A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 220: Build a city

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The ancestor of La Milan. Cook wants to save face. Although in the past, Cook thought that La Milan was a money fan. But the last time La Milan took Siya and others to the star realm to find himself. Cook was moved from his heart. Travel in the starry sky. It is absolutely impossible for people without great perseverance. Of course, the identities of these big guys together came out. The dragon family.

"Sit. Please sit down." Cook enthusiastically invited.

"Old ancestor. I know what you are looking for me for. Old ancestor. You said I was just crossing the road. I was robbed and killed. You said that there is a reason here and there. If you change another person, wouldn't it be impossible to die again? So if the ancestor came to intercede for Silver Dragon City this time, I, a junior, had no choice but to accept. Who made you the ancestor. But I can promise this time. But the next time I offend me, I will kill it. Buried. What do you think of ancestors." Cook didn't wait for these dragons to speak. He said with a smile.

Cook's remarks are justified. But these dragons heard Cook's last sentence and didn't care about it. Everyone beats the drum in their hearts. Who doesn't know the temper of the dragon. In case of another offense in Cook's hands. What kind of means will Cook use.

No one can tell. But what surprised Cook was. La Milan's ancestor waved his hand and said: "I don't care about the troubles of Silver Dragon City. I belong to Thunder Dragon City. Although our dragon is a race. But it. The internal affairs of our respective races cannot interfere with each other. I am. This time I’m here to see you. If you have time, take La Milan back to Thunder Dragon City for a few days."

"Good Le. I'll take La Milan home in a few days." Cook heard this. I feel very comfortable. Of course, Cook also knows the so-called non-intervention. Those are all lies. but. As long as the face is good. That's it. As for the invitation of Thunder Dragon City. Cook must go.

"Hey. The **** of contract. You are here." La Milan's ancestor saw the **** of contract. Asked suspiciously.

"Haha. It's the third elder of Thunder Dragon City." The God of Contract also greeted lightly. The **** of contract is the council of the gods. The dragons are not. The relationship between the two parties is not good.

"Cook. Tell me about it. What price does Silver Dragon City need to pay." A big man ignored the **** of contract. Asked.

"I need a land without an owner. As long as the dragons recognize me as the owner of the land without an owner. I can put the silver dragon cubs back for free. Of course, if I don’t want to. Then a silver dragon with 1 million top grade Shenjing." Cook said his conditions with a smile.

Although the God Realm is huge. But you have to obtain territorial qualifications. It must be recognized by all parties. Of course, all these aspects refer to the three major races. The dragon. angel. Council of the Gods. As for other races. That's all scum. I dare not make any comments.

The dragons glanced at each other. All saw Cook's ambition. The dragon who spoke just now replied with a smile: "We admit that it is okay. But what about the angel family. There is also the Council of Gods."

"Haha. I am the Speaker of the Council of the Gods. Besides. If anyone opposes. I will come to my door to convince them myself." Cook laughed. Showing a row of white teeth.

The eyelids of the surrounding dragons jumped. Nima, you personally come. Call the door yourself. The other dragons didn't say anything. La Milan’s ancestors took the lead in saying: "Cook, you want to build a city. This is our Thunder Dragon City first to support you."

"Thank you ancestor." Although Cook is strong. But now only shouted with La Milan's seniority.

Cook didn't know that the ancestor made the surrounding dragons despise. On the one hand, he despised the shame of La Milan's ancestors. To know that in the realm of God. Humans must unite with a dragon. The dragon clan was afraid that it would have troubled humans a long time ago. But now Cook called the ancestor. Look at it. The old Thunder Dragon on the opposite side showed a shameless smile. He seems to enjoy it very much. Have seen shameless people. There is no such shame.

The ancestors of La Milano might have guessed in their hearts. Give the dragon a disdainful look. You have to find someone like Cook. Just come to God Realm and build a city. This is really awesome.

"We also support Silver Dragon City." The representative of Silver Dragon City spoke. No support is not enough. Nima has one million top grade **** crystals. Find here and there. You know, Silver Dragon City was ransacked by Cook. Of course even if it was not looted. Then the dragon would not come up with so much money.

The surrounding dragon heard this. I was so tired and crooked. The representatives of Silver Dragon City squinted. Nima, we haven't finished speaking yet. You **** just agreed. These dragons also want to bargain with Cook. But the representative of Silver Dragon City spoke like this.  got it. Don't say anything.

