A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 202: Robbed

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There is no need for Cook to do any extra movements. Cook can feel a soft force pushing his body out quickly. This feeling is like installing a high-horsepower airplane engine behind his body. , Faster than this.

Due to the small size of Cook’s deformed lightning bird, it is almost impossible to see the shadow of Cook’s flight. It is often only a light cyan trace, not to mention the perception. Cook who uses the origin of the wind system is in the vast majority of In his perception, there is wind, nothing else.

"What a dangerous black sea." Looking at the dark sea below, there are at least dozens of huge waves on the sea, hundreds of giant waves, wave after wave, and huge vortexes continue to appear on the sea surface. , A group of hundreds of millions of creatures were swept in by these vortexes, and mountain-like birds soared constantly over the vast sea, occasionally one claw down, and it became a huge creature.

The creatures of Tier 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 were all seen by Cook in less than an hour. The lord of this sea area is a Tier 7 creature. This creature is like a big creature. The flat fish is average.

"Boom." A water column rushed into the sky, and a bird as huge as a mountain ridge above the sky was hit by this stream of water and landed far on the sea.

"Boom." A huge silver-white figure jumped out of the water, like a huge plain. This is the flat fish, like a surfboard, but very huge, and the flat fish's tail keeps shaking. It was like a huge thruster.

The flat fish directly bit the huge flying bird, and then went silent into the sea again, leaving some feathers on the black sea surface, and then it was dispersed by the waves.

"Nima, this attack distance." Cook looked terrified, and the surrounding birds hurriedly avoided, but they didn't come to Cook for trouble.

It's like an elephant looking for trouble with a flea, surely not. This is the case now, and Cook, a flea, can't be perceived by other creatures.

Three hours later, Cook saw Beiting Island. Beiting Island looked like a huge stone, but the stone was still sunken in, like a basin, and there was also a pool of water, but the water here was almost Occupying 90% of the entire basin, this island is only one-fifth the size of Feixiang Island. When Cook saw the shape of this island, he knew that it was formed by a volcanic eruption.

"The water is actually hot." Cook suddenly fell on the edge of the lake, and then deformed back. After three hours of using the original power, the original power was almost consumed, but he was very satisfied to be able to reach here safely. , Cook estimated that it would take at least one day and one night, or even more time, to take the subway. Don’t forget, the time here is several times that of Sanctuary.

The area of ​​this lake is not smaller than that of Feixiang City. The lake of Feixiang City occupies a very small area of ​​the entire basin, but almost the entire basin is occupied here. The temperature is very high, so cooking things must be no problem.

"This environment actually mixes fire element and water element, as well as the surrounding plants, to form a unique environment." Cook looked around, this environment is very strange, the two elements of mutual restraint are actually mixed with each other. , The ratio is very large, of course, the reaction is also very intense, so the extremely high temperature here.

The unique environment created unique creatures around him. Cook even saw a small ordinary creature see himself, rushed directly into the lake, and then came out from a distance, looking at himself.

There are many high-temperature-resistant organisms, but they are all fire-type organisms, and fire-type organisms are very sensitive to water, and they rarely drink water, let alone live in water.

"Look at the stronghold of Feixiang City here first." Cook knew that Feixiang City was already planning to develop here. When Cook was high in the sky, he discovered that a plant was cut barely not far away. He knew at a glance. It was formed by establishing temporary bases.

"Boom." Just as Cook approached the temporary camp, Cook heard a boom, and the tide in the lake suddenly surged, and then a huge creature splashed in the lake. This creature was too huge. , Just playing in the water caused the wave in the lake to have several Cook's body heights.

"What is that." Cook saw something white on the other side of the lake looming under the wave.

When Cook saw that the big guy didn’t pay attention to himself, he continued to move towards the place where he was suspected of being a temporary camp. Fortunately, there are many plants here, which can completely hide Cook’s body, but there are almost no large creatures, high-level creatures Traces of life.

"Is it a big development here." With these findings, Cook's doubts are even bigger. Although this big bird is large, it is only Tier 4, and Tier 5 real people can't deal with it, so Tier 6 and Tier 7 real people Well, development here is not a matter of minutes.

When Cook arrived at the suspected camp, he saw a small metal door that was deformed.

"Security door." When Cook saw this door, he knew that it was a security door. The security door was extremely strong and tough, but now the security door is completely deformed. You can imagine how severe the attack was.

