A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 174: Method (below)

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Lan Dou looked at Blue Mountain and Bingberg and continued: "Our Ice Giant and other giant tribes are all giants, but have you ever wondered why our giant tribes don’t live together, but are far apart. "

"This is because our tribes are different..." Lan Shan replied.

But before Blue Mountain finished answering, Lan Dou smiled and said: "Yes, the tribes are different. If our giants live together, then who do we listen to? Do we ice giants listen to the giants of other tribes."

"That will definitely not work." Bingberg seemed to understand, shook his head and replied.

Lan Dou asked with a smile, "Since you have this idea, do other giant tribes have this idea."

"I understand." Lan Shan looked at Lan Dou, nodded and replied.

"Hehe, this is our giant race, and what kind of race Locke is, why wouldn't he treat us like that?" Lan Dou asked with a smile at last.

Both the Blue Mountain and the Bingberg fell silent. After a while, the Bingberg said, "This is what we want to leave a good impression on Locke."

"Not exactly, do you know what the owner of the Bekalin period was like." Lan Dou then continued to ask.

"It's Lord Sage, more powerful than our giant..." Lan Shan immediately replied.

"It's the saint, I ask what you look like, tall, short, fat and thin." Lan Dou shook his head.

Bingberg groaned and said, "I have seen similar pictures in the Holy Land, it seems to be taller than our giant."

"Wrong, the true saints are actually about half shorter than the current halflings. In front of our giants, the saints are not as high as our knees at all." Lan Dou said this answer with a smile.

"Yes." Both Blue Mountain and Bingberg were shocked.

"Although the saints are not as tall as ours, the saints have the power that our giants cannot resist. Not only are we giants. At that time, all the creatures in this world have to crawl under the feet of the saints, not only us, Countless worlds outside of our world have been conquered by the saints. Our giants also follow the saints, destroying races that dared to resist. Some races are only the size of our thumb. Although hundreds of millions, we Once you step on it, tens of thousands of these races will be wiped out. Of course, there will be races larger than ours, but these races will be destroyed or prostrate at the feet of the saints without exception." Lan Dou seemed to think of it. Patterns in the Holy Land.

"Then what does this have to do with Locke?" Blue Mountain reacted after a long time and asked.

"Hehe, I suspect Locke has the talent of a saint." Lan Dou's face was very solemn.

"Impossible." Blue Mountain called out immediately, Bingshan also shocked.

"There is nothing impossible. Locke belongs to the Sage Association, and those people in the Sage Association used to be servants of the saints, responsible for all the daily lives of the saints. Some of them are favored by the saints, and they are born. Descendants, and you see if Locke's height is much shorter than ordinary people, this may be the function of the blood of the saint." Lan Dou said guessingly.

"That, that, that..." Lanshan stammered and couldn't say anything.

Lan Dou saw the nervousness of Blue Mountain and said with a smile: "In fact, if the saint returns, it will be good for our giants, but the sage association may not be so comfortable. There are so-called real people in the saint. After the person left, he actually stole the owner’s property, and the punishment to be imposed is probably that the whole family will disappear."

"Furthermore, Locke has a good relationship with our giants. Judging from Locke's current situation, our giants shouldn't take any other actions, so this is also the reason why we are friendly to Locke. It can be said that it is not an exaggeration. Said.

Bingshan asked worriedly: "If other giant tribes learn about Locke's talent as a saint."

"Hehe, even if the other tribes know it, it is just a bit of guesswork. We must know that our ice giant is right next to the holy place. We don’t know much about the holy people than our ice giants, and the real holy land requires the talents of the holy people. Entering, every time the test of the Land of Inheritance is conducted outside the Holy Land, and this time I am looking forward to Locke's performance." Lan Dou said with a smile.

Both Blue Mountain and Bingberg were puzzled, but the two people didn’t ask any more. As for what Landou was looking forward to, the two of them knew something about it. The Holy Land was all good things, and even if Locke had The saint is talented, but facing the blue beans and the entire family of ice giants, it can be said that they are much worse.

In another two weeks, Cook finally finished drawing the map of the wizard trading space. Cook sighed long: "There are as many as 13,000 wizard towers in the transaction, and one-third of them collapsed. One, more than four thousand, more than five hundred are empty and have no value at all, and there are more than two thousand, the value is not very high, and the value of more than one thousand is not bad, but the most valuable There are more than three hundred, of which more than one hundred are large items such as floating boats, which are not suitable for me, and more than one hundred are selling materials. The last thirty-two are the most valuable, of which ten One is the ninth-order wizard book, and the other 21 are wizard equipment, two of which are space items for sale."

