A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 175: Chase (6,000+ words)

The elder Wucai was said by Cook. Also stunned. Cook waved to Mayden and said, "Mayden. Let's go."

Mayden soon fell on Cook's shoulders. Cook entered the laboratory again. Pack some things inside. Cook then said to the elder Wucai: "Elder. The material in the basement is from the ice giants. From now on. I am not the elder of the bronze giants."

"Locke. Locke. It's not that serious." Wucai elder hurriedly grabbed Cook. Said loudly.

"It's not that serious. It's even more serious. And I'm here to cast objects for you all day long. You don't know what to discuss. Just rely on your imagination to do it. A tribe of ice giants is enough. Do you still want all the other giant tribes to come to favor your bronze giant tribe. Have you seen the strength of the bronze giant tribe. Do you really think that the bronze tribe has dozens of giant armors. It is the king in the giant tribe? Now." Cook yelled at Wucai elder with his head and face covered.

Then Cook turned around and left. Cook was really scared. stupid teammate. Yes. Cook agreed that Wucai elders would pit other tribes. But this is like Yinguai. The number is limited. In addition, the tallest on the bronze giant is only Tier 5. It is said that Wucai Elder has the strength of Tier 6. But what about other giant tribes. Cook really couldn't think of what the colorful elder thought in his mind. Maybe it's showing off. Also because of other things. Cook doesn't want to be here anyway. Too dangerous. Although Cook now has a ninth-order wizard book. There are other things. But in front of the Tier 6 giant. Cook can only escape. And as for being able to escape. This is still a problem. That's why Cook is so angry.

Cook took Mayden out of the Wizard Tower. Then he didn't even look at the other giants. Just walked away. The four of Landou and Lanshan immediately followed. You know, Cook said that he forged two giant armors. This is very helpful for the combat effectiveness of the ice giant tribe.

"Elder Locke." Lan Dou walked beside Cook. Asked suspiciously.

"The armor of the giant is inside the tower of heritage." Cook replied without looking back.

Lan Shan and others looked at each other. Then the Blue Mountains and Icebergs. Bingshu went back. Blue Bean follows Cook. Lan Dou looked at Cook angrily. Suspiciously asked: "Elder Locke. What happened?"

"You are Locke. Stop." Lan Dou's words just ended. There are a few giants blocking Cook's way.

Cook looked at these giants. The hair of these giants and the white of the snow giants. The gold of the bronze giant is different. One is black. One is red. Cook looked at these giants. Tighten the witchcraft book in his hand. He said: "I am. You have something to find Elder Wucai."

"Elder Locke. We are here to find you." A fiery red giant cracked his big mouth. Said to Cook.

"I'll say it again. If you have something to ask Wucai elder. Get out." Cook's heart sank. These giants are really not what the Wucai elders imagined. It seems that my guess is very reasonable.

"What are you doing." Lan Dou looked at the two Tier 6 giants. Asked coldly.

What surprised Landou. Several giants stopped by his side. One of them sneered and said, "Blue Bean, right? I am the flame giant Yanhuo."

"Yanhuo. What do you want to do." Lan Dou saw two sixth-orders. Three Tier 5 giants stopped by his side. My heart sank. Shouted.

"We want to invite Elder Locke to be a guest of our Flame Giant tribe. You have opinions." Yan Huo said with a sneer. In this place of heritage. Although the giants of foreign races cannot use the power of inheritance. But the giant relies on physical power.

Elder Wucai also came out at this time. See this situation. With a gloomy face, he asked, "Yanhuo. What do you want to do."

"Jinshan. Don't be troublesome here. The affairs of our big tribes. Your bronze giants can't mix it up." Yanhuo pointed to Wucai elder. Warned coldly.

"You. Yanhuo. You are ignoring our family of bronze giants." Wucai elder is called Jinshan. Jinshan stared and asked.

"The highest rank five. We have two sixth ranks here. There are also four fifth ranks. How do you think you can afford it." Yanhuo is not afraid. Looking at the elders of the surrounding bronze giants. Sneered.

Cook sneered on the side: "I see it. Jinshan. That's what you did. I'm leaving first. I hope your Bronze Tribe can get through the difficulties."

In the face of absolute strength. The number of people is scum. Tier 6 giants are not something Tier 5 can contend with. Even with the armor of giants. You must know that the armor of the giant needs the crystal core to provide power. Nothing else. You always have to replace the crystal core. As for this inheritance space. If the giant got all the permissions. So what are these six orders? Tier Nine did not dare to make a second. But Jinshan and others have not obtained permission. No. And Cook first order. Want to get permission. That is also difficult.

