A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 178: Tier 1 peak (6,000+)

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"Puff." Cook directly smashed the huge horn, but what Cook didn't expect was that green liquid spurted from the broken horn.

"Zizi, toxic, crashing." The sprayed green liquid fell on Cook's clothes, and the clothes instantly corroded into big holes. Cook's face changed, and he quickly took out the water sac to rinse his body. .

"What is this?" Cook hurriedly jumped far away while washing, but there was no movement for a while, Cook was puzzled.

Although Cook was puzzled in his heart, Cook did not go over, but prepared to leave far away, but just as Cook was about to leave, there was a violent vibration on the ground, Cook immediately packed up his weapon and transformed it. Lightning bird.

"Boom." Cook flew high and saw that the ground began to collapse, and then a chubby black guy emerged from it, shaped like an earthworm, but the difference was that there was one on this guy's head. The unicorn has fine scales on the body, and it exudes a pungent fishy smell.

"Fuck." Cook felt dizzy and flew away quickly.


"Wow." In Cook's surprised gaze, these creatures appeared one by one, and the stench in the air became more intense.

"Tier 3 socially toxic creatures." Cook saw the following creatures. From the energy fluctuations they radiated, it was Tier 3, and the third-tier gregariously poisonous creatures, I'm afraid that a single Tier 7 creature would not dare to come. Here, coupled with the strong concealment, Cook almost said that if it weren't for Cook's Star Breaker, that thing Cook really couldn't deal with.

"This underground world is too dangerous. Look for an exit." Seeing these weird creatures, Cook didn't want to venture in the underground world. Nima is too dangerous. Even with the magic eye, it doesn't work at all. These strange guys Hidden underground, you can't see through.

"Hey, these guys have swallowed their companions." Swallowing companions is not uncommon in the biological world. Many creatures will be swallowed after their companions die.

But the devouring scene here surprised Cook, because these creatures not only swallow the bodies of dead creatures, but also attack each other. The scene of these creatures attacking looks very ridiculous, just using the long unicorn on the round body. Attack, the whole creature is like an elastic spring, shoot out quickly, the single horn on the head is equivalent to a pointed head.

The scene is chaotic. Dozens of these creatures are attacking each other below, and the surrounding rocks are shattered by the impact. No wonder there are no bugs here. Every time the body of this creature attacks, the ground shakes, and the round body directly crushes. Press a large area.

Cook did not watch this place carefully. These creatures are not easy to deal with. Cook's first-tier strength is not enough. If single-handedly against first-tier creatures, Cook is okay, but for a group of first-tier creatures, Cook has to rely on his brain. Up.

After passing through this area, Cook continues to move forward. Cook is now looking for a road. Yes, there are roads in the underground world, because the earth is manifested in winter. Some ground creatures spend the cold winter in the underground world every winter. Therefore, every entrance into the underground world has a big road. As long as you distinguish it carefully, you can still find it. Some entrances are larger, which is obvious.

"Strange, why haven't seen the road for so long." After several hours passed, Cook was puzzled. There were some traces of biological movement on the ground, but it was not the kind of road out of the underground world.

"Boom." Cook's magic eyes are still very useful in the underground world. Cook just waved his hand, and the broken star hammer in his hand smashed out, with a bang, a lizard-like creature hidden in the dark Cook smashed his head.

"Hehe, I let you hide, want to attack me, hehe." Cook walked over and put away the crystal core of this second-order creature.

Sneak attack in the underground world is an eternal theme. This second-order creature is hidden under the stone next to it. If you don’t pay attention, you think it is a stone. The color of the stone is exactly the same, but Cook’s magic eyes have long discovered this. The disguise of creatures, why, because the energy fluctuations in these creatures are as dazzling as light bulbs in the dark, Cook was very vigilant at first, and then Cook discovered that these creatures are not within its attack range, these guys Can't move, and how heavy is the weight of the broken star hammer, second-order creatures are often killed by Cook with a hammer.

Cook is not very anxious, after all, the longer he stays in the underground world, the safer he will be. After all, the giant's territory is still very large, so he has not found a way out. Cook is not anxious. Instead, Cook pays attention to looking for some who are alone. Creatures, whether they are Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, or Tier 4, Cook dare to provoke them.

