A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 198: Cook Fudge

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When the head of the water power said that, Cook was sure that these freshwater merfolk came from the other side, and only that side would describe humans in this way. That’s why Cook had such an answer. .

"What." The chief hydraulic looked at Cook in shock.

"Patriarch, we are not in this world, and I don't think you are either." Cook said to the chief hydraulic in a way I knew it. In fact, Cook didn't know how these freshwater merfolk came from.

"Mr. Cook, don't you have a temple too?" the head of water power asked mysteriously.

"Of course, you believe in the **** of water." Cook blinked his eyes and asked, because Cook didn't know what the freshwater mermaid clan believed in. As for the sea **** of the sea mermaid clan, it could also be said to be the **** of storm.

"No, we believe in the mother of the earth." Dali shook his head when he heard Cook say so.

Cook almost stared down. The mother of the earth, in myths and legends, the mother of the earth is the belief of the Titans, and humans are created by the Titans. Of course, this is just a legend. Cook is surprised by the earth. The mother **** is one of the oldest gods in the ancient gods, dating back to an extremely ancient time, almost when the Titans ruled the entire world.

"Then what do you believe in?" Patriarch Dali asked Cook doubtfully. Here, Cook said his real name.

Cook replied: "We believe in the goddess of nature."

"But your environment is not as good as ours." Then Cook shook his head and looked at the surrounding environment.

"You are in the giant's city, and the environment there is fine." The chief hydraulic looked at Cook in confusion, very puzzled.

"We have an independent space created for us by the goddess of nature. Our people live there, and only a few people live in the giant world." Cook said mysteriously. In fact, this is Cook gave to the freshwater mermaid clan. As for the pits dug, as for the independent space that Cook said, of course it is a natural ring. Cook, the mermaid clan, absolutely must take it back. .

"What." Patriarch Dali looked at Cook in shock.

"Or the patriarch, follow me to see." Cook, if you don't believe it, follow me.

"But how do I get there, you are in the giant city." Patriarch Dali despised Cook's question very much.

"Hey, the space we live in can be teleported in from anywhere, but the distance is very expensive." Cook said with a blink of an eye, and at the same time Cook issued an order from his spiritual power, the space in the natural ring changed, a huge The freshwater lakes in the natural ring were created. Although the natural ring is not under Cook's control, there are still ways for Cook to change the natural environment in the natural ring.

"Your **** is very powerful." Patriarch Dali looked at Cook and asked.

"Hey, but we haven't received God's response for many years, how about you." Cook replied with a sigh, and then asked again.

"After Mother Earth brought us here, we fell asleep and haven't responded for many years." Patriarch Dali also sighed, then replied.

Cook's face solidified, and his heart was surging, Nima, this, the mother of the earth actually came over.

"Patriarch Dali, do you want to take a look at our space?" Cook asked.

"But the mother of the earth is still sleeping, we leave..." Patriarch Dali was a little tangled.

"Just go and check it out first, your environment is not good." Cook looked disgusted.

When Patriarch Dali heard this, he said angrily: "Our environment here is not bad, with abundant food, bright sunshine, suitable temperature..."

"Cut, your place is also called okay. Go to the patriarch of Dali, I will consume some strength today and take you to see." Cook said indiscriminately, Limara led the patriarch of Dali, and then both disappeared, the surrounding mermaid Everyone exclaimed, KaKa immediately disappeared with the natural ring in this chaos. After Cook entered the natural ring, the natural ring was automatically carried on KaKa.

"This, this, this..." Patriarch Dali saw the huge freshwater lake. The trees around the lake were all covered with various fruits. This was not the most shocking to the patriarch. The hydraulic shock was the water. In this water, Patriarch Dali felt very comfortable, and the same force poured into his body, but for a moment, Patriarch Dali felt that he was much younger.

"This is a lake of life. Living in it, the life span of the mermaid clan can be approximately doubled. Even if we are in this space, our life can be doubled." Cook said triumphantly.

When Chief Dali heard this, his mouth opened wide, but before the Chief Dali said anything, Cook took the chief Dali and grew a natural ring. It was very obvious that Chief Dali was in the water.

"But the mother of the earth..." Patriarch Dali had a decision in his heart, but there was one more thing that had to be resolved.

"Patriarch Dali, why don't you take me to see the mother of the earth." Cook said to the chief Dali with a smile.

Patriarch Dali shook his head and said: "This still needs to be determined after discussion by several of our tribes."

