A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 219: Conduct business

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The master of the alchemy temple, the seventh-level mageweave master, left angrily, because the angels did not give him the fragments at all. The people of the alchemy temple were in the eyes of outsiders, that’s a lunatic, just like this seventh-level mageweave master, The lower part of the body is transformed into something like a magic puppet. This is to not consume stamina. The arms are also transformed, just to become stronger. Then the various tools on the arms are just to reduce the time for changing tools in alchemy. Of course Now, a god-level powerhouse can repair his body at any time.

"What to do, Your Highness, do you want to..." When a group of Guangming God's subordinates heard this result, they were very angry. This was all the ghost of the Lord Cook.

"Shut up." The God of Light is distressed now, because Cook's strength has reached the point where the God of Light is jealous. If he provokes Cook rashly now, it will bring huge disasters to the Angels, because what Cook doesn't know is, In the sky city, there is the most important thing of the angel family, the resurrection pond.

After the death of an angel, there is a high chance that something that resembles a **** will be left behind. It is called bright jade. This kind of bright jade is placed in the resurrection pool and can give birth to a new angel, and this angel has a high chance of retaining the previous one. The soul of the angels can easily grow to the original level and shorten the growth time. Therefore, the high-end combat power of the angel clan is extremely powerful, which is the reason why no one in the angel clan provokes.

Although the God of Light also knows that Cook’s transformation of the giant is a forbidden technique, or a secret technique, which lasts for a short time, but what kind of casting conditions such secret technique or forbidden technique has, and how long it lasts, Cook smashed it in his hand What kind of weapon is the hammer of the Sky City, is it the main artifact, or something more advanced, how powerful is the angel family knows nothing, and really provokes Cook again, then you can't let this guy go crazy again?

Who can afford it, and what makes the God of Light even more daunted is that when he fought Cook, God of Light discovered that Cook was threatening his life. If he was killed, then countless years of cultivation would be ruined. And this time things seemed to be a big deal, of course it was really big, but there were almost no casualties of the angels. Thanks to the angels, they could fly, but the loss can be said to be great, because the city in the sky was broken. , This is tantamount to giving a loud slap to the angels.

But the number of people is so large that the angels of the great family really dare not retaliate against Cook, because even though Cook’s foundation in the sanctuary may be wiped out, it is only possible. After all, the number of angels that can descend into the gods is limited. , And once too much comes, what thoughts other races in the God Realm will look at, will they have the idea of ​​attacking in groups, not to mention Cook’s power in the sanctuary is not small, if other temples participate again No one knows the outcome.

Then, how will Cook choose? It is certain to attack the angels. At the point of Cook, unless Cook is brought into a desperate situation, otherwise he can't be trapped. Then the angels will lose a lot. You must know the angel's territory. It's not too small. Cook will do it today, and tomorrow Cook will do it, so let's not let people live.

This feeling is not only for the angels, but other races can also understand that Cook’s actions are disgusting, yes, disgusting, revenge can not be revenge, don’t even say revenge, who knows this is disgusting How would the guy choose?

Most people in the God Realm don’t know that Cook has returned to the God Realm. This is the difference between a large temple and a small one. Cook just left the Sun God, and other races in the God Realm will know it soon. And the dark night goddess has a deeper background, of course, it is not ruled out that they know that Cook can refine artifacts, so these people shut their mouths tightly.

Dilly looked at the equipment in Cook's hand, and was a little speechless: "Cook, this thing that is so gray is really a divine tool?"

"Don't be it, don't forget it, I said you people, those shining things are just good-looking, and they shine brightly when you touch them. I hope others will know the artifact you are holding." Cook squeezed the things in angrily Dilly.

Dilly just said something, but when the equipment touched her, Dilly felt a sense of blood connection, as if the equipment had followed her for a long time.

"The fit of this set of equipment is perfect. That's why you have added your blood to the magic pattern control circle." Cook saw Dilly's face change, knowing why, and explained.

Dilly just stripped off the equipment in front of Cook, and then armed this set of equipment. As soon as he was armed, Dilly was stunned: "Is this true?"

"Of course, the perfect fit is the effect." Cook said.

Dilly shook the weapon in the handshake, feeling like he had used a weapon for tens of thousands of years. It was very easy to handle. With a move of supernatural power, the whole weapon skyrocketed immediately without a trace of light leaking, but the space of the laboratory was immediately poked out. A small hole.

