A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 230: Removed the main artifact?

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When the God of Gamblers heard this, his heart felt even more uncomfortable. Nima, Nima, actually want to equip the main artifacts of the space items, what do you think they are, the main artifacts of the space class, the God of Gamblers took a deep breath , Shouted loudly: "Start work."

"Yes." The subordinates of the God of Gamblers are also very enthusiastic, the main artifact, this is no less than someone said to the book friends, come, boy, let you touch this, one person pointed to the big fat man and said (Dongfeng , 5).

Moreover, the subordinates of the God of Gamblers must also be proficient in identification. This sounds awkward. If you are not proficient in identification, how to chat with your boss, how to do what you like, this is a skill that must be learned, not to mention that the God of Gamblers often take people The things are set off, if you can't, use a fake to fool you, yes, then you won't lose money.

Cook also took a look at how the people of the God Realm identified the level of the artifact, but Cook still underestimated the pomp of a temple master.

"Boom, boom, boom." A huge puppet was summoned. This puppet is a bit funny. It is a metal shelf ten meters high, but under the metal shelf are two huge metal mills. This puppet is in the eyes of Cook , It was horrible, just like some of the players' own DIY machinery, but this thing is so powerful, it rumbling over, a large piece of flat land is formed.

The subordinates of the God of Gamblers began to take out something, most of which Cook had never seen before, and the God of Gamblers was holding the Blizzard Staff tightly with one hand, and the shining crown tightly with the other hand, and his eyes were vigilant. Staring around, as if someone was coming to grab it.

"Okay, don't be nervous, I am here." Cook couldn't help but see the nervousness of the gambler.

"If these two things are lost in my hands, I'm afraid there is no place for me in the God Realm." The God of Gamblers heard Cook's words and said to Cook nervously.

"That's true." Cook nodded. This is the main artifact. It has been lost. Look at the reaction of the angels. The God of Gamblers is definitely dead and can't die again.

A huge house was in front of Cook, but it was assembled in a few moments. Of course, in the eyes of a god-level powerhouse, this house is no less than a house made of cardboard, but even if it is made of cardboard, it is not a house. .

Immediately after all kinds of magic items were transported out, the gambling **** was embarrassed to introduce what they were, but Cook asked actively; "What are these things."

"Ah, this is an energy meter. It mainly measures the speed of energy delivered by the artifact. This is a hardness measuring stone. It mainly measures the hardness of the artifact itself. It measures the intensity and distance of the energy interference of the artifact. This is.... "A lot of things were introduced to Cook by the God of Gamblers.

"It turns out that there are so many exquisites." Cook didn't expect the artifact to have such exquisiteness.

"Hehe, there are many things in it before. This is not the alchemy temple this time... But how did you appraise Cook?" The Gambler replied with a smile, and then asked back.

"Oh, I just look at the number of magic lines. As long as you know the number of magic lines, you can roughly infer the energy that this thing can transmit. And this Blizzard Staff is mainly here. See if it’s on the top of the staff. In this area, there are five compound magic patterns that amplify the blizzard, one for each branch, so this wand may not have much power to perform other magical skills, but the increase in the blizzard is at least 30%, regardless of time or attack. Power." Cook said, pointing to the top of the staff.

"This is understandable." The gambling **** also opened his eyes. Yes, there are some traces on the top five branches of the staff, but these traces are intermittent, in the eyes of the gambling god, there is no trace to follow.

"Hehe, although the magic pattern is three-dimensional, the structure of the magic pattern is the same. Different magic patterns have different magic patterns on the surface, but no matter where the same magic pattern is, the surface is the same, unless there is camouflage. "Cook chuckled. In fact, Cook didn't have to be so troublesome. The magic eye saw that the energy circuit was immediately under his eyelids. Of course, Cook couldn't say that.

"Tsk tusk, tusk tusk, great, great, then if you want to destroy..." the gambling **** tut sighed, then thought of something, but he shut up before he finished speaking.

"That's for sure. I want to destroy this blizzard staff. I just cut off a certain magic pattern loop. Even if this staff is blind, if you want me to repair it, hehe." Cook nodded and admitted directly, there was nothing wrong with it. , It will be refined by itself, you say it will not be highly destructive, who believes it.

The gambling **** is speechless. Although everyone has some doubts about the professional ethics of Mageweave Master, a top Mageweave Master personally admits that it is still a big blow to people, despite some unspoken rules, like a certain In these interviews, the ostensibly fairness caused countless people to knock their heads, but everyone knows what is going on to get in and get a good position, but if people say it in advance, it’s okay. Money doesn’t need exams. No matter how good the written test scores are, it’s useless. So many people can’t stand it and won’t take the exam. But if you don’t say it, there will always be extravagant hopes. Of course, except that it matters, the rich occupy a good position, and the rest The location is fairer.

