A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 197: Mermaid Tribe

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"But I don't have any points." Cook also uses the name Locke here. Everyone just calls each other, so Cook didn't say the name Locke William. No one takes it seriously when he goes out.

"It's difficult without points, but you can also open your eyes and take risks outside. Sometimes the unintentional gains are the biggest." Hearing this, Nair expressed helplessness, and then was afraid to pat Cook on the shoulder.

Cook nodded. Neel was right. The tables in the hall were full of things. The sellers were all sitting. Of course, there were also some standing on the ground.

Nair pointed and said: "The ones sold here are relatively cheaper. Just like the purple star fruit you collect, it is impossible to collect too many a day. If you don't sell it, wait a few days, plus the time for your return journey. The quality of the purple star fruit has dropped. You might as well sell it to the merchants here. Everyone here collects some, which is enough to make a trip. Everyone will not suffer. Of course, when you are a merchant, you may have bad luck. For example, if you don’t harvest enough today, then it’s not worthwhile to run once. If you have to wait for a day and there is a heavy rain tonight, then the quality of the purple star fruit will decline. Maybe you will lose money when you go back. There are materials that need to be processed in time. No, then the materials won’t be able to sell for the price in the end, so it’s better to sell them to someone who has someone to deal with them. Everyone will make a profit.”

Cook nodded. Cook knew these things, but Cook still looked like he was taught. Cook followed Nair and saw that everyone didn’t gain too much. Cook also saw what he saw during the day. Five people, five people have collected a large number of purple star fruits. There are hundreds of purple star fruits in front of these five people, but some of them are somewhat damaged. After all, the monkeys are very casual when picking them, unlike humans, but Even so, in front of these five people, there are several businessmen who are bargaining with them.

The purple star fruit is divided into quality here, ten points for the first grade, three points for the second grade, one point for the third grade, five points for the fourth grade, twenty points for the fifth grade, and six points. One is 60 points, the seventh grade is 200 points, the eighth grade is 1,000 points, and the 9th grade is the most perfect, and the other is 5,000 points.

The identification of purple star fruit is based on the size, color and maturity of purple star fruit. Of course, the most important thing is the age and variety of purple star fruit. There are also many varieties of purple star fruit.

However, the general ones are the second and third grades. The first grade is a bit handicapped. As for those below the first grade, they can only be used to make fruit wine, which is very cheap, and only a few points for a pile.

"Locke, it is best not to speak when others are trading, you can see, some businessmen don't even like others to speak." Nair then pointed to Cook.

Cook nodded and continued to watch. Cook found almost no trace of a real person here. Cook asked puzzledly: "Could it be that there is no real person here."

"Very few, real people like to go farther places, things in these places are very uneconomical in the eyes of real people." Nair nodded and explained.

Cook asked suspiciously: "Deeper, then they won't pass by here."

"Of course not, they use their points to teleport directly, but the teleportation here must be at a human level to teleport, otherwise the body can't stand it, and there are many small cities around Feixiang City. The small cities are also located on islands. Hundreds of points." Nair explained.

Cook screamed. When Neil said so, Cook understood. The teleportation array here seems to be awkward. The rougher the teleportation array, the greater the pressure on the teleporter. On the contrary, the higher the quality of the transmission array, the less pressure people will bear when being transmitted. This is like a good elevator that feels very stable when standing in it, and it won’t sway, while when a poor quality elevator is running, It's not so stable anymore.

After the transaction lasted for about two hours, the people who sold the goods were happy, but those who did not sell were a little frustrated. Then everyone rested. Since everyone is taking risks, enough rest will make the daytime spirit more full.

Early the next morning, when the sky was just bright, everyone in the camp was up. When the first ray of sunlight appeared in the sky, the adventurers in the entire camp were ready, in small groups, when the gate opened. After that, everyone filed out of the camp, and then went in all directions. The merchant had to return to Feixiang City, and the adventurers would continue their adventures in the mountains.

Cook is also ready. There are still some trails near the camp, but after only ten minutes out of the camp, Cook can no longer see the surrounding scenery. Cook walked along the stream, but he could see the sky above the stream. , The rest are dense woods.

