A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 210: Unlucky Silver Dragon City

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More than three days. Cook came to Silver Dragon City day and night. Of course, if Cook uses his original power. It is estimated to arrive in half a day. But after Cook smashed the God of Light. Cook must always prepare enough means. Therefore, the original power can be used without being used.

Silver Dragon City is huge. The entire Silver Dragon City is actually a huge mountain range. Above this mountain range are huge nests. The silver dragon lives in the lair. Silver Dragon City in the true sense. It is in a flat valley area. The entire area is paved with a hard stone. The entire river valley is the real Silver Dragon City.

"Damn. Who says dragons have low fertility. This Nima has thousands of silver dragons." Cook looked at Silver Dragon City. The urban architecture here is terrible. Some are very huge. Some are not so big. But Cook saw humans here for the first time. dwarf. The trail of the dwarf.

There are also Titans. giant. Mountain giant. Flower elves. Elves. Night Elf. Dark elf. And other races.

There are no walls here either. There are no guards. But the place occupied by the powerful silver dragon. No one dares to be presumptuous. It is Amitabha Buddha if these silver dragons don't harm others. The silver dragon belongs to the bright camp of the dragon family in the power of the gods.

The classification of the gods is very interesting. Each race has a race camp. There is also the bright camp. Neutral camp. Classification of evil camps and so on. Most people really don't know.

Just like the bone dragon in the sanctuary is a branch of the undead. But in the God Realm. It belongs to the dragon family. Of course, the boss of the Undead Department must have opinions in his heart. But the boss of the Undead Department dare to speak out. Certainly not. The dragon is equivalent to a powerful ruffian in the God Realm. See you are not pleasing to the eye. Rob you. See you pleasing to the eye. You don't contribute points. As for those who dare to provoke. Then call the robbers to rob. The dragons are nominally neutral. It can also be said to be fun. Then grab you. Grab him.

The angels are the absolute bright camp. In the gods. The clan of angels and dragons are equally famous. Of course there are demons. The three races are the most powerful. As for the council of human gods. This is only recognized by humans. Giant dragon. angel. The devil does not admit it. The resolutions of the council are only valid for the human beings under the council of gods. For those humans who are loyal to the dragon. There is no jurisdiction at all.

"Boy. Remember. The transaction is subject to tax." Cook went into the Silver Dragon City. A Titan yelled at Cook.

Cook nodded. Entered the Silver Dragon City very surprised. In fact, it is the ground with stones. Cook looked at the ground carefully. It is probably the product of some kind of magic. But what surprised Cook was. It has been a few minutes since I walked into this Silver Dragon City. At the beginning, a Titan made himself pay taxes. What other patrol guards. Nothing. But there is no conflict between the people here. This is incredible in Cook's eyes.

"Dragon." Then Cook saw some human-like bodies. But there are patches of fine silver scales on the skin. There is also a short tail dangling behind the body. This is not a snake man. It's a dragon.

That is, the offspring of dragons and humans. As for the love history of the dragon. At least it can be traced back to ancient times. There is a research note of millions of words devoted to analyzing this.

"What do you look at. Kid." The dragon sees Cook's gaze. Angrily shouted at Cook.

Cook shook his head. The dragon man on the opposite side just roared. What makes Cooke's egg hurt. The buildings here have no plans at all. The architectural style is also very different. Cook glanced at the various shops on both sides of the road. Then walk into a shop.

Inside the shop is a dwarf. Midgets are very shrewd in business. But precisely because the dwarf is shrewd. Greedy. So the dwarf goods are very complete.

"Bring a map." Cook said directly.

"Map. I don't know what kind of map your Excellency needs. Ten coins are on the map of 50,000 kilometers around Silver Dragon City. Fifty coins for one hundred thousand kilometers. Ten thousand coins for one million kilometers." The dwarf heard that Cook needed. map. The spirit came immediately. Said to Cook.

"I need to go to the Sky City..." Cook said.

"We don't sell maps of Sky City here. And every city doesn't allow people outside to sell maps of their own city." The dwarf heard Cook say so. Immediately interrupted unhappy.

"Then I need to go to the Sky City." Cook did not expect such local protectionism. Asked again.

"A crystal coin." The dwarf reached out and said to Cook.

Cook is a little tangled. The crystal coins in his hand are all top-grade crystal coins. Only qualified crystal coins are circulating in the God Realm. There are few good products. As for the inferior ones. Medium grade. Top grade. They are all used in the settlement of bulk crystal coins. Just like the maximum RMB is one hundred. More than one hundred thousand. Use promissory notes for millions. Check or something. It's like buying a TV with more than a thousand. Definitely not using checks.

