A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 204: disturb

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"Forget it, this is not a small project. I still need to find a way home. It's really impossible to come here to see what is the purpose of it." Cook only cleared a small area and gave up. Without the magic eye, Cook wants to figure out the energy circuit below, which is a very complicated project. Yes, this is no longer a small matter, but a big project.

It would take an incalculable amount of time for Cook to finish this thing. Ten or eight years would be possible, so Cook gave up.

However, Cook was a little unwilling in his heart. There are a lot of weird places in Nima. Even if the lightning area is not clear, there is no danger in this place.

"It seems that my approach is not right. This is why I know these models to do so. Then if you follow the procedures of other people, Kately's Red Cloud Archaeological Salon." Cook felt that there was a problem with his thinking and understood these energy circuits. There are very few people here, and not everyone has the opportunity to come in. If people who don’t understand come in, Cook thought of the approach of the Hongyun Archaeological Salon.

"The first is to check to see if there are any dangers and what may exist." This is the first process of archaeology. If no place is reached, the first is the overall search.

Cook began to act. Cook first checked the space, it was empty and there was no danger, then he further searched for possible things.

"Dangdang, Dangdang." Cook also took out the sealing magic pillar and knocked it carefully.

No matter the ground, Cook directly knocked on the wall, but after two knocks, Cook didn’t knock. Cook secretly scolded himself: "Damn, I almost forgot to use the power of the source, the other energy here Disturbed, but air is not lacking. Air is also a kind of energy. I don’t believe that the original force is also suppressed here."

Cook thought of this, so he didn’t search further, communicated with the air, and obtained more complete information than you searched. At the moment when the power of the source was used, Cook breathed a sigh of relief. The suppression of this place did not affect the power of the source at all. The role of.

But collecting pieces of information and then putting them together is a very time-consuming and mentally consuming thing. It is like finding useful clues from the vast crowd. Finding clues and then putting them together.

It took several hours. Of course, these few hours were not because Cook was using the power of his source, but to collect some pieces of information. Cook needed to analyze mentally, then leave the useful ones, and then continue to collect them. Then collect them.

"So there are a lot of secret doors here." Cook whispered, then walked out of the hall and into the tunnel. After Cook walked for a while, he looked at the wall next to the tunnel and Cook looked at the track. It suddenly became clear that this is where the subway door is.

The wall here looks the same, it's just straight, but Cook knows that this is a gate, and the gate is closed.

"Boom, boom." To deal with the door, Cook plugged his ears, and then hit the star-breaker twice, the door was deformed, and then a big gap appeared.

"It's still simple." Cook murmured and walked into the door.

Inside the gate is another world, the same metal ground, metal steps, metal stairs, metal doors, metal walls, and metal ceilings.

"This Nima is an underground city." Cook looked at the metal passage. There are metal doors on one side of the metal passage. There are obviously many rooms, as well as metal stairs up and down metal steps.

According to the cat and the tiger, Cook continued to communicate with the air here. As there is no circulation in the underground world, Cook knew that there was a gate and a space. As for the inside, the information fragments collected were not enough to piece together the true face of the entire space.

It can be said that Cook is now a human-shaped radar, and it is also a panoramic radar. As long as Cook has enough original power, it is not a problem for Cook to understand the entire star realm.

"It's a bit expensive." Cook walked directly to the upward staircase, which was also a circle of rooms. Then Cook continued to climb up and climbed three floors. Cook saw another metal door, but there was energy on the door. Loop again.

"Forget it." Cook hesitated when he saw this energy circuit, and he smashed it down after picking up the broken star hammer. Then the door opened. The energy circuit also needs energy support to be effective. Without energy support, that is It's just a metal door.

"Control center, tut tut, tut tut." Cook saw the large control center, and Cook tut sighed. The layout here is the same as the control center layout of the floating warning fort. What Cook doesn't know is that this layout is in It’s the same in many places, which is conducive to human control, just like if all cars have a control layout without any changes, all tanks are also laid out like cars, and then all airplanes have the same control layout as cars. , Then many things are simple, this is one of the construction standards of Bekalin's period, but Cook has not reached that level yet, and there is no way to know these things.

