A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 177: Flame Turtle Raiders (6000+

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"Damn it, you guys wait for me." Cook was scorched, and Cook was besieged by the flame turtle, and he escaped in a panic. Hundreds of flame turtles fired and sprayed, even Cook had to avoid it.

But Cook was very happy in his heart. Cook found a safer place and opened the wizard book. Cook then said, "Open."

Then a white crystal appeared on the wizard book. Cook saw the white crystal and felt excited: "Soul crystal, extremely pure soul crystal. It turns out that this wizard book can absorb the souls of other creatures after death. Then it condenses into soul crystals."

Cook finally knows why a wizard with a wizard book in hand is a powerful wizard. If the soul crystal Cook does not take out, when Cook needs to supplement his spiritual power, the soul crystal can be directly supplemented through the wizard book Cook, and after reaching the third level, the wizard book can be directly stored in Cook's mind. At that time, the soul crystal is directly added to Cook's soul.

But Cook felt a little dangerous for this supplement, as if it were a trap, so Cook took out the soul crystal directly, and as long as there was a soul crystal, it was very simple to increase his mental power.

"What a pure soul crystal." But at this moment, a guy appeared.

"Go away." Cook saw Barry and held the soul crystal tightly. This **** thing wouldn't appear without good things.

"Hey, Cook, let's talk about it. I'll help you subdue two red velvet beasts. You only need to give me ten soul crystals like this." Barry said with a smile, faceless.

"Go away, my wizard book can be subdued when it reaches Tier 3." Cook roared out of breath, knowing that this is the crystallization of more than one hundred and fifty flame turtle souls.

"Ahem, the wizard book is not a panacea, and too much use of the wizard book, in fact, there are drawbacks, do you want me to help you get rid of some of the secret things in the wizard book." Barry coughed twice, and then said .

Cook looked at Barry. Cook was not sure if there were any traps in this wizard book. After all, Cook is only a first-order wizard, and his knowledge of the wizard book is very limited, but who knows if this is Barry. Lie to himself, Barry has become more and more cunning over time.

"Talk about something secret." Cook said.

"Hey, this is a secret, not enough for you to see. My godhead can be condensed. It is not easy to get rid of some things in this wizard book. If you want to do it, you can agree to it. It's different." Barry chuckled.

"Hmph, I'm one with you." Cook snorted.

"Hmph, how is it going together? It's not life-threatening to me, nor is it to you, it's just easy to be controlled by others." Barry also snorted.

"You mean this thing has a back door." Cook looked at Barry in amazement, and then exclaimed. As a master of refining equipment, the back door is a hidden rule.

"Hey, I don’t know. I'll help you get all the wizard books for twenty soul crystals like this. Let me see. There are several books. If something goes wrong, I should double the price." Barry hehe Smile.

Cook's face turned green, and after a while Cook said: "Five yuan."

"No bargaining." Barry looked smug.

"Hmph, what about the back door? Will these guys come after I return to Sanctuary?" Cook began to bargain. Although Cook knew that there were no other wizards, the danger was after all, and the back door was after all.

"Fifteen yuan." Barry didn't expect Cook to say so.

"Five yuan, a price, and it was a waste of effort, anyway, I am not in a hurry, what about the back door, I am a wizard, and the other wizards may not know how long they will come back." Cook said angrily.

"You, why are you like this? If I lower the price, you should increase the price too." Barry was so angry that he roared loudly.

"Five yuan, it's the price, forget it if you don't do it." Cook acted as if you would do it, and you would fall down.

"Fifty dollars, I can combine these wizard books for you, and merge them with a trace of your soul, and the soul crystals absorbed by the prey you kill will be directly added to the soul." Not only did Barry not reduce the price, but instead returned it. The price has increased, but Barry also offered some conditions that Cook could not refuse.

"You...can be sure." Cook took a breath.

"Of course." Barry's heart sounded endlessly, so it's too early to fight with me.

"Deal." Cook has long been impatient with seven or eight wizard books. It would be really cool to be able to blend together, and he can directly replenish his soul.

"But I want you to swear by your soul." But then Cook said with a sneer on his face.

"You don't believe me." Barry jumped up, actually moving like a fireball.

"Of course I don't believe that others can keep the back door, why can't you stay? Hehe." Cook smiled, although I don't know what Barry's idea is, but as long as Barry can swear by the soul, Cook is not afraid, just swear by the soul, Barry Cook really wanted to stay at the back door. At that time, the direct contract between Cook and Barry was not equal, and Barry was Cook's slave.