"Several tribes." Cook was surprised and excited. Nima was more than a murloc tribe.

Murlocs and mermaids are completely different races. Murlocs, as the name suggests, are people like fish. You can imagine a fish with legs and hands. This is a fish-like person. It’s human. But it looks like a fish.

As for the mermaid, the mermaid is a fish that looks like a man. In other words, this race is actually a fish, but a fish that looks like a man. Although it is a fish, it looks like a man.

"The five tribes who came here with the Mother Earth at that time all lived in this lake." The words of Chief Dali surprised Cook. Why did the Mother Earth carry these mermaid tribes.

"Well, I'll take a look around first, and I will come after you have negotiated." Cook decided to check the surrounding environment.

Patriarch Dali wanted Cook to wait here, but when he heard Cook say that, thinking about Cook and his own race, he definitely didn't like being in the water for a long time, so he nodded in agreement.

After Cook left the lake, he climbed the mountain next to the lake. The mountain range is not very high, but it is not low. When Cook climbed the mountain, Cook was stunned. Originally, Cook thought it was. Mountains, but when Cook looked around, he discovered what kind of alpine environment this Nima is, which is basically in another building.

After Cook crossed the mountains, it turned into a lightning bird. Cook flew out and found that the place where the mermaid lived was a garden-like place, and the place where the mermaid lived was just a pond.

"This..." Cook turned into a starry sky giant, holding the broken star hammer in his hand, and after walking out of the garden, Cook found that this is a place similar to the oceanographic research institute flying in the sky, like a place A city flying in the air is average.

But the difference is that there are no people in the flying city. If there is one, Cook is the only one. After walking around, Cook found that this place is actually not very big, it's just the size of a town. This flying city made Cook very curious.

Strictly speaking, floating in the air is not a difficult task. Just like an orbiting satellite on the earth, it is at a certain height and has no thrust itself, but it is fixed at that place, but the city has not reached that height. .

Of course, you can do it with Cook, it's nothing more than a magnetic field, but Cook certainly can't do it so huge. Cook estimated that there is no problem living here with thousands of people.

"Great, great." Cook surveyed carefully. Cook found that the building surface materials here have the function of absorbing energy, and all the sunlight is absorbed. However, there is no wind at this level. The reason why the higher the wind is The bigger it is, there is a certain limit.

Cook didn’t rush into these buildings. There may not be any defense systems outside the buildings, but there are definitely some inside the buildings. Cook doesn’t plan to take risks now. The first thing Cook has to do is to flick the mermaid away, and then Continue to survey, otherwise, if something happens in the middle, causing the Fudge Mermaid clan to fail, Cook will be very uncomfortable.

"No wonder it's very safe here. There are no other creatures. If it were on the ground, the mermaid family would have suffered." Cook returned to the pond in the garden. The mermaid family could not survive on land, so they did not know beyond the pond. However, what Cook wondered was the space door that entered and exited here, how these merfolk could control it, and how the mother of the earth came, and Cook did not believe that the mother of the earth came by herself.

Cook kept calculating in his heart, but there was no accurate answer. After all, Cook didn't know enough about this information.

"Shuili, is your decision a bit sloppy? How can we enter the space of other races, in case someone else wants to deal with us." There are four merfolks around Shuili, the patriarchs of several other tribes.

"Our mermaid clan is not without combat effectiveness, and the opponent's combat effectiveness is not very high, but don't forget that we are in the water. The lake is extremely huge. I can feel it, I don't believe they will live in the water. "The Chief Hydraulic said.

"Hydraulic, I very much doubt that there is an independent space in the place you mentioned, but the kind of life you said can be doubled, I can't believe it." Another mermaid chief also said.

"Why don't you follow me to see that the water in that place is extremely pure. In that place, I feel full of power throughout my body. I guess I can be promoted after living there for a month." Shui Li heard this. Then, continue to speak.

"Promote." The patriarchs of the surrounding tribes are all surprised. You must know that everyone is the patriarch. At this age, the level is almost determined. It is difficult and difficult to advance.

"Brother." Cook sat on the edge of the lake and immediately attracted a group of little mermaids. After these little mermaids had eaten the sugar that Cook gave, they were not afraid of Cook at all. Among them, the little mermaid rushed into the library when he saw Cook. Ke shouted affectionately in his arms.

