A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 193: Arrive at Flying City

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Kateley asked worriedly: "William, if the exploration results are not satisfactory..."

"It's not ideal. Let's dig it out by ourselves. Anyway, no one cares about this place." Cook interrupted. Kateley was concerned about gains and losses, Cook can understand.

The three people who followed the village chief began to set up camps in the area pointed by Cook, and set up temporary camps in the wild. First, the ground must be cleared, and some insecticides or other poisonous powders should be sprinkled. The camps are generally Caves or places backed by mountains on three sides, even if they don’t rely on it, there must be enough defensive items, big rocks and the like, but this time the team doesn’t have to be so troublesome, just use the animal skins to build tents. Then everyone slept in the tent. After all, most of the team in this team are real-level powerhouses, and there is more than one.

There is also a place where a bonfire is to be excavated. The three people have just cleaned the ground clankingly, and one of them called out, "William, what is this?"

Cook and Kateley rushed over. Kateley just took a look, quickly poured out the water in the leather bag, washed the ground, and immediately screamed: "Ah, it's ore, ore!"

The other three also lay on the ground, and then looked at Cook and Kately with jealous eyes, because there are minerals in this place that were discovered by Cook and Kately, so a certain area around was discovered by Cook and Kately. .

You have one hundred points each. "Cook said very generously.

"What happened?" The scream just now attracted the real people who were exploring, and they all rushed over.

"Ore, look, ore." Kately hurriedly pulled the ground away, and the traces of the mining pick on the ground could be seen as blue ore.

"It's really ore, take everything away." When a real person in the lead saw this scene, his eyelids jumped. Why, the exploration team can also be divided into mineral deposits.

Things were quickly thrown away, and then the two second-order real people just waved their hands, and the soil on the ground began to condense, and finally an earth elemental puppet about the height of the giant appeared in front of Cook and the others.

"Boom, boom, boom." The two elemental puppets were like two huge workers, cleaning this small area, and soon the dirt in this area was cleaned up.

"Ore, it's really an ore." The three third-order real people were also excited, and an area was full of this ore color.

"Quickly, find out the depth." Another real person said loudly.

"Good." A Tier 3 real person immediately replied.

Then a piece of metal objects appeared out of thin air. Cook took a closer look and found that it was something similar to a drill bit. Then, Cook saw that the third-order real person began to assemble, and the last simple triangular frame was put up. A crystal nucleus is embedded in the shelf.

"Puff puff puff." Driven by the crystal core, the drill bit continued to drill.

The three Tier 3 real people were busy. Cook, Kateley and others were driven away by the two Tier 1 real people in the exploration team. It was obviously a secret thing, and Cook was very disdainful in his heart.

Half an hour later, three real people of Tier 3 appeared, and one of the team leaders said with a smile: "Kateley, William, congratulations to you. The mine you have discovered is of high mining value and is enough to build a large mine. Now, this is a contract. As the discoverer, the two of you can have a 10% share."

"Large mine!" Kateley was stunned, knowing that the mine where he started working was a small mine, and a large mine was a big mine with thousands of people.

"Yes, there are two more rich people in Feixiang City." The real person said with a smile.

"No, five." Cook added.

"Haha, yes, there are three of us." The third-order real person laughed immediately.

"How about, William, Kateley, do you need us to guarantee you." The third-order real person was in a good mood and asked.

Kateley was stunned. There are several ways to enter the city. The first is to gather wealth. Even if the wealth is sufficient, there will be a series of extremely stringent procedures and an observation period. The other is to find someone to guarantee. The guarantee of the third-order real person saved a lot of trouble.

"Thank you sir." Kately agreed immediately.

"Well, we won't continue exploring for the rest. Anyway, it's enough to build a large-scale mine." Seeing that Cook and Kateley signed a contract, the real person said with a smile.

The group immediately went back again. As for the things they brought, of course, the guys sent by the three village chiefs had to pack them up and carry them back. Before the exploration team left, they handed Cook and Kateley four guarantees, Kateley There are three people in the family, and Cook alone.