After Cook finished sorting it out, he went out of the Wizard Tower and traded with Landou and others. He gave Landou a giant armor used by the ice giant. Of course it was traded privately, and then Cook plunged into it again. The wizard trading space.

"The victory or defeat is in one fell swoop." Cook came to a wizard tower. Inside the wizard tower there is a wizard book about the ninth-order wood system. The wood system has a title in the wizard, plus the forest wizard, and some forest wizards. The various seeds needed, and a set of Tier 8 forest wizard equipment suits, can be said that this trading tower is the most valuable in Cook's eyes.

Cook skillfully summoned the guide puppet, and then said: "Show me the Forest Wizard Book of Tier Nine."

In this trading tower, Cook can look at things first. This is the opportunity that Cook thinks. This trading tower Cook does not know if there are any defensive measures, but according to Cook’s search, there are no other creatures here. Then Cook had a crazy idea, robbery, yes.

"Also, show me the forest wizard suit." Cook continued, guiding the puppet to execute it immediately.

"Haha, goodbye." After Cook saw the forest suit, the broken star hammer in his hand smashed out, which led the puppet to be smashed into a ball of powder in the first place, which could no longer be repaired.

"Warning, warning, Wizard Locke violated the third rule of trading space..." A loud warning sounded in Cook's ears.

"Boom." Cook directly smashed the door of the trading tower with the Star Breaker.

"Warning, warning, Wizard Locke, Wizard Locke, please stop criminal activities, please stop criminal activities." After Cook got out of the trading tower, he found a blue light in the sky covering himself. When Cook started thinking this The light is offensive, but after a while, Cook realized that it was all right. The light was just a mark.

Cook waited nervously. After five minutes passed, Cook laughed loudly: "Haha, haha, it seems that my guess is correct. Wizards cannot commit crimes here. As long as they commit crimes, there must be other wizards to pursue them. , But now I am a wizard here, haha, haha."

In fact, at the beginning, Cook did not think of this, but when Cook checked the trading space regulations, he discovered that in this trading space, after a crime, a trading space adjudicating team would arrest and judge the criminal wizard. But now there are other wizards there. Cook was originally afraid of the automatic defense system here, but now it seems that the automatic defense system here is not aimed at wizards.

"Can't enter, Nima, smash it." Cook quickly came to the second trading wizard tower that he valued. Knowing that Cook could not enter, Cook was shocked, and then smashed in without hesitation.

You know that the Star Breaker is specially used for those high-ranking giants. It is used to smash small stars and purify metals. If it is used by Cook here, what wizard gate can withstand such a large force.

"Haha, haha." Cook laughed again and ransacked the wizard tower.

Several hours passed, the light on Cook's head was already red, and the thirty-two valuable trading towers were looted directly by Cook.

"Nima, finally there is room for equipment." Cook touched a bracelet in his hand. There is a circle of transparent gems on it. This is a storage equipment up to Tier 9 made by a wizard. How big is the space inside, It can be said that there is the size of the trading space, because this thing is dedicated to the construction wizard, and the construction wizards are all large pieces such as floating boats, so the things that Cook looted are placed in it.

"Tsk tusk, this is the pinnacle of alchemy." Cook touched the bracelet and continued to looting.

Cook has some worries. He is like this. Now that he goes out, if he can’t come in, wouldn’t it be a big loss, but now that there are these nine-tier storage bracelets, Cook is not afraid at all, so he trades one by one. The tower was looted and cleaned.

This is also thanks to the fact that the trading tower is not set to automatically destroy items when someone is robbed. Of course, no wizard can think that such a thing will happen. Even if it does, it will definitely be caught by the ruling department directly and take any loss. came back.

One day, two days, three days, a full ten days, Cook ransacked all the surrounding trading towers, not counting the storage bracelets in Cook's hands, there are at least dozens of necklaces on his neck.

Cook looked at the largest building in the center. Cook shook his head. Cook didn't want to go in there. It wasn't that Cook was not greedy, but that such a building did not dare to guarantee that there were no defensive measures inside, and that he got what he got. Enough.