"Haha, good name, come, give candy." Cook knows the lethality of candy on children, and these mermaid children have never eaten candy, and the little mermaid has no name. When the mermaid lived independently There will be a name, but now Xiao Budian is called Xiao Qi, because he is the seventh child in their family. It's that simple. Of course, the name Xiao Qi is in the little mermaid around Cook, and there are two others.

"Patriarch Water." Cook held Xiaoqi and looked at Xiaoqi’s tail. Cook had a very weird feeling, as if he was holding a big fish. But Cook didn’t wait long before he saw Patriarch Water. When the mermaid is swimming, he can hardly see the shadow, unless it is the mermaid who wants to be seen by others.

"Mr. Cook, I don't know if you can take a few of us to your living space." Shui Li asked directly.

"Of course, but you can only bring three people at a time. If you want to teleport on a large scale, you need other spellcasting materials." Cook said. As for the spellcasting materials, hehe, Cook took a fancy to the kind of water protection Shuyuan gave him. Something like beads.

Cook took the hydraulic trio and disappeared, and the other two patriarchs were waiting quietly by the side. However, in a few minutes, Cook took the three of them out, and Cook took the other two patriarchs in and wandered around. , The fresh water mixed with the water of life is very attractive to the mermaid family. After the five patriarchs entered, they came out and agreed to enter Cook’s natural ring, and the five patriarchs did not agree with Cook or anything. , Because the five people can feel the size of the lake inside. These five people don't believe that Cook can do anything to himself. Cook is also happy to do so. Cook thought there was an agreement or something, but there was no agreement at all.

"Cook, there are more than 30,000 people in our five tribes. I don't know what materials are needed." Shui Li and others are eager to enter the natural ring, so what materials Cook needs, the five patriarchs decided to collect them with all their heart.

"What materials do you have here? After all, our race is different from yours. We don't have the materials you have, and you don't have the materials we have." Cook didn't say directly, but went around in a circle, and then said.



, We will bring material samples immediately. "Shui Li and other patriarchs said immediately. Cook was surprised. There are more than 30,000 merfolk, which is already a very large number. As for the mermaid of the Ivys sea clan, there are only tens of thousands of mermaids. Although there are many sea clan, But the number of mermaids is scarce.

A few hours later, hundreds of materials were placed in front of Cook, basically all with energy fluctuations. In fact, the level of these mermaids is not low. Almost all adults are middle-level sanctuary and high-level sanctuary. Few, there are more than a dozen celebrities at the peak of the sanctuary. This is the concentration of elements in the star realm, and the purity is higher than that of the sanctuary. It is precisely because of this that the star world will be born into a star giant, and even a giant like this In a world capable of receiving scarcity, it is impossible for such a tyrannical creature to exist.

Although it is the pinnacle of the sanctuary, in the sanctuary they are all strong, but in the astral realm, they are like ants. The ten-winged angels have no resistance in the astral realm, let alone these mermaids, which is like An ancient general is an enemy of ten thousand people, but a small soldier in modern society can kill with a single shot. The same principle is true.

"Let me see." Cook pretended to take out some bottles and cans, and then began to do various tests, this is actually Cook testing the composition of these materials, a few hours later, Cook took Three materials are presented.

"Just these three, you need as many as you want, and you have to gather the people together first, and when I finish casting the spell, I will go in immediately." Cook said.

"But we still have people out there." The head of the fisherman said quickly.

"Okay, how long will it take you." Of course, Cook wanted to catch the mermaid.

Shui Li also said, "There is also the Mother of the Earth."

"Mother of the Earth." Cook was puzzled, because Cook didn't even know what kind of form the Mother of the Earth was described by the hydraulics and others.

"Mr. Cook, can you go to the temple with us to see it." The Chief Water Power invited Cook.

Cook nodded. In fact, if Cook ignores the mother of the earth, these merfolk will not object to it. The reason why faith is called faith requires interaction. The mother of the earth has not shown a miracle for countless years, who will Believe, just like the gods and Buddhas we believe in, some people still believe, and some don’t believe it. This is why, this is because gods and Buddhas do not show signs of existence. When faced with major choices, should we still ask gods? Buddha, certainly not, this mermaid clan is the same, the mother of the earth did not show miracles, of course the beliefs are getting weaker and weaker.

The temple is in a circular building just below the lake, but this circular building is much larger than the mermaid building, almost hundreds of times larger, but how does Cook feel that these buildings are a little weird.