First of all, Cook has an advantage, that is, he can transform into a lightning bird, then fly high, find a good place, and then start attacking. I have to say that Cook is very yin line, and this guy is usually direct at the beginning Throwing with stones or something, the creatures were scared at first, but after being smashed for a while, these creatures don’t matter. What a stone is, and then Cook shoots out energy burst bombs very insidiously. This stuff is powerful, but Ku Ke is not used to attack this creature, but uses the firelight generated by the explosion to temporarily blind these underground creatures. The weakness of underground creatures is sunlight. Sudden irritating light sources will make these creatures temporarily blind, and some are even permanent.

Then Cook’s Star Smasher smashed down, and Cook stopped worrying about the energy of the Star Smasher, so a huge hammer directly smashed the blind creatures below into meat cakes, and then Cook activated the Smash The model in the star hammer became smaller, and then searched for the crystal nucleus and some useful materials. Not to mention, even Tier 4 creatures made Cook more than one dead. As for Tier 5, Cook has not seen it yet. .

"Hey, it's a fourth-order crystal nucleus again." Cook put away the crystal nucleus with a smile. Cook also figured out a set of survival methods in the short period of time in the underground world. The first is spiders and highly poisonous ones. , Don’t provoke the creatures, let’s not talk about spiders. This Nima Cook occupies the commanding heights. These spiders will also climb up. If they climb up, they will climb up. It’s still a group of Nima. Silk is very insidious, mean and cunning.

As for the highly toxic type, it’s better to say that Nima can’t be defended at all, so when Cook sees these two types of creatures, he will go around directly. Cook will transform the lightning bird, and it can also become bigger and smaller, so even if it is found, It's easy to escape.

As for the creatures that are alone, Cook has not let go. Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4, Tier 4 are the limits, because Tier 5 creatures are not smart, attacking, or defensive. One level, of course, the most important thing is that after the fifth-order creature is killed, the wizard book cannot absorb the soul, because the fifth-order creature is too far away, which is mainly because the fifth-order creature's attack range is too large.

"The mental power has doubled, Emma, ​​this is good news." Cook woke up from meditation, his face full of joy.

The wizard book is a good thing. The soul energy absorbed by the wizard book can be condensed into soul crystals, and can also be supplemented to the user of the wizard book. Although the spirit power has doubled, Cook counted the creatures he killed. There are as many as hundreds of first-order ones, many of second-order ones, dozens of third-order ones, and as many as eleven ones for fourth-order ones. It can be said that the absorption ratio is still very low, but even That's right, Cook is also very excited.

Cook now also understands why the wizard did not have a way to increase the spiritual power, and even the pill did not restore the spiritual power. It turned out that there was no way, but the method used by the wizard was too simple, as long as the wizard book was enough.

"Very good, I now have the official Tier 1 strength, try to lock the attack." Cook now has the strength of a Tier 1 wizard.

Every time Cook rests, he will deploy defensive magic lines. Although it consumes materials and time, safety is the first priority. Although Mayden is there, the strength of Mayden is not enough. The energy attack of first-order creatures allows Mayden Can't bear it, this is the star realm, not the **** realm.

"Lock, boom." This underground world looks dark, but it's easy to find other creatures. The wizard does not require the wizard to lock the target. Instead, the model in the wizard book is used to lock the target. What the wizard gave was only mental power.

A first-order rat-like creature was directly blasted open under the attack of the locking spell Firebolt. This is because the high temperature brought by Firebolt directly boiled it all, and the pressure in the brain was too much, so it burst open. , Torn apart.

"Yes, yes, I really yearn for the fifth level." Cook touched the wizard book. At the fifth level, the wizard book will undergo a qualitative change. According to the set value, once a dangerous creature approaches its alert range , The wizard book will automatically attack, which makes Cook more yearning for the wizarding civilization. It can be said that this wizard book is an automated magic attack prop, and it also takes into account energy reserves, spell memory and other functions.

"Perfect." This is Cook's evaluation of the wizard book. The word perfect is completely bearable.

With the locking spell, as long as the number of first-order gregarious creatures is not more than one hundred, Cook directly pushes it forward. There is an energy gun for long-range battles, a wizard book at mid-range, and a star-shattering hammer at close range. It can be said that Cook is now The weapon configuration is still very reasonable.

In general, Cook kills the target at the middle distance, because then the wizard book can absorb the soul power. Cook does not know whether the wizard book absorbs the entire soul or just absorbs the soul particles, but this is not important. When the absorbed soul was replenished to Cook, Cook found nothing wrong.