Of course, the control center standards in the Bekalin period were the same because many of them were controlled by mental power, and there were few manual controls. Whenever cars on the earth are controlled by mind, it is estimated that all layouts may be the same. Airplanes, cars, tanks, ships, submarines, as long as they know one kind, the others will do.

In the control center, Cook skillfully opened a metal cabinet, and then Cook smiled bitterly: "There is no energy."

Without energy, Cook cannot control it, but to activate such a large control center, a lot of energy is required. However, Cook took out a large number of crystal nuclei after hesitating, and the crystal nucleus was directly put into the cabinet. Of course, this is also exquisite, that is, put the other energy of the same system into a small box like a drawer, and then insert it into the cabinet, and then it is OK.

"That's okay, start it manually." Cook pulled a switch on the cabinet where the crystal nucleus is placed. This is the energy output.

Woo, woo, woo, Cook can hear the whine when the energy is running, this is a unique sound when starting, the larger the energy loop, the longer the starting time, of course, the energy consumed by starting is huge.

"Warning, warning, the security door is destroyed, the security door is destroyed." For twenty minutes, a voice rang all at once, and Cook was awakened and ran over to take a look.

"Closed." Cook took a look and realized that these two doors were broken by himself.

"Unable to close, unable to close, please start the repair puppet." Who knows that Cook can't close it.

Cook’s egg hurts. Seeing that there is still 30% of the remaining energy, it means that 70% of Cook’s energy is consumed when starting up. Cook has to repair it. This kind of things that cannot be turned off are all with Mandatory, if it is not repaired, it is estimated to be dangerous.

After Cook started the repair procedure, he ran outside to see how to repair the gate, but soon Cook came back. How to fix it is just two puppets holding new gates and replacing them. These gates are all manufactured.

Cook started up the console. The console can be closed, and it takes time to start the console.

"Hey, this is not a lightning zone." When the seven or eight consoles are activated, the crystal ball on the console releases a light curtain, and then Cook sees the scene of the area that the console can control. 3D projection is still much more advanced.

After carefully reading the instructions of the control system, Cook quickly looked at the other control centers, and one of them made Cook almost jump up.

"This, this Nima is space." When he saw a scene of the control center, Cook was completely stunned. On the projection, Cook saw a huge sphere-like metal building. The interior of the building was The hollow one is now in a closed state, but the background of this sphere is a black area. If it weren’t for the green dots above the black level of white clouds, and the white vortices like satellite cloud images and typhoons, Cook thought it was. The dark underground world, obviously this is space.

After being stunned, Cook continued to watch. In less than ten minutes, Cook knew what it was for. This is a transportation center that transports materials from the ground to space. As for the mine that Cook saw Magnetic area, that is the power system of transportation.

The huge space that Cook saw was the place to deliver the goods. The entire control center would use huge magnetic force to load the materials and personnel directly into a special container, and then eject it out. The energy on the ground of that huge hall The loop is the source of great power. This container will be projected into the lightning magnetic area, and then the lightning magnetic area will continue to rise, directly into the huge metal space seen by another console in space, and then the materials and the container will be extracted , The delivery of materials is completed.

"Nima, it's too advanced. I said that this lightning area cannot be formed naturally. Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk." After reading it, Cook sighed, but the material consumption for one delivery is very large, almost 10%. Fortunately, the lightning area does not consume energy, because the lightning area uses the nucleus of a certain type of star, and the energy is almost endless.

"Warning, warning..." There was another warning sound, and Cook hurried over. The one responsible for safety was a console.

"Someone actually tried to control this system, Nima." Cook took a look and realized that the subway control system for Beiting Island to go here was in the control center where he was located, not on the side of Feixiang City, but Bawang City. The underground world, Feixiang City, and even the surrounding islands, including Beiting Island, are controlled by the Feixiang City’s control center. The subway could not come through before, and the system here was closed, but after Cook started the system here, Feixiang City can be sensed.

"Cut off." Cook immediately cut off the subway route from Beiting Island to this side, joking, there is a seventh-tier powerhouse in Feixiang City, and Cook is a second-tier, and he doesn't want to die.

The defense system in this place can be called abnormal. After all, this is a very critical department. Cook does not believe that those guys in Flying City dare to hit the door directly. Of course, if they hit the door directly, Cook can only run away, because The more perverted defense system is, the more energy it consumes. Again, the damage is proportional to the energy paid, not inversely.

