A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 192: Ignite the fire of origin

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"You, you, Cook, you are dog-faced, I am kind..." Barry roared in Cook's mind angrily.

"Cut, I don't believe you, it doesn't matter if I don't say it, but if I ignite the source of fire, you want to be good again, hum." Cook didn't care at all, but said threateningly.

"Damn it, profiteer, you are a profiteer, despicable, cunning, shameless human profiteer, there is a **** like you in the star realm, it is simply a disaster in the star realm, look at you to start a war between the tribe and the sage association, this A lot of people are dying. The giants must have been split by you now. You, a villain who destroys unity and stability, Cook, don’t you feel sad for your own actions? Are you not so treacherous? And I, Barry, for you..." Barry yelled.

"Ahem, you also forgot about the demon plane, where there are more dead people, and there are demons." Not only did Cook not be embarrassed by Barry, but added.

"Damn!" Barry also replied to Cook. He has seen a thick-skinned one, but never seen such a thick-skinned one.

Cook smiled, and his mental power fluctuates again: "I count three times. If you don't say it, there will be no chance in the future, one...one...one."

"Why do you call them all?" Barry asked suspiciously.

"I said to count three times. I didn't say to count one, two or three. I finished the count of three times, but it's your reminder! For my sake, I will give you a discount." Cook laughed. Then replied.

"Despicable, shameless, how much discount do you say?" Barry was almost furious.

"Maximum 9.0% off." Cook smiled.

"Despicable, shameless, you haven't said the base of your girl, and it's 9.10% off, you might as well die, die." Barry was angry, Barry is not a fool, there is no specific base, discounts are all scum. (It seems that the fare of a certain railway is also discounted. It is 9.0% off, not 9.0%, nor 8.0%, but 9.0%, which is a lot of money, tut!)

"Hehe." Cook smiled. He could have the opportunity to squeeze Barry's surplus labor force. How could Cook give up? He would count one or two or three stupidly. Barry's personality is much better than himself, and he still has a lower limit. Seizing an opportunity, he was slaughtered severely, and Cook was slaughtered several times.

Cook talked with Barry for a while. On the one hand, he was exploring the bottom of Barry, and on the other hand, he was relaxing, because Cook knew that comprehending the original power is not that simple at all, let alone lighting the original fire.

"It seems that what Barry said is reasonable. This fire is the origin of everything. It is like civilization and a plane of huge life. The inside of the planet is full of lava. The temperature brought by the lava makes the temperature of the entire planet at a rough level. Within the range of, it will not be very cold, not very hot, no, no, just fire is not good, there must be water, without water, the entire planet is a magma planet, water and fire are the core source of power, as for earth It is the medium between fire and earth, which makes the reaction of the two elements not so intense. Then there will be wind, thunder and lightning, ice and snow, life, etc., but what is the darkness?” Cook thought more and more More, but the more I think about it, the more things I have.

When Cook discovered this situation, he quickly stopped thinking about it. The more he thought about it, the greater the amount of calculation and the more mental power he consumed. If Cook continued to force him, he might burn his brain out. Just like the cpu of a computer.

"Let's understand the origin of wind first, what is the origin of wind, that is to say, what is wind?" Cook asked himself.

"Wind is the flow of air caused by the surprise of the temperature, and the flowing air is the wind, so the deeper origin of the wind is the air?" Cook had countless questions in his mind.

Cook just thought of this. Cook felt that the elements of wind around his body seemed to be cheering, as if a king was coming. Cook was shocked. Cook gritted his teeth and said loudly: "Yes, the deepest source of wind is Air, air everywhere, wherever there is air, there is wind."

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. In the wind energy nucleus, the flame inside the nucleus was originally motionless. There were countless golden light spots around the nucleus out of nowhere, just like coming from a different space, appearing around Cook's heart out of thin air, and then rushing into the nucleus. .

The flame-like original power inside the crystal core slowly turned pale gold and gold, and finally Cook felt a burst of wonderful power enveloping himself, and then Cook found a golden flame appeared in the crystal core, the golden flame was like The size of a pin **** burns an independent space the size of a grain of rice inside the crystal core.

This is over. When Cook opened his left and right wings, Cook found that his body had actually become smaller, but the feathers all over his body had dark green lines, like some kind of magic loop.

