A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 203: Lightning zone

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Thunder teeth are made from the horns of Ancestral Dragons. The legendary Ancestral Dragon is Thunder Dragon. Thunder can be divided into two types: Thunder and Thunder, but they are all manifestations of Thunder. The origin should be the same, Cook Take out Lei Ya.

"Huh." When Thunder Teeth was taken out, Thunder Teeth began to vibrate. Cook had a feeling that Thunder Teeth seemed to be conscious, and Cook slowly moved Thunder Teeth closer to the Thunder Magnetic area.

"Cook, don't move." Barry's voice rang out.

"Fuck, you scared me." Cook shivered in shock and cursed badly.

"This weapon has been around for a long time, and now a weak consciousness has been born. You have to slowly move closer to this lightning area, maybe... hey hey, you." explained, but then Barry screamed.

"I don't want to have another annoying guy." Cook shot Thunder Tooth into the lightning area, but this scene looks a bit funny. There is a thing in a small cyan beak. This is Ku The current movement, as for the communication with Barry, is a spiritual matter.

Can Cook fly after he becomes a human? I guess it’s okay, but after all, a person’s size is too big, and Cook hates trouble wearing clothes, it’s not as stable as a bird, and everyone is like a bird. , Attracting the attention of other birds is very small. If a flock of ducks is mixed with a chicken, it will be obvious at a glance.

Disguise is also a very advanced knowledge, but Cook doesn’t know how weird his image is now. A beak with something in its beak is close to the Thundermagnet area. The reason Cook was ignored is that it’s too small, on the Black Sea. The birds that can fly and resist the huge wind here are all huge guys, and they have that strength to fight against, and the small ones will be blown away.

"Zizizizi." Leiya suddenly approached the lightning magnetic area, and the surface of Leiya was exuding purple light, and sparks burst forth.

Then there was no more, Lei Ya sparked, nothing else happened, Cook looked at Lei Ya suspiciously, but nothing changed.

Cook murmured in his heart, and penetrated the spirit power into the thunder tooth again, but at the moment when the spirit power penetrated into the thunder tooth, the mutation happened.

"Zizizi." Cook's body was pulled directly into the lightning magnetic space by a force of uncontrollable force, and Cook's body was shining with electric light.

"What's going on." But Cook didn't seem to realize that he was wrong, only a purple electric glow appeared on his body, and it was still very small. Cook did not dare to continue to move. After waiting for a while, there was still no response. Ke tried to fly.

"Hey, the power of the wind still exists here." Cook flew for a while and felt that the power of the surrounding wind was not small.

But Cook was also puzzled, because Cook later understood that wind and air are actually one, and the flowing air is wind. In this lightning magnetic space, wind almost does not exist, but air definitely exists.

Zizi, Zizi, Cook still has an electric glow on his body, but it has no effect on Cook's body. Cook also allows thunder teeth to fall on his neck, and Cook is going to take a stroll around and take a look.

"Zizizizi, shit." When Cook put down the thunder teeth in his mouth, there was a violent sizzle and a violent numbness occurred on Cooke's body, and it was accompanied by Zizi. In the light of the fire, Cook immediately dangled Thundertooth on his mouth again, and the numbness disappeared. Cook looked at the feathers outside his body, and he actually zoomed a bit, shocked in his heart.

"It seems that Lei Magnetic should have been introduced into Lei Fang by my body, so I don't feel anything." After this time, Cook knew the reason.

Cook's deformed lightning bird flapped its wings, and then rushed towards a floating rock. The closer to the rock, the more he could feel a huge interference.

"This place seems to be even the most affected by thunder and magnetism." Cook looked at the huge brown stone. There were some plants on the stone. The water vapor in the air was still condensing on these plants. Cook did not approach these plants rashly. Plants, any creatures in this extreme environment, rashly approaching are deadly.

Cook continued to look at other rocks. There are many rocks here, suspended in the air. There are hundreds of them. The big ones are big like mountains, and the small ones are like Cook's body. And the direction of plant growth here is extremely high. It is weird, some upwards, some downwards, and some horizontally develop. There is no law at all, and the plants here are also different, with almost no duplicates.

Approaching the end of a plant, Cook touched it lightly, of course with Thunder Tooth, but there was no response, just like a normal plant.