"You...really." Barry gritted his teeth. Barry originally wanted to leave the back door, and then secretly drew the soul crystals from the wizard book, and Cook didn't know it, but he swears by his soul and can't do it. Just dig a hole for yourself.

"Hey, so average." When Cook saw Barry's reaction, he knew that he was doing it right this time. It seems that this guy must want to make a ghost, and Cook can guess that he is in the wizard book and steal his own. Soul crystal or something, after all, there is only this benefit.

After Barry swore, Cook took out all the wizard books, and then Barry’s body turned into a bonnet of flames, and directly wrapped the wizard books, and Cook also endured the severe pain to tear a part of his soul. Give it to Barry.

"Okay." Barry yelled at Cook in a few minutes.

"So fast." Cook's eyes were about to fall out. Nima Cook thought it would take a long time, but he didn't expect it would be better in a few minutes.

"Nonsense, remember, ten days, after ten days I will charge interest." Barry left a sentence and it disappeared. This time Barry suffered a big loss. The reason why he wanted fifty soul crystals was Barry thought he could keep the back door. Knowing that Cook, a profiteer, was not in vain, he actually countered it.

"Huh." Cook looked at the wizard book again, and a strange feeling appeared in Cook's mind. It felt that the wizard book was like a part of his body.

"Haha, haha, haha." Cook looked at the wizard book floating in front of his eyes, and it was getting bigger and smaller. Cook was very excited. This wizard book is integrated with the space wizard book, and the soul is integrated, creating a subtle The change.

"Close." Cook thought, and then the wizard book disappeared, and then Cook saw the wizard book appear in his mind.

"It turned out to be like this, it turned out to be like this. If you want to put the soul into the object, I know how the main artifact is refined, wow khaka." Cook understood some information in an instant, and then Cook's Mageweaver level suddenly Once he reached the eighth level, Cook himself gained the inheritance of the Mageweave Master. The eighth level Mageweave Master let Cook know more things, especially the method of refining the main artifact.

Cook opened the Mageweave defense shield, and Cook saw Mayden. Cook said, "Go, let's kill the flame turtle."

Although Cook knows the method of refining, Cook does not yet have the ability to refine the main artifact, because that requires the divine fire to refine, and the ability to control the divine fire is at least the existence of the main **** level, because he wants to integrate the soul and the item. , You need sacred fire, of course, Cook is not so certain, don’t forget, there is also Barry, as long as there is enough interest, Barry is still very good to talk, of course, the main reason is that Cook has no materials.

"Huhuhuhu." Cook fled in embarrassment. Behind him was a series of flames. The flame turtles were just annoying. They set fire to attack. Nima, a flame turtle, Cook can also hard-top, but hundreds of flame turtles can carry With the raging flames all over his body, plus the jetting flames, Cook can only run.

"Nima, it seems that I need a long-range weapon, **** it, the power of the firebolt technique has been greatly reduced." Cook hid in a cave with a magic pattern protective shield, cursing secretly, and Cook was scorched black. One piece, Cook’s body is strong, but it is relative to the Sanctuary Plane, and in the star realm, Cook’s physical strength is only a first-order, and his mental strength is not even one-order. These flame turtles are truly one-order. Level creatures, defensive power metamorphosis, the release of flame spray has a damage bonus, because the flame turtle is a fire type creature in the wizard’s classification, and it is also a fire type creature with an energy damage bonus, so the library Although Ke is confident and has analytical models, there are always accidents. This time, Cook was attracted by the screams of a flame tortoise to attract a large area of ​​flame tortoise, and Cook fled in embarrassment.

"I also said that the flame turtle is slow, here and there, Nima." Cook muttered angrily in his heart. Cook forgot where the flame turtle's evaluation came from and what race the owner of the evaluation was. Ke is still a powerful clan of star giants, not the halfling that Cook looks like now.

Cook thought about it a bit, and it seemed that he still needed to use long-range weapons, and he also needed physical attacks. Although his fire arrow technique could be superimposed, it was too uneconomical. After all, there were too many flame turtles.

"Long-range weapons seem to be useful if they use physical and energy attacks superimposed, but physical attacks may not work. The defense of this flame turtle is still very high, and long-range attacks are not based on killing, but on control." Cook After pondering for a while, then there is care. In fact, in this underground world, the earth system is the best system, but Cook’s spell slot is only a quicksand, which can deal with a dozen flame turtles, but this lava river There are at least tens of thousands around, which is not enough.