The contract was quickly signed. It is nothing more than to recognize the legality of Cook's establishment of the city. It's not the first time in God Realm. The dragons pinched their noses and left. In addition to representatives of Yinlongcheng. Of Thunder Dragon City. The other dragons were very dissatisfied. Decided not to participate in others' troubles in the future.

The dragon and his party just walked out of the Temple of the Goddess of Dark Night. I saw the priest of the Temple of the Goddess of Dark Night with a group of angels coming. Make these dragons' eyelids jump. Because there is a God of Light in this angel. Although this guy is disguised. But these dragons have eyesight.

"Damn it." Guangming God also cursed inwardly. This time it matters a lot. I had to come. I thought it was a good pretend. Then I know I actually encountered the dragon family. Could it be that Cook colluded with the dragon clan? Of course. Guangming God also cursed inwardly. I will definitely not come out to say hello. He entered the Temple of the Goddess of Dark Night without knowing it.

"Oh. Isn't this the God of Light? How come you, the great God, came?" Cook recognized the God of Light at first sight. Exclaimed in surprise.

"Cook. What you said is true." The God of Light touched out the message crystal given by Cook.

"Repair the Sky City. This is of course true. But if it is repaired, it is better to re-refine one." Cook replied with a smile. I have taken this light **** in my heart.

"Refining. You have such great ability." Guangming God said contemptuously.

"Haha. Since you don't believe it. Please go back." Cook heard this. He answered directly with a smile.

Cook almost didn't put Guangming to death with this sentence. If you change, no one will question your statement. The God of Guangming almost squeezed out a few words from his teeth: "How do you prove it."

"Proof. How about you give the materials first. I will build a Sky City by myself." Cook heard this question. It's really hard to answer. So he said with a smile. Cook, this is how the lion spoke.

But what made Cook's eyes almost fall off. The God of Light actually nodded and agreed: "Okay. Isn't that just the material. But the shining crown."

"What a shining crown. I don't have such a thing in my hand." Cook denied it with one mouthful. The main artifact. It is still the main artifact of auxiliary. The angel wanted to take it back. Row. Let's wait until Cook's research is thorough. Besides, there is no price. That won't work.

"Cook. You want to be an enemy of our angel family." The God of Light stared at Cook and asked.

"Haha. If you want to be an enemy, then be an enemy. So now we are in a hostile relationship." Cook took out a small hammer from his side. He weighed it in his hand. Then asked with a smile.

The energy of Guangming Shenbei Qi overflowed. Form a substantial aperture. It calmed down after a while: "Cook. What do you want."

"What do you want?" Cook asked pretendingly.

"Glory Crown." The God of Light said with gritted teeth.

"Excuse me. Excuse me. What is the Radiant Crown. And what does the Radiant Crown have to do with your angels." Cook asked lightly.

"Cook. We..." The God of Light heard this. About to threaten Cook. But think of Cook's strength. And the current situation. The God of Guangming said a few words and said nothing. Deal with Cook. Threats are useless. But violent words. Really dare not try easily.

"What's the matter? Let's discuss it. It's alright." Guangming became softened. Speaking is not so strong anymore.

"I like to hear this. The Glory Crown? When I build a city in the God Realm. I will return it to you after I stand firm." Cook heard this. I was relieved. This is the main god. I really want to have a great hatred with the angels. Cook dared to build a city in the gods. Unless Cook is always in control.

"Build a city." Guangming God heard this. I was very happy. You **** want to build a city. Okay. There are jars and jars. Things are not so crazy. With fetters. Do things will also consider a lot.

"Yes. Don't your angel family support it." Cook asked lightly.

"Support. I don't know where Cook you choose to build the city." The **** of light hoped that Cook would build it sooner. How could it not agree. Asked immediately.

"I haven't found a place yet." This is the truth.

"I have a map of a huge part of the God Realm here..." Guangming God said.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a loud laughter: "Haha. Cook. You actually came to God Realm. You also brought my son. That's great...Huh."

With the sound of laughter. A strong man and a beautiful woman appeared in front of Cook with a shadow. Jin Guangjian followed the two of them. But Jin Guangxuan looked drunk. Walking swayed endlessly. Obviously it was taught by its drunk father.

"Welcome. Welcome. Please sit down." Cook saw Jin Guangyan's parents. I am really happy in my heart. When the Sanctuary Free City was established. The Warcraft Legion led by Jin Guangyan has done a lot. When I got married. The parents of Jin Guangyan have been here in person. Although it is just a projection. But Cook has approved it.