"I'm poking." Cook jabbed Thunder teeth hard.

"Huhuhuhuhu." The huge vine plant seemed to be pierced by a needle for an instant, and then retracted back. Cook was also frightened and backed away for a certain distance. He was fortunate to see this reaction. Nima was too able to pretend.

Cook did not dare to approach those large plants of stone, so Cook chose a small stone without any plants. Cook looked at a yellow stone the size of his own body. This stone is very smooth and has nothing but interference. It's huge.

"Puff." Just when Cook was about to approach the rock, a purple creature suddenly emerged from the rock, and then Cook heard the sound of a balloon bursting, and the purple light on thunder's teeth flourished.

"I was attacked." Cook knew what was going on right away. He was attacked by this creature, and it was a magnetic storm type attack, which was absorbed by Thunder Fang.

"Elemental creatures." Cook looked at the purple creature from a distance. In fact, it was a bunch of irregular clouds. There was no eyes on the yellow stone, but Cook could feel the faint radiance of this creature. Spiritual fluctuation, that means get out of the way, this is my territory.

"Elemental creatures, magnetic elemental creatures, tusk." For this elemental creature that can't even speak, Cook looks down on him. Cook is shocked that this stone can produce such elemental creatures. Could it be that this stone It is a huge spar.

This roaring star breaking hammer was used. Cook had thunder teeth dangling from his mouth, which couldn't be put down. So Cook picked up the shrunken star breaking hammer with his claws and flew over the yellow stone.

"Boom." Under the control of Cook's mental power, the broken star hammer directly released the restrained energy, suddenly became bigger and hit the yellow rock fiercely, and Cook quickly flew under the rock, preparing Catching the Star Smashing Hammer, Cook was stunned that the Star Smashing Hammer actually returned for the first time without success, and fell straight on the yellow stone.

"Hey, call you crazy." But the purple creature was smashed, and Cook landed on the big yellow rock with a smile, and then picked up a yellow energy core.

Cook took the form of a starry sky giant and put on his clothes. Of course Thunder Tooth was in his hand. This time, Cook could clearly know that a burst of energy was transmitted into Thunder Tooth by his body. When Cook’s eyes lit up with silver light At the time, Cook's expression changed drastically.

"The model is actually a huge model. The energy fluctuations between these stones make these stones suspend in the air. Once one of them is damaged, these stones may fall down. These stones are energy nodes, but build this What's the use of things? Are they created artificially, or are they formed naturally?" All questions were in Cook's mind.

This structure is like reaching a balance between the various stars in the solar system, making these stars maintain such a state for countless years, and the area that Cook sees now also exists similarly.

"But what's the use?" Cook couldn't understand. If it is artificial, what is the effect, then if it is formed naturally, this is a bit confusing.

However, whether it is formed naturally or man-made, Cook must figure out what a lightning zone is used for and why it is done, but it is very troublesome to figure it out.

Cook must first clarify his thoughts, what is lightning, what is the role of lightning, and what the lightning area is used for.

Thundermagnetism belongs to an extremely rare branch of the thunder system. There are also wizards specializing in thundermagnetism among wizards. The greatest role of thundermagnetism is to interfere and interfere with energy fluctuations. Thundermagnetism’s defenses are not very strong. No other elements are strong, but the shield formed by the lightning is invisible. On the contrary, the attack of the lightning is also without a trace, but the attack of the lightning wizard is not very direct, unlike the fire and ice systems. , The attack effect of the lightning system has a delayed time difference, so there are very few people in the lightning system wizard who practice lightning.

So the biggest role of Thundermagnet is to interfere. In the wizard's world, that's it.

Of course, according to Cook’s understanding, Lemag is actually a very powerful system. Let alone other, Lemag’s attack is from the inside to the outside. Just like the microwave ovens used on the earth, it is actually an electromagnetic.

But Cook can't think according to his own understanding, because this is the wizarding world. If you want to find out what the lightning magnetic field is, you must think about the problem from the perspective of the wizard. This is necessary.

"The first thing to do is to figure out the layout of the thunderstorm magnetic field, as well as the movement routes of these energy loops." The plan was soon completed, and Cook was ready to take the first step, starting to map the entire thunderstorm magnetic field and the energy inside. Running route.

