A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 211: Sky City, Broken

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In a blink of an eye, Cook disappeared in the portal. Although Cook is not proficient in these things, he at least knows how to use it. It is not when Cook's eyes light up again that he arrives in the Sky City.

Inaccurately speaking, it is a place outside the city of the sky. That is the place where the angel lives. When Cook walks out of the portal, a human comes over.

"Register" the human said coldly to Cook

Cook took out the identity certificate in his hand. This was done by Cook himself in Silver Dragon City. It shouldn’t be too simple. After the human registration, there was a smile on his face: "Your authority level from Silver Dragon City is A level. Your temporary pass"

Then Cook was blasted out. Cook looked at the temporary pass and was still a little bit muttered in his heart. When Cook was muttering, he saw Cook's eyes light up: "Friends need to know the difference between this temporary pass?"

"Get off" Cook knows that this guy looks like he is being taken advantage of. Of course he is here to smash the smashing place, but also to talk about the rules. Does Nima have this truth?

The person on the opposite side was screamed by Cook and walked away sullenly. Cook looked up and saw a huge moon in the sky, but Cook knew that it was not the moon but the city in the sky. The angel keeps going up and down

"Stay in" Cook went straight to a hotel. The layout here is similar to that of humans, and the language of angels is used for Cook without pressure.

"Bring the pass," the waiter in the shop said

"A-level A-level rooms a hundred crystal coins a day" the human waiter finally said to Cook with a smile

"Well, I want to know what is the best place here and where the most crystal coins are." Cook directly took out a high-grade **** crystal and threw it over.

"The information you need is one hundred crystal coins," the waiter replied with no surprises after packing up the top grade crystal coins.

Cook quickly got the information. Of course, his own room. The A-level room is still very large. The key is that the room is high enough, at least the height of a building of dozens of floors. The whole floor is a thousand square meters. There are several rooms. There are various stored fruits on a balcony and two human guards outside the door of a laboratory, but it is still not worth it for a hundred crystal coins.

"This Nima crystal nucleus is expensive." Cook used the crystal nucleus to store enough energy in the Star Breaker for five uses, which consumes a lot of the crystal nuclei that Cook has cleaned up. The key is to look at the broken star hammer to dismantle this sky city, it’s not just talking, but also self-defense

"It's time to come out and pray." Just when Cook was about to refine some potions, he pushed the door directly and shouted at Cook. Cook raised his eyebrows when he heard this, but then Cook walked away obediently. Go out

When Cook went out to participate in the so-called prayer ceremony, there was a wailing in Silver Dragon City for a few minutes. Finally, a Silver Dragon sneaked back from a distance, but after seeing the appearance of Silver Dragon City, he screamed and then rushed into the portal.

However, for ten minutes, the portal was lit up when Cook just checked in, and men and women came out of the portal very frequently.

"Aha, this is Silver Dragon City, aha" some of them had weird faces and some said directly

"Shut up." Two of the middle-aged people were angry and yelled at this man when they heard this.

"Haha, grandson, you two go together and don’t fight. You are full of bags and I am not a red dragon." This servant turned out to be a red dragon with the fighting power of a red dragon. It is very powerful among giant dragons. The one who is stronger than silver dragon is not a star and a half.

"What's the matter is that the main **** level shot?" One of the young people asked with solemn expression on the face of the **** king level silver dragon who had fainted.

More people came out of the portal and turned into giant dragons. When nearly 500 disabled silver dragons were gathered together after half an hour, even the arrogant red dragon at the beginning took a breath. Air conditioner

"Are you sure that the other party caused the result at this moment" Hong Long asked incredulously, opening his mouth wide

"Yes, I saw the person's body soaring several thousand meters high, and a smoky stick was swung up. We felt that the body was sluggish all of a sudden and was beaten out without waiting for the reaction. My leg is there. I was interrupted at the time," a silver dragon with a broken leg said loudly, with fear in his eyes

One said that everyone didn't believe it, two said that or did not believe it, three or four, waited until dozens of silver dragons said this, then the faces of the people present became serious

"Why on earth?" The patriarch of the Silver Dragon clan shouted angrily.

"It's not clear that Doro came first." Doro was the first to be stunned by Cook by the powerhouse of the **** king.