The main reason is that Cook didn't predict the actions of Wucai Elder and others. Elder Wucai heard this. Quickly said to Cook: "Locke. As long as I'm still here. These people don't want to take you away."

"Boom." But Wucai Elder's words just ended. It felt like a figure flashed. Then Wucai elder flew out.

"What is the bronze tribe? Yan Li. Go here with this kid." Yan Huo shouted with a sneer.

"Understand." The giant standing in front of Cook stretched out his big hand and grabbed it towards Cook.

Cook sneered. The broken star hammer in his hand smashed over. You **** fight me close. That is looking for death.

"Ah." Just a touch. Yan Li hugged his hands and screamed back. Cook took this opportunity and rushed over.

Yanhuo heard Yanli's sorrowful cry. Loudly roared: "Boy. You are looking for death. Black Mao. You block them. I will take someone to catch..."

But before Yan Huo finished. A few figures flashed nearby. There was a hey voice: "Yanhuo. You still stay. I'll arrest people."

Yan Huo took this opportunity to take a look. Almost vomiting blood. Because the abyss giant actually ran away. Only a Tier 5 flame giant and Yanhuo himself were left behind. Look at Yan Li again. The whole hand is bloody. You can clearly see the broken bones. It seems that this hand is useless.

"Boom." Yanhuo just felt bad. I felt a surge of force in my chest. Then the flames flew out.

Lan Dou said with a sneer: "Yan Huo. I forgot to tell you. I reached the seventh rank a year ago."

"Boom." Lan Dou said before Yan Huo got up. A charge kicked Yanhuo away. Heavy impact on a tower of inheritance.

"Hi... boom." The flame giant next to it finally reacted. Roared and rushed towards Landou. But that knows for a moment. The flame giant was kicked out by Lan Dou.

Blue Bean didn't even look at it. Loudly roared: "Blue Mountain. I'll go to Locke first."

Locke has just left the land of inheritance. Collect the Fire Specialization Wizard Book into the Ring of Nature. Said to Mayden; "Hurry up."

Mayden just reacted. I saw Cook turned into a lightning bird. Mayden is still stupid. Cook's voice came again: "You are looking for death. Catch me."

"Oh." Mayden only reacted at this time. Grab the lightning bird's tail.

"You woman." Cook was furious. One kick kicked Mayden away. Then he grabbed Mayden with his feet. Soar.

"Damn it." Wait until Black Hair rushes out. I saw a bird soaring into the sky.

"Shhh." Heimao cursed secretly. Then whistled loudly. Then a black bat-like creature appeared in the air.

"Grab him." Black Mao shouted. Kuroma knows that the Tower of Legacy is very strange. So he asked his mount to catch Cook.

Cook saw a huge bat. The body that rushed up immediately swooped down. And the giant black-haired giant below turned into a cloud of smoke and chased Cook.

"Nima." Cook saw this scene. Horrified. These giants don't know what inheritance they have. It can be so.

"Black Wizard." Cook understood afterwards. This is obviously not a white wizard. All Cooke practiced were white wizards. But in this world. There are also dark wizards. Cook does not know how the dark wizard practices. So Cook guessed that these abyss giants had acquired the inheritance of the dark wizard. Of course, it may be that the inheritance of these Abyssal Giants' cultivation wizards is wrong.

The speed of the lightning bird is very fast. But the big bat behind is not slow. And this big bat can also spray out a black beam of energy. Plus Cook also carries a Mayden. So Cook did not have enough speed to avoid the bats behind him.

"Damn it." Cook kept dodge the attack of the bat behind him. The distance is gradually widening.

Cook kept thinking about it. It's definitely impossible to run like this now. The weather is too cold. Long flight. Cook will consume a lot of power. Cook kept annotating the scene below. Cook's eyes lit up.

"Since you want to play. Then play." Cook lowered his head and rushed into a canyon. Inside the canyon. There were also stones piled up near the entrance of a cave. This is the bronze giant preparing to block the exit of the underground world. Only in winter halflings will not come out.

"Haha." Cook slipped into the cave. Then he got in. Cook instantly transformed into a star giant. The Flame Wizard book appeared in his hand.

"Boom." A muffled sound rang in Cook's ears. Cook knew this was the big bat rushing in.