"Model pattern." Entering the building, Cook saw the pattern on the ground. This is a kind of pattern pattern for the wizard, which is similar to the magic pattern circuit.

"Containing spells." Under the surprised gaze of several murloc chiefs, Cook checked a large area. Soon Cook knew what model it was, and the model of confinement spells.

Knowing this, Cook understood that the mother of the earth was imprisoned. As for who was imprisoned, it must be a wizard.

"It turns out that the mermaid was kept as a pet." Cook understood in his heart that the mermaid in shoes is a wizard's pet.

As for the mother of the earth, she was imprisoned. This is like a goldfish in a fish tank. The goldfish themselves don’t know that they are pets, but those who keep pets must know, but they don’t know if the mother of the earth came by herself, or Said it was brought over by a wizard.

Because according to the legend, the strength of the mother of the earth is very high, it is very possible that the mother of the earth will be promoted to a certain level and break through the space to reach the star realm.

"This is the mother of the earth." Cook looked at a huge stone ball and asked.

"Yes." Shui Li and other patriarchs replied.

Cook's mental power suddenly dissipated, and soon Cook understood what the mother of the earth was.

"According to the classification of the star realms, that is the first-order elemental creature. It's incredible. It has grown to the first-order." Cook sighed in his heart. This mother of the earth is an elemental creature and has reached the first-order. This kind of existence, even if In the God Realm, it was an invincible existence, but in the Astral Realm, it was officially embarked on the road of cultivation.

Cook guessed that after the mother of the earth was promoted to Tier 1, the world on the side of the sanctuary could not accommodate the mother of the earth, so the mother of the earth came to the star realm, but the mother of the earth had very bad luck. The wizard found out, so the Mother Earth and the Mermaid were arrested by the wizard, as pets. To prevent the Mother Earth from escaping, the Mother Earth Mother was imprisoned here, and the Mermaid was not imprisoned because the mermaid left the water. Unable to survive, at this high altitude, there is only water here.

"No reaction." Cook said to Shui Li and others. In fact, the mother of the earth has fallen asleep. Why, being imprisoned is like being in jail. Although she can get some energy, she can't die from starvation. She wants to be promoted. No way. For a long time, any intelligent creatures could not stand it. Of course, these creatures can still sleep on their own. If they were changed into adults, they would have been schizophrenic.

However, once the mother of the earth is attacked, she will wake up immediately. Cook has no good arrangements for the mother of the earth, but it seems that a pet can be conquered in the fire-specialization book without a wizard. Cook touches After touching his chin, of course, these things cannot be known to the fish family.

"Hey." The five mermaid patriarchs also sighed.

After leaving the so-called temple, Cook said: "Let's leave first. We can come back and see if we have the opportunity in the future."

Cook opened his mouth and lied, and these mermaids entered the Ring of Nature. How could Cook release them again? They were released after returning to the sanctuary, not in this star realm.

"Okay." The patriarchs thought about it, this place is not very far, as long as they need to come back anytime.

This is actually a misunderstanding. These patriarchs went back and forth very easily, of course, there is no feeling. After these mermaids come back, Cook can shirk it. You live too far, no one has passed, and no one used to cast spells.

After a few days of preparation ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the mermaid family carried countless things. Every mermaid family has some property. Cook used these few days to carve a complicated pattern on the big rock on the water surface. In fact, it's useless, it just plays a role of releasing light.

"Okay, Mr. Cook." The bloodshot eyes of the hydraulic clan have made several clan leaders exhausted these days.

"Well, everyone, remember, don't resist." Cook said loudly.

"Okay." The mermaid clan replied in unison.

"Keep murmur, murmur." Cook said a spell that the mermaid clan didn't understand, but it didn't exist at all.

"Boom." Cook used a lot of materials and a huge pattern of complicated patterns suddenly lit up.

"Enter." Cook yelled, the light on the pattern immediately enveloped the area where a mermaid was located, and then the mermaid disappeared immediately. In fact, it was a movement of Cook's mental power. Cook is now the peak of the first order. It was a blink of an eye to collect thousands of fish, but in order to deceive others, Cook had to do this.

"Hurry up, come in." The light from the pattern was getting darker and darker, and Cook seemed very anxious. The last wave of murloc patriarch was collected by Cook into the Ring of Nature.

"Hehe." Seeing that all the fish have been collected, and the numbers are exactly the same as the statistics, Cook swam toward the Temple of the Mother Earth with a smile


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