A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 179: Looting the Venomous Spider Nest

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"Damn it." Cook doesn't care about the stench of his body. There is no way. In other places, there may be small creatures that will eat these bugs, but in this venomous spider's nest, these bugs have almost no natural enemies. , Plus the leftovers leftover by the poisonous spiders, these bugs breed a lot.

Kaka’s body is too small. Although it is also a magic spider, it is not the opponent of these insects. The spells cannot be used. As for the refined energy gun, Nima Koke is now small. It won’t work afterwards.

The most important thing is energy consumption. The smaller the Star Breaker is to consume energy, the smaller it becomes, the greater the energy consumption, and Cook rushes toward the depths of the venomous spider's nest. The only advantage is that it does not cause drama. Pay attention to the poisonous spiders, after all, Cook's body is a little bigger than the bug, and he is not the biggest bug.

"Puff, puff, puff." Regardless of the bugs, Cook just wielded the Star Smashing Hammer and rushed directly. Each insect was directly smashed into a ball of meat sauce by the powerful force of the Star Smashing hammer, but the color of the meat sauce Some are green, some are black, some are red, and insect blood is rarely red.

In two days, Cook did not know how many bugs he killed, but Cook has not seen the true face of the ruins, but there are more and more ruins and items that can be seen along the way. Most of these items are buried in the ground, only some of them are still Expose some to the outside.

"Boom, boom, boom." Cook now waved an oblate metal in his hand, about the size of an adult starry sky giant's fist. Cook put the broken star hammer away and used this to deal with the **** ones. Insects, let alone a shot of this stuff, a large swath of insects was shot out. As for the scene after the insects were shot out, Cook ignored it.

In another three days, Cook saw the face of the ruins, but Cook's face is very ugly now, because the ruins are obviously the nests of venomous spiders, and huge juvenile venomous spiders can be seen everywhere. Yes, the number is still quite large.

"The ruins are too big." Most of the ruins are already buried on the ground, inside the stone walls, but these exposed metals let Cook know that the city is basically a city with a completely metal structure, just like a huge building. Most of the metal building was wrapped in the stone wall, and the remaining half was exposed outside, but the room where it was originally lived was a nest of magic spiders.

Cook’s face is not ugly. Cook continues to move inside. These high-level creatures have a certain degree of wisdom. As long as they contain energy items, these creatures will be collected and given to the leader, so Cook decided to go here. Looking deep into the venomous spider’s nest, Cook also knows that the good things in the ruins must be gone. They are all in the venomous spider’s nest. It’s not that there are good things in the ruins that outsiders imagine. No less than humans, and more sensitive perception. Countless years have passed, and energy-bearing things must have been collected by these creatures. Even if not all of them have been collected, then go to the head of the poisonous spider and the reward will be even greater. Some, but the danger is definitely higher.

The leader of the venomous spider is male, not female. Unlike the spiders on the earth, most of them act alone.

As for where the leader is, then it needs to be carefully searched by Cook. For such a large area of ​​venomous spider lair, it is more difficult for Cook to find the leader. After all, Cook is now small, and he is coming from venomous spiders. Said, the leader hides deeper.

"This place Nima is too big." Cook stood at a relatively high place. Looking around, the nest of this venomous spider is also too big. If you want to search all of them, I'm afraid it will take too long. .

Cook looked at the top area again. Most of the venomous spiders are on it. The venomous spiders like to fall from a high place and attack their prey. Then according to the habits of venomous spiders, this leader must be there. Up.

"There is a way." Cook thought for a while, and soon there was a way.

"Hey, I'll give you a draw from the bottom of the pot." Cook smiled very shamelessly, and then Cook slipped off.

Cook first found a relatively secret place in the ruins, and then began to prepare. Cook first had to build a magicweave protection array that could isolate energy fluctuations, and then what to do, Cook was in this protection array, Take out a sixth-order crystal nucleus, after the crystal nucleus was taken out, Cook began to prepare.

"Build a signal release device, which is covered by the fluctuation of the sixth-order crystal nucleus. It is estimated that it is unlikely to be discovered." Cook painted a tracking magic pattern on the sixth-order crystal nucleus, and then Cook left. .

From afar, Cook looked at where he was just now, and Cook whispered: "There is one minute left to see whether the bait succeeds or not."

Five minutes later, there was a hint of joy in Cook's eyes: "Hey, it's really a bet."

