A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 233:

"This is." The giant phoenix saw Cook retreating. He was puzzled. Is his attack too sharp? This **** human kid backed down.

Phoenix was puzzled. But he did not give up attacking Cook. In the eyes of this phoenix, Cook was damned. He dared to reveal his true body. When the Phoenix's mental power moved, he was about to direct the flame that just spouted back to Cook. Direction.

But when the phoenix's spiritual power was guided, the phoenix found that it could not guide the flames it sprayed. You must know that these flames are the purest flame energy in the phoenix. It is like the magic power of the magician itself. It has been in the body for a long time. It can be easily commanded.

"This..." Phoenix knew that something was wrong. He opened his mouth and spouted another flame. The color of these flames was white. The surrounding space was burnt and twisted. It looked like there was life.

"Boom." This time the attack was shot directly at Cook. But what Phoenix didn't expect was that this time the attack was hit directly by the flame that could not be controlled just now. There was a loud noise. The entire space was full. A crack appeared, and the impact caused flames to splash around.

Watching the lively beasts saw this scene. Frightened the surroundings and continued to disperse. Cook sneered in the distance. As long as the guy like Barry saw something, he didn't say that he could escape. Cook didn't know what Barry was doing. It will be such a character. As long as you encounter benefits, you will run faster than anyone else.

"Good thing. Good thing. Come again. Come again." Just as Cook muttered in his heart. Phoenix was stunned. A loud voice came from the white flame that Phoenix had just ejected.

"Damn." Cook heard this. He only patted his forehead. This Barry is simply a master of hatred.

"Damn human kid. You're looking for death." Phoenix was irritated. He roared and rushed towards Cook. You must know that the flames that spit out are not ordinary flames. They contain a lot of Phoenix's original power. That's not it. Forget it. I was clamored to come again. Come again. I can't stand it personally. Not to mention the proud Phoenix.

"Huh. Who's afraid of you." Cook did not show weakness. The whole body suddenly soared more than ten kilometers high. It was simply shocking. The beasts around saw this scene. The fart ran away. This Nimaku City Lord Ke is more perverted than the legend.

"Damn it." After seeing the huge figure of Cook, Phoenix was also shocked. Phoenix was cursing inwardly. But before Phoenix rushed to Cook, Phoenix felt that the whole sky was dimmed.

"Boom." It's like a huge earthquake. The sacred beasts fleeing around were knocked up several meters high by the huge force. Some mountains were actually partially collapsed. In the epicenter, a huge slap was hit. The seal appeared in the middle of the mountains.

"Come on." Cook took his slap up. He saw the phoenix who was shot into the ground by himself. A huge voice echoed back and forth for hundreds of kilometers.

"Puff." The phoenix was slapped directly into the ground by Cook. The flames on his body disappeared. These flames are actually flame energy. But Cook's huge power just shook the energy in the Phoenix directly. There was flames there. . Just like in a fight. First, give the enemy a note on the nose. The enemy is over all at once. Nose. Tears flow out. Don’t want to use any energy. This is called a door-closing punch.

The Phoenix was vomiting blood in anger. That's not a big deal. Cook used his thick fingers to pick up the Phoenix who couldn't move. Phoenix wanted to struggle a bit, but he was caught by Cook with one hand. Then he patted the ground again. The Phoenix fainted directly.

"I dare to provoke me with this ability. It deserves it." Cook saw the Phoenix fainted. He threw the Phoenix into a pool of mountain stream. Then he gave a cold snort.

Cook didn't want to be an enemy of Phoenix. Cook originally planned to humiliate this Phoenix. According to Phoenix's face-saving character, he must have no face to direct the beasts to attack the land of the goddess of the night. Of course, he also shocked the surrounding beasts. It is predictable. Yes, the beasts with brains around are afraid that they will run away.

"Barry." Cook saw the white flames emitted by the phoenix getting weaker and weaker.

"Stop screaming. This is a good thing." Barry conveyed a mental energy to Cook.

"What good thing?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"This flame contains the original power of the fire element. Although it is very rare..." Barry said.

"What." Cook was surprised. He felt even more regretful in his heart. Cook didn't know that this flame actually contained the power of the source. Cook had seen the power of the power of the source. Cook himself cultivated The second talent is the fire element. As for the origin of the wind element, this is the blood power obtained by Cook after transforming the lightning bird.

Cook was not reckless. Instead, he directly summoned the fire wizard book. Then he took the white flame directly into the wizard book. Cook's trick made Barry scream.

"Cook. You. You bastard." Barry said incoherently.

"Hehe." Cook smiled. Looking at the reaction of the wizard book. The wizard book not only has the function of storing spells and energy. It can also learn new spells. As for the effect of the flames emitted by the phoenix. Library Ke didn't know, so Cook watched the reaction of the wizard book closely.