"Where did this angel appear?" Cook was puzzled. It seemed that the camp could not be entered, and the place was not as peaceful as he thought.

"Boom, boom, boom." Just as Cook was thinking about what to do, there was a booming sound, and then Cook saw at least hundreds of big birds that just flew into the lake, occupying almost one part of the entire lake. For the most part, these Tier 4 birds seem to like the hot water very much, and they are constantly fluttering in the water.

"Nima, that's a bird egg." Cook hurriedly climbed up the mountain. After climbing the hillside, Cook saw the white objects, which were actually huge bird eggs. Obviously these birds regarded this place as one The hatchery is out.

"Crack, click." Then there was a strange noise, and Cook saw giant crab-like creatures climbing up from the water, but this crab had four big tongs and six legs, but it was just a one-eyed, okay, Although it's a bit weird, it's still not a crab. The crab's eyes are in the middle of the body, and it can still be turned around. At least 270 degrees of vision without blind spots, it must be difficult to deal with.

"Level eight, cheating." It was densely packed, and Cook saw at least tens of thousands of them, let alone crawling out of the lake.

"Boom, boom, boom." What made Cook's collapse even more was that a group of half-large birds got out of nowhere and chased these crabs vigorously. These crabs seemed very vicious. Under the big hard beak of the bird, it was crushed directly, and nothing was left. There were dozens of small birds, and this little bird looked like a class, but it couldn’t hold the group of Tier 4 big birds watching behind them. what.

"Unless there is an eighth-level strong man who sits in town for a long time, otherwise, this Beiting Island is considered to be a waste." Cook watched as another group of big birds fell, and more big birds were flying in the sky and sea, obviously a group. Pavilion Island is the nest of these big birds. Even if the big birds are the envy of Cook Yee, in this lake, the tyrannical guys outside cannot get in. It is the best nest, even the flat fish of Tier 7 Can’t enter. On the one hand, the water temperature is high. On the other hand, this flat fish will not be full. It has nothing to do to hit the island. Moreover, there may be volcanoes under the island. Of course, unless there is not enough food around, maybe flat fish Knowing how to act and having enough food, this flat fish will definitely not have a brain convulsion.

With a sound of "clang." When a half-large cyan bird was pecking at a crab, it accidentally hit the security door with a clang.

The cyan bird was taken aback, jumped open, and looked suspiciously at the metal security door. Cook gave a wry smile. This half-big thing became more curious.

"Hey." The half-big bird pecked the safety door tentatively, and then jumped away when he heard the sound.

"Kang, bang, bang." Cook watched silently at the safety gate crowded with half-large birds, and the sound of banging was endless.

"No matter how thick the security door is, it is not safe." Cook knew how the security door was deformed, and he encountered a group of half-sized young birds like bears and children.

The feathers of these young birds are gray, some black, some are blue-gray, the adult bird is blue, the black is the smallest, slowly becomes gray, finally blue-gray, and then blue, very beautiful, like a white crane The body is similar, the difference is that a pair of legs are like duck legs.

"Forget it, I'll still find the place where the angel appears." Cook gave up the idea of ​​entering the security door. At this time, there may be several security doors inside the security door.

But Cook quickly got blind, because when the space wormhole is not activated, there is no energy fluctuation, and Cook can not sense it even if it is sensed. Cook does not know the principle of the formation of the space wormhole, but When Cook came in, he knew that the wormhole in this space did not fluctuate much on the star realm when it opened.

Because in the eyes of Cook and others, the wormhole is very large, but in the eyes of the astral natives, it is not very large, but the energy fluctuations will not change.

"Cultivation." Cook's only way is to practice, continuous practice, wind element, fire element, space element, wood element, all absorbed, and then converted into energy in Cook's body.

Energy is constantly washing Cook’s body. Cook’s body cells become tougher, stronger, and more energetic. Cook sits on the top of the mountain, facing the wind that can take people away, Cook’s hair Without moving, this is the original power, and it is not the original power that takes the initiative to attack, but passively can have such an effect.

The black sea, the blue sky, the dazzling sunlight, if there is no roaring wind, and the sound of huge waves, this scenery is extremely attractive, but the roaring wind, huge waves, and constantly paying the surface of the sea With a huge mouth, the scenery is a bit numb.

The energy of the wind system continuously poured into Cook's body, so that a circle of cyan energy formed around Cook's body, which wrapped Cooke, and Cook's attention was inside the body.