After Doro was rescued, he was questioned by the patriarch and immediately told what happened, but Doro didn't know what happened until the silver dragon who wanted to rob Cook was dug out from the ground. The truth of the matter finally came out.

The patriarch of "you" is also very angry, Nima actually wants to kill and rob this is not a big deal, but Nima must have the foresight to see if it’s good.

"Hohou my child, patriarch" a female Yinlong howled loudly

At this time, the patriarch knew that dozens of silver dragon cubs had been kidnapped. The surrounding dragons were all angrily: "Fuck him"

"Just dare to stray wild on our giant dragon's head"

"It is the decision of our Red Dragon clan to support the Silver Dragon clan"

"We also support the Golden Dragons"

"We Black Dragons suggest that you should calm down and sit down and talks should be within the XXXX framework"

"Gun Rough Nyima, you black dragon wish that our silver dragon clan would have a hard time"

Dozens of giant dragons clamored towards the portal and set off towards the city of the sky. Among them, there are as many as five powerhouses at the **** king level, and the rest are almost all powerhouses at the **** king level.

Besides, after being driven to the top of the building, Cook was ordered: "Pray up."

"Why" Cook looks like a curious baby

"This is the rule, as long as you are in the sky city territory, you must pray at that time" the other party said coldly

"Lao Tzu is from the Temple of the Goddess of Nature" Cook said, stroking his neck

"If you don't pray, that's what the heretical goddess of nature is going on." The speaker was kicked out of the building by Cook.

"Ah" screams are very loud at this time of prayer

"Haha Bright Birdman, run for me now." Cook was ready for a long time, and he flew out as soon as his body shook his body and shouted loudly while flying.

The Sky City is indeed in the sky, but Cook carefully observed in the hotel that the so-called Sky City is actually a floating guard fortress on the other side of the star realm. It is a system, but it is not that big.

Cook seriously suspects that these angels have obtained the black technology of the astral world to build this thing. Of course, the reason why Cook chose to do it at this time is purposeful because Cook discovered that the city in the sky usually has an energy shield. And just now when everyone prayed, the shield was turned on. How could Cook miss it?

"Kill him for me" a huge golden phantom appeared in the air for an instant. This is how the main **** of Guangming was beaten by Cook, and he used magical skills to return to his hometown. Now Cook dares to chase him to his hometown. Angels gathered almost 99% of the angels in the entire God Realm

"Haha bird people watch and fight" I don’t know that Cook flew up to a height of several hundred meters and soared to tens of thousands of meters. You may not care about the length of tens of thousands of meters, but the height of tens of thousands of meters is basically beyond the reach of human beings. It looks so majestic as tall as the highest mountain

"Turn on defense" The main **** of Guangming saw Cook's figure instantly swelled up and immediately shouted commands, but before he finished speaking, the main **** of Guangming disappeared in a flash.

"Boom Rumbling" A pitch-black sledgehammer slammed into the city of the sky from the bottom up. The city of the sky made a rumbling sound.

"Haha bird people remember who I am, I'm Cook from Free City of Cook Sanctuary and eat me again" Cook's original power is quickly consumed and one third of it has already been consumed by Cook. Never stop

A "boom" hit the city in the sky again from bottom to top

"Birdman, if you don’t reason with me, I won’t give you reason. This is a punishment for what you did before." After Cook smashed it down, he saw that the city of the sky began to shatter. Numerous angels appeared from the sky like a wasp. Well out of the city

"Hahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he hxhhhhhh he he fell down his body and with a laughh he directly smashed the two merchants with the most crystal coins and the best items indicated on the data directly and his mental power moved countless items and flew away Go out

"Grab the artifact" Yes, there are many artifacts in it. Of course, most of them were put away by Cook. The rest of Cook yelled and Cook's body instantly became smaller.



The city of the sky began to shatter. Huge buildings and various objects were constantly falling down. Everyone on the ground was holding their heads and the angels in the air were also messy. Millions of angels were messing up in the air.

"Hey" Cook looked at this situation and smiled and then Cook started to follow the others and the energy in the Star Breaker was only one-fifth left. If there is no energy to maintain this thing, it will be restored immediately, but Cook There is still less than one-sixth of the original power of the Demon Sealing Teeth in his hand. Cook did not use any energy at all, but just relied on his power to make jokes. It would be bad if any energy was detected.