"Congratulations, congratulations." Returning to the place of residence, the village head of the halfling blushed first to Cook and Kately.

Kately and Cook also had to deal with it. Kately took her woman and children and packed up some things, most of them were gone.

The three of them came to the real person who exchanged the items and took out the guarantee. After seeing the guarantee, the real person looked very respectful. The third-order real person was more powerful than the first-order real person.

"I'll take you there." The first-order real person read the guarantee and returned it to Cook and Kately.

Cook and Kately followed the real person out of the residence and walked in one direction all the way. They didn't take long before they came to a stone wall, and the real person whispered a spell.

A big hole was opened in the stone wall. After Cook and Kateley walked in, they found that the room was not very large, but on the other side of the room, it was a very deep hole.

"Kacha, Kacha, Kacha." In a strange sound, a cage-like thing emerged from the big hole.

"Is it four people?" There were people in this cage, and there were more than one. There were already three people, one of whom was a real person.

"Yes, there is a third-order real person guarantee." The real person who brought Cook motioned to Cook and others to take out the guarantee letter.

"Come in." The person in the cage said after seeing it.

Cook and others walked in. After Cook went in, they found that the cage was not made in a modern style, but in the style of the Bekalin period. Cook guessed that this place was something in a large relic.

"This is an elevator with a long step." For half an hour, the cage was still moving with clicks and clicks. Cook finally understood what this thing was. It was something like an elevator. This thing has its own energy, and the speed of movement is just Faster than running alone.

"Don't talk after you go out." The real person inside asked Cook and the others.

There are eight people in this elevator. Cook and Kateley are four people, and there are three others.

As the elevator was opened, Cook saw a huge underground space. The walls of this space were all metal, and it was like daytime underneath.

Cook and others issued a guarantee letter again. There are already more than 30 people here, but there are no less than ten real people around. Cook knows from the wind that there is still a fifth-order strong here, and Cook can't help but Taking a breath of air-conditioning, Cook and the others took a dozen elevators.

"The next part of the journey, you just need to be quiet, but I said the good thing is that this part of the road is dangerous, but there is no way, you have not reached the human level, you can only go to Feixiang City in this way. , If you are afraid, you can withdraw now, and we will send you back to your original place." A real person stood up and said to more than 30 people present.

"Well, no one has come out, then we are ready to go." The real person saw that no one had come out, and said.

"Huhuhu." With a whirr, Cook found that a large hole was exposed on the other side of the space, and the ground began to slowly open.

"Track, one?" Cook looked at what appeared below the ground.

Within a few minutes, something like a metal bottle appeared in front of Cook and the others. Not only Cook was shocked, but even Kateley and others were shocked.

"Go up, one person, one seat, with a belt on the seat, tie yourself up." The real person who led the team shouted loudly at Cook and the others.

"Nyma is actually a subway?" Cook finally knew why the Sage Association hadn't discovered this flying city, and Nyima was too hidden.

After Cook and others got on the subway, they found that there were dozens of people in it. Cook and others hurriedly took a seat. This seat is like a half-open cage. There are belts on both sides of the cage and there are also on the belt. The button, the button is buttoned on the other side, like a closed cage.

"Okay, sit firmly, target, Flying City." The leading real person also came in, this person just sat down, did not tie himself.

Cook and the others couldn't hear any sound, and even Cook couldn't perceive the outside scene. Cook was shocked, obviously this thing was sealed.

"Well, the temperature has dropped?" The perceived temperature is gradually decreasing, which in Cook's view is impossible. The temperature of the underground world is constant.

"Boom!" Suddenly Cook felt the whole jar shake, and then there was no movement.

One hour, two hours, three hours, five hours, six full hours later, the real person said: "Okay, pack your things, the destination is here."

When the jar door was opened, Cook smelled a fishy smell. When Cook walked out of the jar, Cook was stunned.

"Too, the sun?" Kateley stammered at the sun in the sky, the bright sunshine, and the green plants around.

"This is on the Black Sea!" Cook suddenly exclaimed.