After breathing out the white mist, Cook continued to walk along the stream. The stream is the dividing line between the purple leaf forest and other places. It is strange to say that the other side of the stream is almost entirely purple leaf forest, but on the side of the stream, there are other The trees look strange.

"First-order creature." Cook hid on a big tree, watching a group of wild boar-like creatures on the side of the stream. The wild boar was the height of Cook, with black foreheads erected and huge fangs shining. With cold light, and there are a dozen of them, of which seven or eight are large and five or six are small. These creatures are drinking water. Even if they drink water, these guys are very vigilant and drink water in turn. Rotating vigilance.

"Hua la la." Just as these first-order creatures were drinking water, there was a clattering sound in the river, and a black shadow rolled up a small wild boar and disappeared into the river.

"Boom, boom, boom." There was a yellow glow in the bodies of the other big wild boars, and Cook was shocked to see a piece of stone smashed directly into the river water. This was a spell released by these big wild boars.


After the water in the stream was hit by the big wild boar, it was like being slapped by a huge force. Almost all the water in the stream was washed to the opposite bank.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." The big wild boar in the stream made a yelling sound. The water in the stream quickly recovered, but the big wild boar was like a huge agitator, stirring the water in the stream to splash Splattered.

"Wow." Two of the remaining wild boars rushed into the stream, but within a few minutes, Cook saw the three wild boars biting a black snake-like creature and rolling to the shore. The creature on the shore was not a wild boar's opponent at all, and soon became a delicacy in the wild boar's mouth, but the little wild boar that was swept away by the snake had already died in the snake's belly.

The whole snake was under the wild boar's mouth. There was nothing left at all. Except for a spine bone, there was half of its head. The snake hadn't reached the first order. It was just a surprise attack on the little wild boar.

After seeing this Tier 1 wild boar herd go, Cook got down from the tree. Although these Tier 1 creatures are scumbags in Cook's eyes, Cook knows that there are real people patrolling this area. Cook does not know the route of the patrol, but the energy fluctuations must be sensed by real people. Once Cook solves these first-order creatures, the energy fluctuations released by the wizard book will attract the real patrol team. The plan for Cook is very bad.

Keep going, avoiding some social creatures from time to time, and soon Cook arrived at a place not far from the water pool that Shui Ye said. This water pool is not very big, but this water pool is the meeting point of several streams around, and look at the color of the water. It is very deep, because it is a pirate, there is a lot of rain, and the surrounding mountains are high, so in the rainy season, the water flow here is very large, and the depth of the water pool can be imagined under the long-term scouring.

Cook wandered around. There is no danger in this place, and there are no big trees around the pool, and the traces of the water line can be clearly seen on the surrounding shore. Obviously this place is very dangerous in the rainy season, and There are also huge rocks in the river, and these rocks are also in the dry river.

"Transformation." Cook found a gap between a few large stones, and then changed back to the size of a human being in the sanctuary. There was no way, he wanted to find the freshwater mermaid family, and Cook had to do this.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Did not pay attention, what Cook paid attention to was the puddle.

"So no one." Cook was puzzled, not to mention whether there were people from the mermaid clan when this instrument was played, why not.

"Woo... bang." Cook continued to blow, but just after a blow, Cook quickly jumped off the rock and fell directly to the ground.

"Boom, boom, boom." Cook dodged in embarrassment, and a huge mouth kept pecking beside Cook.

"Go to death." A bird leaped towards Cook when he heard Cook's sound. That's why Cook jumped off the stone. Cook's height is not as big as a bird's mouth. Stop pecking, Cook was annoyed, the broken star hammer in his hand suddenly became bigger, and he slammed it at the bird.

"Puff." The bird was pecking vigorously, and it felt black in front of it, and then fell straight to the ground.

"Damn it." Cook was embarrassed, watching the bird's mouth was discounted by himself, and his brain collapsed, Cook cursed fiercely.

"I rely on." But when Cook picked up the two shells of the instrument, he was even more angry. The instrument had been broken, Cook just cursed, and then Cook began to repair the magic equipment library. Gram can be repaired, not to mention this kind of thing that is not magic equipment.

