A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 236:

Facing Cook’s gaze, the gods present looked at each other. Some of the gods in the room were very opinionated about Cook’s approach. But on the other hand, the hundred sets of artifacts and equipment that Cook promised made people jealous.

Seeing no one around, the Lady Liberty asked, "City Lord Cook. The 100 sets of equipment you said. How can we believe it."

"Yes. This is a hundred sets." Hearing the words of the Lady Liberty, many gods present suddenly asked. One hundred sets of equipment. That is more than a thousand pieces. In the God Realm. One year's artifact The output used to be just a few pieces. Now it’s just over a thousand pieces here. Isn’t that a problem. Converted. There are three or four pieces a day. Even if Cook is more powerful, he can be so powerful.

Without waiting for Cook's answer, the Lady Liberty asked again: "There is also Lord Cook who wants to rule our Council of the Gods. This is okay. But what should we do if we have internal disputes. And I heard that Lord Cook has accepted orders too Quite a lot. So, should we refine the equipment of the Council of Gods first? Or should I refine the order first?"

Cook faces this problem. In fact, Cook has the ability to do it. But Cook heard these two questions about the Statue of Liberty. Knowing that he is still a little reckless. Cook said: "My suggestion is voluntary. You voluntarily join. I provide equipment. I have no opinion if I don’t join."

"That means that City Lord Cook is preparing to split the Council of Gods. So is it conflicting with the Council of Gods that Cook said earlier. Is it conflict?" Goddess of Wealth also spoke at this time.

Cook heard this question. It's really hard to answer. Why. Because Cook can't say to ignore those temples or organizations that don't join. But you have to promise to manage. I am afraid that there are not many people willing to participate.

"Since the Lord Cook is willing to lead the Council of the Gods, can we ask the Lord Cook to make up for the debts of the Council of the Gods over the years. I know that the Lord Cook is the richest in the gods.” Goddess of Wealth Continue to say.

Cook almost slobbered on the face of the goddess of wealth. Cook shook his head and said: "Since everyone is unwilling, then assume I didn't say it."

After Cook said this, he waved his hand and sat down. Cook's surrender made the Lady Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth look at each other. The Council of Gods is actually a mess. In this mess, there are many vested interests. Ke wants to step in. It will inevitably touch the interests of some people. Among them, the biggest beneficiary is the goddess of wealth. As for whether there is anything else, Cook does not know. If it is really Cook promised to pay everything If the Council of God owes accounts, I am afraid that the goddess of wealth will calculate an astronomical figure.

The meeting continued. After the day of the meeting, everyone's expressions were different. After Dilly and Cook returned to their residences, the God of Contract followed. There was also the Goddess of Nature. The God of Contract came into the house and spoke. : "Cook. The Lady Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth are not good things. Don't look at what Liberty said about freedom. They are all farting."

"Hehe. I'm too anxious." Cook laughed. He didn't look anxious.

Dilly saw Cook like this and asked, "Cook. Don’t you worry."

"What's the hurry? It's a big deal, I just get a vote by myself." Cook replied angrily.

Hearing this, the **** of contract brightened his eyes: "Yes. Let's get a vote and do it alone."

When Dilly heard this, she asked with excitement, "Cook, really want to do it alone."

"I haven't figured this out clearly yet." Cook hasn't figured out the pros and cons of this. So I rush to make a decision.

"But Liberty. The goddess of wealth is very annoying." The goddess of nature also rarely expressed dissatisfaction with the two temples.

"Hehe. Let them make trouble. I let them disband the last temple." Cook said with a sneer.

Dilly's eyes lit up. Dilly knew that Cook had a quick mind. She asked, "Is there any good way."

"From now on. All those who dare to trade with the Temple of Liberty and the Temple of the Goddess of Wealth. Don't even think about refining equipment here. Who dares to refining equipment for these two temples. That is against me." Cook grinned Smiled, then said.

"High. High. This means is high. Cook, as long as you let this out. I can guarantee that the temple of the goddess of wealth will be dissolved immediately." The **** of contract heard this and immediately gave a thumbs up. Now Cook is in God The prestige of the world. As long as you say this, then these two temples are not far from the ruined days.