"Fuck!" Barry's voice rang. Barry never thought it would be so easy to ignite the fire of origin. Nima's eyelids lit up in the blink of an eye.

"Quack. Barry, regret it." Cook was also very excited. If Cook hadn't been afraid that he could not control the power he had, Cook probably flew out again. In fact, Cook knew in his heart that the so-called comprehension is competition knowledge. The amount.

Cook knows that the essence of wind is the flow of air caused by temperature differences, but in this world, wind system and air system are two completely different systems. No one would associate it at all, and these people would not know whether there was no. With the temperature brought by the magma deep underground, the entire planet will be an extremely cold world. In fact, it is a magician. A magician who has more knowledge is more powerful. The magician competes with knowledge. The same is true for wizards. The reason why wizard books are expensive is because they contain knowledge, without the guidance of knowledge, cultivation is blind.

"Lao Tzu can now release other magics of the air element, quack." Cook closed his eyes and felt it. Both the wind element and the air element are a kind of original force, and the appearance of knowledge is different, just like the same electricity. It is manifested as heat, light, wind, etc., which are all electricity in essence, but the appearance is different.

Cook is the same now. The essence is a core source, but the appearance is air and wind. This is also the power of understanding the core source and can release all the power of appearance.

Of course, such a quick comprehension was something that Cook did not expect, but when Cook thought that the wind is air, the reaction of the surrounding elements made Cook decide to take a gamble, so Cook said that with a firmer belief. , It really succeeded.

Cook is in the air and doesn’t need to flap his wings at all. The wind around him is like cheering the king. The king just sends out his own will, and the wind executes Cook’s will. Of course, this is Cook’s feeling. In fact, Cook observes carefully and finds himself Now the body is full of various lines, including feathers, each of which absorbs wind elements and supports Cook's action, which means that each feather is a power system.

Without the slightest sound, Cook doesn’t need to be afraid of hitting any place now, because Cook is very sensitive now. Cook stretches out his wings and feels the information brought by the wind. There are certain biological information and some language. Information, this is because Cook can’t understand language, which means that Cook can roughly know what the wind passes through. Of course, this situation requires Cook’s mental power to actively communicate the wind elements, so it will consume mental power and wind It is fragmented, so the information it brings is the same as fragments. Without the support of strong spiritual power, Cook is not enough to piece together complete information.

"Hey." Cook sighed long.

"I'm vomiting." Barry heard Cook sigh, conveying this message in Cook's mind.

Cook also knows that his mind is a bit bigger. Now that he is, Cook is very satisfied, but the human heart is like this, and it is precisely because of such dissatisfaction that human beings are the masters of the universe and are in the same plane. , Occupy the absolute dominating power, if humans are satisfied with a full stomach, then humans may still be primitive tribes to this day. Why are Africans so backward because they have no big ambitions.

Why are the Southeast Asian countries so backward? Because those countries are rich in products, they can eat and sleep, and then wake up and eat again without much labor. This is why the civilization of the North has developed rapidly because of insufficient food. , The food is not enough, people have to further dig out all the power that can be tapped, expand the territory, to expand the territory, to expand the population, to expand the territory, you need to war with wild beasts, war with other tribes, war has spawned new equipment, weapons, Technology and so on.

Soon Cook arrived at the area where the Fengjin Mine was located, and Cook easily felt the information brought by the wind.

"Tier 4 creature, ha ha." Cook smiled, and then his body disappeared instantly.

Above the dark underground world, a fourth-order cyan bat is hanging on the rock. On the stone wall around the bat, there are several large cyan gems. The cyan bat closed its eyes and enjoyed the power around it. ‘

Suddenly the bat's eyes opened, and the bat could not feel the slightest energy. The bat's feet loosened, and then flapped its wings, but then the bat showed a look of horror, because there was no wind and no power to draw on.

"Boom." The cyan bat directly hit the ground with a boom and fell into the dark river.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho!" An invisible ultrasonic wave was sent through the bat's mouth.

But the bat didn't feel anything, there was silence, darkness, and no stones or rivers.

"Chichichichi." The bat is terrified, because although the bat's vision is not good, the small eyes of the fourth-order bat clearly see that it is in the dark river. This distance is visible, and it is not far away. The stone wall of the cliff, but the ultrasonic felt as if there was no existence, the cyan bat got up and ran away in fear, afraid to fly.