And a group of angels are confronting dozens of dragons near the portal, but the menacing dragons shattered when they saw Cook hit the Sky City twice in a row. How wonderful and wonderful the faces of these dragons are.

"Cough cough, I forgot to let my wife feed the baby. I'll go first." The red dragon clan's emperor-level powerhouse clamored when he came to see this situation and immediately coughed and then turned and left.

"I still have things not to disturb." The golden dragon feels his liver is shaking. Why is it because of how strong the defense of the sky city is, the golden dragon's defense is so powerful that he will be knocked twice, I am afraid that the bone marrow will be knocked out.

"Hey, Yinlong, you are also such a guy like you are already calculated, and you should pay for compensation, right? Whatever will come to Huanglong City in the future," Huang Long sighed.

"Something comes to Red Dragon City"

"Something comes to Golden Dragon City" The red dragon and the golden dragon powerhouse immediately reacted when they heard this. Yes, if the silver dragon refuses to pay, maybe this lunatic will go to the dragon city to go back. Isn't it dangerous?

"Go back" The silver dragon patriarch's face turned green and wanted to be hardened, but he could give up when he saw the smashed Sky City.

"Where is the patriarch's child" Yinlong who followed immediately stopped doing it

"Fuck me, it depends on who dares to buy the silver dragon" the silver dragon patriarch uttered a swear word

"Don't, don't, we Black Dragon City support you Silver Dragon City or we support you with three or five coins and kill that guy," the black dragon clan's **** king said jokingly.

"Okay, do you want me to publicize the decision of Black Dragon City to support me? Let's see if you can stand the Black Dragon City." The silver dragon clan chief asked rhetorically with a smile.

"Rely on me, I haven't eaten lunch yet." The black dragon expert dare not agree to Nima. Seeing that the other person is a lunatic. If you are okay, come to Black Dragon City and stroll around Black Dragon City, you might have to rebuild.

The faces of the angels present are all black compared to the dingy dragons, the loss of the angel family is too great. The city in the sky is a symbol of the angel family.

"This is the punishment I made for the archangel cheating on me. If you still want to do it, then I'll wait. If something happens to my relatives, the next time it won’t be as simple as smashing the Sky City." Cook put the natural ring inside More than a hundred angels in custody were placed in the hotel and left behind the expansion magic. This sound resounded through the sky after ten minutes, and most of the angels’ faces turned green.

"Huh" Cook breathed a sigh of relief with the help of the wind, Cook quietly followed behind a large group of people, and then went farther and farther and dispersed more and more until the distance of thousands of kilometers, Cook only breathed a sigh of relief but this The territories under the jurisdiction of the angels are too big, but Cook guesses that these angels will not have time to chase him. There are too many people who escaped first. Tens of millions of people scattered and fled. How to chase after the sky city is broken, there are many inside. Everything has fallen. Although most people don't dare to start with these things, there are always some courageous and desperate points. Cook also calculated it. Not to mention the other is a rare material, which is also very valuable. The stuff people don’t run quickly

The big mouth of the dragon shattered in less than half a day, and countless gods widened their eyes to see what happened, but the portal to the sky city could not be opened. Of course, the Silver Dragon City was looted and it was also reported. I went out, but most people clapped their hands on the looting of Silver Dragon City because they didn’t know who had communicated the truth. For a while, the other Dragon City were worried.

But soon Cook’s identity was unearthed. Everyone in Cook in Sanctuary Free City was surprised. Some people even wanted to hit the wall because some people wanted to wait for Cook to come to the gods to clean up Cook. But now I can't save my mind

The weapon that Cook used was also unearthed. The weapon used in Silver Dragon City must be the Sealing Magic Column Cook. This weapon is not covered.

"Your mother, when did I become the chief guardian knight of the God of War Temple?" Cook sat on the chair and looked at the information in his hand.

"Hehe, this is the news from God of War this morning." A man across from Cooke, covered in golden armor, looked at mighty but his face was bitter and he had to force a smile to reply.