"Boom, boom, boom." A venomous spider with at least Tier 5 directly pulled away the place where Cook just created the magic pattern to isolate energy fluctuations, and then Cook saw the Tier 6 crystal he had placed there. The nucleus was taken away.

"Hehe." Cook smiled. If he wants to compare this venomous spider's nest to a well-protected vault, then Cook is an ant. How can this vault prevent an ant from stealing? Cook now wants What I did was to find the location of the leader of the poisonous spider, and then went in quietly, using a natural ring to steal all the things of the poisonous spider. Cook thought of this, hey smile, small size has the benefit of small size what.

"Left." Cook held the crystal ball in his hand and followed the poisonous spider far away. Cook's body is now smaller, only the size of a sanctuary human, and then Cook is in the silk of this poisonous spider Keep moving forward.

"Damn it, the calculation is wrong, it's time to go directly to that big guy's body." Cook wiped a handful of metal powder, no way, this spider silk is very sticky, Cook had to use some metal powder as a barrier. , But the speed will be much slower.

Cook’s guess is correct. The nest of the venomous spider leader is in the top area. If Cook hadn’t established the tracking magic pattern, he would have lost the trace of the venomous spider. Cook had used up his power for a long time. Finally climbed to the top.

"There is also a cave here." Cook saw a huge cave opening, which was on the side of the rock wall. At the top of the cave, there were countless huge spider silks woven into a huge net.

"Really here, but there are still several big guys." After Cook entered the cave, it was a big cave, but what made Cook feel a little tricky was that there was not only a venomous spider leader, but also seven or eight. Only other venomous spiders, these venomous spiders are not ashamed or impatient to do some unreasonable activities.

"Trouble." Cook feels a little troublesome, because when Cook uses a natural ring to load things, energy fluctuations can't be concealed. If it is discovered, a group attack's venom can make Cook die here. Seven The venom of the highly toxic creatures of Tier 1 is simply the venom of the highly poisonous to the Tier 1 Cook, and the level difference is too large.

Cook looked at the surrounding terrain. He had to say that the leader of this poisonous spider had a lot of things here. Not to mention, Cook saw more than one crystal core of the seventh order, a lot, just like mountains. Normally, for two days, Cook has been waiting, but this Nima venomous spider leader has always had other spiders coming in, either transporting things in, or big belly female spiders.

"It seems to think of a way." Cook touched his chin and looked at the **** of the poisonous spider leader as if it were equipped with an electric motor.

Cook came outside the cave again, looking at the dense spider silk, Cook’s eyes lit up, and then he had a way, Cook first returned to the ground, and then found a relatively secret place, and then Cook took out the wizard book. Begin to build the spell model.

"Greasy technique, used by the wizard apprentice." Cook opened the wizard book directly, then constructed a model of the greasy technique spell, and stored this model in the wizard book.

Next, Cook is to continuously reserve the magic energy of the greasy spell, not only to reserve himself, but also to reserve the wizard book, and the amount is also large.

In another week, Cook looked at the wizard book: "Hey, more than three hundred and five greasy techniques, enough for these spiders to drink a pot."

It took Cook another half a day to come to the door of the venomous spider leader's lair, and then Cook began to wait quietly. Cook had to wait for an opportunity.

Two more days have passed. Cook finally waited for the time. The venomous spider leader will eat once every two days. A few hours before and after eating, only two venomous spiders will transport food into the cave, and the other female spiders will be Driven away.

"Seven times madness, greasy technique, release." Cook revealed a huge figure in a place above the cave entrance, and then Cook immediately released the greasy technique, which is released on the spider web that enters the leader's cave, and On the surrounding stone walls, the wizard book continuously released a large group of black things. This is the greasy technique, but in just two seconds, there are only 30 greasy techniques in the cook book. Of course, the spider silk in a large area is covered with greasy things, and these greasy things are constantly moving along the spider silk, because the web formed by these spider silks is slowly lowering.

"Hiss." The hissing roar of the poisonous spider came from the cave.

"Haha, haha." Cook saw the three-headed spider, including the spider leader, rushed out all at once. The originally sticky silk is now covered with greasy things, and it was slippery and slippery at that moment, with three huge heads. The spider planted towards the ground like ice skating.