"I am the king of the air." Cook watched the bats run away and was very proud. Cook used his original power to order the wind not to use power to give the bats. As for ultrasound, isn't it spread through the air? Cook will do It is to let the air send wrong information to the bat, so the bat can't perceive anything.

"Waste, waste, you have that trace of original power, you can tear the bat directly, and you can also get materials, idiots, idiots." But soon Cook became uncomfortable, because Barry was constantly in Cook's mind Blame Cook for his mistake.

"I like it, huh." Cook's face was very ugly. Of course, Cook knew that he had done the wrong thing just now, but Cook hadn't tried it yet, so he had to give it a try. I didn't know that Barry took the opportunity and ruthlessly After a fierce mockery, Cook's face looks good.

"Good things, good things." Cook quickly collected wind stones.

"Idiot, idiot, idiot, the original power you have now, not to mention this wind stone, even higher and rarer wind magic materials, can be easily obtained, hey." Barry was taunting Cook again.

"Barry!" Cook was angry. Of course Cook knew this, but it took energy to make a wind stone, after all, it was a ready-made thing.

"Idiot." Barry left a word and there was no voice.

"You are cruel." What can Cook do.

Cook can easily feel the surrounding wind stones. There is also a Tier 4 bat in the surrounding area. Cook does not know the shape of his lightning bird, but Cook estimates that all flying creatures of Tier 6 and 7 are Without his own speed, not to mention endurance, the eighth and ninth levels of Cook are not sure, because the more the last, the greater the qualitative change of energy. Now Cook’s gap is not a qualitative change, but a quantitative change, just like Cook dealt with bats, Cook can only be in the air, because the wind energy in the bats will not obey Cook's command. It is something from someone else's house. Of course, if Cook reaches Tier 4, he might be able to command it.

"Ding." In order to verify his conjecture, Cook found a flying creature of the wind system, a first-order beetle, and when Cook's mental power moved, the beetle of this level was frozen.

"Bang, Nima succeeded, but it will consume the original strength." Cook cut off the head of the giant beetle with a wind blade, and Cook was very depressed. Although he successfully held the beetle, he must continue to consume the original strength. Cook's own original power is very small, and after the original power is used, the golden flame will absorb the energy in the surrounding crystal nucleus. After the original power is used twice, the energy in the crystal nucleus has actually dimmed a lot. Obviously The energy stock is very small.

Cook found a hidden place and transformed it back. Cook breathed a sigh of relief after transformation. Now as long as Cook is willing, he can block everything that needs to be blocked, and he can't hear what he doesn't want to hear.

"By the way, this vision is also the propagation of light through the air..." Cook's eyes lit up, and then he had a new idea.

But Cook was helpless soon. The light is very penetrating. If he wants to change, he will consume a lot of original power.

"But now that I am invisible, there is no sound at all, and I can block other people's hearing. Tsk tsk, Nima is really awesome." But then Cook thought of another point.

But Cook also realized that this is not a panacea, such as the vibration transmitted from the ground after being invisible, the sound is not only transmitted by the air, the ground is also the same.

"William..." Kateley looked helpless after seeing Cook come back.

"Haha, Kateley, go, I have good news." Cook laughed, no way, this Kateley is really dedicated, obviously he has been in the mine for a long time.

Kately's eyes lit up at this time, and then asked in a low voice: "Did you find a mineral vein?"

"Well, yes, but what can you do?" Cook nodded. Cook is now so powerful, and Cook can find out the veins of the wind stone if he wants to.

"Report, report, if you build a mine, you will have 10% of your income in the future." Kateley trembled with excitement.

"Kateley, let's report together." Cook heard Kateley's words and said immediately.

"No, no, William, I..." Kateley was hit by a huge surprise, but then quickly refused.

"No, no, Kateley, you see that my character is suitable for managing a mine, but if I don't manage it, I'm definitely worried, don't you think?" Cook asked.

"Yes, it must be managed. Those real people are not a good thing." Kately nodded quickly.

"10% of us, half of us, when you manage, I will take the ready-made ones, I am ashamed." Cook said quickly.

"Don't, don't..." Kateley was already speechless with excitement.

"Why don't you go and see now?" Cook said immediately when he saw Kateley's excitement, because Cook knew that he didn't want to leave Kateley to find something to do, so don't think about being quiet.