"Release the handle. Fire Arrow." Cook sneered. It directly consumes half of the energy of the fire arrow in the wizard book.

Cook just saw a blue streamer and went out to the hole. Cook turned around and rushed into the cave. Immediately afterwards, Cook heard a huge scream: "Crack quack quack. Crouch quack."

"Deserve it. But how come it looks like a crow's cry." Cook sneered inwardly.

A few minutes later. Heimao saw the blazing flames at the entrance of the cave. His mount actually burned directly. Kuroma looked at the burnt hole. With a sneer: "I actually played a game with our abyss giant.   Still in the underground world. Hey. Go."

Black Mao's eyes were red. The body rushed into the cave like a black smoke.

Cook sneered. Then he took out a crystal bottle from the natural ring. Hit the ground. A burst of green smoke rose. This is a variety of poisons collected by Cook. There is just no time for traps.

Then Cook shrinks again. In fact, the multiple of madness is lower. Cook is now less than one-third the height of a halfling. Cook found a small cave. Then got in.

"Ah. Damn it. Very poisonous." The Abyssal Giant can also see things in the dark. But after Black Mao found the green mist. It's too late. Black Mao screamed.

"Damn it. Damn it.   Find the kid for me. I'm going to cut off his legs." Heimao washed his eyes with the water he carried with him. Then roar loudly.

The three giants rushed into the cave. But just rushed out a few steps. Hei Mao felt wrong: "Go back."

"I actually left here." What Cook didn't know was. The abyss giant almost lives in the dark underground. So there is still a good set of tracking.

Heimao saw this small cave. He said: "You detour. I'll go in."

The black hair then turned into a black smoke and rushed into the small cave. But then a flame burst out from the cave.

"Ah. Damn it." A burst of black smoke came out. Heimao's two subordinates saw that Heimao's hair was scorched. Black hair roared. Waved his hand to release a rolling black mist and swept into the cave.

"Damn it." Then Heimao chased after him.

For this piece of the underground world. Cook's general direction is still known. Cook had a chance to leave. The scroll of space items similar to the map. But Cook was not reconciled. Originally, Cook made a fortune from the giant's side. But that knew it was destroyed by a pig-like teammate. And for the giants of other tribes. Cook has no good mentality.

"Should I go to the Yingcai Mushroom area. Or go to the Red Velvet Beast area." As for the giant behind the pit. There are two things in Cook's heart. But which one of these two places? Cook still needs to study.

"Boy. You can't run." Just as Cook thought. A rolling roar came from behind.

"Damn it." Cook was startled. He pulled Mayden and got into the cave next to him. Mayden can't see it in this underground world. Only hold Cook's hand tightly. Mayden felt that the speed was too fast.

Black Mao was also puzzled while angry. This low-level kid. How could it be faster than yourself in this underground world. Fortunately, the black hair's tracking ability is not covered. As for the black hair screamed. One aspect is to scare Cook. Let Cook continue to escape. On the other hand, I greet my two partners.

As for why Black Hair wants Cook to continue to escape. This is how the giants hunt. The giants hunting is to chase other creatures. Chase hard. Chase hard. The explosive power of creatures is very strong. But stamina simply won't work. And the prey has no strength to run. It won't suffer more damage when captured.

As for hunting and the like. That is modern society. Only after possessing a sharp long-range weapon did such a thing happen. The previous society. Take a hunting fork to hunt. Isn't it about chasing prey. As for the bow and arrow. The distance of the bow and arrow is also limited. And the giants never use bows and arrows at all.

"Damn. I will let you chase. First take you to the Yingcai mushroom area for a drive. Then go to the volcano fox." Cook drank a bottle of accelerated potion. Then drink the endurance potion. A gust of wind disappeared in the underground passage.

But for a moment. The black hairs came to the place where Cook just passed. Heimao was extremely surprised: "It seems that this kid still has strength. The distance between these two steps has not changed at all. Keep chasing."

The three giants followed Cook's ass. Cook turned into a small cave and went straight into it. Then when you encounter a big channel, you will resume your transformation. And the three giants of the abyss. Black hair can turn into a cloud of smoke when it starts. But later, I had to detour. But this abyss giant does have a set in the underground world. It was actually a detour to catch up to Cook's route. So what the Abyss Giant doesn't know is. They are getting further and further away from Cook.

