A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 194: Kateley leaves

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After going up to the third floor, Cook was a little disappointed. This is like a closed attic, and the pointed roof is actually made of very thick metal. Just this huge pointed roof weighs Make Cook smack.

"Tsk tusk, it seems that Nima is not as dangerous as it is now. It was also very dangerous during the Bekalin period." The attic space is small, but it is only two rooms, but this attic Cook decided to use it as a storage room. This place is very hidden, and the roof explained in this way can hardly be used by real people.

But this needs to be cleaned up, Cook also took a look, and then returned to the second floor. There are as many as eleven rooms on the second floor. The hall is the center, surrounded by rooms, of which the stairs on the second floor connect to the middle hall. The location of one room, or twelve rooms.

"It's messy." The basic furniture in the room is still there. The beds, cabinets, etc., seem to be very old and messed up. Obviously, the previous owner cleaned up things like this before leaving. of.

"William, William." Kateley shouted downstairs while Cook was still walking around on the second floor.

"What is it?" Cook asked.

"There is a big storage room below, and I also found a secret door in the storage room." Kateley said to Cook mysteriously.

Cook was surprised: "Go, take a look, how do you know there is a secret door."

"In the Sage Association, I am responsible for the foundations of large buildings. The storage room is below and surrounded by stone walls. However, the color of a stone is slightly different, and the surface of the rock is also different, because it is in the basement. , These rocks are all the same color, so I checked it carefully and it was a hidden door."

"Haha." Cook laughed, and Cook understood that the weathering of the rocks around the storage room should be consistent, but the hidden door obviously uses other materials or processed rock materials, so it is similar to rocks in other places. A slight difference, of course this requires careful observation.

Cook followed the stairs to the storage room. This storage room seemed to be relatively deep, at least as deep as the height of the entire building. Obviously it was deep into the rock formation. The storage room had a huge space, but now except for some excavated stone shelves. Yes, these rows of shelves are directly taken out of the stone and are integral with the rock formation.

"It's here." Kateley pointed to a one-person high shelf in the corner. Three sides of this shelf are stone walls, one of which is the interval from the other shelf, and the other two are the stone walls of the entire storage room. The color of the stone wall on the other side is different.

Cook looked at Kately in surprise, knowing that standing in front of this shelf, the back wall of the shelf facing the front of the shelf is not the slightest problem, and the stone wall close to the other side is easy to be ignored, how Kately discovered it.

"There is indeed a problem, let me take a look." Cook knocked. Although the sound was the same as that of the stone wall, he still found some differences from the information transmitted by the air. Obviously this stone wall uses The business of knocking on the material is very similar to that of Shek Pik, but it can’t fool Cook. Cook now has the original fire of the wind system and the original fire of the air system. The information transmitted by the air lets Cook know that this is different. It can be said that as long as Cook is willing, it is easy to detect traps and the like.

Beating left and right, Cook stretched out his hand and pushed hard. The rock wall was pushed forward. Kateley looked at Cook in amazement: "Yes, it's that simple."

"In such a hidden place, how complicated it is to want." Cook asked grimly, and a doorway high for one person appeared in front of Cook's eyes.

Kateley handed the torch, and Cook took the torch. Cook used a trace of his original power. Cook knew the details of this passage.

After stepping into the doorway, there is another relatively large cave. There are also several small caves in this cave, which are obviously used by people. There is also a pool in the cave, but the pool has not been cleaned for so many years. It was full of silt, and there were stones and dust on the ground.

On the other side of the cave is a passage. Watching Cook want to go in, Kateley quickly stopped and said: "William, or let's wait."

"No, let's go." Cook shook his head, and then continued to walk. Kateley gritted his teeth to keep up with Cook.

Ten minutes later, Cook, Kateley and others came to another cave. This cave was relatively small, but there was no exit in this cave.

"Kateley, is there any way out." Cook asked Kateley again after checking it.

Kately replied depressedly: "No." Because Kately checked it three times at Cook's request.

"It seems that this is a temporary shelter." Cook replied somewhat frustrated.

"It must be so, William, let's go." Kateley was not interested in these, and was very happy to see that there was no exit.

Cook didn't give up, and then said: "Or let's search again."