"When did the silver priest of the Temple of Nature be announced and when was the Speaker of the Council of Gods appointed?" Cook looked at the information again

"Just before you came last night" The man on the opposite side smiled bitterly, but Nima smashed the Sky City to pieces. There are other benefits.

"How is the preparation for what I asked you to prepare" Cook sighed and asked

"You always know that our temple's strength in the sanctuary is not strong. It will take a while to gather energy," the opposite man replied cautiously.

"Hey, you said you don't even have this thing in the Sun Temple" Cook sighed and complained.

The helplessness in the sun god’s heart, when the plague **** came to his territory through the teleportation array last night, he injured several people. Fortunately, he reacted in time, otherwise he would tear down his home. The plague **** wants to open the door of descent by himself. Those big temples dare not open the door of descent easily. This is a small door, but the sun **** immediately patted when he heard the crimes committed by Cook in Silver Dragon City and Sky City. The chest is guaranteed to be opened

"We are poor," the sun **** muttered in his heart. This fellow is just looking at my wealth

In fact, the sun **** who was very aggrieved in the heart of the sun **** was beaten by Cooke when he came before. At that time, the sun **** comforted himself and waited for that servant to come to the **** realm and find it back a hundred times, but Nimani Ma, who knows that this servant is said to have been pitted by the Temple of Light, and his strength increased so much that the Sky City was smashed. As for the big lizards in Silver Dragon City, they are not good birds.

"Would you like the silver dragon to be sold to you at a cheaper price?" Cook then asked the sun **** what he thought of

"Poor" the sun **** hurriedly cried, the poor Nima Silver Dragon City has already released a word. Whoever the monster buys the silver dragon, then let this boy look good. The sun **** dares to fang to Silver Dragon City but the backing of Silver Dragon City is hard.

"Hey, it must be the ghost of Silver Dragon City. Believe it or not, I sold all these silver dragons to the plane of the undead. I don't believe in those silver dragons and dare to go to the plane of the undead." Cook said angrily, the sun **** heard cold sweat. You must know that after becoming a god, you rarely sweat because the energy in the body is mostly low and the water is low, but the sun **** has to admire the words of Kuk Nima. If you are known by the silver dragon city, you can’t grit your teeth and get money out.

Cook quietly waited for the opening of the gate of the descent when the dragon city used to be very lively, but today the portal actually lined up. You know that the dragon is very lazy and can never sit on his stomach. Hard to come by

"I haven't found Cook yet" a dragon in line asked angrily, looking at more and more dragons behind him

"Whoever is looking for is the perverted appearance of Cook. The **** of light was beaten up and the silver dragon of the **** king level was fatally beaten" a green dragon behind him said.

"Just look at the gang of birds and people are dumbfounded. I used to be so exciting. Now, the city of the sky is abandoned. Dare to speak. I don't even dare to speak. I don't even dare to find someone. It's not good for Cook this time. If the wounding is so compelling, what can I do?” Another red dragon said

"Hey, I blame the **** silver dragon for not having so much eyes. Nima casually took out a handful of high-grade crystals and dared to kill the killer to **** it," said a black dragon angrily

"It's just that I guess Cook knows our Dragon God, otherwise it's definitely not that simple, but Cook is so powerful," another Huanglong asked with gossip.

"I know that La Milan of our Thunder Dragon clan is a woman of Cooke. It is said that the birdman was forced to go to the star realm to find the main artifact. It is not said that the main artifact was also recovered, but at the time the birdman clan's guard captain was that Why did the archangel deceive Cook? After Cook came back, he directly beaten up the God of Light. He still succumbed to the sky city. What is more funny is that the sky city usually has an energy shield but the library When Ke attacked, the entire Sky City actually prayed and removed the energy shield. It was smashed without being smashed twice," a thunder dragon came over and said gossiping.

"Since your Thunder Dragon clan is Cook's woman, what are you running?" Heilong asked angrily

"Hey, this is not I will pass the news back to Thunder Dragon City, when I have bullied our Thunder Dragon clan hum" This Thunder Dragon looks like a beating

"It's strange that Cook will listen to you," a green dragon replied grimly

"Huh, I have my own way" Thunder Dragon smiled sinisterly. Several giant dragons were silent for a moment. These dragons were wondering if they had offended the Thunder Dragon family.

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