"Puff." But these spiders are not slow. Cook saw a tarp of spider silk shoot on the top stone wall, but the insidious Cook also released a greasy technique on the stone wall around a large area. , This spider silk may be said to be stuck directly, but now there is something greasy, this spider silk just hit the stone wall, not at all.

"Haha." Cook jumped out of the cave with a smile, there is nothing greasy in the cave.

"Get rich, I got rich." Cook looked at the crystal nucleus like a hill, with an inexplicable light shining in his eyes, and then Cook began to act, the spiritual force swept over the crystal nucleus, materials, anyway, as long as it is in the cave There is only one word for Cook, which is to accept. For this reason, Cook also specially prepared two soul crystals to deal with the situation of insufficient mental power.

In less than two minutes, Cook cleaned up the cave, and what surprised Cook was that in this cave, it was actually a vein of crystal mine. As for the size, Cook didn't know.

"Remember here." Cook was sweating profusely, and his mental energy was exhausted.

Cook stretched his head through the hole and saw at least dozens of venomous spiders densely underneath, and in the distance, there were countless spiders also ran over, but the stone wall that could be easily climbed slipped unexpectedly. This is even more true for silk. Spider silk that could have come up easily is also slippery.

"Give you something delicious." Cook took out a bag of red powder and sprinkled it, then he found out a round thing and threw it down. Cook then instantly transformed into a lightning bird.

"Boom." Cook heard a huge roar just after flying a distance, and then a large group of red flames suddenly appeared, forming an area like a sea of ​​fire.

"It's bad luck for you." The greasy technique was contaminated with the poisonous spider, and then Cook was sprinkled with a bag of fire system crystal nucleus powder and various combustion-supporting materials. These powders fell directly on the black greasy surface. The round thing that Ke dropped was a flame bomb, so the flame ignited all at once, and produced a deflagration effect.

But Cook did not silly wait to harvest the spoils, not to mention the number of poisonous spiders around here, even the leader of the seventh rank, Cook can not guarantee that this fire can burn the man to death, this is the seventh rank. The creature is not a low-level creature. Cook set fire mainly to cover his transformation skills and prepare for escape from here.

Watching countless venomous spiders rushing towards the place where the fire is, Cook sweats all over his back. There are at least thousands of venomous spiders here, coming out densely from various dark places, and then rushing towards the incident. The place of origin, and Cook’s deformed Lightning Bird is not big in size. Although the venomous spider has compound eyes, it is clear that Cook can no longer care about it now.

"Finally came out." Cook flew for a full day, because Cook knew that those venomous spiders would definitely attack other creatures around him violently, so Cook avoided far away.

"We have to leave. Tier 7 creatures are not easy to provoke." After Cook returned to the form of a starry sky giant, he continued to run, no matter what creature he encountered, he would detour. Once Cook made a move here, he might be It was discovered by the seventh-order venomous spiders that the brains of the seventh-order venomous spiders were not much worse than that of humans, and their thinking logic was also very strong. They just encountered a pervert like Cook, and were severely overcast. Cook now also knows that there are no useless spells, but the timing is not right. Of course Cook’s


So it went so smoothly because with the help of the analysis model, Cook made the plan to achieve the greatest success rate, including the release area of ​​the greasy technique, the release method, and the waiting time, all optimized by the analysis model. It is to analyze the power of wizards.

"This is the way in and out." Cook finally saw a huge road. There were obviously traces of countless creatures passing by on this road. Cook observed the footprints of these creatures and then rushed in one direction.

Cook already feels very unsafe in the underground world. First, he provokes the Red Velvet Beast, and then provokes the poisonous spider. The energy of the seventh-order creature, Cook, dare not look down on it. As long as he reaches the ground, Cook is not afraid. Poisonous spiders will definitely not come to the ground, and the ground world is not without tough guys. Every creature has its own territory.

Feeling the cold wind, Cook tightly wrapped the animal skins on his body. There is no way, clothes and other things are useless when transforming, not as good as animal skins. Of course, Cook also In order to conceal their identity.

The fur of Tier 1 creatures is still very warm. Of course, Cook also moved his hands. Otherwise, Cook’s eggs will be frozen, but Cook feels getting colder and colder. This is obviously close to the hole. Cook is not right now. Dare to deform easily, the cold resistance of Lightning Bird is not very good.

"Finally came out." Seeing the snow-covered world, Cook breathed a sigh of relief. The hole was very huge. It was on the side of a mountain range. It was surrounded by two huge rocks on both sides. There is not much danger, but in autumn and spring, this place is dangerous. Countless creatures will guard around this cave, waiting for creatures from the underground world, but it is safe in winter.