"Let's go, let's stay here, and then explore slowly." Kateley shook his head.

"Kateley, do you think there might be ancient treasures here?" Cook asked again.

"Impossible. How can there be treasures in such a place without the slightest protection? According to the shape of the house where we live, and this huge underground storage room, there may be some danger in this place, so there is such a hidden refuge. "Kateley shook his head. There was nothing in this place, traps, protection, there might be something there.

Cook shook his head, and then went out. Kately's woman was already cleaning the house, and Kately's children were running around.

"Kately, I'll go up and clean up the house first." Cook said to Kately after greeted Kately's woman.

Kately nodded and cleaned up with his own woman. Cook came to the second floor and found a room to clean up. With mental help, Cook quickly cleaned up.

"It looks like I have to go to that place again." Cook muttered.

Then Cook went down to the second floor and had a meal of jerky. Then he asked Kateley and his woman to buy the necessary supplies. After Kateley was gone, Cook went to the underground storage room.

After smoothly entering the hidden cave, in the first cave, Cook did not enter the passage, but walked into a small cave next to it.

"Haha." Cook laughed, then reached out and pressed his hand in a depression under the stone bed.

"Kakhakakakaka." A harsh sound sounded, the stone bed slowly sank, and a downward stone step appeared.

Cook had known this place for a long time, so Cook deliberately led Kateley to the dead end. As for this, Cook and Kateley have searched for it, but how could Kateley think that this stone bed has a mechanism? .

Going down a flight of stairs and then a flat passage, Cook felt it carefully, and then instantly deformed the lightning bird. After ten minutes, Cook came to the end of a passage, and Cook felt it carefully.

"Nima, I like to make a fuss on the ground." Cook looked at the ground, and then changed back to the starry sky giant form. Cook touched the ground. There was a pull ring on the ground, which was hidden in the ground.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." When Kukla opened the pull ring, Cook felt a smelly wind.

"Damn, Black Sea." Cook felt the huge message from the wind, which surprised Cook.

And looking at the entrance of the cave, you can see the light, but the exit is in a gap of a cliff, and it is at the top of the cliff. There is a high distance. The average person can't go down at all, but Cook will be deformed. .

Shocked, shocked, or shocked, huge waves, Cook finally knows why the Black Sea is dangerous, huge waves like mountains, huge winds, and huge flying creatures, and in the distant sea, there are creatures that move like hills. , Cook looked around again.

The mountains here are more of stones, a kind of dark stone. In the crevices of the stones, there are countless green plants. When Cook looks at it, almost all are magic plants. Of course, there are countless in this crevice. The life produced by creatures fluctuates, and the strength is not low.

"Cool." Cook had a great hope of flying into the sky, but Cook only flew around in this storm, and didn't fly very high. Cook saw a group of huge creatures in the sky. The lowest are Tier 3 creatures, and Cook dares to be presumptuous.

When Cook returned to the house, Kateley had not yet come back. Cook breathed a sigh of relief. Don’t look at it for a long time, but Cook was a deformed lightning bird flying out. I’m afraid it’s not a short distance. , At least it will take more than an hour, what a long way to go for more than an hour, that's a long time.

"What is the use of this passage?" Cook was puzzled, and the house gave Cook a weird feeling.

"Or take a closer look." With this idea, Cook decided to take a closer look.

Cook does not use tools to measure. Cook just needs to look at it, and he probably knows whether there is a problem. The first thing to look at is the appearance of the whole house. Cook walks around the whole house, and then Cook looks at the internal structure.

"There is a problem with the roof. If the Nima roof is made of metal, it will be too heavy, and there is no place for roofing around the house, and no place for the attic to go up, so it is not maintained." Cook was puzzled. .

There are not many problems on the first floor and the second floor. There are some problems in the attic, especially the huge roof. Cook took a visual inspection. The metal on the roof is at least as thick as a room. How could this be possible, it was too heavy.

"Empty." Cook tapped, and soon discovered that the metal roof of the attic was actually empty.

"This is even more strange, why should the empty roof be covered with metal inside." Cook was even more puzzled.

Cook took another look with his magic eyes and found that there was no problem. Cook took out his thunder teeth and prepared to directly break this layer of the roof to see what it looks like inside.