Supplementing your own soul with the souls of other creatures, the biggest disadvantage is the memory fragments in these souls. In the end, these countless memory fragments will split your own personality. This is why the Necromancer is hunted down, not because Necromancers are vicious, not because necromancers kill people, but because high-level necromancers are lunatics, which means that high-level necromancers will split their souls and eventually become a madman. A high-level necromancer becomes a lunatic, and the damage caused is They are extremely large, so they will be hunted down. As for the cruelty of necromancers, in this world, there is another kind of people called slaves, who don’t care about other people’s affairs in life and death. Necromancers are also mages at any rate and cannot afford slaves. Can't afford it, but no one dared to sell it, so the Necromancer had to do it himself, so things like slaughtering a village happened.

Cook can think of how huge this wizard book is if it falls into the hands of the necromancer, but Cook is also looking forward to it. If he takes this wizard book to the plane of the undead, will it be faster to replenish his spiritual power, but it is also Cook just think about it, because it’s just mental power, it has to have other energy. Cook’s current wood element and fire element are very rare on the plane of the undead. If Cook goes there, he will be chased by the undead every minute. .

"Haha, the spiritual power has doubled again." But in a mere three days, Cook's spiritual power doubled again, but Cook also meditated for six hours a day. There is no way, just rely on the wizard model. Replenishing energy is too slow, and meditation itself is a good way to increase mental power, so Cook will slowly absorb the soul energy in the wizard book at the beginning of each meditation, so that the absorption rate is the highest.

"Boom." Very good. Cook smashed his fist. Cook started the eightfold superposition madness. Now Cook's height is comparable to a starry sky giant, no longer the size of a halfling, Cook's current spirit The force is completely bearable, but it’s just nine times of superimposed madness, and Cook still dare not experiment, because the difference between eight times of superimposed madness and nine times of superimposed madness is not as simple as tens or hundreds of times. It's easy to calculate, it's related to mental strength, physical strength, endurance, muscle strength, bone strength, etc., and there is no detailed research on the orc side, so Cook can only rely on feelings.

"In the underground world for another month, wait until the spiritual power reaches the peak of the first-order wizard, and strive to reach the second-order, the current height, and then disguise it, it will be safer to go to Bawang City." Cook looked at his height, now Others can hardly recognize him at a glance. After all, Locke’s identity is only as tall as a halfling, but for safety reasons, Cook also wants to increase his mental power a little, preferably to reach the second level.


8711286241/32846786/3697961251832772772.png)> Even if it is not reached, the first-order peak is the minimum.

After Cook had a plan, the low-level creatures in the underground world were unlucky. They meditated, accumulated energy, then hunted and killed the creatures, and collected materials. Cook repeated this every day. When he encountered something that was not very tough, Cook would also follow This creature wrestled at close quarters to improve its body's ability to react.

In half a month, Cook's mental power tripled again and reached the first-order peak, but Cook's face was very solemn, looking at the dark area ahead.

"Nima, I've been around for a long time, why these guys still exist." Cook looked at the dark world in the depths. In Cook's magic eyes, there are energy fluctuations at the top of the space in front of him, and the black ink It’s green. It looks like a dark creature with a poisonous element. Cook wants to continue to make a detour, but Cook finds that if he wants to make a detour, Cook must look back and find another place to go around, because Cook has already arrived. The place where a large stone wall is.

The underground world is also a piece of area, with different shapes, but there are absolutely no restrictions. On the contrary, in some narrow places, only a few kilometers wide, other places are thick stone walls.

Cook doesn’t have to guess and knows that there are creatures like venomous spiders ahead. These creatures can be said to live in groups, or they can live alone, but venomous spiders have Tier 4, Tier 5 and Tier 6, and the most difficult thing is venom. , Cobweb, this thing is very difficult.

And because of its huge size, eight long legs are difficult to deal with, and these spiders are very sensitive to ground vibrations, so even if Cook has a stealth potion, he will have a tingling scalp in the face of such creatures. As for the weakness of this spider, then It is afraid of fire and light.

But the fire spells that Cook can release now have little effect on spiders. It is like a child threatening an adult with a lighter and slaps you out.

As for the light system, unless Cook can release the light system spells of the lowest level 3 and above, and must be durable, otherwise these spiders will go into the darkness and wait for your spells to be consumed, so this weakness is also relatively speaking. The strength gap is too big, and no matter what weakness it is, it is also for nothing.