"Poor ghost. Go away." The dwarf saw Cook's tangled look. Shouted at Cook angrily.

"Who do you mean is the poor ghost. You are insulting me." Cook looked annoyed. What is Cook doing. Of course, there must be a fair reason to trouble the dwarf. As for what city it is. Haha. Is there a horrible city in the sky.

"It's you. You poor ghost. Get out of me." The dwarf jumped and cursed.

"Three-inch nails." Cook also replied. Swearing is exquisite. Just like a dwarf you can't call a dwarf. Because the dwarf heard this. Will come up and beat you up. Three-inch nails. It is a kind of nail. And it's the smaller of the nails.

"Poor ghost." The dwarf was scolded by Cook. Shouted loudly.

"What are you doing." Just after the dwarf cursed. The door outside was kicked open.

"This poor ghost is harassing me." The dwarf saw that the door was kicked open. Not that the dwarf did not open the door. It is only a quarter of the size.

"Bring me your identification." A man came in. But this man was wearing silver armor. How dazzling is to be dazzling. When Cook saw this man, he knew that Nima was also a god. And it is the Silver Dragon.

"This is mine." The dwarf quickly pulled out a sign. That regret in the dwarf's heart. Nima these silver dragons are not easy to deal with. The guy who is looking for something if it's okay.

"How about you." Yinlong looked at Cook. A trace of contempt flashed in his eyes. why. Because Cook's clothes are not good at all. It's not that Cook doesn't want to wear it. But Cook needs to fight at any time. So avoid **** time. Cook wears just ordinary things.

"I just came." Cook said directly.

"Haha. Haha. Damn outside... Boom." The dwarf heard Cook say so. Haha laughed. Because gnomes are residents of Silver Dragon City. And in the gods. Every city is biased towards local residents. But the dwarf has not finished laughing. He was kicked into the shop by Cook.

"Boy. Follow me." Yinlong saw Cook like this. Coldly shouted to Cook. At the same time, his eyes were hot. Such outsiders. That's all extra money.

"Who said I don't have any money? I just don't have change. I see it." A high-grade **** crystal appeared in Cook's hand. Said angrily.

"Boom." Yinlong saw a handful of high-grade **** crystals. He struck Cook with one punch. And it's the head. Obviously, what Cook took out made Yinlong tempted. But why did Cook take out the top grade crystal coins. Cook has already gone eight times mad. Yinlong just punched out. Cook kicked it over. Yinlong was kicked directly out of the shop. This shop has also been shaky.

"Damn it. You Yinlong dare to rob Lao Tzu." Cook shouted. His body instantly rose to a height of 500 meters. At the Yinlong who was still in faint, he slammed it down.

"Boom." The entire Silver Dragon City shook. The people around looked at Cook's 500-meter-high figure. All stunned.

"Is this guy crazy? How dare to make trouble in Silver Dragon City." A human being saw Cook's body after his transformation. Suspiciously asked his companions around him.

"Who knows. There are many fools in this world anyway." The human companion shrugged.

"Boom. Actually dared to rob Laozi. You are tired of living and crooked." Cook hit again with a fierce punch. Cook is trying to find fault. But this silver dragon shot his own life. Cook can't stand it. Cook has long heard that humans have a low status in the gods. Lao Tzu Nima is here to revive humanity.

Of course Cook made trouble in Silver Dragon City. It is also known that the number of silver dragons has always been very rare. The number of people in the dragon clan is relatively small. But Yinlong's combat effectiveness is very strong. And Cook is not afraid of your individual combat effectiveness now. I'm afraid of the large number.

Just killing the angel, the chicken, can't help those guys. Of course a chicken is needed. It's not dead. Silver Dragon City is on the way from Cook to the Sky City. So Cook decided in the blink of an eye to take the Silver Dragon City operation. Of course, Cook also knows that the dragon is not united. Otherwise, I would not dare to kill Cook.


"Boom." Cook looked at the crippled silver dragon who was almost beaten by himself. I was very depressed. Nima and other silver dragons. Isn't it all shot?

In fact, this is not to blame Cook. Although Cook beat the silver dragon several times. But it is only a few seconds. When has Silver Dragon City been provoked like this? It's not that other silver dragons are not coming. But the silver dragons did not react.

"Roar." Just when Cook wondered. A huge roar sounded. Immediately afterwards, Cook saw a silver light drew towards him. This is a huge tail.

"Good. Choppy." Cook was already ready. The silver dragon's tail was drawn. The broken star hammer in Cook's hand is more than avoidance. Instead, he slammed down at Yinlong's tail.

"Idiot." Everyone who saw this scene commented on Cook. In the battle of the dragon. The power of the tail is the greatest. The tail of this silver dragon is larger than Cook's body. This silver dragon is at least several kilometers long.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho." But then. Yinlong made a tragic scream.

