A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 234:

On the second day, a message came out. City Lord Cook, for some reason, would build a batch of equipment for the dragon. As for the reason, it was not clearly stated. This incident caused some people's dissatisfaction. But. No one dares to say it clearly, because the guard here is a giant dragon.

The rogue personality guarded by the dragon. Everyone here knows it. It has been well received. So this protest is on Cook’s side. The angels protested. Then the goddess of nature complained for a while. The goddess of wealth I was jealous. Dili didn't care, because there were already a lot of artifacts equipped in the Temple of the Goddess of the Night. No matter how much, it will cause others to jealous.

The dragon clan was very excited to receive this news. But, after the excitement, I entangled. Refining equipment is good. But what does the dragon clan use for refining? Metal. That's ugly. And a dragon needs to be equipped with metal equipment. This is a joke. Other biological materials. Don’t be funny. The skins of those lowly guys fit our dragon.

Not to mention Cook's high cost of refining. So few dragons responded. However, some capable dragons have found the protagonist of this incident, the second elder of Thunder Dragon City.

The ancestor of La Milan looked at an elder in the Red Dragon City who came to the door. He smiled and said, "Rare."

"Hehe. I heard that you asked City Lord Cook to refine equipment. There is such a thing. I said this is superfluous. What are our dragons. There is still need for equipment." The elder of Red Dragon City said as soon as he came up.

"Yeah. Yeah. You don’t need the Red Dragon. No way. Our Thunder Dragon has low combat effectiveness. The number is small. This is not why I asked Cook to build me a set of artifact equipment. I just put it there to look good. "La Milan's ancestor asked very pretentiously.

"A set of artifacts and equipment. You have so many materials." Red Dragon Elder asked.

"Oh. Don't say this. It's embarrassing to say this. Come on. Drink water. Drink water." The ancestor of La Milan was disdainful. He didn't answer the words of Elder Red Dragon at all.

The elder Honglong heard a set of equipment. His heart was like a cat's claw. But when he saw this La Milano ancestor, he smiled and asked, "How many pieces are there in a set."

"Not much. It's a helmet. Chest protector. Shoulder protectors. Arm protectors. Wrist protectors. Gloves. Pants. Leg protectors. Knee protectors. Boots. There is also a long weapon. Two short weapons." The ancestor of La Milan showed off with a smile. Tao.

"A dozen of them are all artifacts." Red Dragon Elder was not calm, and asked in astonishment.

"That's it. I don't want it because it's not an artifact." La Milano's ancestor replied proudly

"How much is the reward?" said the elder Honglong.

"It's shameful to say. We are poor. Fortunately, Cook belongs to Thunder Dragon City. So we don't charge extra. But don't want to get back the materials I took out." La Milan's old Zu cried poorly.

Elder Red Dragon is speechless. Nima, you are still poor. A dozen artifacts. A set. If this Nima is put on to fight with others, wouldn't his strength be greatly increased.

"You are the only one to refine it." Elder Hong Long muttered in his heart, but asked again.

"There. We have registered in Thunder Dragon City. The materials have also been taken out." Lamilan's ancestor replied lazily.

"That's good. That's good. Haha. I'll leave first." When the elder Red Dragon heard this, he left with a smile. Because since the other dragons have registered, the elder Red Dragon can't ask.

Of course, Elder Red Dragon asked easily. The answer made Elder Red Dragon stunned. Then he was entangled. This Nima shed its skin is useless. For the dragon. But it’s hard to survive. I haven’t waited for the Red Dragon clan. What's the action? The Green Dragon clan took the lead.

No way. The green dragon is the inferior dragon. The fighting power is not as high as that of other dragons. How powerful is a set of artifacts. Just think about it. I didn't wait for the red dragon clan to react. The black dragon clan followed the green dragon. Start. Registered.

The red dragon clan is not calm now. Because the red dragon and the black dragon have territorial disputes. Because both the red dragon and the black dragon require a lot of fire elements. But the number of black dragons is small. Once the black dragon is equipped with a set of artifacts, then red The dragon clan can only be passively beaten.

So the red dragon protested to the Dragon City. The Dragon City and the Council of Gods have similar functions. However, the jurisdiction of the Dragon City is much stronger than that of the Council of Gods. Because the elders in the Dragon City are different The strongest of the dragon clan, and almost the strongest.

The city of dragons is located on a huge mountain. The top of the mountain is the city of dragons. The city of dragons has also built huge walls. These walls are thousands of meters high. They are all built of tens of meters of boulders. Yes. The stone and the stone are solidified together with something similar to magma. In the entire Dragon City, the largest number is not the dragon, but the various sub-dragon races.