"Dilly. Let the people under the sanctuary smash the temple of the goddess of wealth and the temple of the goddess of liberty." Cook further ordered Dilly. You must know that the Free Chamber of Commerce has a lot of power in the sanctuary. Two small temples. Cook still doesn't care. Although the scale of the Temple of Liberty is also relatively large. But the Temple of Light Cooke just smash it. Not to mention a Statue of Liberty.

When the goddess of nature heard this, her eyes lit up: "Count me."

"Hehe. And me." The God of Contract also said.

"Okay. Leave it to you. When you finish the sanctuary business. We will openly target these two temples." Cook heard this and said immediately. Cook also wants to understand. The Council of Gods is now here. It's a mess. There must be a powerful person to intervene. And it must be very fierce. Let those lucky guys know that it is powerful. One **** of war is not enough. Then come to two more temples. See if anyone dares to jump out.

After Cook finished his order, the lord of the three temples immediately ordered the subordinates to do this. On the other side, the goddess of liberty, the goddess of wealth, the **** of conspiracy, and the **** of war gathered together.

"Haha. Seeing Cook like that. I'm still a little excited now. The Council of the Gods is not anywhere else. I actually want to use force." The God of War said with a smile. You must know that the God of War hopes war most. Yes. Especially the war between the temple and the temple. It is the favorite of the **** of war.

"That's right. Our goddess of wealth is clever. If Cooke dares to promise to pay the debts, then all the books of the Council of Gods for hundreds of thousands of years will be taken out." The Lady Liberty also admired the goddess of wealth.

"The hillbilly is the hillbilly. I actually want to use force to make us succumb. The old **** of war. I've long been displeased. Now it's fine." The goddess of wealth said contemptuously.

The **** of conspiracy sighed: "Will Cook react excessively?"

"Extreme reaction. Could it be possible to smash our Liberty Temple?" Liberty asked angrily.

"I always feel that you are too reckless. As for the goddess of wealth, you said you owed the debt. Cook agreed. You really can't help it." The **** of conspiracy is deeply worried. You must know that the **** of conspiracy is afraid to show up now. Cook hunts down.

"If you dare to promise, let Cook go bankrupt." The goddess of wealth replied coldly, looking at the **** of conspiracy.

"Bankruptcy. I really agree. That is the end of your wealth goddess temple. Don't forget the alchemy temple. It is no weaker than your wealth goddess temple. As long as Cook uses the same method, you will be the goddess of wealth after a day. Not anymore." The **** of conspiracy said lightly with the attitude of the goddess of wealth.

As soon as the goddess of wealth heard this, he immediately calmed down. The wealth that the goddess of wealth has gathered is not his own. It belongs to everyone like a bank. Once it is not traded with the temple of wealth, the temple of wealth will only be ruined.

"Should we give Cook a little power." Upon hearing this, the Lady Liberty asked.

"Hehe. You guys. I'm blinded by a little bit of interest in front of you. Don't say anything else. I guess you two temples won't even want to get artifacts from Cook in the future." The **** of conspiracy was a little excited. Because there are people who are like him. Up.

Hearing these words from the **** of conspiracy, the faces of the goddess of liberty and the goddess of wealth suddenly became hard to look at, and then they separated.

At the beginning of the meeting on the second day, the goddess of wealth had not found a chance to reconcile with Cook. Cook stood up and said, "I am here to announce something. In the future, the Temple of Liberty and the Temple of Fortune will be my Be included in the unpopular list. Those who have a deal with these two temples. They will also be included in the unpopular list in half a month. The unpopular list cannot refine artifacts from me. And those who have already placed orders will got canceled."

"You. You are revenge. Revenge." The goddess of wealth heard the news from Cook and yelled at Cook.

"Ahem. In view of the announcement from the Lord Cook, the temple of our contract has lowered the credit rating of the temple of wealth and the temple of freedom. We will not provide contract guarantees for these two temples in the future." The **** of contract also stabbed the knife. The **** of contract is in God The world is still very strong. Just as the credit rating of the goddess of wealth is low, then the wealth deposited on the goddess of wealth may not be guaranteed.

"You...you..." The Lady Liberty was also annoyed by the series of news. He roared loudly.