"William, William." At this moment, Kateley's voice came over.

"Kately, you are back." After Cook went downstairs, he saw Kately.

"Yes, Kately, I bought an energy car." Kately took Cook to the front of the house, and there was something like a square carriage in the garden.

"This is three hundred points, so you don't have to work so hard to buy things in the future." Kateley said braggingly.

Cook just glanced at it and was extremely disappointed. This thing is just a rubbish, but it is a box made of metal, and it still uses an extremely primitive energy system with very low energy utilization.

"This energy car can burn wood, or it can be inlaid with crystal nuclei, but isn't there a mountain forest behind us, some are..." Kateley said whispered.

"Hey, Kately, the forest behind is not allowed to be felled privately. The felling requires the approval of Feixiang City, otherwise it will be punished." Cook sighed, and Kately did the same.

"No, that's something from my own house." Kateley was dumbfounded.

"Kateley, this is on the island, and there will be heavy rains at any time. Without these trees, the mud would have rushed into the basin below. The lake was filled up long ago. You didn’t see that sometimes people put the lake in The silt was taken out and transported to the hillside.” Cook explained.

"Profit merchant, profiteer, or let's buy a mount and come back to pull the cart." Kateley was stunned and cursed with distress.

"Forget it, the mount is even more troublesome." Cook waved his hand and Kateley walked into the room dejectedly.

Cook also walked in. Kateley’s woman distributed the things they bought. Cook also had a copy, just for the bed, and some daily necessities.



After tidying up for a while, and then having a sumptuous dinner, Kateley and Cook sat down together. Kateley said: "William, there are many organizations in Flying City. Whenever you visit, I will value it today. For an organization, I am going to have an assessment tomorrow. Once I enter the organization, I can allocate houses."

"Organization." Cook has heard of this profession for more than the first time.

"In fact, it is a certain kind of association, but this kind of association is a profession, and you can obtain corresponding knowledge in the organization. If the talent is high enough, there are real people who can impart knowledge." Kateley introduced.

"And Feixiang City is said to have two Tier 8 real people, and there are several cities outside Feixiang City, but Feixiang City is the main city, I want to strive to reach the level of humanity as soon as possible." Kately continued.

Cook nodded: "Well, I'll check it out if I have a chance."

"William, I also found out about Mayden. It is said that these little things appeared in a subordinate city around Feixiang City. However, to go to other cities, you must reach the level of a human, because going to other cities requires the use of teleportation. Our level is not enough." Kately saw Cook's appearance, and then said with a smile.

"Really." Cook exclaimed.

"It's true, but the outer cities have not yet been developed, there are many dangers, especially some are said to be marine creatures who like to occupy the island, and it is said that the island where the Flying City is located is only developed around the basin. No one has ever been to the mountains inside or outside the mountains, but it is said that there are real people of the eighth rank here, and no creatures dare to offend Feixiang City." Kately continued.

Cook touched his chin, Kateley went out and got a lot of information. Cook also decided to go out once to find out as soon as possible what the angel was in the subordinate city.

Kateley also has his own plans, and Cook has his own plans, and Kately obviously wants to become a real person. Cook does not object. Cook nodded and said: "Well, it is very important to be promoted to a real person. In this Flying City, I want a status. , You must become a real person, but Kately, even if you leave, you still remember that I am your friend."

"Yes, that side of the mine." Kately breathed a sigh of relief, then Kately asked worriedly.

"If you don't have points, you can earn it, but if we become real people, this is the most important thing." Cook didn't actually take the points at heart, so he said to Kateley.

"Yeah." Kateley nodded in agreement when he heard Cook say this.

In fact, Kateley is able to put down the interests of the mine, Cook is still very happy, after all, his vision is different. In Cook's view, points are scum, and strength is the most important thing. Of course, this is because Cook stands and cannot speak. , If there are no points, then it doesn't matter what you advance.

In the next few days, Cook did not rush to tear down the roof, but set up the garden with Kateley. The garden was full of inconspicuous plants and the like. Some plants were magical plants in Cook’s eyes. , But Cook and Kateley only cleaned up some weeds. As for the mountains and forests behind, there is nothing to watch.