"Master, it has been established." The subordinates of the God of Gamblers came to the God of Gamblers at this time.

"Okay, start the appraisal. You guys don't thank City Lord Cook. Without him, you would never see anything of this level in your life." The God of Gamblers shouted loudly.

"Thank you, Lord Cook, Your Highness." The subordinates of the God of Gamblers all bend down to thank Cook, and in the eyes of the god-level powerhouse, that is the highest etiquette, even if they see the Lord God, they just bend down.

"Okay, let's get started, let's go back soon." Cook waved his hand, and was speechless for this title.

In Cook’s eyes, the identification was mysterious at first, but the subsequent level was tasteless. The energy measurement Cook didn’t know what was going on. It turned out to be to measure the energy value of a **** core first, and then use the **** core to activate the main artifact. , Look at the rate of absorption, conversion, and activation time, and then through complex calculations to know the maximum energy value that can be passed.

The hardness test is even more involved. If you hit something with a stick directly, there will be traces on it and the force used, and then to calculate the hardness, a large group of people have been busy for a long time, but these gods of gamblers and the gods of gamblers The subordinates are excited, and the energy interference is even simpler. Use a stable energy to activate the Blizzard Staff, and then hold a crystal ball to test the distance. It is painful to see Cook.

"Nima." Cook was very bored beside him, and the God of Gamblers and his party began to test the Glory Crown.

In two full days, the appraisal was finally completed, and the collected data was half a house, all of which were carved on the skin of a tough god-level creature. After the appraisal was completed, the gambler sighed; Tsk tsk, with this data, we will have more confidence in identifying artifacts in the future. It is indeed a good thing, a good thing."

The God of Gamblers reluctantly returned the two main artifacts to Cook, and Cook casually put them in the backpack on his back. Seeing this, the God of Gamblers turned around immediately, and Nima couldn't see her completely, which was so irritating.

The speed of returning is very fast, Cook directly took out a space door scroll, and when it appeared the next moment, he was on the side of the Temple of the Goddess of the Night. After the God of Gamblers came out, he looked straight at Cook: "You understand the space. law."

"Nonsense." Cook left a sentence and left, the Gambler almost killed him on the wall next to him.

"Xiao Li, how long do you think I have been promoted to the **** level." The God of Gamblers took a deep breath and asked.

"Lord, don't compare with those perverted guys, take back your anger, compare with the sun god, and compare with the hunting goddess." Xiao Li took a deep breath and replied.

"It's been more than 113,590 years, and the laws of space that I understand can't support teleportation. This guy can already be positioned in space. This, this, this Nima... Huhuhu, forget it. , Let's go back." The God of Gamblers said halfway, took a few deep breaths, and then said back.

"Don't, Lord, we should help so much this time, we should have something back." Xiao Li immediately stopped.

"I want an undead. Cook is not easy to provoke. You are going to ask for something. Believe it or not, he dared to tell us about the study of the Glory Crown." The **** of gamblers patted Xiao Li's head, feeling angry. Shouted.

"Impossible." Xiao Li looked around vigilantly when he heard this. Fortunately, it seemed like a small portal inside the Temple of the Goddess of Dark Night, and there was no one else.

"Do you dare to bet." The gambling **** asked with a sneer.

"Forget it." God of Gambler's subordinate immediately persuaded.

After the God of Gamblers and his party left, Cook also remembered that he did not benefit the God of Gamblers. However, after the God of Gamblers left, Cook did not look for it. After a big deal, he would have personal affection.

"Cook, is there any gain." Dilly heard Cook come back and hurriedly dealt with the matter, and rushed back immediately.

"Three main artifacts." Cook replied without looking back.

"Ah,,,,,,." Dilly screamed at Cook, the three main artifacts beside him.

"What is this, a staff, two staffs, and this is a branch." Dilly asked, holding the three main artifacts.

"Blizzard Staff, this seems to belong to the Undead system, a branch of the World Tree." Cook said.

"Ah,,,,..." Dilly exclaimed again, the Blizzard Staff and the branches of the World Tree, which are the main artifacts that shine in the battle with the ancient gods, as for the staff of the Undead system. , I rarely heard of it.

The legendary thing was placed in front of her eyes, why didn't Dilly scream, Cook rolled his eyes and ignored the woman, Cook took the main artifact of the undead system, and then took out various tools.

