A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 231: Rogue Guard

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Decomposing the magic pattern is just a simple magic pattern in Cook's eyes, but for other assistants, it is a new magic pattern, a magic pattern that has never appeared in sight. Cook waits until the material is decomposed. , Put away the impurities and everything, and then put the materials into the smelting magic pattern.

Under the action of Cook’s mental power, each part of the material actually consumes mental power in the eyes of outsiders, but Cook has set up anti-gravity magic lines in the smelting magic pattern. It can be said that Cook’s mental power consumption is minimal, after all. The anti-gravity magic pattern makes this area appear in a gravity-free state. Of course, Cook's own wind system also plays a role, making the area of ​​smelting magic pattern in a vacuum area.

This is a secret, a secret that is not known to outsiders. Even if they see it, they won’t know what’s going on. After all, Cook is a person on the earth. He knows that the metal cast in a vacuum environment has no bubbles or other things. higher.

The main material of the one-handed sword is metal. Various metals are mixed. This is an alloy. After all the materials are smelted, Cook begins to refining. The clumps of metal solution are gradually formed by Cook’s spiritual force. Inside, the magic alloy extracted from mental power is forming complex patterns. These patterns are like the steel bars of a house. After the steel bars are metal alloys, this is the most difficult part of the whole process.

According to the explanation, the melting point of the magic alloy is high, and it has been condensed after being drawn into the pattern by Cook's spiritual force, but the temperature of this condensation is higher than the melting point of the alloy, so the alloy wrapped behind can easily wrap the magic alloy pattern. .

This involves a lot of things, temperature control, in this smelting magic pattern, the temperature of the magic alloy solution is the highest, then the temperature of the ordinary metal alloy, and the cook molding side has several temperature zones. The first is the temperature of the magic pattern loop skeleton formed by the spiritual force. The magic alloy has become a uniform thickness line under the guidance of Cook's spiritual force, but the linear magic alloy is liquid and melted. The forming area, here is where the spiritual force forms the magical alloy gradually cooling into one magic pattern circuit, and then once the magic pattern circuit is formed, it is wrapped in ordinary alloy. After the ordinary alloy is wrapped, the formed weapon will have a continuous The temperature can't be said to be cooled, so the effect is the worst.

Within ten minutes, a one-handed sword was formed, and immediately after Cook’s mental power, a bottle of solution was wrapped in mental power and applied evenly on the weapon. This is a metal coating that improves the weapon’s own strength. Strength, in addition, is for aesthetics. The weapon was originally dark, and there were places where the magic pattern loop was exposed, but after being wrapped by this metal coating, it looked silvery.

Finally, Cook took out a bottle of solution and carved the name of the orderer on the hilt of the one-handed sword. It was very beautiful. In fact, most of the magic pattern loops of the one-handed sword were in the middle part of the blade. There are few magic lines on the site.

The most powerful is the sword tip, which has the properties of armor-breaking and magic-breaking, which is the most basic thing of the artifact.

"Nima still has a scabbard." Cook didn't want to refine the scabbard, but the things to sell must be better, but it's also simple. Some metal was thrown into the smelting magic pattern. In less than five minutes, the sword The sheath is formed, and there are some primitive cuneiform characters on the scabbard, which looks tall at first glance.

Cang Dang.

Under the horrified gaze of other assistants, Cook put the one-handed sword into the scabbard and threw it aside, making a clanging sound, then Cook looked at the second order.

"Daggers, this is good." When Cook saw that there were two daggers, he was very happy. The materials are small, the size is small, the number of magic patterns depicted is small, and more importantly, there are a lot of materials left. , Although this Nima is thirty materials, one material is two weapons.

"Teeth, this stuff... Forget it, although it's a bit more difficult, the materials are also rare." When Cook saw that the main material was teeth, Cook almost didn't want to refine them. The teeth were the most troublesome, not to mention refinement. Trouble, but a delay, the teeth first need to be soaked in the solution to soak up.

So Cook took out two and a half-meter long teeth, put them aside and soaked them, and then looked at the fourth order.

Cook's actions puzzled the assistants, but since Cook told him not to speak, everyone was watching. The fourth order was for a staff. The difference was that this time the material was made of wood, and Cook frowned. .

"The material is not strong enough, return them all." With a mental effort, Cook picked up a piece of wood in the box, checked it carefully, and then sent the order out with a large box.