"Headache." Cook feels a headache. Don't even think about Transfiguration. The spider silk sprayed by spiders is a range attack. If you turn into a lightning bird, you are looking for death. Don't even think about being invisible.

Of course, Cook’s just a headache. It’s not impossible. What’s more, it’s getting smaller and his body becomes the size of a human being on the Sanctuary Plane. At that time, Cook faced these spiders like an ant facing an elephant. Competing with an ant.

But instead of facing the spiders, Cook will have to face countless poisonous insects on the ground. There are too many poisonous insects, even if Cook is not afraid, but the movement speed of Nima is painful for Cook to think about.

"Hey." Cook sighed. There is no need to think about this method. Just look back quickly, safety first.

"Damn." When Cook was about to turn his head, Cook's eyes narrowed.

"This is metal." Cook found a strange thing under the stone wall. Cook took a closer look and found it was metal.

"Remains of Bekalin." Cook digs out the metal from the thick soil, and Cook knows that this is something inside the ruins of Bekalin. No matter how the shape of these things changes, the material cannot be changed. .

Cook looked at the venomous spider colony in the distance, feeling a little excited: "It turns out that it is, there are relics here. No wonder there are so many venomous spiders."

Knowing from the giants, every Bekalin ruins is home to a very powerful biota. According to Cook’s guess, there is energy in the Bekalin ruins, and these creatures need to absorb energy, so the surrounding creatures More and more, and after the gathered creatures absorb energy, they will become stronger and stronger, slowly forming a large biological colony.

And when the energy in the Bekalin Ruins ran out, these creatures didn’t know to leave, because these creatures had memorized this place in their bones, just like some creatures migrated far and wide just to lay eggs. Because this is something that is remembered in the bones, even if there is a huge change, these creatures will never go forward, and all groups of creatures will die inexplicably.

This kind of deep-seated memory is called inherited memory by magicians. To put it ugly, it is instinct.

After discovering the Bekalin ruins, Cook did not intend to make a detour. Cook was preparing to make a detour because he did not have enough benefits. Once there were enough benefits, Cook would take risks, and according to Cook’s observations , The Bekalin ruins here have not been discovered yet. Looking at the countless transparent spider silks hidden in front, you know how dangerous it is.

"It's pretty good." What can Cook do, become smaller.

After the triple transformation and madness, Cook was only the size of the fist of a starry sky giant. Cook wielded the Star Breaker in his hand, and smashed a beetle larger than himself with one hammer.

After getting smaller, Cook can’t use the wizard book, because the energy fluctuations will attract the attention of the spiders, so Cook can only use physical power. When these beetles Cook became eight times mad, they trampled a large group to death, but now Cook has become smaller and has to deal with these damned guys.

The smaller the creature is, the more it relies on instinct to act, just like a dog chasing you and biting, then maybe you scared the dog away with a stick, because the dog knows the stick is powerful, but if a wasp chases it You, you just take ten sticks and it's useless, just like this.

Because these creatures have only instincts and no wisdom, Cook is in trouble. As long as these guys see it, and no matter what the situation is, they will rush towards Cook~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Normally, Cook only needs to step on a big foot, or a spell can destroy a large group, but now Cook is very small, and he can't use his mental power and energy. That would attract the attention of poisonous spiders.

"Bah, chopsticks." After Cook had tossed for a while, his body was covered with the body fluids of these beetles, which made Cook uncomfortable. But what made Cook more assured is that now even Cook encounters those spider silks. The venomous spider did not respond. Of course, these spider silks were as thick as Cook's arm, and Cook saw it at a glance.

"Damn shit, shit." But the smell on Cook's body quickly attracted more creatures. Although these creatures are vulnerable, they don't know what fear is. Anyway, they rushed towards Cook. Come, so Cook’s traveling speed can be imagined. Cook is also killing him. Although these guys can do no harm to Cook, they have reduced Cook’s traveling speed. Cook can not get angry. According to the current library With this size, it takes eight times the distance of one step to be mad, and it takes a few seconds for Cook to take a few seconds, and with these babbling guys, Cook’s speed is even slower.

ps: The notebook is broken, and the desktop keyboard is not used to it. I have repaired the notebook these days, so the update is a bit unstable.

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