After calculation, Cook began to refine. Fortunately, Cook has a lot of materials. Cook is preparing to refine weapons such as muskets. Bows and arrows sometimes hinder actions in the underground world.

The main body of the guns of gun weapons is relatively simple, mainly because of the toughness of the material and sufficient strength. In addition, it is accelerated, and the acceleration is mainly in the barrel. So this thing is simple to refine, don't take an hour, Cook refined barrel.

The most difficult thing is the bullet. Cook has already figured it out. You need some different types, such as the bursting armor-piercing bullet of the fire type, the frost piercing bullet of the ice type, the quicksand bullet of the soil type, and the paralyzed bullet of the highly toxic type. Wait, the bullet that Cook used this time has no thrust. The thrust comes from the acceleration magic pattern engraved in the barrel. The bullet only needs to depict different types of magic patterns.

But even so, Cook took two full days to produce up to two thousand bullets, among which two hundred are fire-type bursting armor-piercing bombs, gold-type armor-piercing bombs have two hundred, and ice-type Frost Emergency There are two hundred frozen bombs, one hundred highly toxic paralysis bombs, and the rest are all quicksand bombs.

In fact, it’s a quicksand bullet, which is to inscribe a quicksand magic pattern on the front of the bullet, and then inlay a crystal core at the back. After the bullet is hit, the quicksand magic pattern will be activated, and then a certain range of types around will form quicksand. Originally, Cook planned to use it. Swamp spell, but swamp spell is a combination of water and soil spells, when dealing with the flame turtle, the effect may not be good, after all, the flame turtle's fire system restrains the water system.

After the refining, Cook refined dozens of throwing grenades, all of the ice system, which is mainly used to deal with large-scale flame turtles, and is the best weapon to escape group killing.

"Nima, this time I have to be enough." Cook looked at the disappearing crystal nucleus, distressed, and then Cook began to look for a suitable place.

The main reason is that Cook does not have powerful long-range weapons. If there are, Cook directly deforms and flies to a certain commanding height, and then slaughter


Mode, but even with powerful long-range weapons, it’s not cost-effective to kill a Tier 1 Flame Turtle. After all, the Flame Turtle’s defense is almost equivalent to the Tier 2 pinnacle of other creatures. If you kill the Flame Turtle, it’s better to kill Tier 2 Creatures, Cook is mainly to collect food for the edder beast cubs, as well as soul crystals.

"The wizard book." Cook took out the wizard book. Cook didn't know how far away the wizard book could be to absorb the souls of these flame turtles, so this still needs experimentation.

Soon Cook chose a small cave, the cave is curved, but the entrance is straight, which is conducive to long-range weapons, self-defense, and the release of quicksand.

But Cook also needs some traps, because it is extremely dangerous to lure a large number of flame turtles at a time, and hundreds of flame turtles can not be solved by Cook.

"Puff." With the magic pattern acceleration method, there is no violent explosion sound after the bullet is fired. In fact, the magic pattern acceleration is equivalent to an air gun. There is an acceleration magic pattern inscribed inside the barrel, and there is also an acceleration magic pattern at the bottom of the barrel. Inside the barrel, the speed of the bullet is extremely fast.

"Boom." At a distance of two hundred steps from Cook, a flame tortoise was directly hit by the huge force of a bullet, and the flame tortoise made a loud sound of intimate contact with the ground.

"Huhu, Huhu." The surrounding flame tortoises immediately looked up at their heads and soon discovered Cook. At least four or five hundred flame tortoises ignited raging flames and rushed towards Cook.

"Bang." Cook stepped back quickly, the flame turtle is not slow.


Cook followed the planned road and lured hundreds of flame turtles. When Cook walked through the narrow passage at one end, he murmured something. Cook walked quickly, and the flame turtle behind came with a raging flame. Chased Cooke.

"Boom." After dozens of flame turtles rushed past, this narrow passage suddenly sank, revealing a huge rectangular pit. The flame turtles behind fell into the pit one after another, at least in the pit. After dozens of flame turtles, the flame turtles behind stayed on the edge of the pit, hissing in the distance.

"Very well, cut the guy behind, it's up to you." After walking out of this narrow passage, he arrived in a small cave. Cook grabbed a rope and quickly climbed into a depression. On the stone wall.

"Come on, come on." Cook provoked vigorously on it.

"Huhu, huhu, huhu." The dozens of flame turtles below tilted their heads and sprayed flames at Cook, but the flames did not reach Cook's location at all, but the flames hit some loosely. The stone fell.