"This?" Dilly was stunned. Dilly could feel it. The increase of this weapon's attack reached about 40%. The damage caused by the divine power he output is very clear, and this weapon can also condense the damage. , Resulting in greater penetration, armor-breaking, and magic-breaking effects.

"Get familiar with it, by the way, don't talk about this set of equipment. I will refine it for others in the future like others." Cook looked at the few remaining materials and said to Dilly. Then out of the laboratory.

Dilly became familiar with all the equipment over and over again. The more familiar, the more surprised Dilly was. I don’t know how long, Dilly suddenly woke up: "Cook seems to have succeeded at once? Three weapons, helmets, shoulder pads, Chest protector...hiss!"

Dilly counted, a dozen pieces of artifact-level equipment actually succeeded at one time. Thinking of this, Dilly felt powerless all over.

"Too abnormal." Not only is the strength strong, but also has such a talent. What does Dilly feel about Cook? It is powerless. Dilly knows that if she is the main **** of the angel family, she will feel powerless if she knows such news.

When Dilly chased out of the laboratory, she heard Cook talking to her subordinates: "You need a spear artifact. This thing is not easy to refine. Prepare ten materials. Let's talk about it first. If it is not successful, do not blame me."

"There, there, Lord Cook, we believe in your strength. I have prepared twenty materials." A female subordinate of the Dark Night Goddess was about to stick to Cook, and said with a smile.

"Twenty minutes should be almost the end. If you are lucky, one copy may be successful. If you are not lucky, 100 copies will not work. I will probably need two months to refine it for you." Dilly then heard Cook. Answering this way, Dilly murmured in her heart, I only used a dozen pieces of equipment for you more than a day, it would take two months and twenty materials, it was really black-hearted.

But then Dilly sighed again, not to mention twenty materials. A lot of fifty materials are also coming, because the materials are always available, but the artifacts are not available. Moreover, the materials needed for the artifacts are not very expensive. The key is the refining technology.

"There is only remuneration. Generally, I charge one hundred thousand high-grade Shenjing, but for your master's face, fifty thousand is enough." Cook said the price by the way.

"Ah, is this the reward for the low-grade artifact?" The goddess opposite Cook asked.

"Of course." Cook nodded. Lower-grade artifacts have limited damage to Cook, so Cook decided to refine them in a large amount. As for middle-grade artifacts, he can release some of them. It depends on the situation. Top-grade artifacts, it’s almost It is impossible to be released. As for the best artifacts above the perfect level artifacts, that is, the main artifacts, Cook does not intend to refine them at all. That thing is spiritual, and Cook has not touched that realm.

"Well, here are my materials, and there is a reward." The goddess was also stunned by the fifty thousand high-grade **** crystals, but as long as he had the artifact, he could not care about anything, so the middle **** goddess immediately gave it Cook materials and remuneration.

"Don't worry." Cook looked at the materials in the two space rings and said with a smile immediately.

After the goddess went out, Dilly said angrily: "Cook, you are trying to drain our night goddess temple, Lirina owns not much wealth."

"Why don't I change the temple and squeeze it?" Cook replied grimly.

"You?" Of course Dilly knows what Cook means, but if you don't want to, I'll try another temple.

"What are you, your equipment is for nothing?" Cook replied in an annoyed manner. Cook wouldn't be used to this woman. Such a woman is so smart that her pockets must be tightened.

"All right." When Cook said that, Dilly had nothing to say. After all, a middle-grade artifact suit, if Cook took it out, I don't know how many **** women would cry and stick Cook.

"By the way, pass these two letters to the silver dragon clan and the angel clan." Cook handed two message crystals to Dilly, and then ordered.

"I am the master here." Dilly said angrily when he was ordered by Cook.

"Hurry up, I want to see your other subordinates too." Cook waved his hand unhappily. Dilly could not help but stomped when he heard this, but there was no way, because Cook refined his subordinates Divine tool, what increases is the strength of own temple.

Soon Dilly heard Cook's shout: "Next, come in."

"Damn it, Mageweave is really rich." Dilly cursed secretly in her heart. Of course, if other Mageweaves heard it, they would point to Dilly's nose and yell at him. Rich, a ghost, that's Cook's pervert.

As soon as Dilly walked out the door, she saw a subordinate hurriedly rushing over, shouting as she ran: "Master, master, the **** of contract is here."

"What is that guy doing?" When Dilly heard this, she forgot what Cook had ordered and asked.