"Hey, I actually want to use identity to seize control." Cook was about to throw away, and he saw a scene that surprised Cook, an unknown high-level real person, no, now in the system is a high-level wizard trying to use himself To control the system.

In fact, this is mainly because Cook just forgot to set up the control system here. Since there has been no energy for a long time, the control system here is blank. In this case, the higher the status and the control of the entire system The higher the probability, and in the wizarding world, rank is a status symbol.

"Yeah, you guys, a 72nd-level scum dared to fight with me to construct a wizard book." Cook was very angry when he saw this. The guy on the opposite side was obviously a certain city lord of Flying City. Since Cook knows this control center, Cook also knows the relevant rules.

That is the choice of profession first. In the world of wizards, the pursuit of truth, such as these systems, is extremely proficient in this aspect. You are an eighth-level fire specialization and are competing In the process of the system, there may not necessarily be a Tier 1 Constructed Wizard, because professional, unless you can also come up with the certificate of the Tier 1 Constructed Wizard, the system will choose you.

For a powerful system, professionalism is the most reliable. Just like when choosing a fighter pilot, you don’t choose your own combat power, but your flying skills. To put it bluntly, professionalism is the same. It must be the first to be selected with strong combat power, because if the chance of survival is not high at that time, the system of the wizard world also follows this principle. If your eighth-level wizard does not have this professional knowledge, then it is useless.

And there is one more point. For the same first-order construction wizard, there is a wizard book first, and there is no wizard book second. At the same level and the same level of the wizard book, then it is compared to the energy wizard, and the level of the wizard is analyzed.


786/7182339989245762797.png)>Because of the support of these two professions, the construct wizards of the same level should deal with certain problems faster.

When the system scans Cook’s first-order construction wizard book, it directly kicks someone at level 72 out of the system. Just kidding, Cook has a construction wizard book, and it’s as high as ninth order. It was someone at level 72 who took out the first-tier construction wizard book. The level is not as high as Cook's, and Cook won. It is obvious that the growth potential of a construction wizard with a ninth-level wizard book is higher. Of course, the system I don't know if this thing was something Cook grabbed.

"Puff." Somewhere in Feixiang City, a man spit out blood, and everyone around him was shocked.

"Quick, help the city lord." The person next to him was stunned, and a voice screamed.

"Quiet, my mind has been hit hard, the person on the other side is too powerful, and I was kicked out before my mental strength shrank back." Someone at level 72 waved his hand and said.

"Hi..." The people around took a breath.

If Cook knew that someone was directly invading the system with mental power, he would definitely laugh at this guy in surprise and forcibly invade the entire system. This system is really vegetarian, but let alone, these systems really didn’t fight back. , Because these systems are also in the absence of an owner. It’s like a mobile phone is broken. The person using it can only be repaired by a professional person, and a certain city lord at level 72 will not set up the system at all, and has to rely on a powerful Mental force penetrates into the system forcibly, and then controls the system.

It's like there is an elevator, but you can't use it. Nima is forced to take the stairs, which is a truth.

Cook hurriedly set up the system. Although Cook may not know how long this place will be, Cook is not still here now.

"Turn on the energy absorption system." Cook opened the energy absorption system that comes with the system. As long as the system is not used frequently, the energy absorbed by itself is sufficient.

What Cook didn’t know was that in the distant space, a huge metal structure began to slowly open. After half an hour, people looking up at the sky in the star realm found that there was a bright star in the sky. Many people are astonished. Some are indifferent, some are curious, and some are surprised and worried.

On the sea, huge pillars began to emerge from the sea, and the top of each pillar slowly opened up, and then a huge windmill appeared on the sea. Of course, the windmill blades were facing the sky. , There is only a slight slope.

In the middle of these pillars is a taller pillar with a huge prismatic crystal on top.

A Tier 4 bird just broke into this windmill area, watching the huge rotating windmill vigilantly, a purple thunder light shot out from the prismatic crystal, hitting the Tier 4 bird, and the bird's body was lost all of a sudden. Controlled and landed on the sea.

"Puff." A big metal mouth bit directly on the dead bird that fell on the sea, and dragged it directly into the sea, leaving behind a burst of bright red blood; there was no hair left. One.