"Yes, you have come to Flying City." The real person who led the team heard what Cook said, glanced at Cook, and said.

A huge basin is surrounded by high mountains. There is no wind in the basin. The sun gives people a venomous feeling. Fortunately, more than one hundred people are familiar with the brighter lights in the jars. Was blinded.

Cook turned his head and looked in the direction of the subway. A hole was leading into the huge mountain range. Cook couldn't help but stun his tongue. Cook was even more curious about whether the subway was going through the water or a tunnel under the sea.

But obviously this is not something that should have been in this era, but something left over from the Bekalin period. There is also a large lake in the huge basin, occupying about 5% of the entire area. Leaning on a huge mountain range, a huge city appeared in Cook’s field of vision. This city is so huge that it occupies about 10% of the entire basin. Cook roughly estimated that it can hold at least millions. People, even in the Sage Association, this is a city above the Silver level. ‘

The capacity of the city in this era is very small, because it relates to all aspects. If in ancient times, why didn’t you see tall buildings? It’s not that they couldn’t be built, but it’s inconvenient. If you look at those tall towers, they are still built. If you don’t fall for a thousand years, first of all is the problem of water supply. In ancient times, there were no machinery, water was only carried, and there was waste excreted. The toilet collection might be smelly on the entire floor, and there were cooking and other things. At that time, it was all firewood. No electricity, no gas, and fire, etc., are not allowed to build higher-level buildings. Now if there is a power outage, water outage, and gas outage, no one will want to live in a house with more than 20 stories.

Feixiang City is very large, but the houses are not high, the highest is only about three stories high, generally two stories high, Cook and others led by real people directly led to a nearby building.

"Well, this is the place where you register. In Feixiang City, you must first have your own real estate. Of course, since you are here, you have the funds, but what we require is the minimum funds, that is, living on the hillside. The buildings above are the cheapest over there, but in the city, it is very expensive. In addition, I want to tell you that living outside the city is dangerous. Although there are powerful soldiers here, we are on the sea. , So at a certain time, a huge creature will drop from the sky and attack your residence..." Cook and others were taken into a room, and then there was a long film, nothing more than the rules of Flying City. of.

"First of all, we know why it is called Feixiang City. This comes from the saying, flying freely. Here, you are free and no one forces you to do anything, but as long as you can bear it and don’t provoke others, everything is fine. "Finally, this person ended with this sentence.

"William, this still needs points, but?" Kateley's face was a little ugly.

"Don't mind, we have this." Cook shook the contract in his hand.

When he waited for the number of people in Cook, Cook took out the third-order real person's guarantee, which surprised the registered first-order real person. Then he saw the share contract of the large mining farm held by Cook and treated him. Human expressions will be much better.

"You have several choices. The first is that you can sell the contract and you will get a lot of money. The second is that you can use the contract to mortgage and buy real estate. The third is that you join an organization. , Of course, there is also this contract, and you will get free real estate from the organization. Finally, you will find your guarantor who can provide you with temporary housing." The registered first-order real person introduced to Cook patiently.

"How do you sell the real estate over there?" Cook pointed to the houses near the hillside near Feixiang City. Those houses were like villages.

"One building with one thousand points." The first-order real person looked at Cook and replied. One thousand points is not a small number, it is equivalent to the price of dozens of first-order crystal nuclei.

"I don't know where to buy?" Cook asked.

"I... I can buy it here." Real people at this level looked at Cook's eyes and changed. There are so many points before the first level, which is really abnormal enough.

Cook has a thousand points in his hand. Yes, because when Cook left the residence, he transferred the mine out and sold it. It was sold to the real person in the mine. Five hundred points, plus the previous Cook gained more than a thousand points.

"But I suggest you buy the old ones. They have everything in them. New buildings are often destroyed and rebuilt." After Cook gave this first-order real person 50 points, the first-order real person immediately gave it. A precious piece of Cook.

Kateley was dumbfounded when he looked at him. From Kateley's point of view, Cook was a kind of second-hand, who didn't care about anything. Unexpectedly, Cook had such a side, so Kateley suddenly looked at him differently.