"I don't know, I said I came to see you." Dilly's subordinates looked at Dilly and replied.

"Bring him into the reception room." Dilly groaned, knowing that the **** of the contract must have come to see herself because of Cook.

Dilly sat in the reception room and saw the God of Contract being brought in. She immediately stood up and said affectionately: "Oh, Rose, why are you free to come to me?"

"Haha, Your Highness Dilly, I'm not welcome." Rose asked rhetorically with a smile.

"There, please sit down." Dilly said. As for the names of these gods, they are all false, because the real names of the gods are very secret, because some curses only need names, so the names of the gods are all. It's fake, and some don't even match the number. It's common to say this name to this person and that name to that person.

"Cook isn't there?" The God of Contract asked abruptly when he sat down.

When Dilly heard this, she was first surprised. Could it be that there is a ghost in her temple, but the **** of contract immediately explained: "I know that Cook is here to sign a contract with others."

"Oh, here." Dilly cursed inwardly, signing the contract, then the **** of the contract could sense it, but Dilly did not expect that the **** of the contract would remember Cook's power of belief in signing a contract with others. Yes, Dili who believes in the goddess of the night can also feel the power of faith. Of course, unless Dili makes a special distinction, he can know what fluctuations in the power of belief of those people are. Of course, this distinction requires divine power.

When the contract **** heard Dilly's words, his eyes brightened, because Cook’s innovative contract made the contract god’s eyes brighten. The previous contracts were all simple and straightforward things, but now Well, as the **** of contract, I sighed when I saw those contracts, especially the one sentence, the right to interpret this contract belongs to Party A. Nima is too powerful, too insidious, too cunning, and too in line with the **** of contract. I got an appetite, so the Temple of the God of Contract implemented a new type of contract on a large scale. It really made both parties very satisfied. With the witness of the God of Contract, more and more contracts were signed, and the power of the God of Contract was greatly enhanced. Increased, we must know that more contracts in the past were clapping hands, or other things, and did not take the **** of the contract at all, especially those nobles. One sentence of explanation by Party A made the nobles very satisfied. This Nima The gods of the contract know that they are biased towards themselves. Although Party B knows this, the contract is very detailed. You can rest assured that as long as you violate the contract, can it be said that Party A can still say that the contract is not established? God’s face? We are here to testify to execute the contract, so Party B is also very satisfied.

Of course, what admired the God of Contract the most was the other sentence above. This contract took effect under the witness of the God of Contract. Nima's, even the loopholes in signing the contract in private were blocked. This is the most powerful thing.

So the God of Contract doesn't pay attention to Cook. Of course, Cook's reputation is now shocked, and the God of Contract just rushed over eagerly.

"His Royal Highness, your outfit?" The God of Contract looked at Dilly's clothes and asked hesitantly.

"Well, it's not bad, since you can see it, don't say it, this is the middle-grade artifact set that Cook has refined for me..." Dili didn't expect the God of Contract to be so knowledgeable, and immediately whispered. .

"Ah, what, middle-grade artifact suit!" But before Dilly finished speaking, she saw the **** of contract standing up suddenly, looking at herself in disbelief.

Seeing the reaction of the God of Contract, Dilly immediately couldn’t wait to slap herself a few mouths. The reaction of this servant was obviously that he hadn’t noticed it. Dilly looked at the God of Contract with a cold face and asked: "What did you just want to say? ?"

"I just want to say that your clothes are not worthy of you..." The God of Contract did not expect to have such a misunderstanding, and replied weakly. Now the God of Contract doesn't think so. The middle-grade artifact suit, Nima This helmet, chest protector, leg guards, and three weapons, more than a dozen pieces, Nima, Nima, not worthy.

"Not worthy...not worthy...not worthy." Only these two words echoed in Dilly's mind, and Dilly's face was extremely ugly.

"Okay, let's go." Dilly stood up and drove the guests away, Nima was too... cheating, did you talk like that?

"Don't, don't, Your Highness, Your Highness." Hearing this news, it would be foolish for the **** of contract to leave. Nima can actually refine a middle-grade artifact suit. It's okay. You have to hold Cook's. Thick thighs, thinking that if I have a set, no, even if it is a middle-grade artifact, the contract **** level will drool.

"One hundred thousand top grade **** crystals." Seeing that Dilly was about to leave, the **** of contract quickly stated his price.