"Fire rays." A new spell appeared on Cook's wizard book. Looking at the spell's name, Cook was also puzzled.

But when Cook read the spells in the wizard book carefully, Cook smiled and said, "I made a lot of money."

Flame rays are spells that can only be released by Tier 5 fire wizards. The range of spells is also the largest among Tier 5 fire spells. The power is also the most powerful. The effect of this flame ray is high temperature penetration. Cook does not know how he can obtain this flame. This spell was generated, or the seal of this spell was unlocked.

Cook looked at the complex flame ray spell model. Cook was heartbroken. Indeed. There is a wizard book to build a spell model without the body. But Cook is not suitable for using a wizard book at all. And a fifth-order wizard's spell. Cook. How can I not be moved.

Just do it. This time fighting Cook also consumed some physical strength. Building a spell model requires a lot of crystal nuclei. Fortunately, there are some fire crystal nuclei that Cook cleaned up in the star boundary. But building this spell model. It's just that. It doesn't work with this crystal core, it also needs the blood of a fire creature to build it.

"Cut. I don't like the Phoenix." Cook glanced at the comatose Phoenix in the distance. Cook really didn't like it. Don't forget. Cook also has two foodies in his natural ring. Two double-winged Firefox. Ke disappeared in a flash. When Cook came out again, there was already a cloud of red blood in his hand. This was the blood of the double-winged Firefox.

Cook deformed. Then disappeared. By the time Cook appeared again. It was already two days later. And somewhere deep in the mountain, several towering peaks were directly melted.

"Tsk. Flame rays. Powerful. Powerful. Even the human energy I have can release more than a hundred kilometers away. The power is even greater. A mountain peak directly penetrated." Cook sighed in his heart. However, This flame ray is not without its shortcomings. That is, it cannot be locked with mental power. The main reason is that the flame ray is excited too fast. Cook's mental power is not enough to cover a distance of more than 100 kilometers. As for the penetrating power, this flame ray has extreme The high temperature directly burns the target through. This is like an armor-piercing bullet. The main reason is to penetrate the armor by the hot jet inside.

What Cook is happy about is not the power of this flame ray. But Cook has the intention to build a long-range weapon for himself. For a long time, Cook has been in close combat. The Star Smasher is powerful. Powerful. But this thing was thrown out. The distance is limited. And the energy in it is limited. Thunderya is amazing. It's amazing. Thunderya is just a dagger. So it's not a long range. And the magic pillar is amazing. It's amazing. The radiation distance of this thing is not far. General war song The halo is blessed to oneself.

Flame ray model This is a very good model. Cook is preparing to refine a longbow. As for the materials, Cook must choose carefully. Of course, the longbow is needed. But the arrow is more important.

Moreover, the Tier 5 flame ray spell, after Cook turned back into a human, exerted only about 1% of its original power. Of course, if Cook could exert all its power in the form of a human, then Cook would be invincible in the gods. Although the wizard model in Cook's body will not change, the energy that can be stored in the body is much less. Therefore, the maximum power of the model cannot be stimulated.

Although it was only 1%, this was the spell of a fifth-order wizard in the star realm. Therefore, its power was not inferior to the magic of the main gods of the gods.

Cook returned safely to the realm of the goddess of the night. He began to refine weapons and equipment for others while pondering his own equipment. In addition, he conducted a thorough assessment of tens of thousands of Mageweave apprentices. Because Cook needs a large group of people to help. . Cook doesn’t want to refine the city of the sky by himself for several years. This is not the life Cook wants. In addition, West Asia and others will begin to gather the godhead. This is especially important. Whether you are Someone's relatives. As long as they don't reach the **** level, they don't have any status in the gods. This is why Cook has never let Xia and others appear.

"These things are done. It is time to bring the qualified Mageweave Masters under the Sanctuary to the God Realm." Cook secretly calculated in his heart.

But this involves a new problem. That is, Sanctuary Cook has students. But some of these students simply can't reach the point of igniting the sacred fire. What should be done. The **** core does not make a choice. Then it is the godhead. But. The Godhead is the most popular thing in the God Realm. Why is the Godhead so tight? One is because the Godhead is not easy to obtain. Once the other party explodes, then the Godhead is gone. And some Godheads still have the soul of the original owner. There is no way to use it. Of course others don’t have Bari. It’s not the same if Cook has Bari. But even those godheads with souls are priceless. Because these godheads have a way to get rid of the soul inside. Then they can be used by their descendants. I can't guarantee that my descendants will be able to reach the **** level, even the main **** is not so sure.

Cook found Dilly and asked: "Dilly. What should I do if I want to get the godhead."

"God. This is forbidden by all forces in the gods." Dilly's words surprised Cook.