When the assistants outside heard Cook say this, they packed the materials one after another, and then returned them to the person who placed the order outside. The fifth order was an armor. Cook looked at it and sneered: "I still want to Refining a set of armor and returning it, what a divine weapon is."

Hearing Cook's words, the assistants outside were shocked. At this moment, Dilly said: "Cook, people want to refine a set of equipment, is there a problem."

"Isn't it a problem? A set of equipment has a minimum of a dozen items and a dozen artifacts, and I only receive this reward." Cook asked angrily.

"Cook, aren't you just accepting orders for artifacts?" Dilly took a deep breath and asked.

"Of course, who still has time to refine those inferior gadgets, see that, the one-handed sword just now is a middle-grade artifact." Cook replied without seeing it.

Hearing Cook’s words, the outside assistant was dumbfounded. Looking at the God Realm, who would dare to say that he could only refining artifacts, but Cook dared, the sixth order was a long spear, and Cook began to practice without saying anything. After it was done, it was nearly an hour before a shiny silver spear appeared, but Cook frowned.

"Did it fail?" Dilly asked weakly, seeing Cook's expression.

"No, it's still a middle-grade artifact. Let this guy pay twice as much. This was originally a low-grade artifact. I didn't expect to have two middle-grade artifacts in succession." Cook shook his head and threw the spear aside.

The assistants outside were twitching at the corners of their mouths. This is a middle-grade artifact, a middle-grade artifact, the next material is a shield, and Cook has also refined it. It is a low-grade artifact.

"Okay, I'm here this morning, take a day off, and continue the day after tomorrow." Cook refined three artifacts, felt that he could handle it for a while, and said.

When Cook was refining, there were rumors from outsiders. Why, because Cook returned the first order. This order is a big sword. In the eyes of other people, things like big swords should be the best. Good refinement, after all, they are big and have a lot of space to display, but these people are laymen. They are big, but no matter how big they are, the strength of each point must be the same, so it involves more complicated magic patterns. , The structure of the magic pattern is complex, and the more time and mental power it consumes, the more materials it will consume.

"Double the reward, what the Lord Cook wants to do, when I was refining in the alchemy temple, the reward was so much." The first order was for a dragon, and the dragon complained loudly.

"That's right, mine was also returned. It said that a set of more than ten pieces of equipment was not paid enough. I think..." This is the complete set of equipment that Cook returned.

"Really, I also placed an order." Someone yelled immediately after hearing this.

"I looked at City Lord Cook, maybe it was cheating." Someone boldly guessed.

"As for mine, I'm the second order, so I can't make a mistake.": The second order was anxious. You know, he is the second to order.

"That's not a hurry to come back, I guess the materials must be exhausted." The first to return the order fancied.

"Impossible, but I have signed an agreement. Anyway, a substandard artifact." The person who ordered the second order signed an agreement for successful refining.

The person who spoke just now laughed: "Just tease, he doesn't have it himself, go there and bring it to you."

"This..." The words of placing the second order were all at a loss.

"Coulee King, come and get your weapon." At this moment, Dilly and the Goddess of Nature came out, Dilly first shouted.

"Come, here, it's me." Just now, he rushed out immediately.

After some identification, it was determined that it was the person himself, mainly due to the fluctuation of divine power, Dilly said with a smile: "Congratulations, mid-level artifact."

"Medium-grade artifact, it's true." Couli? Jin asked in amazement, knowing that Couli is a high-ranking god, and all the materials collected before were smashed into it. I didn't expect it to be a medium-grade artifact. In the Alchemy Temple, you will give you whatever you refining with the materials. As for the middle-grade artifact, that is simply big news.

"Because you are the first customer, you won't charge you any more. After all, the highest agreement we signed is also a low-grade artifact. You are lucky, and the latter one will not be as lucky as you." Dili said with a smile.

"Really, it's a middle-grade artifact." Gu Li quickly took the one-handed sword and just held it in his hand as if it were part of his body.

"How is the fit?" Dilly asked.

"It's like a part of my body." Gu Li said excitedly. At the same time, the energy fluctuations emitted by the middle-grade artifact made the onlookers envy and hate.

"Mike Wiesen, your spear has been refined. It is a middle-grade artifact. You have to pay for the middle-grade artifact." The goddess of nature was dissatisfied when she saw this, and the limelight was robbed by you, immediately loudly Shouted.

"Ah,,,,,, middle-grade artifact." A strong man rushed out and asked incredulously while screaming.

"Pay the remuneration first, or the weapon will be mortgaged here." The goddess of nature said angrily when he saw this man want to reach out for the spear.