"Quicksand bombs." Cook saw dozens of flame turtles out of the tunnel below, and two quicksand bombs shot out.

The quicksand shells hit the ground, and the ground suddenly burst into light, and then the whole ground began to collapse. The flame turtle knew badly at this time and wanted to run, but the range of the two quicksand shells was very large.

Dozens of flame tortoises immediately plunged into the quicksand, and the flame tortoises continuously ejected flames. The inside of a large quicksand pit is like a large fire pit. Fortunately, Cook secretly said, if it is the marsh technique, it might be useless. , The water element in the swamp technique was burned by such a flame, and it has long lost its effect, but the quicksand technique is different. The pure earth element is very resistant to fire attacks, and it can be said that it has almost no effect.

"Haha." Cook laughed. This plan worked. First of all, Cook set up a trap on the road to block the flame turtles behind him. When Cook passed the trap, he activated the trap's spell. Cook set the extended time only. The set time is fifteen seconds. This requires the person to guide the person to master the distance to the flame turtle. When the distance is far away, after being blocked, there will be fewer followers and closer. Not only will you face the attack of the flame turtle, you may also face more flame turtles chasing behind.

"Boom." But Cook was dumbfounded as soon as he finished laughing. With a boom, a **** hole was exposed where the quicksand technique was, and dozens of flame turtles in the quicksand actually fell.

"Fuck me." Cook saw the big hole, and then cursed loudly. Obviously Cook chose a bad place. There is more than one level in the underground world. Obviously, quicksand makes this level of ground and the next level together, and this The place is precisely the weakest area.

"I'm **** your lungs." Cook walked to the side of the pothole and heard the sound of running water below. Cook knew that he had guessed wrong. This is the underground river below. As for the flame turtle, Cook doesn't need to think about it. , Cook is out of anger.

"Boom, tell you to chase, tell you to chase." Cook then came to the pit. Dozens of flame turtles in the pit of the trap were killed, and they were brutally killed by Cook.

"Twenty-three flame turtles, Nima." Cook looked at the first-order crystal nucleus in his hand. This time Cook had consumed six bullets and a trap, and he actually obtained this.

"Nima, don't kill, this flame turtle has too high defense." Cook killed again and decided not to kill. This Nyima flame turtle has too high defense, and only the Star Breaker can use it. There is no way to use weapons at all, and there is a group of them, which is too dangerous.

Cook decided to walk along the magma river. Around this magma river are the fire creatures. Even if it is not bred, these fire creatures like to stay here. But to Cook's comfort, this wizard book probably does. To absorb the souls of creatures within one hundred steps, one hundred steps is not short.

"Volcano lizard." Within a few minutes, Cook saw a huge crocodile-like guy with fiery red scales, but this thing was not a crocodile, but a volcanic lizard.

But Cook is not at all happy. The volcanic lizard is a Tier 4 creature and can reach Tier 6, so Cook can only make a detour with his nose. Even if it is a volcanic lizard, he is unwilling to eat flame turtles. Nima is too hard. There is not much meat.

"Finally, I went around." Cook looked at the magma flowing into the ground in the distance. Cook breathed a sigh of relief. There are too many fire creatures beside this magma river, and they are basically gregarious, even if they are not gregarious. There is a flame tortoise. The flame tortoise is too annoying. Once the target is found, the whole body will rush towards the target, and then the other flame tortoises will know that something good is coming~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then rushed over. But the flame tortoise has a very strong conception of territory, and generally does not move without authorization. This is also after Cook chose that method in the first wave, and he couldn't do that in the second wave, because there was only a little flame tortoise in that place, and a few flames If the tortoise ran away, it would be impossible for other flame tortoises to go to that place. From this point of view, the flame tortoise is not very stupid.

"Boom." Cook commented vigilantly. There was no energy fluctuation in his sight, but Cook still felt something was wrong. This place is quiet, and other places are quiet. There are more bugs, but there are no other places. , Just when Cook was alert, Cook felt a strong attack on the ground, Cook quickly jumped away.

"Tear it." Cook's clothes were torn directly by a bunch of things like ground thorns, and there was a cracking sound.

"Nima, dare to attack me." The moment Cook avoided, the Star Breaking Hammer in his hand smashed over, because Cook discovered that the thorn-like thing here was the horn of some kind of creature.

ps: Recently, I saw that a hundred nectar of a certain treasure is only 20 kilograms, and it has received thousands of praise. Emma, ​​we can't buy one hundred fifty-one kilograms of nectar. What is going on.

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