"Despicable. Shameless. The villain. I just know the sneak attack. Miscellaneous. Let me teach you how to be a man." Cook smiled in his heart. Nima used her tail to break the star hammer. It's all right now. The tail is broken. Cook saw the silver dragon's tail showing a very strange posture. Knowing that the bone inside was broken. Cook still has to deal with it. A fierce punch hit the place where the silver dragon's tail broke.

"Ohhhhhhhh." Yinlong's sorrowful voice became louder. At the same time, Yinlong opened his big mouth and bit at Cook.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." followed. At least dozens of divine arts were released to Cook. But who is Cook. The perverted self is afraid. Cook grabbed the silver dragon's tail. The powerful force directly caused Cook's five thick fingers to dig into the silver dragon's tail. The blood flowed out immediately. Lifted the silver dragon's body for several kilometers. The magic arts released by other silver dragons fell on this silver dragon.

"Haha. A group of robbers. Come hit me." Cook laughed. This is not a game. What hurts no teammates. Cook laughed. One side rounded the silver dragon's body. It went crazy. The surrounding silver dragons quickly dodged. These silver dragons are avoided. But Silver Dragon City suffered. Countless people watching the excitement are dead. Hurt hurt.

"Deserve it. Good people don't do it. Instead, they want to be slaves to these big lizards." Cook saw humans being smashed to death. Thought coldly in my heart. In fact, human beings have low strength in the God Realm. Does it have something to do with the disunity of human beings?

Everyone has to say. Cook's heart is too big. It's not that Cook thought big. Cook is also a person who is afraid of trouble. But this time things. Cook and the angel top. d= ̄▽ ̄b is on. If Cook doesn't move. So obediently handed over the brilliant crown. What else will Cook do later. Continue to be forced to go to the star realm by the angels. Continue to get angry. is it possible.

And Cook also saw the attitude of Guangming Lord God. Take back the brilliant crown. There is no good thing about this. Also count on Cook how to think. Since I have to contend with angels. Cook can do it alone. Row. But how long will it take to contend. A person's strength is limited. Then Cook can only raise the banner of mankind. Just let some people see their strength. Come surrender yourself. Cook can also be considered a capable person. With Cook's current strength. Whether it is an angel or a dragon. Very worried. Even Cook builds power. The angels and dragons did not dare to deal with Cook. Want to exceed the lower limit. Okay. Cook's strength even runs away from the main **** of light. Who dares to resist. Annoyed Cook. Neither race is at peace. Unless you have hundreds of thousands of angels gathered together all the time. is it possible.

The reason why Cook has to deal with the dragon family. That's because in the God Realm. The dragon and the angel are the two bosses. Since I want to get ahead. What's faster than a violent beating of the boss. If Silver Dragon City knew the reason for this. I don’t know if the Silver Dragon ancestors who established Silver Dragon City will regret choosing to build the city here.

Less than a minute. The whole Silver Dragon City was flying around. Everyone fled around in embarrassment.

"Damn it. Get out of me." A huge roar sounded. Then I saw a middle-aged man floating in the air.

"At least there is a **** king level." Cook felt the energy fluctuations. Muttered in his heart. But Cook just murmured.

"Miscellaneous. Actually want to rob and kill. You Silver Dragon City must compensate for my loss." Anyway. Cook must first take up the truth.

Just occupy the truth. How did Cook make trouble. No one thinks too much. But if you don't have any reason... that's called Hu Chuanman. It is estimated that others will have other ideas about you. Of course, this is actually a deception. It makes sense for country M to do this. It makes sense to do that. In the eyes of some people. I think this is good. But country M is shameless. That also makes sense. What XXX outside the UN framework. You can tell what you suspect XXX and so on.

There is also democracy in elections. How much was spent in the Nyima Aohezi election. Billions of dollars. If you have no money, try it. Drag you to death in minutes. So democracy is deceptive. And South Africa. Formerly a permanent member of the UN. But after the black leader came to power. Nima is now. Only more serious, not the most serious. Of course. Some people want to say that Lao Tzu must be free. No bread. Even if I drink water, I am willing. OK then. Don't go to work. Don't make money. Because you have to be bound by your boss' rules when you go to work. This is serious unfreedom. As for you being the boss. The boss also feels angry. Gave bad reviews for buying things. Unreasonable request for refund is not returned. Do not give bad reviews to gifts and so on. As for the big boss. Ha ha. Boss Zhou Da is big enough. Let you in every minute, you just go in. This is also a rule. Even if you are dead. To make you cremated, you have to be cremated. (PS: Tucao two sentences.)