After a few days of cultivation, the original fire inside the crystal nucleus became brighter, but the volume did not increase, and the crystal nucleus also showed a strong cyan color. In the crystal nucleus, more complicated lines still grew.

"It seems that he is going to be promoted." With this premonition, Cook paid more attention. A large amount of energy poured into his body and was continuously absorbed by the crystal nucleus. The lines in the crystal nucleus grew faster and faster, but in the blink of an eye With the effort, Cook discovered that the grains in the crystal core have been grown. The whole crystal core is like a high-power vacuum cleaner, continuously absorbing energy, and the crystal core appears more pure.

"Second-order." Seeing the crystal nucleus look like this, Cook understood. Although the size of the crystal nucleus has not changed, the texture of the crystal nucleus is more refined.

"Barry, ten soul crystals, help me purify the crystal nuclei." An idea appeared in Cook's mind, and Cook immediately conveyed it with mental power.

"Stupid, my purification is an external force. You need to purify the crystal nucleus by yourself to be really purified. Even if I help you purify it now, you can't purify the crystal nucleus by yourself..." Barry replied in an angry voice. , That means quit.

"Go away, I have the source of fire." Cook interrupted immediately.

"By the way, how did I forget this? According to the truth, even if I help you purify, but your crystal nucleus has no purification effect, it is of little use, but you have the original fire, it's not right... Cook, No, even if you have the original fire, but have you thought about it, maybe your mental power can't be controlled after I refine the energy." Barry thought of a question and immediately asked.

When Cook heard this, he thought to himself: "It's really possible."

"I think you should take it slowly. If you can't effectively control it after I refine it, then it will be a big trouble." Barry shook his head. Barry's knowledge is part of Cook, so about these things, Barry There is no problem with his thinking. Of course, this is good for Cook, because Barry and Cook must have different thinking. Sometimes this difference can make Cook less mistakes.

When Cook thought of this problem, he gave up. Yes, if the energy is more pure, Cook may not be able to control it because of mental power.



"It seems that some creatures are going to be hunted." Cook touched his chin. With Cook's promotion, Cook found that his mental power was a bit unusable. The amount of energy in the second-order crystal nucleus did not change, but the texture was even better. Purity, this means that the greater the power of the spell, the higher the mental power consumed.

Attack and consumption are proportional. The stronger the attack, the more the consumption will definitely be. This is like the more powerful a weapon, the higher the price. Of course, the damage is even higher. This time you are promoted to Cook’s mental power. The soul has increased, but the increased amount is not enough for Cook.

"Hey." Cook sighed, nothing can be done. The growth template of the crystal nucleus in Cook's body is the growth template of the astral creatures, while the soul and spiritual power are the templates of the humans on the sanctuary, not to mention other things. This is the difference in body size to know the difference in templates.

Yes, ants can drag several times their weight. Humans can’t do it, but one person can easily crush a group of ants. Therefore, it is useless for ants to drag several times their weight. Cook’s mental power is like Like ants, they are already very powerful in humans, but Cook's current crystal nucleus growth model is like an elephant, so Cook's current mental power is not enough, far from enough.

"And my mental strength began to grow slowly. This is a sign of my peak." Then Cook sighed again.

The talent determines the mental power, physical fitness, and magic power that can be continuously improved and continuously trained, but there is a limit to mental power. The brain capacity of an ant is certainly not as large as that of a dog, so ants are not as smart as dogs. This is the talent, Cook's current strength is hard to say, in the star realm, it is only Tier 2, but in the **** realm, Cook estimated that he would not be able to walk sideways.

Of course, Cook is not sure of his strength in the God Realm because of plane suppression. Even if Cook has Tier 2 strength, Cook is not arrogant enough to contend the entire plane, no matter who it is.

For example, you can easily play in the swimming pool freely and happily without any hindrance. This is like Cook has no suppression in the God Realm, but you want to drink all the water in the pool and become a part of yourself. , Hey, go dream.

Aside from the suppression of the plane, Cook's physical strength is out of reach, but there are more ants and the elephant is killed. Cook only relies on the body, this kind of close combat is far from enough in the gods.

"It doesn't matter." After thinking for a while, Cook put aside these thoughts. These things can only be known until he returns to the gods. Now Cook needs to improve his strength, especially his mental power.