"Hehe." Cook looked at the repaired shell. The shell is now a magical equipment, and Cook has cast an amplification magic pattern on it.

"Woo..." Cook just breathed out tentatively, and the loud voice echoed, Cook himself was taken aback.

"Woo, woo, woo." A huge voice rang from the edge of the pool. Cook found a big rock on the edge of the pool, hid it there, and blew it vigorously.

"Hey, don't blow." Cook heard someone's voice just after he took a breath.

Cook hurriedly took a look, and in the pool under the stone, a murloc appeared in Cook's sight.

"Who are you." After seeing Cook, the murloc below immediately disappeared from Cook's field of vision when he turned over, and then emerged from the water in the distance, just showing his head.

"Mizuki let me come. They were caught by the giant." Cook yelled quickly. Cook was a little excited. There really is a murloc family, and this is a male murloc.

"What kind of race are you? Why haven't I seen you before?" The male murloc asked Cook.

"We live in different places. Our race lives in giant cities, and you are in the wild..." Cook replied grumpily. In a word, you are a hillbilly, how do you know we live in a city?

"Take out what you are blowing." The male murloc was silent when he heard Cook's words.

Cook took out the shell. After seeing the shell, the male murloc breathed a sigh of relief. Only the murloc can take this thing off. If it is removed by force, it will be damaged. The murloc looked at Cook and said : "Mizumi, the water splash is missing, we are also very anxious, I was embarrassed just now."

"It's okay, the water splash and the water leaf are far away from here, in the giant's city, and I can't bring them over." Cook was a little worried, wouldn't Nima bring herself to the mermaid tribe.

"My name is Shui Yuan, and the elder of the tribe can take charge of Shui Ye's affairs. Come with me." But then Cook heard such words, and Cook finally felt relieved.

In Cook’s surprised eyes, Mizumoto handed Cook a bead-like thing. When Cook held the bead in his mouth, Cook?


?? I feel a puff of air coming out of the beads.

"This is." Cook was shocked, because there was actually a weak source of power fluctuations in this bead. This source was very similar to the air that Cook understood, and the source of the wind system. This bead is the air in the water Gathered, and then released, like a scuba, and there is a steam drum around Cook's head, wrapping Cook's head.

Cook was shocked and shocked, but now is not the time to speak, Mizumoto leads the way, Cook follows closely, Mizumoto dives deep down the pool, and as it continues to deepen, the surroundings are getting darker and darker. , But Cook clearly felt that the flow of the water was very fast, and it was emerging from the bottom of the water. Obviously, there was groundwater at the bottom of the water, or an underground river came out.

After half an hour, the surroundings were completely dark, but Mizumoto had something emitting yellow light in his hand, which was constantly guiding Cook in front of Cook. In fact, Cook’s powerful mental power is just like outside. , Without any hindrance.

Before entering the bottom of the water, Shuiyuan entered a waterway. The current here was even more urgent. When Cook came out more than ten minutes later, Cook looked at the surrounding scenery. It turned out to be an underground river.

"Don't make any noise, there is our guardian beast here." Shui Yuan warned Cook in a low voice.

Cook nodded quickly and swam along the underground river for a while, and he saw an underground lake. Next to the underground river and lake, a huge creature was crawling on the shore. Cook could also see some murlocs in the river. This creature kept busy.

"Water rat." Cook was stunned. This Nima Guardian is actually a second-order water rat. The water rat is actually not like a mouse, but like a seal, but it has a big tail. It is generally a second-order creature.

As for what those murlocs are doing, of course they are cleaning the second-order creatures. There are some parasites in the fur. These parasites are too small for second-order creatures, but they are just right for the murlocs. These murlocs These second-order creatures are constantly cleaning up, and these murlocs still need to continue to enter the water, because the murlocs simply cannot adapt to the waterless environment on the shore.

However, Cook and Shui Yuan did not stay here, instead they swam to the center of the underground lake, and their eyes brightened soon after seeing them.

"Inheritance space." A portal appeared. This portal is so huge that even a giant can easily enter it. Cook knows that this is similar to the inheritance space of the giants, that is to say, there is also a wizard tower inside. Kind of stuff.