The dragon is a noble in the dragon city. It enjoys the various services of each Yalong. The hunting is done by Yalong. Of course, the god-level Yalong has the status of a civilian in the dragon city. It has not reached the gods. Level. It is all kinds of slaves. So the Dragon City has the largest city in the entire God Realm. It is still the highest city. The highest city before was the Sky City.

"Everyone. Protest against the Red Dragon clan. What do you think." The elders of the entire Dragon Council are composed of nine dragon elders. Golden dragons, silver dragons, red dragons, black dragons, blue dragons, thunder dragons, diamond dragons, and frost. These dragons are composed of poisonous dragons. These dragons are also high-ranking dragons. To join the Dragon Council elders, the number of a certain race must reach a certain limit. But the only exception is the poisonous dragon. The poisonous dragon is too disgusting. This guy Even if the dragon's venom is a dragon, it evades three houses. Therefore, the poisonous dragon is the only race that is not enough to join the dragon elders. As for the green dragon, this is the lower dragon.

But this is not set in stone. A certain dragon race thinks it is strong. Then it can challenge the members of the elders. As long as it wins, then it will replace the position of the challenged in the elders of the dragon.

Hearing this, the elder Black Dragon snorted and said: "Red Dragon, Nima, is really a brain problem. People use their own things to refine equipment. You protest. I see the IQ of the Red Dragon clan is degrading. It is recommended to re-assess the IQ level of this red dragon, whether it has reached the level of the lower dragon."

"You fart. You nigger." When the elder of the Red Dragon clan heard this, he roared angrily. You must know that in the dragon clan. IQ is not actually the standard for evaluating the upper and lower dragons. And the black dragon said so. It is a satire of the red dragon clan. The dragon is most angry with others saying that he is stupid. Even if it is the same clan.

"Hey. This is the highest meeting of our giant dragon clan. Everyone is sitting on people with identities. Unlike some people. They are like mad dogs in heat. Biting people everywhere." Heilong sighed.

"Haha. Haha." Hearing this, the elder Thunder Dragon laughed first. You must know that this incident was led by the Thunder Dragon clan. Of course, there are many benefits to the Thunder Dragon clan secretly. Who made these the first The leading role model.

"You..." The elder Red Dragon smiled when he saw the other giant dragons around him. He felt that he was laughing at himself. Sitting down angrily. If his eyes could kill people, the black dragon elder would have died eight hundred times earlier.

Elder Silver Dragon also said: "Actually, I think this is my own business. Could it be that I use the Silver Dragon clan's own things? I have to get permission from your Red Dragon clan."

There is no way for the silver dragon clan. The silver dragon clan was ransacked by Cook once. Poor clanking. This is not heard saying that shed skin is useful. It is also very valuable. These silver dragons are eager to shed skin again. Of course. If there is no lead Yinlong is also embarrassed.

"It's ridiculous. Your silver dragon clan is not worthy of being a giant dragon clan at all. It was ransacked by others. You have to take a pole to show your face. Ashamed." Red Dragon elder said sarcastically when he heard this.

"Just leave it to you." When Elder Yinlong heard this, he replied with the words of Elder Honglong.

Jin Long looked at the chaos and said, "Okay. The meeting will be like a meeting. What do you think of the rest?"

The Frost Dragon shook his head and said: "This is indeed a matter of face. But on the one hand, we need artifacts. Then everyone can take out the molting and give it to Cook for refining. But Cook will definitely not refining for nothing. Get the moulting back. Just give the money directly. This is so simple. Of course, if you don’t give money, it is estimated that no one will refine it for you."

Hearing this, the surrounding dragon elders all muttered in their hearts: "Nima pays back the money. What's the use of shed skin? It's just a pile of garbage."

The poisonous dragon sighed and said: "You are all rich. Our poisonous dragon family is poor. But if you are against it, you can help us to pay for the refining equipment for the poisonous dragon. We just give you the skin."

"Nima." The rest of the dragons murmured inwardly. Nima's own shed skin is useless. I want your poisonous dragon's shed to pollute the environment. I also help you pay.

When the blue dragon heard the words of the poisonous dragon, he wanted to approve of the red dragon. But this poisonous dragon Nima is a group of gangsters. And is a gang of gangsters with HIV. If Nima opposes, these gangsters will not rely on themselves. Elder Blue Dragon speaks. Said: "This is voluntary."

Diamond Dragon smiled: "I think so too."

"Then this is every dragon's own business. The red dragon clan protests are invalid." The Golden Dragon elder who presided over the meeting said with a final word.

"Hehe. I don't know if the green dragon equipped with a complete set of artifacts has the ability to challenge the race inside us." Before leaving, the elder Thunder Dragon said with a smile.

Hearing this, the red dragon has the thought of smashing the table. Don't say it. The green dragon with a set of artifacts. The fighting power is estimated to be almost the same as the red dragon clan. This is simply forcing the red dragon clan to participate. Come in.