"Why haven't you come yet." Cook has rested for half an hour. Actually I haven't seen the figure of the giant yet.

"No matter. Get some insurance." Cook looked at the surrounding terrain. Then he took out a large metal bucket from the natural ring.

Inside the metal bucket is a layer of dark liquid. It's a bit sticky. Cook poured the black liquid on the road. And a black liquid was spilled on the surrounding stone walls. Then Cook took out a bag of powder and sprinkled it on the ground and surrounding stone walls. A long distance has been taken one by one by Cook. Then Cook turned into a lightning bird. Walk slowly from the other side. Cook's footprints were left on the ground.

Cook craned his neck and looked at the other side. The other side is a small space. There are some colorful mushrooms in the space. This is after the last time Ying Cai mushroom broke out. Stay here.

"Hehe." Cook smiled. Then Cook hid on the side. Waiting quietly.

After almost three hours. Cook opened his eyes: "Hey. It's finally here."

"This **** giant. He wants to catch up with me." Cook then sneered at the corner of his mouth. Then he whispered to himself. The sound is not very loud. But Cook assured that several giants would be able to hear it.

Heimao and others are almost desperate. Who is that kid Nima? It's so able to run. You know this is almost a day away. Although the three of them are detouring. But what is the level of Nima? That is the fifth order. Tier 6 giant. What level is that kid. Jinshan used to talk about the first order. Level five. The sixth order can't catch up with the first order. Heimao really wants to give up. But not reconciled. why. Because Kuroma knows that Cook can cast giant armor. This is the armor of giants.

"Haha. Damn kid. Finally can't run away." Heimao heard Cook's voice. Haha laughed. Then struggling to chase after. Cook's footprints can be clearly seen on the ground.

But when Heimao rushed a few steps. There is a problem: "There is a trap."

Black Mao just finished roaring. I feel that the ground is unstable. Very slippery. Black Mao subconsciously scratched the stone wall with both hands. Then Black Mao was stunned. Shooting the cliff is also extremely slippery. Black hair couldn't hold his body at all. He dashed directly towards the end of the road.

"Ah..." Heimao heard a scream. I saw a fifth-order abyssal giant in the back sliding directly on the ground. Then slammed into himself.

"Bye." Black Mao heard a voice shortly after. Heimao can see it on one side of the stone wall. The kid who had been chasing him for a day sat on it with a bad smile.

"Boom." Black Mao felt himself hitting the stone wall immediately.

"Ying Cai Mushroom." Heimao just stood up. There has been a trap area. But a burst of colorful dust spurted out all at once. This is a colorful mushroom. Just feel the vibration. Immediately, it will spray a poisonous powder like bright color.

"Damn it." Black Mao yelled at Cook. Then a white protective cover appeared on Black Hair. As for the companion of the black hair. Then he roared loudly.

"I wipe it. Energy shield." Cook thought he had solved the three giants. That knows there are only two. One of them directly stimulated the energy shield. Cook was taken aback. Quickly jumped off the cliff. Then disappeared behind the stone wall.

"I want to tear you apart. Damn it." Heimao chased after him regardless. And the remaining giant of the abyss came slowly. At last the abyss giant got the warning from Black Hair. Just stepped into the trap with one foot. In fact, it is not a trap. It's just some biological grease. Plus the ground has a slight slope. So a simple trap becomes.

How did Cook know that this abyss giant could also use the energy shield. This Nima is like a primitive man holding a pistol~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What are you waiting for if Cook doesn't run.

"Boy. I'm going to kill you." Black hair roared and chased Cook again and again.

Cook heard the rumbling sound behind him as he ran. Cook turned his head and took a look. The shocked jaw almost fell off. This black hair didn't know why there was another layer of thin scales. And the black hair's body is still bigger. There is still black mist around. The black hair rushed directly into the underground world. No matter what you encounter. Even Shek Pik. Also ran into it at once.

"The black wizard. It is definitely the handwriting of the black wizard." Cook saw this scene. Run faster. Cook's destination is clear. Red Velvet beast over there. Cook didn't believe it. Nima, a Tier 6 creature, can also contend with Tier 8 social creatures. Red Velvet Beast has another name. Double-winged Firefox.

"Roar." At this moment. Cook heard a roar behind him. Immediately afterwards, Cook felt the violent energy fluctuations behind him. Cook's souls are all gone. The body flashed aside. But Cook still felt a huge force coming. Then Cook felt his whole body fly out at once.

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