"Why. Cook. Someone is making trouble for you." The man squinted at the God of Light. Asked. Looks like a ruffian.

"No. I have something to discuss with this angel." Cook said immediately. Cook has heard of the reputation of Jin Guangyan’s parents. how to say. Hob meat. Powerful hob meat.

Of course it is not impossible. But this is related to the entire power of the Taoist God Realm. In the gods. angel. The dragon. The Council of Gods is the three major powers. In fact, outside of these three forces. There is another biggest force. Divine beast.

The meaning of the beast is obvious. God-level beast. The number of divine beasts is countless times that of these three races. Fortunately, these beasts are not united as one. And they are all independent. but. Smash this beast inside. There is a boss that no one has to admit. That is the Phoenix family. However, the Phoenix family all live in extreme environments. There is no conflict of interest with these three forces. Jin Guangyan is also a family of sacred beasts. And the number is scarce. Jin Guangyan and the dragon are an ancestor. But the proud dragon looks down on other creatures. Especially in the lower planes. This led to the exclusion of the beasts in the God Realm. After all, many of the sacred beasts were promoted from the lower planes. So the dragon had to mix alone.

Jin Guangyan is not the case. It has lived with other creatures since ancient times. So this Jin Guangyan is really not something ordinary people dare to move. At most, he was fattened. Because of killing Jin Guangyan. That is to challenge the beast. So. This servant has become powerful. There is the backing hob meat.

The big man heard this. He laughed and said, "That's fine. I won't bother. We will have time to talk later. I'll leave first. But this little guy is still handed over to you."

Cook heard this. I was deeply moved. He immediately refused: "No. No. I'm fine now."

Why does Cook say that. Why did Jin Guangjian's parents keep Jin Guangjian on Cook's side? It's nothing more than giving Cook a bodyguard. The meaning is obvious. Here is my golden light.

"It's really not necessary." Jin Guangyan's mother asked.

"No. To tell the truth. I don't care about the Lord God or something. It's three or five together. I'm sure to get out." Cook nodded and replied affirmatively. Cook has few cards in his hand. many. The broken star hammer counts. There are also nine times of superimposed madness. Plus the halo of the magic pillar. The fire department specializes in the energy stored in the wizard book. Comprehend the law of space. There is also the origin of wind. Deformed lightning bird. ‘

What Cook revealed was only a broken star hammer. There is also an eightfold superposition of madness and giant transformation. Sealing magic column is also used. But the biggest card in this hole hasn't come out yet. Imagine hundreds of fire spells released by a second-level wizard. What kind of damage can be caused.

Cook couldn't imagine it himself. Converted to the God Realm according to the standards of the Star Realm. The spell coverage of a second-tier fire-specialized wizard can reach hundreds of kilometers in diameter. Maybe bigger. Not to mention the collective wind blade inspired by Cook's wind system. At least a radius of thousands of kilometers. This is simply a strategic thing.

But why didn't Cook reveal it. That's because Cook has the strength of a second-order wizard. But Cook is not suitable for living in the astral world. Cook's relatives are not suitable either. Even if Cook lives and nourishes in the astral world. But what's the use?

The God Realm is the root. This is where Cook's relatives live. As for the future. I'll talk about it later.

Cook's words. The said Guangming God's eyelids jumped. Jin Guangyan's parents also twitched. Then I left. The God of Light heard such words from Cook. There is no thought to continue talking to Cook. A simple verbal agreement was reached. I left.

Three or five main gods are not in sight. How rampant this is. This means that Cook still has a hole card. The God of Guangming was irritable. It is true that the angel family has more than one main god. In fact, the dragon family has more than one main god. It's just that there is only one person in charge. Of course, behind every race there is a group of old people who never die. These old guys will not come forward easily. And in the angel family. The old guy has too. That is the royal family of the Guangming Protoss.

But now a preliminary agreement is reached with Cook. The **** of light did not want to destroy. Because the value of the Sky City is immeasurable. There is also a brilliant crown.

When the **** of light was tangled. Cook looked at the map of God Realm. Unbelievably asked Dilly: "This is the area occupied by the three major forces."

"Yes." Dilly nodded.

Cook was really surprised. The entire map is extremely large. However, the three major forces accounted for less than one-fifth. And this is not a complete map of the gods. The dragon occupies one-third of the territory occupied by the three major forces. Angels occupy one third. The rest is one-third of the council of the gods and other miscellaneous forces. There are only a dozen cities in total. The most of them is the city of the Council of the Gods. As many as ten. The angel family is the least. only one. The dragon has several races and several cities.