"What are you doing?" Dilly asked in confusion as he watched Cook set up various tools.

"Take this down and take a look." Cook pointed to the main artifact of the Undead System.

"Take it down, you mean it was done." Dilly's eyes widened.

"Yeah, what's the problem." Cook put on his gloves, and then prepared to take a closer look at the structure of the staff.

"No, no, this is the main artifact, the main artifact." Dili grabbed the undead staff.

Cook took the staff back angrily: "What's wrong with the main artifact? Give you a main artifact, can you keep it."

"Give me one." Dilly's eyes widened.

"If you dare to use it, if you can exert your power, you are not afraid of being missed by others." Cook asked angrily.

Dilly heard Cook's words and was silent for a while, then said, "Isn't there you."

"I, man, I still have to rely on myself, you think I can be reliable." Cook asked playfully.

"Forget it, I'll give it back to you." When Dilly heard Cook's question, her heart was empty. Although Dilly thought so in her heart, after being told, the uncomfortable feeling was very uncomfortable.

"A wise decision." In fact, Cook and Dilly are more of a kind of cooperation.

"Huh." Dilly turned around and leftDilly wanted Cook to call herself back at this moment, but Cook did not shout until she left.

Is Cook a little unreasonable? Cook doesn't care about this main artifact, but one of the main artifacts is the Temple of the Snow Goddess, the other is the branch of the World Tree, the Temple of the Harvest Goddess, and the other is of the Undead system. It’s appropriate and inappropriate. It’s already known who this thing belongs to. When someone asks for it, what will Dilly do, and Dilly’s own strength is the main artifact. Believe it or not, some old guys just destroyed Dilly, and then Find a place to hide, Cook went there to find, Cook's foundation in the God Realm is not deep, and the small temples around Cook have just been assembled.

So to Dilly was to hurt Dilly. As for Dilly, Cook asked Dilly to figure it out by himself, not by himself, and would never understand.

With a bang, the unknown crystal nucleus on the Undead Staff fell to the ground. For the crystal nucleus inlaid on this main artifact level, Cook didn't lift his eyelids, instead he carefully observed the method. The wooden stick body under the stick.

Dilly, who had seen this scene in the dark, was crazy, but it was just crazy. Now Dilly can't do without Cook, Dilly sighed in her heart and left slowly.

Cook didn’t care about that much. He put the wand body on a bracket, then stuffed a magic crystal under the bracket, adjusted the instrument, and started to excite energy. As the energy was excited, the wand body was on top of the wand. The lines began to light up one by one. At this time, a silver light flashed in Cook's eyes and he observed carefully.

This observation lasted for two days, of course, intermittently. After observing for a while, Cook began to record something in a memory crystal, and then began to observe.

This process is called surveying and mapping in the alchemy process. What kind of work is surveying and mapping? It is laborious and costly, but it is not necessarily a result of work, and the artifacts of surveying and mapping are not even heard. Over.

The magic weapon is different from other equipment. The magic pattern structure inside is very rigorous. If a magic pattern loop goes wrong, then all previous efforts will be discarded. Cook’s advantage is that the magic eye, Cook’s magic eye is not very powerful. , You can see the magic pattern loop that resembles a three-dimensional structure, so Cook spent two days to survey and map. If you change to another magic pattern master, it will not work for several years and decades.

Just like the wand body of this wand, how do other magic lines do it? The wand body is one piece, and the magic line is three-dimensional. Other alchemists will use a similar method of slicing. Isn’t this slice marked with magic lines? , Create a three-dimensional figure in the magic crystal ball, then slice it down and start to record the various magic pattern loops on this very thin piece, until the whole figure is completed.

Everyone knows that the artifact is very hard, and cutting the artifact is a relatively time-consuming task, so the duration is uncertain, of course, the artifact must be spent in the end.

The surveying and mapping work is generally used for broken ancient artifacts. Even if it is a low-grade artifact, no one will take it out for surveying and mapping. It is really reluctant. Of course, if someone else has such a talent as Cook, then it will be another story.

After the completion, Cook put away the body of the staff, then studied the lines on the staff, compared with the existing magic lines, and found a lot in common.

"Further experiments will follow." After the comparison is completed, Cook decides on the next experiment, mainly the energy utilization rate of this pattern and magic pattern, energy transmission speed, reaction speed, etc., to see who has the advantage .