"Okay, you can introduce one." Cook again gave the real person of this order fifty points, and then said with a smile.

"This property is on the mountainside over there. Although it is far away from Feixiang City, there is a guard stationed in Feixiang City. There are real people of Tier 5 in the town. If I don't have enough points, I will Going to live." The real person of this order saw that Cook had at least two or three hundred points in his hand, said immediately, and at the same time gave Cook some pointers.

"Deal." Cook stuffed the real person with the score card in his hand. It was not Cook's score card that worked. There was so much news.

The value of second-hand goods is really worthless. Such a good location only costs 800 points, and most of the furniture is also given away. It is said that the owner of this place is promoted to a real person, and he has joined a certain organization. Residential.

"But you don’t have to be anxious to join the organization, you can watch it slowly. Some organizations are better not to join, but after reaching the human level, you need to join an organization. In addition, you can live together temporarily, but if it is good, One person sets the property, and the person who owns the property has a different status in Feixiang City." The real person of this level said to Cook while handling it.

"Thank you." Cook heard this level of real people chattering, and Cook guessed that few of them are so generous.

Soon Cook bought a real estate under the name of Locke William. Cook also had an identity card, which was similar to the set of the Sage Association, except that the points here are still in the form of a brand. Cook said The score card is the same thing. Cook wants to forge it in minutes.

The road up the mountain is relatively wide, you can line up about ten people side by side, and there are metal fences. The ground seems to have been cured by spells. When Cook and the others walked to the front of the house, it was already half an hour.

This is a platform inside a mountainside. Cook looked at it, and he saw a huge castle-like building not far away. There was a shadow of an energy cannon on the building. Obviously this was a defensive point.

Cook looked at the documents he bought the real estate: "Well, it's not bad. These hundreds of points are worth a lot of money. There is not only a two-story real estate, but also a large plot of land and a large mountain forest behind."

"It's more than a thousand points." Kately said corrected next to him.

"It's worth more than a thousand points. We are new here and don't give points. Who knows there are such good things." Cook shrugged and walked towards his property.

Cook took out his identification card and shook it on the door, and the door opened.

"It looks like you have to tidy up." Cook watched the grass grow in the garden and the leaves fell on the ground.

"It's very big." It's not that Kateley has never seen the world, but the garden is also very big. The whole building is like a round bunker, but the roof is pointed, and Cook saw that the roof is actually metal. , I don’t know if it was wrapped or cast. In the building, Cook saw a lot of traces of metal use, metal gates, metal window guardrails, and the stones that make up the house are also very blue-black stones. Cook had seen it at the beach, hit by a small mountain of ice, and it was not broken.

"Keng, Keng." Cook tapped the stone and found a metal-like sound. Cook knew that the hardness of the stone was comparable to metal, but it didn't have the toughness and ductility of metal.

The gate of the building inside is also the identity card. This is great for Cook. There is no need to bring a large set of keys. Of course, for Cook, he can get in with or without an identity card.

After entering, it is a hall. Behind the hall are several doors, obviously several rooms. Next to the door is a staircase, which leads directly to the second floor.

"William, you live on the second floor, we live on the first floor, let me have a woman for dinner or something." Kateley said directly.

"Well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But that's it for the time being. Once you have points, you can just leave after buying a house. Or should I lend you some first?" Cook asked indifferently.

"No, let's get familiar with this side recently and see the situation." Kately obviously has his own plan.

"All right, but I think we should ask someone to tidy up the garden, and tidy up..." Cook said casually.

"No, I'll clean up the garden." Kateley directly rejected Cook's proposal. In fact, Kateley was very grateful to Cook, but the less you say gratitude, the real gratitude.

"Well, I'll take a look at the second floor first, and you go to the first floor." Cook had no choice but to say so, and then went up to the second floor.

"Fuck, so many rooms." After Cook went up to the second floor, he saw a circle of rooms with a staircase going up beside him.

"Is there a third floor?" Cook suspiciously walked up the stairs, and went up.

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