After spending two days, Cook took Kateley to the vein area of ​​the windy gold ore, and then reported to Kateley. In the end, someone from the city needed to investigate. This is Kateley’s business. It was very easy, but Kateley suggested that Cook and his family enter the city, with a mine to support, entering the city is a breeze.

But this requires the prospectors sent in the city to determine whether the mine has the value of establishing, and then Cook and Kateley have the right to enter the city.

"It's okay. I will go to the city to take a look, but there are no large settlements around here." Cook wandered around here for a long time without any traces of the city. Cook was puzzled. Obviously this The city is far away from here.

Cook was severely asked not to run around by Kateley, so the two little flying foxes suffered. They were used by Cook for experimentation. The barbecue seemed to be very fragrant, but there was no smell. The two little things smelled. He smelled it again, but he didn't dare to mouth, and kept looking at Cook. Finally, he couldn't help but licked it before he ate it.

"Haha." Cook laughed loudly. Cook cut off the emission of odors through the air. Although the original power is consumed, Cook knows such a waste, but if Cook does not experiment, he will never use the original power. Just like the sharpshooter is trained with bullets, you can't say that bullets are wasted.

The experiment was not in vain. Cook has been able to control the smell, sound, and the power of the wind and the air in a certain area through his original power. It can be said that Cook is the king of the sky within a certain range.

As for why you have to fall in love with a certain range, it is because Cook has only such a small amount of original power, like you have a great rifle, no, it is a cannon, but you only have one person, and the opposite is barehanded. People, but people are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, how do you compare.

In a word, Cook's level is too low and he has very little energy. The amount of original energy is directly related to Cook's own energy.

Cook’s test results show that a unit’s original strength requires at least one hundred units of nucleus energy to supplement, but the effect of a unit’s original strength even if the energy of 10,000 nucleus units cannot achieve this. Effect, this is not a question of quantity, but a question of quality.

Of course, one unit and two units here are just one unit measured in Cook's mind, and do not exist in any written records.

In just two days, Kateley hurriedly found Cook: "William, hurry up, there are people in the city, and we must immediately explore the minerals we found."

"Okay." Cook had packed everything up a long time ago, including the magic patterns that would grow on the stone bed.

Cook was surprised when he saw the team in charge of the exploration. There were more than one Tier 3 real person, but three, and several Tier 1 and Tier 2 real people. It can be said that they are all real people. .

Not only did Cook come out, but even the village head of the place of residence also came out. Kukla pointed to Kateli and pointed to the village head. Kateli explained: "Once the minerals we discover are of great value, then this residence The point will be expanded, and a laboratory for ore extraction may be established, so this settlement will be upgraded to a town-level settlement."

"Oh!" Cook said. The entire team consists of fifteen people. Cook and Kateley, as well as three people sent by the village chief, and the real person responsible for the exchange of this settlement, the exploration team has a total of nine people. , In addition to three third-order, there are four second-order, two first-order.

No one spoke along the way. This is common sense in the underground world. If you are adventurous in the underground world, if you have to talk a lot, you will definitely be beaten, because speaking will attract attention and interfere with others' hearing.

In the underground world ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ not only lurking creatures attack, but also natural disasters such as rock collapse, and more likely the underground river rushes down directly from above, but before all this happens, there is movement. Yes, so in the dark underground world, keeping your ears up and being vigilant are essential things for survival in the wild.

"Okay, you set up a camp. We are going to stay here for two days." After arriving at the place, Cook and Kateley led the exploration team pointing to the area where the ore could be seen, then Cook and Kateley, and The people sent by the village chief were ordered to set up temporary camps. Only then did Cook know what the village chief sent three people to follow.

"William, let's build a camp here?" Although Cook has not been here for a long time, the people sent by the village chief are still very respectful to Cook. For nothing else, it is because Cook has points, a lot of points. .

"No, let's go over there to build it." Cook shook his head, and then pointed to an area. Cook smiled while pointing. If the prospecting team saw that he and others were building a camp level to dig a lot of ore, they don’t know. Will he stay for two more days? This is also the reason Cook is looking for Kateley to partner with him. Cook doesn't want to show his face. As for Kateley, he doesn't want to show his face, cough, cough, it is beyond Cook's control.

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