"Okay. I will watch it lively by then." Heilong clapped his hands when he heard this.

When Elder Red Dragon heard this, he left the meeting in anger. Elder Thunder Dragon was dragged by other dragon elders to drink. In the dragon clan, no one would invite others to drink easily. Nima Dragon What is your appetite. Please drink. That is unfortunate. But today there are not many dragon elders who invited Thunder Dragon to drink.

"Haha. Lao Yin. I'm sorry. It cost you money." Chief Leilong first came to the place where Elder Yinlong was inviting him. Old Yin opened his mouth. He almost died of anger.

"Lao Lei. Come. Please sit down. We are from the dragon clan anyway. Come. Drink first. Drink alcohol." Elder Yinlong was dissatisfied and dissatisfied. But now there is no way. You have to find out before doing things.

"I know what your old silver is doing. I'll tell you first. This time, it was initiated by our Thunder Dragon clan. Cook gave relatively good conditions. City Lord Cook gave two plans. The first one. It is two pieces of shed skin and one set of equipment. Of course, it must be a piece of shed skin above the **** level. Those below the **** level are useless. In other words, even if Cook fails to refining, you will get two pieces of shed skin and you will be given a set of artifacts. Including ten pieces of equipment such as helmets, chest protectors, etc. Of course, there are nails, teeth and so on. That is the weapon. The second plan is that you take the materials. Cook refining. Then everyone half of the finished product. You choose "Elder Thunder Dragon calculated in his heart. This time the Silver Dragon clan can count their own contribution.

"What do you think of this?" Elder Yinlong asked tentatively.

"Of course it's the first one. I don't choose the second one anyway. You also know what those guys in the Alchemy Temple looked like before. This Nima should fail. Besides, you have to give Cook a little benefit. Otherwise, who wants to give you refining for nothing. Then you take half. Humans are all treacherous. Besides, how do you know how successful the refining is. Would you watch it day and night. If you watch, believe it or not. Neither will succeed. Although Cook has a good relationship with us Thunder Dragon City, he is after all a human being.” The elder Thunder Dragon took a sip of wine and said.

When Elder Yinlong heard this, he replied very helpfully in his heart: "I also think so. Human beings are very cunning. I have also inquired about it. Alchemy Temple has done this before. I think the first way is better. ."

"Hey. You don’t know yet. Originally, Cook only gave the second plan. But what IQ we are. We propose the first plan. And we have to sign a contract. You Cook even if you train two sets. Three sets of equipment . That’s your Cook’s skill. What's the use of putting our molting there? It’s better to exchange for a set of artifacts. It’s like I have three moltings. Plus the nails that peel off each time. Teeth. Hey. This. It’s just a set of semi-sacred tools. We keep one set. But this half set. Hey. Although humans are cunning. Insidious. But humans are rich. Let’s sell them.” Elder Thunder Dragon drank a large glass of wine again. The dragon was in pain, but when I heard the words of the elder Thunder Dragon, I was very happy.

The two guys murmured. Then the elder Thunder Dragon left. There is no way. There are still people in the party. Elder Thunder Dragon wants to continue drinking here. Seeing Thunder Dragon leaving, Elder Silver Dragon called out in pain. : "Recorded on the book of Silver Dragon City."

Elder Thunder Dragon was drunk. Yes. Drunk. The dragons who heard this were envious. It took how much alcohol it would take to get a dragon drunk. But Cook's business is getting better and better. The whole The giant dragon family’s equipment orders reached more than 60,000. This made Cooke have to stop the order collection. The giant dragon who did not place an order went to Cook. The nature temple. The dark night goddess temple. The Thunder Dragon family.

People who come to the Temple of the Goddess of the Dark Night are more humans. Dwarves. Dwarf powerhouses. These god-level powerhouses have brought huge wealth. What are they here for. Come to buy equipment. Equipment made of dragon skin. What is this. This is identity. The representative of. Although it is the molting of the dragon. The quality of the skin that has not been peeled off is good. But there is no big problem with the scales. There are too many people. To the point where the portal almost collapses.

A divine tool made from the dragon’s skin. Let’s talk about other things. It’s on this level and it’s up to the level. Everyone is excited. Only one person is unhappy. That is Cook. Cook knows that there are so many god-level dragons. Every time the dragon is promoted, it will shed its skin. The lower god. The middle god. The upper god. The king of gods. Basically, it sheds its skin two or three times.

The statistics of Dragon City are completely incorrect. Because some dragons are lazy and like to sleep, Cook was caught off guard.

As for these humans, dwarves, dwarfs, elves, orcs, how did they know that there are equipment made of dragon skin. These are all leaked by those dragons. These dragons are not fools. Know that you should fire up the equipment first. Of course these races The reason for the enthusiasm. The bigger reason is in Cook.