After cleaning the garden, the entire house is also cleaned up. Kateley will go to an assessment and enter a certain organization or an association.

In the evening after Kateley's assessment, Cook and Kateley celebrated once, and Kateley successfully entered an organization.

"Red Cloud Archaeological Salon." Cook looked at the organization's name and felt a little painful. What is Nima Archaeology for? That is tomb robbery and digging of other people's graves. But the archaeology here also includes the remains.

"Hongyun is the owner of our salon, a real person of Tier 5." Kateley's tongue is a bit big, the good wine here is really good wine, and it is for real people.

"Kately, this archeology is a very difficult thing." Cook smiled bitterly. The archaeology thing is a big hole, because this thing must be the best equipment, but the harvest is unknown, and it is still very To test your eyesight, maybe an inconspicuous thing is more valuable than what you take away, and it is also dangerous.

It may not be possible to get back the equipment money consumed by an adventure, so archaeology has to compare financial resources, see whose equipment is better, compare knowledge, who has more knowledge reserves, compare luck, who has good luck, find good things, compare vision, who The things taken are the most valuable. Once a certain factor is ignored, the price paid is even life. So this archeology is a pit.

"William, if our salon hires someone in the future, I will come to you." Kateley said to Cook drunkly.

"Okay, I also want to see and see." Cook nodded and agreed.

When Kateley heard Cook’s answer, he slumped down. Kateley was actually kind, but Cantley was worried about Cook because he was standing in Cook’s position. Kateley would be a member of the salon by then, Cook. It's an outsider, but Cook doesn't think so. At my own level, I'm going to make soy sauce. As for I want to use myself as cannon fodder, maybe Cook will get some first.

On the second day, Cook sent Kateley to Kateley’s new residence. A residence in Feixiang City was actually in the Red Cloud Salon. The Red Cloud Archaeological Salon occupies a large property, with four or five buildings. The family occupies the first floor of the entire building. It is said that there are not many people in the Hongyun Archaeological Salon. The official members are no more than 20. When archaeology is needed, other people are hired to save money. As for the fifth-tier real person, Ku Ke is still qualified to meet.

After Cook returned to his residence, Cook breathed a sigh of relief. When Kateley was there, there were many things Cook could not go on, such as roofs, secret roads and so on.

"First of all, the roof." Cook was about to take apart the roof, in fact Cook did the same.

"No, why don't I take a look outside the roof first." Just when Cook was about to violently demolish it, he found himself reckless, and then Cook transformed the lightning bird and came to the roof.

"This is." The metal on the roof looks very smooth from below, but from the sky, there are holes one by one, and there are some energy circuits above these holes. This discovery surprised Cook, and the entire roof is The bottom view is a cone shape, which is longer than the tip of the awl. From a high altitude, this is the prismatic tip of a polygon, and there are countless holes in the tip.

"If Nima pierces into the body of a certain creature~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it will drain the blood all at once." When Cook saw these holes, he felt a little tingling in his heart and was pierced into his body. How much blood to put.

There are holes in the roof, but Cook dare not go in. Who knows if there are any powerful organs in Nima? According to the news that Cook knows, Feixiang City was actually discovered by two real people of rank eight, but they were not eighth at the time. The two occupied this place, and finally split with the sage association. The sage association tried to find the two people several times, thinking that they were both underground, and then they knew they were in the sea. A huge part of the houses here are shellfish. What was left over from the Carlin period is that the interior of Flying City was newly built, including the house of Cook. It was only repaired later. Of course, it was also cleaned up during the repair to see if there are any good things. It is very large. In fact, some real people did not commit crimes on the side of the Sage Association, but the environment here attracted a large number of real people to come, resulting in Feixiang City possessing the strength it is today. This is what Cook has learned.

"It's still only demolished violently. The energy loop here seems to be damaged." Cook returned to the attic.


style=\'background-image:url(/img/1449940934874/32846786/-1371121605502069655.png)\'>We were still preparing for violent disassembly, and the magic eye did not see anything.

"Prick." Thunder teeth poke a small hole in the metal, and then Cook feels it in detail. The air will tell Cook a lot of information, but the roof is airtight, and Cook can't do anything about it. Make a small hole, then Cook will have a way to know.

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