In fact, Cook has overlooked a problem. The thunderstorm magnetic field is interference, but this interference can also be regarded as a protective measure.

In half a day, Cook finally completed the drawing. With the help of Cook’s magic eyes, he can clearly see the energy running route. If you change someone, it will take at least a few months, which is the least. Because the lightning energy is invisible to the naked eye, unlike the light system, the fire system can clearly see it, and can only be measured slowly. This is a huge project.

After the measurement was completed, Cook flew back to Beiting Island. Cook directly found a cave on the mountain to live in. The nests of these big birds are still very safe. There are no other large creatures in the surrounding mountains. A flock of big birds was resolved, and even the sea area around the island did not have any large creatures.

After the measurement is completed, Cook will establish a test model to determine what effect this model has. If you want to determine, you must build an exact model, of course, the scale is reduced. But this is a bit difficult for Cook. Magnetic energy, this is an extremely rare type of lightning mutation energy, and it is difficult to find such energy crystals.

"It seems that only magic lines are acting." All Cook thought about was to use magic lines to act as various power sources.

After the magic pattern was used as a power source, Cook faced another problem: "There is no substantial magical metal connection between each other in this model, so what is the way to transfer energy between the floating stones?"

Then Cook faced another problem. This problem was very difficult. In the past, whether it was a magic pattern or a wizard model, there were physical connections. It was to construct an energy loop with magic metal or energy. The magnetic field does not have this kind of physical connection, nor is it attached to a certain physical foundation, so how does the energy loop between these stones work?

"Lei Magnetic..." Cook muttered inwardly, touching his chin and thinking continuously.

"Is there something else inside the stone that can make this lightning magnetic energy move in one direction?" Cook had an idea in his mind. There are dozens or hundreds of energy loops on each stone to the surrounding area. , There are as many as a dozen of them, so Cook guesses whether there is any mystery inside the stone.

After this idea emerged in Cook’s mind, Cook shook his head again: "This energy is moving in one direction, and this is... Is there a receiving system in another direction, and each of these receiving systems is related to The launch systems are connected to each other."

Thinking of this, Cook was very excited. Yes, the directional acceptance of energy is a big problem in the magical world, not to mention that the same department has to be accepted differently, which involves the source of magic, energy The frequency of the problem, in this question, even in the sanctuary plane, very few people study, because this is too esoteric.

"Is it just like a wireless phone?" Cook didn't have much research on these. When he thought of the energy frequency issues involved, Cook was a little dumbfounded. Some of these problems are difficult to study after an exhaustive life. What's more, it's a half-hearted like Cook.

Thinking of the wireless phone, Cook's eyes lit up: "That's the truth...but it seems that this lightning area is not my current target."

Then Cook woke up and studied the fart by himself. This thing himself is just curious, and his goal is to go home.

"It seems that I'm going to use brute force, but this model still needs to be studied. After all, what sound is in this model." Cook was thinking about his next move when he heard a voice.

After Cook got out of the cave, he looked at the source of the sound


:url(/img/1450717313633/32846786/6328063433487326884.png)\'>Cook suddenly realized that the undecent security door that was damaged by half-size birds during the day was being repaired by a group of people, and Cook could clearly see two real people of Tier 5 Be alert on one side.

"These birds have no ability to move at night." Cook looked at the small island in the middle of the lake with puzzlement.

When Cook thought of this, he quickly approached the temporary camp on Beiting Island. Fortunately, the two fifth-order real people's vigilant eyes were on the other side of the lake. Cook easily approached the temporary camp, and then Cook transformed into a temporary camp. The size of a human being in the Sanctuary, quickly touched into this passage.

"Such a thick security door." Cook was also stunned to see the thickness of the security door, at least three times the normal thickness, and Cook continued to move forward.

Cook is speechless. There are five security doors in this passage. After the five security doors, there is a huge hall. On one side of the hall, there is also something like a subway track, but there is only one track. The subway passage of the Undersea Tunnel, on the other two sides of the hall, there are many rooms, obviously where people live.

"This is the temporary camp on Beiting Island." Cook understood the scene of this place.

But what puzzles Cook is that both sides of the subway tunnel are closed and are also metal doors. However, the metal door of one side is obviously opened frequently, and the other side is closed for a long time.