"The egg hurts." Looking at the heavy snow, Cook felt a little painful, because Cook didn't know the direction and couldn't walk.

Cook found a cave on this mountain. Originally, there was a black bear in the cave, but the boy was stupefied and smashed to his head by Cook, and then the cave was owned by Cook.

"It's still warm." The black bear cave was very dry, and there was thick dry grass, but the dry grass smelled, and it was not smelled after a handful of powder was sprayed by Cook, and then Cook started to light a fire.

This is the first time that Cook is so comfortable. In winter, the danger is very small, and most creatures will not come out to move. Even if it does, black bears generally do not dare to come over the place occupied by black bears.

After eating, drinking, and sleeping beautifully, it was already two days later. Mayden was also released by Cook. Mayden was put into the laboratory in the natural ring by Cook, so Meimei Dengsi didn't know what was inside the natural ring.

"Don't bite my clothes, go away." The two red beasts have opened their eyes. These two little things are like two flaming foxes. The two little things have begun to eat meat, of course, the crystal core It is also indispensable, perhaps because of their own energy, so the two little things are round and cute. They just like to play around, like to play with Cook with one of their front paws, and like to bite anything.

Mayden shrank behind Cook’s neck nervously, these two little things once again grabbed Mayden, and then Mayden became a toy for these two little things. You **** it, I **** it, and finally Ku Ke slapped one by one and saved Mayden.

"Get rich, get rich." After spending a day, Cook counted the harvests in the venomous spider's lair. There are three tier 8 crystal nuclei, and there are more than forty tier 7 crystal cores. There are thousands of Tier 6 ones, and even more Tier 5 ones, just like the hills. As for the number below Tier 4, there are very few. Although Cook is puzzled, he still doesn't know why. Maybe this spider leader doesn't like it.

"These are all items used by wizards." The remaining pile is items used by wizards, but most of these items Cook does not recognize, and the energy fluctuations contained in them are also very small. Obviously the time has passed too much. A long time ago.

"This is a floating boat necklace, I don't know if it's useful." Only then did Cook carefully distinguish the pile of debris. First of all, what Cook looked at was the floating boat necklace. As for whether it is still useful, it needs a library. Gram further confirmed.

"What kind of cards are these, and how can there be spatial fluctuations." Then Cook saw hundreds of metal cards of various sizes with very small energy fluctuations. Cook took out his tools, prepared to clean up the cards, and then carefully distinguish them. Fan.

After cleaning up, Cook smiled bitterly: "This is obviously a key card to enter some place, it's useless."

It was another day. Except for the three floating boat necklaces that were cleaned out, the others were basically useless. A lot of them were like energy gun magazines. The magazine itself isolates energy fluctuations. But because of the long time, the energy slowly spilled out and was collected by the poisonous spider. For Cook, this thing was useless. Cook did not have the ability to refine the energy gun used by the wizard. It was Tier 3 It is something that a wizard can refine.

There are quite a few key cards, but Cook doesn't know where the key cards are used, so it doesn't matter whether they are useful or not. Cook put all these things into the natural ring, anyway, the space inside is large enough.

"Prepare some necessary things, otherwise the speed in the snow will not be fast." Cook looked at the heavy snow fluttering outside, and he had a care in his heart, and then Cook sullenly made things.

After a heavy snow foot for half a month~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After the sun came out again, Cook discerned the direction and left the cave. Cook wanted to go home now.

"Bawang City, I'm here." Cook yelled, then sat inside a snowmobile, and Cook put two red velvet beasts in it.

After Cook sat in, put down the lid. This lid is like a transparent lid like a blister in an airplane. After the lid is covered, the entire space is extremely warm. This is the magic snowmobile. It starts without the slightest sound.

"Go ahead." Cook gave the order, and the magic snowmobile shot out with a swish. A light curtain was unfolded in front of Cook's eyes. Cook could see a long distance ahead, which was detected by the detection model. Yes, Cook is not afraid of other things, he is afraid of falling under the cliff.

"Finally saw the crowds, Nima ran for a full week." Cook looked at the town in the distance, and he was relieved. Cook has always been vigilant this week, because the field is after all, and as long as he arrives After the town, there will be roads, and Cook will not be afraid.

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