"Then you said where I should build the city?" Cook asked.

"It's just next to my territory. Okay." Dilly replied.

"Not good." Cook refused in one bite.

"I think I should build here." Cook pointed to a huge lake.

"You are crazy. That's the place of the aquatic animal." Dilly looked at Cook's position. Actually outside the territory occupied by the three major forces. It is already deep into the area controlled by the beast.

"Not crazy. What I want to build is the Sky City. Besides. I don't want to provoke them. I dare to provoke. I am offended. Kill all these unpleasant guys." Cook doesn't care about the beasts. Not beastly. Ah is to contribute materials to myself.

"But there are a lot of mythical beasts." Dilly also tried to persuade Cook.

"Just want more. No more. I'm going to go bankrupt." Cook was anxious that the beasts would provoke him. Don't forget. There are two cubs of two-winged Firefox in Cook's natural ring. How much food should the cubs of Nima 7th star beast eat?

Dilly was speechless. But Dilly didn't know Cook's overall strength. But even so. Dilly was also very worried. The number of beasts is not in ten thousand. It is in billions. no way. In terms of fertility and base. Even humans are not rivals. Not to mention fighting consciousness. Divine beasts have been fighting since they were young.

Decide where to build the city. The rest is easy. Build a city in the sky. Cook is going to build on the side of the goddess of the night. Then just fly over.

"You really intend to do this." Dilly watched the wizard's subordinates start to repair the ground. The Sky City is a huge city. Then the place that needs to be built must be so large. First of all, the ground must be treated with divine art on one side. Then it was built into a huge basin-like terrain. Because the bottom of the sky city is not flat. This is an extremely vast project. A lot of materials need to be spent.

"Don't worry. This is a one-time investment. When you build the Sky City for other races in the future, you can continue to use it. Absolutely a huge profit. If you don't build, I will start building. But the split will definitely not be that much. "Cook originally wanted Dilly to build it. but. Dilly heard it was going to be built as Cook said. The cost is huge. Just flinched. That's why Cook said so.

"What's our relationship? Isn't it a piece of land? It's free for you to use." Dilly was dubious about Cook. Castle in the Sky. That's not the size of an artifact. That is the size of a city. Refining means refining. Who believes it.

"Okay." Cook didn't expect to give Dilly a chance to make a fortune. This Dilly was actually unwilling. Since it is not willing. Cook has no choice. I had to pay for the construction myself.

Recruit God-level powerhouses. it's actually really easy. As long as Cook gives Shenjing it. Only a few days. Cook is already utterly battered. no way. There are too many things. Everything. Material purchase. Personnel hire. There are also construction drawings. All the requirements need to be done by Cook himself.

When Cook was so busy. Someone actually came to find Cook. Cook will meet him in person. Cook wondered. Who is so pompous.

"You are Cook. I am the priest of the Alchemy Temple. You are now a few-level Mageweave Master. Why don't you go to the Alchemy Temple for an examination." This person introduces himself when he meets. Then began to question Cook.

"Fuck Nima." Cook kicked the guy out. What the hell. Temple of Alchemy. Shit. It was just a seven-level Mageweave Master.

This man was kicked by Cook. He was seriously injured directly. Wait until this person returns to the alchemy temple. The alchemy temple actually listed Cook as a hostile force. After Cook heard this. It's just a smile. But Cook couldn't laugh anymore soon.

"Lord Cook~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Alchemy Temple has announced the news. Other forces are not allowed to sell us materials." Dilly found Cook. Said angrily.

"How can the alchemy temple govern material trading?" Cook is busy drawing. This is something Cook must do by himself. It is also necessary to be proficient as a construction wizard.

"The biggest purchaser of materials is the Alchemy Temple. Most of the artifacts in the God Realm are also produced by the Alchemy Temple." Dili explained helplessly.

"Fuck. I don't want to live anymore." Cook became angry when he heard this. Nima is a small alchemy temple. Actually dared to bark teeth with Laozi. Nothing. Let's beat it up first.

Seeing that Cook was about to do it. Dilly quickly persuaded: "Cook. Cook. Not everything can be done recklessly. The power of the alchemy temple..."

"It doesn't matter what power he has. I'll smash his temple first. Yuck." Cook heard this. It's even more angry. A small alchemy temple. That's awesome. Cook rushed to the portal after speaking.

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