Finally, I took a look at this trading space. The door of the trading tower that was smashed by Cook had been repaired by some puppets. These puppets were all built in the trading tower, and Cook instantly left the trading space.

"Teleport, haha, it's really banned from entering, haha, fortunately I am smart." After Cook came out, he immediately teleported again, but he was banned, and he really wanted to go in. That's okay. Cook saw one Astronomical energy, this is the value of what Cook robbed, and the energy of punishment.

"Shit, it's okay if I don't go in." Cook touched the bracelet. The space inside was too big. The things Cook robbed did not occupy 5% of the space.

Cook touched dozens of necklaces on his neck again. There is a small space gem on the necklace. This is a floating boat. The floating boat is hidden in a separate space. This necklace is a positioning thing. If you need to, you can make the floating boat appear directly, and Cook is directly in the floating boat, but every time you call, you need to consume huge energy.

"Tsk, this floating boat is amazing. It can actually fly directly across planes. Tsk, sixty-three, tusk." Cook counted. There are sixty-three pontoons in total, the big one inside. It can carry hundreds of thousands of wizards, and small groups of wizards can also carry ten.

Here, the number of wizards in the ten-man team is at least hundreds of thousands, because each wizard needs to have followers, such as giants, such as star giants, and mounts, etc., so this is the smallest floating boat The space is actually quite large, but now Cook is not able to control it, because the minimum required level 3 wizard to control the airship is not that Cook can’t, but Cook can’t control it alone, if there are three or five level one. Wizard, it can be controlled by cooperation, but poor Cook has only one person, and this is called once. The airship needs to use its own energy to break through the space, and the same is true when sending it back. Cook is not short of energy now. But compared to the energy of this floating boat across the plane, that is still not enough.

Just when Cook was counting, Cook discovered that the natural ring actually glowed green, and the green light entangled the bracelet. Cook saw this and was shocked: "Stop, stop, stop."

Pieces of things were quickly thrown out of the storage bracelet by Cook. The ninth-order wizard book and wizard equipment were first thrown out by Cook, and then some books and some materials.

In less than tens of seconds, Cook's laboratory was almost full. Cook saw the storage bracelet wrapped in the natural ring and went crazy: "Natural ring, you wait for me."

The natural ring is automatically upgraded. This thing has caused Cook to suffer a few big losses. For the first time, Cook searched countless good things. As a result, he was swallowed by the natural ring, and then the natural ring was promoted, and the space became larger. The grade is higher, and the second time


tyle=\'background-image:url(/img/1448298436635/32846786/2913771965235893228.png)\'>Cook has harvested countless best magic crystals in the space of the two gods' bodies. It has been swallowed, and the material in the natural ring is gone. This time Cook looked at the large space of the bracelet, and Cook was complacent. Nima, the natural ring is here again, and the contents can be filled with dozens of wizards. There are many towers of first order, second order, and third order, that is, as long as they are things, they have been searched by Cook, and there are debris, but now it seems that these things can't be kept.

"Ah..." Cook was mad. There were too many good things in it. Cook saw that the space bracelet dedicated to the construction wizard wrapped in green light also slowly glowed green.

"Hey." Cook quickly took off the natural ring first-level storage bracelet and put it in another laboratory. Cook didn't dare to leave. In case this thing was upgraded on the way and needed energy, he had to do it. Not to mention the other things in the natural ring, Windsor and others are still there, as well as Cook's loyal subordinates.

"Kidnapping, this is Chi Guoguo's kidnapping, you will wait for me, if the upgrade is not as good as I thought..." Cook found himself only angry, as for threats, hehe, you still It is impossible to lose the natural ring.

In half a month, Cook saw that the storage bracelet was consumed by the green light a little bit, and in the end there was nothing left, not even a single slag. Fortunately, this upgrade did not consume Cook’s reserve crystal core. , Cook breathed a sigh of relief.

"Nima, it's just that the space has become a bit larger. My materials and mountains of good things are piled up." Without Cook taking it, the natural ring was put directly on Cook, and Cook knew instantly , The space of this natural ring has become larger, but there is still not as much space for storing the bracelet. You must know that the space for storing the bracelet is based on the proportion of Cook's current body.

"No, it's a lot bigger." Then Cook woke up immediately, what size he was now.

"I hope you don't pick up this time." Cook picked up a floating boat summoning necklace. Cook has experimented with this necklace before. It can't be put in storage bracelets, and natural rings can't be put in, so this time it's natural. After the ring is upgraded, Cook experiment.