"Compensation. Haha...boom." The middle-aged man laughed. But this fellow didn't know how the Lord Guangming was unlucky in the first place. This is not just a few words. Cook appeared behind this servant. Hit it with one punch.

Cook is actually scared too. So this time the original power of one of the three was used up. Shielded all its own fluctuations. Successfully came behind this middle-aged man thousands of meters away. He punched it hard. What's more perverted is. Cook instantly activated a nine-fold stacking madness.

So this silver dragon of the **** king level just appeared. Sadly plunged into the ground. Cook will let go of such a good opportunity.


"Tell you to be unreasonable." Cook didn't give this guy a chance to stand up. He punched it again. Cook's magic eye played a very good role. Although this god-level powerhouse is powerful. godhead. God core is also very powerful. But the Godhead. Divine cores all play the role of an energy core. I want to show my strength. It also needs energy to be directed into the limbs. And Cook hit the key node of energy guidance with every punch. It is something similar to acupuncture points. It's just a node for energy operation.


"Tell you to shame." Cook punched every time. I must say something loudly.

The silver dragon who was beaten was very angry. But there is no chance to fight back. Cook was violently beaten.

"I'm not talking yet. I actually want to go wrong. Watch the fight." Cook yelled again and again while beating. It looked like he wanted compensation very much.

Bang. Following Cook's fierce punch, he hit the silver dragon head of the **** king level. The silver dragon fainted very simply. One is getting angry. And it was beaten by Cook.

"Who else is unreasonable." Cook is five hundred meters tall. From the perspective of the silver dragon that is thousands of meters long. That is scum. But now these silver dragons have retreated. Is there a strong in the Silver Dragon clan? Have. But this Silver Dragon City has only one powerhouse at the Divine King level. A silver dragon of the **** king level. It was already high-end combat power in the God Realm. The silver dragon of the **** king level does not talk about the existence of the **** king level. But resistance is no problem. Above the **** emperor is the main god. The so-called main god. It means the owner of that race. It is the most powerful existence. The emperor had this meaning originally. But the **** emperor is generally the emperor of a race. Just like the patriarchs of the silver dragon clan in the giant dragon are basically the powerhouse of the **** emperor level.

"Oh. I actually don't want to give it. Do you want me to demolish your Silver Dragon City." Cook saw that no one answered. Immediately roared again and again.

"Kill him." I didn't know the silver dragon roared. Immediately hundreds of magic arts swept towards Cook.

"Roar. I actually want to kill someone." Cook roared. The whole body skyrocketed thousands of meters high. The sealing magic pillar in his hand rounded up. A dark ray of light wrapped up almost 90% of the silver dragon.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." The silver dragons were startled by the sudden scene. Then I felt a huge force hitting myself. Then it flew out.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I felt the pain in my heart. Everyone knows that the bone is broken. Suddenly the silver dragons around the silver dragon city screamed.

Cook became smaller in an instant. Why did Cook do this. I have to say that Cook is very sinister. Cook is going to give these people an illusion. This powerful thing can't support it for five seconds. Of course, the real situation is that Cook has supported it for several years. Of course, this is not the height of the star giant. That's even more abnormal. However, the physical strength drawn by this magic pillar is also a lot. Cook felt a little weak.

"Haha. A group of weak chickens. Actually want to rob Laozi." Cook laughed. Cook did not expect these silver dragons to gather together. Cook hit at least five hundred silver dragons this time. What is the magic column? That's a super support. After being hit by the sealing magic pillar. There is a high chance of fainting directly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is not nearly 500 silver dragons. At least more than 400 heads are unconscious. The rest are screaming with broken bones.

So called by Cook. The remaining hundred silver dragons disappeared. Cook just saw a silver light. Cook also yelled mischievously: "Stop. Don't run."

"Haha. Dare to rob Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu will let you see today. Who robbed who." So Cook shouted. Begin to sack the Silver Dragon City in an upright manner. Cook looks down on things here. But Cook still remembered that he wanted to recruit subordinates. These things are just right. Anyway, the natural ring space is large enough. As a result, those who didn't run away saw a human being crazy in the shops in Silver Dragon City. Some defensive shops were directly broken open. Then everything inside was looted. Silver Dragon City was looted. The silver dragon's lair around the silver dragon city was also destroyed. In addition, the frantic servant kidnapped dozens of young silver dragons.

"Tell your master. If you don't send the compensation to Lao Tzu to the Sky City, Lao Tzu will sell these dozens of cubs." I was busy for a long time. Cook left a sentence and entered the teleportation array. Cook can imagine these silver dragons seeing themselves smashing the Sky City. Everything is easy to say. So the Sky City must be smashed.

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