Cook did not know what was happening outside. Cook was studying the principle of transporting supplies to space, and Cook also found that this system can accurately determine the surrounding energy fluctuations. Cook immediately set the lock-in space energy fluctuations, as long as If there is energy fluctuation in space, the system will prompt Cook.

For the rest of the time, Cook carefully studied the lightning magnetic area. Sure enough, the stones in this lightning magnetic area were all made by wizards of high-level construction, mainly to offset the huge gravitational force of the plane of the star realm, and of course the protection inside. The material, the lightning area has a refraction effect, and any attack will be refracted. Each stone contains extremely delicate things, but Cook’s authority is not enough to understand the structure of these things, which means that Cook has The level of the construct wizard can't touch this lightning area, because if the level is not enough, it may be broken.

"Forget it, there are fluctuations in the space around the mobile phone of this system, this is enough, but the energy fluctuation of the angel's light system is too weak, and the system can't detect it." Cook gave up his plan to study the lightning area, and if it broke In trouble.

Cook came to check the energy situation at this time, and Cook discovered that the energy was directly full in this short period of time.

"Nima, this..." Cook rubbed his eyes vigorously, and found that he was right.

When Cook opened the energy collection record, Cook was really stunned: "At 6:50, 10, and 20 seconds, kill a Tier 4 Blue Sparrow, get 0.5% energy, and a Tier 4 Blue Feather... , 6:50 and 22 seconds, kill a Tier 5 silver cod and get..."

In just half an hour, Cook discovered that this system had killed hundreds of creatures above the third level. It is estimated that killing creatures would also cost energy, otherwise more energy would be collected and Cook It is extremely shocking that the amount of the collected materials that are actually absorbed is less than 2%.

"It seems that these systems have not appeared for a long time, and the guys around don't know the reason for it." When Cook saw the huge prismatic crystal, there are prismatic crystals, which are composed of many crystals. A crystal is an outlet that emits energy. Any creature that breaks into this area will be shot down. Cook saw a fifth-tier creature that was shot down into the sea by at least dozens of attacks, and then was shot down by the huge under the sea. The robotic arms are collected. As for the creatures in the ocean, these robotic arms will turn into huge metal drill bits, directly smashing the brains of these big guys.

"That's fine." Cook saw that the energy reserve system was activated. Cook did not move the energy collection system. Although this range is a bit large, the warning distance is reasonable, and that is to prevent the spell release of the seventh or eighth wizard. The distance, that is to say, the casting distance of the seven or eight wizards is less than the warning range of this system. If the seventh or eighth wizard wants to do things within this range, he must first face one after another severe blows.

"There are more than 30,000 energy release outlets in total. Tsk tsk, which means that you can face up to nearly 8,000 energy blows in one direction at the same time. This is not to mention the backup system under the sea, which is this huge edge. The shape crystal is a hexagonal prism, and the system release exit of each face can strike a target at the same time. What kind of concept is this? If you come to a group, it will also give you a sudden.

"It is worthy of the work of a ninth-order wizard~www.wuxiaspot.com~Tsk." Cook saw this and was relieved. Nima's perverted defense of course also explained the importance of this place. As for why Cook Knowing that this is the work of a ninth-order wizard, because that lightning area is the work of a ninth-order wizard, so obviously it is here too.

On the mainland, many people are called up on this night. Facing the new stars that appear in the sky, most people may not know what it is, but high-level real people know what it is, and some real people have a better idea. projection.

"Bastion of the Destroyer, this is the greatest weapon for plane defense in the Bekalin period. This thing was activated an hour ago. You look at the dense reflections. This is something that absorbs energy. Look at this reflection. The huge prismatic crystal in the middle is the destroyer. It can attack 100,000 units at the same time. The largest energy reaction cannon in the middle can destroy a plane. Everyone, we need to know who opened this fortress and activate everything that can be launched. Power.” On the mainland, a huge city suspended in the sky. Below this city, there is a huge building complex. Looking at the size of the building complex, the lowest level city is silver, floating in the sky city. Real people above the level gathered together, quietly listening to the introduction of a young man in front, a huge and clear energy projection was unfolding in front of these hundreds of people.

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