"It's not an inheritance space, but a portal." When Cook felt the scorching temperature, and saw the dazzling sunlight, blue sky, and clouds in the sky, Cook knew it was not an inheritance space, but A portal.

"This is where our tribe is. Without us, no one can come in." Shui Yuan said triumphantly.

"Damn." Then Cook saw countless mermaids, women, men, and children. It was obviously a freshwater lake. Cook then felt it and found that the altitude here is very high. Cook understands the wind and the air is the origin After that, you can reach the altitude by feeling the pressure of the surrounding air. As for the hot temperature here, it means that it is far away from Feixiang City. Although Feixiang City is not very cold, it is not very warm, but it is here. The temperature is very high. This temperature comes from the sun, not the ground temperature. There are many reasons for the ground temperature.

Seeing this situation, Cook became even more excited and immediately asked: "Is there a guardian beast here?"

"No, the guardian beast cannot be teleported." Mizumoto replied.

After Suigon said that, Cook also remembered that the teleportation array can be set, and it can be set to be used by certain races, but not for certain races. Obviously this portal is set, as for the specifics. , Cook did not see the real thing, did not study, and could not judge.

This freshwater lake is very big for the current Cook, but if Cook becomes a giant, it will only be the size of a pond. In this freshwater lake, there are many mermaids. Cook also sees below the surface of the water. There are countless buildings. These buildings are like spheres. The difference is that there is a hole in the sphere. This is where the mermaid lives.

There are many round houses of this kind, standing on the rocks in the water. It is very strange for Cook to see such buildings.

"You are waiting here." Cook was placed on the rock on the shore beside the lake, and of course the bead in his mouth was taken back by Shui Yuan.

"Who are you." The surrounding mermaid looked at Cook curiously, and one of the little mermaid looked at Cook and asked in a low voice.

"I'm a human too." Cook looked at the little mermaid. When a mermaid was young, he couldn't tell his gender. When he became an adult, he could only look at the breast. It is said that the male organs of the mermaid family can be retracted. Usually, a few fish scales block it. Of vital parts.

"Why don't you have a tail?" This young man seems to be only two or three years old, but such a mermaid is small, and the speed in the water is very fast.

"Here... come on, don't you, I'll give you a good thing, but it's delicious." Cook was speechless, but Cook immediately took out some candies, which are made from the sugar in the fruit. Very delicious, for an alchemist, purification is just the simplest thing.

"Woo, delicious, delicious." The little one was not afraid of Cook, and when he took the candy from Cook, his big eyes immediately stared.

"I also want."

"I want too." It's all right now. A group of small people came around, one after another, reaching out their hands to Cook for sweets. Cook also refused to come, one per person. These little mermaids have eaten sweets. Things will melt in the water.

Cook also sat in the water, and the surrounding mermaids were surrounded by fans. I have to say that the women of the mermaid clan are very beautiful, and the men of the mermaid clan are also very strong, but the men of the mermaid clan have nothing on them. Chiguo is wearing his upper body. The women of the mermaid clan only have something like a hood on their chest, and the rest are also exposed.

"Guests from afar, the Aquarium welcomes you." Just after Cook sent hundreds of candies, a voice rang in front of Cook.

"This is our patriarch, water power." Shui Yuan introduced beside Cook.

Cook immediately said: "The Chief Hydropower."

"Guests from afar, please come with me." Chief Water said to Cook~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then turned around and walked away.

"Little bit, goodbye." Cook quickly put the little bit nestled in his arms down, then waved to the little bit, and swam with the elder.

In the middle of the lake, there is a big rock. Around the big rock are buildings of the mermaid clan. The water elders are in the water, and Cook is on the big rock. He narrates his purpose of coming here. He sighed: "It's hard to come back with leaves and splashes, but Mr. Cook, are you a human being."

"Human." Cook asked in confusion.

"In the legend of our mermaid clan, human beings are like you, but the human beings in the legend are very treacherous, mean, cunning, and shameless. They would never do such a thing." Shui Li saw Cook's puzzled expression , Breathed a sigh of relief and explained.

Cook grew his mouth wide, nodded and said, "You also have that legend here, and we also have that here. Our race is not actually a native of here. What about you patriarch." !

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