes, meditation here does not need to sit still. As long as the extended model is built on the wizard model, it doesn't matter. I have to say, this It is a place more advanced than the magician, and the magician spends at least a quarter of his life in meditation, and a quarter of the time in sleep. Meditation cannot replace sleep. Meditation consumes mental energy, because It requires mental power to capture magical elements, while wizards don’t need it. As long as the model is built, the model will operate automatically. It can be said to be a very advanced thing, but it is more difficult to build a model. Of course, for Cook, that is Scum


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