"Yes, I will." Mike said quickly.

"Mike, our temple is willing to pay you." Another big guy said quickly.

"Thank you, the high priest." Mike was very excited. Mike was also from a certain temple. The high priest of the temple saw that Mike could get a middle-grade artifact. This greatly improved the combat power of the temple, so he immediately spoke to make Mike even more. Loyal.

"Medium-grade artifact, it's really a medium-grade artifact. This fit is almost like a long spear I have used for more than five thousand years." Mike paid the reward, and then took the long spear, excited.

"As for Hans Krul's order, it is still being produced, and it is expected to succeed the day after tomorrow. Now I announce one thing. The orders accepted by Lord Cook are all orders for artifacts, so the material strength and quality are not enough. All orders will be returned, and registration will not be accepted within a short period of the first round of returned orders." Dilly looked at the person who returned the first order coldly.

"Hawk's shield, a low-grade artifact, come and take it." The shield was also taken away, and everyone present was excited. Three artifacts, two middle-grade artifacts, and one low-grade artifact were already legendary.

"No..." Hearing this, the man who placed the first order wailed loudly.

"That's how it should be, give the opportunity not to seize it, and want to come again. It will be their turn until no one has registered, Your Royal Highness, it was just this guy who said bad things about City Lord Cook." But the big guy hadn't had time to protest. I was interrupted by other people, because the number of people who registered was very small, and many people hadn't registered yet. If you returned it, you still want to register, let me go behind me.

"Hurry up to add the materials that have been registered." Dilly saw what the dragon wanted to say, and immediately let it go. The whole scene was messed up all of a sudden, and the few people who were returned to the materials were all by others. Threw it out.

"It's not your part." Others roared at the returned materials.

"You... bully

8000. "The huge dragon transformed into a big man who saw the turbulent group and roared very aggrievedly.

"Who is bullying you? You are the one who slandered the City Lord Cook, and said that the materials were consumed, and there are any other artifacts that the City Lord Cook can't get the low-grade artifact." The guy just finished roaring, and someone immediately said loudly. There were a lot of people who were very lively just now.

"The first batch of one hundred orders will be delivered within this year, and the second batch of orders will be two hundred, which will be delivered next year. If you are willing to wait, you can register. If you don’t want to wait, you don’t need to register. Let’s say it first. We sign the contract. They are all low-grade artifacts. Once a middle-grade artifact is refined, the materials and crystals that need to be supplemented must be submitted before they are given to the artifact." Dili said loudly again when she saw this.

"Haha, it's a top-grade artifact. I'm also willing to dig out the **** crystal. As long as it can be refined, I don't want to be a bit poor." The man who just registered said while watching the first man who was returned to the order.

"Poor ghost, who do you say is the poor ghost, you **** fellow." This giant dragon turned man was uncomfortable at first, but now he is ridiculed as a poor ghost, and his anger suddenly rises.

"What are you proud of, wait a few days for my artifact to come out, and your mother who I beaten doesn't recognize you, believe it or not." The man who registered just now glared at him and said without admitting defeat.

"You **** green dragon, I, I'm a blue dragon, a high-ranking dragon, I want to beat you...Bang." The first big man was a rare blue dragon among the dragons. He saw the lower-ranking dragon provoking himself. Immediately rushed up and punched the arrogant green dragon face with a fierce punch.

"Haha, it turned out to be..." The blue dragon shot the green dragon flying out at once, and laughed at once, but before the words settled, he saw the green dragon transformed man jump up.

"Report, I want to report, this guy is fighting here." The green dragon shouted loudly.

You must know that there are many dragons patrolling around here, and there are also many angels. When the green dragon called, a group of dragons immediately rushed over.

"Boy, you dare to fight here." A big guy pointed to the blue dragon who had just beaten and asked.

"I...you despicable and shameless fellow, I want to fight you." The blue dragon turned big man didn't know that he was in the shadow of the green dragon, so he was about to rush up.

"Take it away, dare to make trouble here, and review it first." This team of giant dragons saw that the blue dragon was so arrogant, and the more important thing was that this team of giant dragons who turned into a dragon saw that the blue dragon could just take it. There are a lot of materials, as well as the crystals, and the guards' rules are fines and commissions.

As for the same clan, in the eyes of the dragon clan, it is far less important than the treasure. This blue dragon sees that the battle is wrong and must run away immediately. This group of dragons is also very insidious. People want to run without blocking it. The blue dragon escaped, and the leader of the team roared: "Catch the criminal who resisted arrest."