"Hey, it's kind of useful." Cook saw that the floating boat summoning necklace was put into the ring of nature. Cook smiled, and then Cook put all the wizard books and other things in the laboratory into it.

Now the green area in the natural ring is less than 1% of the area. This green is the former area of ​​the natural ring. Other places are desolate, but the entire natural ring space is also full of wood elements.

"This is." In less than a minute, green shoots emerged from those seemingly desolate places.

"This is a plant seed." A few minutes later, Cook saw the embryonic form of the plant. These are all plant seeds in the astral world, and the things that can be collected and traded by wizards are very valuable.

"Haha, okay, okay, I originally wanted to bring so many things back to the sanctuary, but now it’s good, I don’t have to worry about having no place to put the crystal cores in the future." Cook laughed, although he lost a lot of things, Ku Ke can only think so now, being angry will hurt his body.

Cook was quickly surprised: "This Tier 8 forest suit can fit into this natural ring, but the Nima Star Breaker can't fit into it."

But Cook was relieved soon. The Star Smashing Hammer could not be installed. It is estimated that it has something to do with his mental power. After all, the weight of the Star Smashing Hammer is too large. As for the Tier 9 Wizard Book, as long as there is no thing Used by a ninth-order wizard, it is not counted as a ninth-order. A first-order wizard uses a first-order item. The wizard book is actually mainly related to materials. The most valuable thing in the wizard book is knowledge, which is priceless. , Strictly speaking, the Tier 9 wizard book is just a pile of Tier 9 materials, and it still has no energy materials, so Cook can easily install it, and the forest suit is the same, without energy activation, it is just a pile of materials.

"Fortunately, these wizard books I use can fit into this natural ring." Cook put the construction wizard book, the analysis wizard book and so on into the natural ring, but left the fire specialization wizard book. This thing is For self-defense, there are more than a hundred fire arrows in it. As for the forest wizard book, Cook has not planned to open it, because Cook is going out to have a look. It has been more than a month.

After he came out, Cook saw the colorful elders and a bunch of other giant races, because the hair of these giants was different from that of the bronze giants, and Cook slapped his forehead. How could this colorful elder's brain work so badly.

"Elder Locke." Lan Dou looked at Cook expectantly.

"Two sets." Cook whispered.

Elder Wucai looked at Cook with a smile and said, "Elder Locke, come, let me introduce you."

"Elder, I happen to be looking for something to do with you, let's go ahead and talk." Cook's face is very ugly.

"Locke, this..." Elder Wucai wanted to say something, but when he saw Cook turned and left, he only followed in embarrassment.

When Cook saw Elder Wucai coming in, he immediately closed the Wizard Tower, and then Cook immediately said, "Elder Wucai~www.wuxiaspot.com~ what are you doing."

"Elder Locke, what do you mean by this?" Wucai elder stared at Cook with dissatisfaction and asked.

"What do I mean, what do I mean, I am going to return to the Sage Association immediately, and if you continue to do this, I will be **** to death." Cook saw this, and immediately shouted.

"This..." Wucai elder did not expect Cook to react so intensely.

Cook immediately asked: "Elder Wucai, you are now a Tier 6 giant, but outside, a blue bean, Tier 6, a Blue Mountain, Tier 5, and an iceberg, Tier 5, you also brought everything It's Tier 6, Tier 5, these dozens of Tier 5 and Tier 6, if you want to do anything with your Bronze Tribe, you can stop Wucai elder."

"This..." Wucai elder cold sweat immediately came down.

"Don't say that I am in danger, that is, your bronze tribes are all dangerous. These big tribes unite, and your bronze tribes still have a way to survive. I don't know what your colorful elder thinks in his mind, why you are so stupid." Ke spoke rudely.

"Impossible, they are not from the same tribe." Wucai Elder looked at Cook, and then whispered.

"How can it be impossible? You know that this is the armor of giants. Even if your bronze tribes are all equipped with armors of giants, could it be the opponents of several other tribes, and the other tribes will make the bronze tribe grow stronger." Cook continued. The problem made Wucai elder face pale.

"What to do then, I am also for Locke you..." Wucai elder turned white when he thought of the key points.

"For me, I think you want to show off, what else can I do, I will immediately meet the Sage Association, otherwise I am afraid of being caught by a few big tribes and casting things for them every day." Cook sneered.

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