"No use." Cook asked suspiciously.

"Yes. There was no such thing before. But then there was this rule. Because before this rule, many high-level gods slaughtered low-level gods. It was for the gods. Now as long as there is no contradiction between each other, even if there is a contradiction. You No one says you about killing people. But the Godhead certainly cannot be taken away. Because many forces in the God Realm know that the continued use of the Godhead will damage the strength of the entire God Realm. Outside of our forces, there are countless sacred beasts. Once discovered Someone who uses the **** level to advance to the **** level will be besieged by all forces. Because the **** level powerhouse who uses the **** level to advance only has a longer life span. There is no fighting power that the **** level should have at all." Dilly explained.

"I have some students in Sanctuary. These students have very high magic patterns. But they haven't reached the **** level..." Cook frowned and said.

"This...there is no way. But it's dangerous." Dilly said.

"Danger." Cook asked in surprise. Being able to make Dilly say the word "Danger" in front of herself. It seems dangerous.

"Yes. Outside the God Realm. There is also the Underworld, the Undead Realm, the Shadow Realm, the Demon Realm. The Demon Realm here is similar to the demon world you see in the Sanctuary. Only there are more types of demons, and more demons than the Demon World The tyrannical. cruel. The strong human beings in these worlds are not within this rule of our God Realm." Dili said.

"There are humans in these worlds." Cook was stunned.

"Hehe. The humans in these worlds still occupy the majority. But the humans in these worlds almost all live at the bottom. Although they are large in number, they have no substantial effect. The underworld is the most mysterious world. Even the gods are very They also don’t know much. It is said that the creatures inside are very powerful at the soul level. Needless to say, the undead world is very powerful. However, the undead in the undead world will not come to the gods. Because. The environment is not appropriate. In fact, these worlds have unique living environments, especially the surrounding energy. Of course, occasionally there are some powerful people from other worlds who come to the gods to make a profit. This is your chance." Dilly Haha Said with a smile.

"Kill these guys." Cook asked.

"No. You may know. A world like the God Realm. Space = exceptionally stable. But the facts are not absolute. Just like wherever there is poor, there are rich people. Wherever rich, there are poor people. There is a truth. A stable space. There are also unstable places. These. Space nodes may lead to any world. All you have to do is to follow the visitors from these other planes. Then follow them to other planes. But it is not easy to come back. It’s not easy. What's more, you and I don’t know." Dilly explained.

"It's too dangerous." Cook felt a little discouraged when he heard this.

"But every temple actually has the coordinates of other planes. Just like our Temple of the Goddess of the Night controls the coordinates of the shadow world. But the creatures in the shadow world are all shadow creatures. It's not easy to deal with. Don't say that. There are very few records of human appearance." Dilly said.

"Shadow World." Cook was surprised.

"Yes. But the access to these worlds is extremely dangerous. A bad one. Creatures from another world will come. It is said that these are things left by the ancient gods." Dilly continued.

After Cook listened to it, he still didn't know what the creatures in this shadow world looked like. Dilly didn't know. However, it is said that there may be records of this in the Council of Gods. Although the Goddess of the Night is a member of the Council of Gods. But the most Second-rate forces are not yet qualified to see these things. It is said that they can only see these things when they reach the level of the main god.

"It looks like I am going to the Council of the Gods." Cook touched his chin, muttered to himself.

Cook did not expect that a godhead would have such rules. The reason Cook had to obey the rules. That was because Cook would still be in the God Realm. Cook's relatives would still be in the God Realm. So the rules Cook did not. Will not destroy. As for other worlds. Cook has not been arrogant enough to be invincible in the universe. Just like Dilly said. The environment is different. The surrounding elements are different. Cook is strong. In the underworld, except for a large number of souls The energy of the particles. There is no other energy. How long can Cook be awesome. As for other worlds, Cook will have to learn more about it.

But in any case, Cook has to build the equipment himself. The full set of artifact equipment is for sure.

Cook took out the harvest in the star realm from the natural ring. But Cook gave up after looking at it. Yes. The star animal skin in the star realm is very defensive. But the thickness of this skin is also very painful. Even if half a meter of leather is refined and compressed, you can still compress it to one centimeter thick. Up to ten centimeters thick. But what it feels like to wear equipment made of ten centimeters thick leather. Cook can't imagine.

"Dragon skin. Let's forget it." Cook thought of dragon skin again. In the lower planes, you can also use dragon skins. After all, the number of dragons on the lower planes is small. But in the gods, you use dragon skins to try Try it. Let's see if the dragon clan troubles you.