Cook's refined equipment in the God Realm is not much. Not many. Only a few dozen pieces. But these dozens are all artifact-level equipment. This is impressive. Coupled with Cook's tyrannical strength. These people are not afraid that the equipment purchased from Cook will be troubled by the dragon. If someone else sells the equipment refined from the dragon's skin, surely no one dares to buy it. What is the dragon? Powerful gangsters. Killing people and killing people. Planting and blaming others. Don't be too skilled.

"This Nima is really..." Cook looked at the huge amount of material, and felt slanderous in his heart. There are so many things in this mess.

"More than 40,000 orders. You want to exhaust me." Cook still feels uncomfortable. Looking at the goddess of nature and Dilly.

Dilly and the goddess of nature stopped talking. But both of them were thinking in their hearts. High-quality equipment must be obtained by themselves. This is the best opportunity to grow the entire temple.

Cook saw that the two of them stopped talking. There was no way to continue speaking because it was Cook himself.

What can be done. Of course, I’m working hard. Cook is very nostalgic now when he is in the sanctuary. All materials and everything are prepared by someone. But in the realm of God, everything must be done by himself. As for the helper that Cook expects The group of Mageweave apprentices have not yet reached Cook's requirements. After all, the time is too short.

After a period of crazy refining, Cook produced a large amount of equipment. It attracted more god-level powerhouses. The city where the Goddess of the Night Temple is located has expanded more than five times. It is still expanding. Now it is coming. God-level powerhouse. As long as you get the land, you can build it yourself immediately. Even if you rent it, you build it yourself. This makes other temples envy and hate. Incomplete statistics. The god-level powerhouse in the entire territory of the goddess of the night. How many dozens of them Thousands of giants. There are many god-level powerhouses in other cities. Almost only left the power of defense. The entire city is almost empty. And the wealth brought by these hundreds of thousands of god-level powerhouses. There are servants. This kind of service staff. As many as millions of people. According to the population, this dark night city is already a first-class city. It is foreseeable that with the divine artifact refined by the dragon material, this prosperity will continue.

After Cook has been busy for a while, he can’t even refine his own equipment. The Council of the Gods is about to go. Not only Cook is going. The Goddess of Nature is going. The Goddess of Night is going. The God of Contract is also going. There are still many people going there. There are also hundreds of goddess of harvest, goddess of hunting, and so on. The number of participants is as many as thousands.

"Mountains of gods. Nima." Cook stepped out of the portal. He looked at the huge mountain range in front of him. There were circles of buildings on it. This is the mountain of gods. What Cook said in his heart is that people in the gods like to use buildings They are all built on high places. In Cook's eyes, this is simply unreasonable. And what kind of mountains, dragon mountains, mountains of gods and so on.

"Cook Lord. Welcome. Welcome." Cook just walked out of the portal. He just heard a warm voice in his heart. Then a figure rushed in front of Cook, bowing respectfully.

"Yeah." Cook hummed.

"City Lord Cook is here." Then the man opened his throat and shouted loudly, shocking Cook.

"City Lord Cook is here." A giant in the distance continued to shout loudly.

"This..." Cook was confused. It was just a meeting. Is it necessary?

"The goddess of the night is here." The person who had a voice just next to Cook saw Dilly following him. There was another voice.

"The goddess of the night is here." The giant outside repeated again.

Dilly saw the appearance of Cook. She covered her mouth and smirked and said: "The reception specifications here are different. So every time I attend a meeting, I will be called out."

"Oh." Cook said.

"Cook City Lord. Please here." Cook had just walked out of the area where the portal was located, and someone immediately greeted him. He said respectfully, and then used him to guide Cook towards the mountains of the gods.

"Haha. Cook. I just heard you coming. This is not waiting for you." The Mountain of Gods is not allowed to fly. So everyone uses it. In fact, it is not allowed in most cities. Flying. This is acceptable to Cook. After all, if flying is allowed, then the security pressure will be too great. A loud laughter attracted Cook's attention.

"Your Majesty the God of War." Cook saw that it was the God of War. He almost turned around and left. This Nima is still waiting for me. This God of War has been in the realm of the Goddess of the Night for two months. What are you here for? Of course it needs to be equipped. Yes. Yes. Equipment. Complaining about poverty or something. Cook almost slobbered on his face. But seeing Wu Mei’s face, Cook turned a blind eye to this guy. Then I knew I met here again.

"Haha..." The God of War laughed. Just about to say something.

"Oh. Isn't this the God of Contract?" Before the God of War continued to speak. Cook turned his head and saw the God of Contract. He rushed over and said affectionately. No matter what the God of War wanted to say and stopped. Look. Nonsense. The God of Contract is behind Cook's ass.

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