It’s not that the artifact is a blind pursuit of high attack power. The artifact is about balance. (Ps: Super rice that has been boasted for many years. The author has more than five acres of fields, about 3,000 catties of rice, and only about 300 kg per acre. The boasted one is more than 1,000 kilograms per mu. The result of the experiment is far from the actual reality. It is impossible for a farmer to work like your experimental field. How much the seed from your experimental field is a catty, and how much the farmer’s money is a catty, the difference is a few ten times,)

Just like the weapons used by various countries, it is not about the most advanced, but stable performance. Weapons must be used for a long time and used in emergencies. Stable performance is the first. Why is XK so popular?

The same is true for artifacts. No matter how high your attack is, there is no defense, the energy utilization rate is low, and the response speed is slow. This has the effect of a bird.

So Cook needs to compare, but according to Cook’s observation, the lines of the rod are infinitely close to the **** pattern, but it has not reached the point of the **** pattern. As for the comparison with the magic pattern, this requires experimental data. You can't tell by just looking at it.

Of course, this has a lot to do with the texture of the texture. Cook then fixed his eyes on the branch of the tree of the world. This branch looks like a withered branch. If it weren’t for the energy impact, the branch would not The movement and quiet, on the contrary, released a bright light, which Cook would ignore.

In Cook’s Demon Eye, the branches of the World Tree do not exist, but they do exist in the visual sense. What does this show? This shows that the branches of the World Tree can absorb various energy fluctuations, including the spirit fluctuations emitted. .

This is invisibility, as long as it is not in sight, it is invisible, so Cook needs to see whether the branches of the tree of the world are invisible in material or a combination of energy.

"Fill some orders first and rest your mind." Cook is physically strong, but sitting here for more than two days, with a high concentration of energy, Cook can't stand it a little, and Cook also knows the combination of work and rest.

Cook came to another laboratory. This laboratory is responsible for refining artifacts. It contains not only the materials for each order, but also the number of orders. The person in charge here should be Cook, but for daily management, it is Dilly and The goddess of nature both dislike each other.

"Okay, bring the order and materials." Cook walked into the laboratory and began to order.

"Yes." The busy assistant inside quickly agreed. Cook did not hide himself and opened another room in the laboratory. Inside, Cook had already drawn all kinds of magic patterns needed for refining artifacts, decomposing magic patterns, and smelting them. The magic pattern and so on, the whole room is wrapped in an energy shield, mainly to isolate dust.

As for the assistants in this laboratory, they are related to the households. There are those from the Temple of the God of War, the Temple of the Goddess of Nature, and the Temple of the Goddess of the Night, the Council of the Gods, and the first-level dragon family. It is the group of people with the best talents of various forces, what talents, and alchemy talents.

"Look, it's weird if you understand it." Cook took the order openly. Naturally, someone had brought the boxes of materials with various numbers long ago.

"Don't talk." Cook gave a direct command and then entered the refining room. Cook sat on the ground without closing the door, and then began refining.

"Guck." A bottle of sober potion was poured by Cook, and then he looked at the first order.

"The magic pattern in the two-handed sword is several times that of the one-handed sword, so the two-handed sword is a special weapon and needs to be paid twice as much." Cook directly threw the order out. The number of magic patterns drawn in the two-handed sword was Nima actually wanted to give the same remuneration several times the one-handed sword, but for the twenty-nine materials ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cook only doubled the remuneration. As for why it was twenty Nine copies of materials, that is because refining for others can not consume one, a total of 30 materials.

"Yes." The goddess of nature quickly took the order and handed it to a subordinate.

"This is okay. One-handed sword." Cook looked at the second order. As for the names of people, the names used by the gods are fake. Of course Cook's is real, but the name is the name of the soul. , Rather than physical, so if someone wants to use Cook’s name against Cook, hehe, it will fail.Even if Cook's name is useful, Cook's mental power is at the level of a second-order wizard in the star realm. You curse one, try it, and see if it is backlashed.

A portion of the material was thrown into the Decomposing Magic Weave by Cook. Cook was a little bored. He looked around at the door and watched the excitement. Cook's mind became alive: "The first step is to decompose the materials, but we are all magic patterns. , So I have to use magic patterns. Tomorrow I will teach you how to decompose magic patterns. The first to draw decomposed magic patterns can be my experimental assistant."

"Wow." Even if Cook was not allowed to speak, the assistants outside gave a startled wow.

Cook looked at these people in surprise. Cook was bored waiting for the decomposition and purification of the materials, and he smiled in his heart: "This is a coolie or handed over to others. There is no technical content at all. It was a waste of my time." 17K Novel Network, the first time to watch genuine content!

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