"Isn't Beiting Island the end of this subway tunnel?" Cook was puzzled.

Cook did not check the direction leading to Feixiang City, because the place is often maintained. Any abnormalities will definitely be known to everyone. Then the most likely place to connect to the God Realm is in the other side of the passage. Up.

This is justified by Cook’s judgment. First of all, if the wormhole of the God Realm is opened outside Beiting Island, the angels of the God Realm will not come to this star realm one after another. The fourth-order big bird is not the God Realm. Confrontational.

And the place where the angels appeared is near the Bawang City, and the only place that can lead to the Bawang City is the underground tunnel and the sea outside. Don’t even think about it inside the sea. The storm energy in this place is great, even the angels. Come, it will be torn apart.

And Cook knew from the archangel that there is still a base established by the God Realm here. Although there is no place, it must be underground. Whether it is land or sea, the outside world is too dangerous, an ordinary creature. You can let this angel base be destroyed.

"Maybe it's there." Cook looked at the closed tunnel. Although it was closed over there, the angel's shape, as well as Cook's current body shape, could easily pass through.

Cook got into the enclosed tunnel. This time Cook didn’t dare to care about it. The area he explored and the unknown dangers that existed made Cook the size of a giant in the sky. Cook is ready, the role of the sealing magic pillar is to slow down the enemy's actions, and the broken star hammer is the real ultimate move, although the cost is not small.

"The strength in the Bekalin period was too strong. The entire tunnel was made of special metal, and so was the ground." Cook looked around the tunnel. There are metal walls, and after countless years, there is no metal here. The change is just covered with dust.

However, some things are also obviously decayed. For example, there are some wood-like things around this tunnel, which are already decayed. You must know that the wood in this star realm is extremely hard, not bad metal, but under the temper of time, Also turned into a pile of rotten wood.

The tunnel was extremely quiet, with no sound or traces of other animals, and Cook was puzzled.

After Cook walked for more than ten minutes, he saw an abnormal situation. The tunnel in front appeared in a large cave. Metal was also used around the cave. Obviously, this was a station.

"There are no islands around Beiting Island, especially at this distance." Cook walked into the lobby with confusion. This is a place that resembles a station.

Cook took a closer look and found that it was not a station, but a temporary residence, probably the residence of the patrolling team. Cook did not find anything here.

Two hours later, Cook's eyes widened. A huge hall appeared in front of Cook's eyes. It was five or six stations the size of a station, and it was also very deep. It was surrounded by walls made of magic metal. Great.

"What is it for?" Cook looked around in confusion. This space is too big, and it is at the end of the tunnel.

"Boom." Cook knocked on the wall and found that the strength of the wall was greater than he thought ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cook walked into the hall.

The floor of the hall is about one person higher than the exit of the tunnel. The floor is not metal, but some kind of brown stone. This shape makes Cook even more strange.

Cook looked at the top of the hall. The distance was a bit high, but Cook had no problems with his eyesight. Cook couldn't figure out what it was for and what it was for.

Cook took another look with his magic eyes, and found no traces of energy. Even the surrounding elements were very scarce, making Cook even more puzzled.

"Mental power is strongly disturbed here." Cook was about to use his mental power to check it out. Knowing that the mental power just came out of Cook's body, he felt that the mental power felt like he was in a mire. Cook was completely surprised. Up.

"Then this hall is even more important." When the mental power is disturbed to this extent, Cook knows that this place is very important. If the internal mental power is disturbed and cannot be released outside, then the external mental power wants to penetrate Come, that is even more delusional.

Cook looked at the ground carefully, because Cook felt that his magic eye might have lost its effect, and his mental power was disturbed so that he couldn't use it, so other energies must not work.

On the brown ground, Cook carefully cleaned it up. There was some dust on it. When Cook saw the traces of metallic color in the brown stone, Cook sighed with relief. Obviously there is a The huge energy circuit pattern, since there is an energy circuit pattern, it means that this place is not a dead end.

"But I'm afraid this has nothing to do with the God Realm." Cook shook his head with a wry smile. The matter in the Thundermagnetic area has not been understood yet, and there is such a thing in this place, Cook smiles bitterly.

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