When the running blue dragon heard this sentence, he almost squirted out a mouthful of blood. When he heard the two words of arrest, he knew that the crime was heavier than the previous fight. At this time, a group of giant dragons appeared in front of him and shouted: "Stop, Stop, the people in front listen, if we run again, we will be killed."

"Nima, I'm standing in front of you, what are you shouting." This blue dragon is almost furious. This team of giant dragons transformed into a big man looks like a fool. If he ran, he would have run away, but The blue dragon didn't dare anymore, stood in front of this group of dragons and shouted loudly.

"Ah, I was attacked by this guy." The giant dragon man in front of the blue dragon flew upside down, and a heart-piercing roar was heard.

"Assault the guards and grab them." The leading dragon roared.

"I..." The blue dragon almost fainted, but before he finished speaking, he was hit by a few fists and fainted immediately.

"Hey." After the two teams of dragons met, they laughed, not to mention, the dragon is really suitable as a guard, Nima is no more rogue than these guys, look, a blue dragon was finally turned into a resistance to arrest , Assaulting the police, as for the fine inside, outsiders don't know, but in the hands of the dragon, even if you are a dragon, it is estimated that only the body will leave in the end.

As for the fact that after Cook knew about this, he praised these dragons for their good work. For the bad guys, he should do this. Dilly, who was listening to the side, rolled his eyes, but let’s not say that he was **** by the rogue guards like the dragon. For a period of time, especially after dozens of god-level dragons with hundreds of god-level sub-dragon legions, went to a certain place to enforce the law once, outsiders never dared to make trouble in the temple of the goddess of the night. The whole family of the guy who wounded someone was looted because of a small incident, and in the end, he dug the ground three feet. In fact, the penalty amount is not much, but the cost of the dragon army is said to be an astronomical figure. People also signed a debt contract.

This is actually Cook’s original intention to use the dragons and angels as guards. After all, the goddess of the dark night belongs to a second-rate force. The hundreds of thousands of god-level powerhouses crowded in are not so easy to manage. Of course, Cook used to just practice The place to dominate the Sky City is governed by these two races, but the salary plan proposed by Cook allows the dragons to take the initiative to maintain law and order everywhere. The thieves first beat them up. The dragons like fighting very much. Collect all the stolen goods and fines and do coolies. As for what is stolen, in the view of the dragon guard, the thief’s wealth is stolen, because these stolen goods can be divided into. As for returning the owner, dream, and The dragon guard also had to pay a management fee to Cook, which made Dilly originally thought that he would have to pay a large sum of money, but later reaped a lot of wealth. This was something Dilly did not expect, and Dilly also wondered what Cook was thinking. , Actually came up with such a good way.

However, the dragon guard did shock some people, but some people are still rebellious, such as the **** of thieves and the **** of conspiracy. The followers of these guys don't like to obey the rules, and the daily flow of people is huge, so the dragon guards I have already summed up a set of words with the greatest benefit. Just like the previous scene, I yelled first. You could have caught it directly, but if you run away, you will be arrested. This is a crime, and then an attack on the police , Yes, Qihuo, this person will be arrested and will not be released if he is not cleaned up. You can also escape from prison several times, or attack the police inside, anyway, you will not be cleaned up. Don't even think about being released. After being released, you will be expelled from the country. There is no portal. It will take a long time to go back and fly back.

Before leaving, the dragon guard shouted loudly: "This is the end of the crime. We don't care who you are. As long as you commit a crime, we will make him look good and take it away."

The people watching the excitement around and the people in the queue saw this scene, and they got a deep understanding of the city guard management team~www.wuxiaspot.com~. I have only heard of it before, and what I see and hear now , Can make a big difference.

"Okay, that's it. What are we doing here? If it's messy, can the materials we bring is guaranteed." A lower **** saw this and exclaimed.

"Yes, we lower gods need such a good environment more." Another lower **** also sighed.

The lower **** is in the realm of the gods, and it’s a kind of existence that is worthy of entering the threshold. Collecting materials is even more difficult. If someone is robbed or stolen here, then the lower **** doesn’t know how sad it is. Such a good security environment will Attract more people like this.

"that house?


?Want to fight with me, okay, our green dragon clan are not soft guys, I will fight him when he comes out, **** guy. "The green dragon also roared loudly at this time, and the people around him despised it. If you get the artifact, don't hit them too hard, you are actually embarrassed to say.

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