"One hundred thousand, this is what you said." Dilly replied with a smile when she heard this. Anyway, she has already said it. It doesn't matter if you say so much. One hundred thousand high-grade Shenjing, this is not a sum. A small amount. Imagine that Cook refining an artifact and receiving this amount of rewards, you can compare this to wealth.

"No problem, but I would like to ask you to introduce Cook to me." The **** of contract said his request. These 100,000 high-grade **** crystals are really not a small number.

"No problem." Dilly immediately agreed upon hearing this request.

Dilly was afraid that the God of Contract had changed his mind, and brought the God of Contract to the hall where Cook was. Of course, the people inside had already received the news.

When Cook saw the God of Contract, he smiled and said, "Welcome, my friend."

"Thank you, Cook." It's not that the **** of contract and Cook have never met. Cook saw the **** of contract, looking like a good friend for many years. Of course, the relationship between Cook and the **** of contract is okay, because Cook was married. At that time, the **** of contract gave a gift to Cook.

"Dilly, what do I ask you to do?" Cook asked after seeing Dilly.

"Ah, I forgot, I'll go now." Dilly heard Cook say so, and remembered what Cook wanted to do by himself, and immediately turned and left.

The God of Contract saw Dilly leaving and said with a smile: "Cook, I'm here to ask you to refine the artifact."

"Yes." Cook nodded when he heard the request.

Cook’s reaction made the God of Contract a little stunned. The God of Contract thought that Cook would shirk in every possible way, or threatened in every way, but he did not expect Cook to agree with one bit. The God of Contract thought of Cook’s method and immediately cautiously Asked: "What are the requirements?"

"Low-grade artifacts need to prepare at least 20 materials, and the reward is one hundred thousand high-grade crystals, and middle-grade artifacts require 30 materials and two hundred thousand crystals." Cook said directly.

"That's it?" Although the God of Contract felt that these materials needed a lot, but still said that the materials can be collected, but this artifact is not.

"Actually, I have 70% confidence in the 20 materials, so it is best to prepare more materials so that the success rate will reach over 90%. If all 30 materials are consumed, you will revenge me. Compensation for a low-grade artifact, of course it cannot be refined with the materials you prepared, promise, this is the list of materials needed for refining, and the other is that we have to sign a contract." Cook took out the things that were prepared long ago. .

"Hiss." The **** of contract read the list of materials and didn't say anything, but when he saw the signed contract, his cheeks hurt. There was no problem with the contract, but there was no time limit for delivery. That is to say, even if Cook is not in 100,000 years Delivery, I have nothing to say.

"Cook, look at the delivery time..." the **** of contract asked.

"Oh, forgot. Give the artifact within three months after the delivery of the materials. Of course, the excess materials will not be returned." Cook added.

The **** of contract feels that he is very painful. Although the materials for refining artifacts are not very laborious to collect, they are also very precious. These 30 materials are worth millions of high-grade **** crystals. Seeing the appearance of the **** of contract, Ku Ke said coldly: "You must return the extra materials?"

"No." Does the **** of contract dare to ask for a refund? I definitely don't dare. The **** of contract knows Cook's character. If you dare to go back, then he dare to consume all of it for you, but this phenomenon is It is very common in the alchemy world, but when Cook spoke out and the guests heard it personally, the effect was different.

The God of Contract quickly signed the contract, but the God of Contract did not prepare so many materials, but he was not in a hurry, because Cook said that he had accepted more than a dozen orders. This information made the God of Contract jump. This Nyima Night Goddess Temple is going to grow bigger.

The God of Contract chatted with Cook a lot of things, among which the most talked about all kinds of secret things in the God Realm, Cook also listened with gusto.

"Cook, people are coming, see you?" Dilly walked in quickly and asked ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ See you, we have to continue with someone sending Shenjing. "Cook didn't expect those guys to come so quickly.

The God of Contract quickly asked: "Is it also here to refine the artifact?"

"Almost." Cook replied.

"Cook." Just after Cook finished speaking, more than one person came in. The first was a group of burly big men. One of the big guys who was familiar with himself ran to the side of Cook, sat down, and looked at Cook. For a moment, this person greeted Cook.

"Who are you?" Cook was stunned for a moment.

"I'm La Milan's grandfather." The big man stared at Cook and said.

When Cook heard this, he immediately smiled: "My grandfather is here, Dilly, quickly bring up the fruit, come, everyone, please sit down."


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