The wizard book condenses soul crystals. Although Cook does not use it many times, Cook also summed up an experience, that is, the production of soul crystals is not based on the level of creatures, but on the level of intelligence of creatures. Even if the crab is a Tier 1 , The intelligence is also inferior to an ordinary red fox. This is the difference. The higher the intelligence, the higher the efficiency of condensing soul crystals.

"It seems that I can only go to the beach." Cook looked at the beach outside the island. As for the big birds in the island, Cook didn't want to provoke them. Once they provoke them, the trouble will be even greater. This is the terrible social creatures. , And these creatures are Tier 4, and Cook, the new Tier 2, is far from an opponent, and the opponent is a amphibious creature, which is even more difficult.

It took several hours for Cook to reach the edge of the island. It was Cook that arrived so quickly with the help of the wind.

"Boom, boom, boom." The huge waves hit the rocks directly, making a loud boom, and oncoming wet mist.

"There is such a good thing." Cook stood in a crack in the rock. The rock was very smooth, but Cook changed into a pair of boots full of nails and moved freely. Some creatures were directly washed by the huge waves. Come up, then shoot on the rock, and fall into the cracks in the rock dazedly. How can Cook let it go when he sees such an opportunity.

"Puff." A dizzy Tier 2 creature, like a sea snake, was directly cut into half by a cyan wind blade. This is Cook's attack power after comprehending the origin of the wind element. This wind blade attack The strength is no less than the attack power of the third-order spell, and when used in Cook, it consumes the least energy, the most power, and the least consumption of mental power. This is the power of understanding the original power.

"Hehe, second-order crystal nucleus." Cook dug out the crystal nucleus and smiled. As for the corpses of sea snakes, don't care about them. The waves will carry them.

There is no need to cook to reach the beach. In fact, there are no beaches. They are all smooth rocks full of crevices. As for the crevices, the main reason is that the texture of the rocks is different. The long-term seawater corrosion and erosion will form countless crevices. , Cook is looking for opportunities in this gap.

"Boom." With a sound, Cook saw a big guy being hit by a huge wave on the rock, and there was half of his body in a gap slapped against the rock hard.

"Tier 4, good." Cook ran over quickly.

This Tier 4 big fish is like a black fish, covered with scales, a large mouth full of huge teeth, and a body with dozens of steps long.

"Blast." Cook smiled, and the original power used some.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom." With a low voice from Cook, the black fish slapped violently, but within a few seconds, the big fish belched blue blood.

"Huhuhuhu." Just when Cook was excited, a huge black figure rushed towards Cook, and then Cook saw that he had been robbed of the big fish's swim bladder with his original power.

Cook looked at the big bird that was flying higher and higher silently. The size of this big bird was huge, and it was at least a level six creature.

"Damn it, want to grab my things." But the soul of the big fish was collected by Cook. When Cook saw the big bird, his heart moved and turned into a lightning bird and chased it.

"Nima, it's so fast." Cook consumes a lot of his original power. This is the difference in body size. Just like an ant, no matter how fast it is, there is no such thing as a lion. ~ With a wave of its wings, this big bird will move a great distance, and if Cook doesn't have the power of his origin, he won't be able to catch up.

After half an hour, Cook's mouth was wide open, and there were countless mountains and rocks floating in the air in front of Cook.

"Magnetic field chaos area." Cook was extremely excited when he saw this. This situation is not uncommon in the magical world, and it is easy to happen in the element chaos area.

The sea is still calm, that is, above the sea, a large area of ​​space is like this, suspended with mountains-like rocks, these rocks are also covered with plants, and some vines are even hanging down the old elders. beauty of.

"Zizi, Zizi." Cook did not enter the area rashly. Instead, he lost a living creature into this area. This was the food that Cook had caught. The crabs that entered this area made a sizzling sound. There was a spark, and then he belched directly.

"Thundermagnetic area." When Cook saw such a scene, he quickly backed away. The thundermagnetic area is where there is a huge thunderstorm magnetic field.

"This Nima..." Cook saw the big bird fall and continued to fly upwards, and Cook followed behind. Soon Cook saw a huge rock almost the size of a mountain range. Most of this rock was in this mine. The magnetic area, the other half is outside, on this stone, a nest is located there, and the big bird just landed on it.


9412210195.png)\'>There is also a big bird in the nest. This place is simply wonderful. Due to the existence of the thunder magnetic field, there is very little wind around it.

"What is the impact of this lightning area, if Thunder Tooth absorbs the energy here." Cook's eyes gradually brightened.

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