There are other sacred beasts. They are not allowed to be used in the gods. It is like Jin Guangyan’s fur. Try it. There are other sacred beasts with a larger population. You can try it. Although these sacred beasts will not know .But you have to take risks. Be known by these sacred beasts. Just wait to be chased by a group of sacred beasts in the wild.

Therefore, most of the weapons refined by Cook are metal ores. Of course, there are also some creatures' teeth as weapons. But this weapon is not easily found by the beasts like equipment. Therefore, in the gods, it needs to be cautious. considerate.

Just like Cook takes out a set of artifact-level dragon skin equipment. Other races dare not buy it easily. The artifact itself is of high value. And dragons love money like their lives. You just took it. Get it. Then the dragon will have an excuse. I'm afraid no one wants to be robbed by a group of dragons.

"Do you want to build metal armor?" Cook muttered in his heart.

Metal equipment also has the benefits of metal equipment. But Cook’s fire system and wood system are not very suitable for metal equipment. The energy of these two systems is in metal equipment. It will cause certain obstacles to the operation of energy.

Of course, other people can't take care of this much. As long as it is an artifact, it will do. But Cook himself can't think about it. Moreover, the toughness of metal equipment is not comparable to other materials.

"Why don't you buy some dragon skins." An idea popped up in Cook's mind. In fact, there are a lot of skins in the dragon clan. Because dragons must shed their skins. But dragons are very proud. Most people don't. Dare to say to the dragon. Hello, man. Can you sell your skin? I buy some to build equipment. The dragon will definitely slap you to death.

Cook found the ancestor of La Milan. The second elder of the Thunder Dragon City Presbyterian Church. No way. With the big tree of Cook, the status of La Milan’s ancestor has also increased: "Old ancestor. I have something wrong. I want to ask you something."

"It's Cook. It's easy to say. It's easy to say." The ancestors of La Milan saw that it was Cook. His mouth broke open. Because of the achievements made by the dragon guard in maintaining the security of the Temple of the Goddess of Night. This is not a third-rate The temple also wants the dragon to serve as the guardian of the territory. The conditions are the same as the temple of the goddess of the night. The third-rate temple has nothing worthy of the dragon's risk. Even if there is, the dragon can guard and steal. As a dragon guard The person in charge. The ancestors of La Milan are very happy. This is a good opportunity to increase income. So he promised a few temples. The idlers in Thunder Dragon City were all pulled out.

"Ancestor. I have an idea to make a fortune. I don't know if I should say it." Cook asked.

"Say. There is nothing that shouldn't be said." The ancestor of La Milan slapped his face when he heard of getting rich

"Ancestor. That's it." Cook said his thoughts again.

"This. This is related to the face of our dragon family." La Milan's ancestor heard Cook's words and looked at Cook and said.

"Ancestor. Those things are useless for you anyway. My idea is like this. You produce the materials. I will refine. How about we split into half. According to the ancestor's body shape. At least two sets of artifact equipment. Two. The minimum set is as many as 20 pieces. When the time comes, the ancestors are half. I am half. You only have to admit that as long as the equipment is refined by me. You will not pursue it. This is not because you are shameless. It is about giving me face. How is it?" Cook asked with a smile.

"Are you sure there are twenty artifacts." La Milan's ancestor was moved.

"Ancestor. We are telling the truth. But what other people say. That's your business. Anyway, it will be superfluous..." Cook said here. He made an ancestor look you know.

"Goo. Cook. This profit is too big. I'm afraid of it alone." The ancestors of La Milan thought of the profit here.

"You can draw all the members of the Longcheng Presbyterian Church. At that time, as long as these people get the benefits. Other 6......" Cook's eyes rolled, and there was a solution immediately.

"But what do I say." La Milan's ancestor stood up and looked at Cook.

"You just say that I am in La Milan's sake. Refining equipment for the dragon clan. But you have to come up with the materials. In the end, the equipment will be divided into half of me. It is just that the dragons who want to refine the equipment sign an agreement. That is me. After the equipment here is sold, everyone will not be held accountable. This is reasonable and reasonable. At that time, those guys will exchange useless things for a few artifacts. And your dragons are embarrassed to wear equipment made from the skins of other sacred beasts. I’m so embarrassed to go out. You say they’d like it or not. And I have another advantage in selling equipment here. You can sell it yourself. Who knows that you sell it yourself. You think it’s me selling it. You say no." Ke said with a smile.

"Cook. I have at least three moltings here. There are teeth, nails and so on. Do you think it is useful?" The ancestors of La Milan immediately asked.

"Useful. Useful." Cook swallowed a mouthful of water. He immediately nodded and said. How many sets of equipment does Nima get?

"Okay. Give me refinement first. Then others will see an example..." La Milano's ancestor said immediately. Cook heard this. He looked at the shrewdness of this La Milan ancestor in a different light. Nima still knew The smuggled goods come in.

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