"Here. As the Speaker of the House of Representatives, I make a proposal. The accounts of the Council of Gods should be sealed. Funds should be frozen. Then check. Prevent the loss of assets. Please express your opinion." Cook stood up. Proposed loudly.


"Agree." The small temple below. There are also some small organizations. Gloating at the goddess of wealth and the goddess of liberty. This is obviously a follow-up to the temple of alchemy. You must know that many of these small temples have debts in the temple of the goddess of wealth. If the Nima Temple of Wealth is scattered, wouldn’t it be necessary to return it? As for sealing the accounts. Frozen funds. Hey. The Temple of Wealth is borrowed from the God Crystal in the name of the Council of Gods. It can be said that as long as the funds are frozen. Is sealed. Then the goddess of wealth wants to get the money back. It is simply a dream.

"No. I am against."

"I also object." The goddess of wealth and the goddess of liberty loudly objected.

"Recommendation passed." Cook ignored the two opposing voices. Opposition. Protests are useful. Wen, Wu, and Cook are not afraid.

"Next, proceed to issue 36." After Cook finished speaking, he continued to prepare for the meeting following yesterday's issue.

"No. I am against. I am the speaker. Speaker." The goddess of wealth protested loudly.

"Warning you once. Disturbing the venue. I just shot out." Cook looked at the goddess of wealth, warning in a cold voice.

"Go. Let's find a place to make sense." Lady Liberty pulled the goddess of wealth. Then looked at Cook angrily. Then went out.

When Cook heard this, his brow frowned. Dilly said in Cook's ear: "These are the ones who live here..."

Dilly didn't finish talking. Cook also understood. It seems that the Lady Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth went to the God of Fire. This God of Fire is still the oldest **** in ancient times. It can be said that it has existed since the birth of mankind. It's just that Cook doesn't know if it is the same Vulcan.

Cook continued to hold the meeting. Today's meeting is going very fast. Because of the sudden big incident, these people's contradictions have become small contradictions. Everyone is watching. Waiting for the further development of the situation.

"Cook. Come here, please." Just when the abbot of Cook was meeting, a voice appeared directly in the entire venue. He was very polite.

"Cook." Dilly looked at Cook anxiously when she heard this.

Cook waved his hand to stop Dilly's words. Although the places where Vulcan lived may be extreme environments, the vast majority of Cook's fighting power was definitely not from energy, but from his own energy. Cook went straight out.

The meeting place is at the top of the mountain of gods. Behind the meeting building. There are more buildings. There are hardly any traces of people here. The surroundings are even more cold. It gives people a gloomy feeling. As if not On the top of the mountain, but in the open wilderness.

Cook strode into a huge building. It looked like a church. But when Cook went in, he found that the building was hollow. A huge hole appeared in front of Cook's eyes. Cook approached the edge of the cave. When he took a probe, he found a bright red underneath. Obviously, this cave had directly penetrated the crust, together with the magma under the crust.

"You are Cook." In front of Cook's eyes, a big face formed by flame made a loud noise.

"I am." Cook saw the big face formed by the flame. This is actually not a difficult task. Ten gods can do it.

"The Lady Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth came to me to file a complaint. They said you disturbed the meeting. Is there such a thing?" The big face formed by the flame asked directly.

"No. I'm just performing the duties of a speaker." Cook shook his head. As his strength grew stronger, Cook's temper became worse and worse. But Cook also knew that violence was not required for everything. That way. No matter how strong he is, no one will be afraid. So Cook shook his head and replied.

"Nonsense. What right do you have to freeze the property of the entire council?" The goddess of wealth came in from outside, shouting loudly.

"I don't have the right. I just proposed. But ask this gentleman. In what capacity are you talking to the speaker of me." After Cook finished answering the words of the goddess of wealth, he started to question the big flame face. .

"I. You are asking me again." The flame asked with a big face in disbelief.

"Yes. I am in the rules and regulations of the Council of Gods. I have never known that there are still people like you. Who are you. What right do you have to question the internal affairs of our council." Although Cook is not prepared to use violence. Cook still has to teach these guys a lesson, otherwise these guys will point fingers at anything in the future.

"Haha. Cook. You are the first to ask me this question so arrogantly. It depends on my existence for hundreds of millions of years." The flame face replied.

When Cook heard this, he turned around and left. The goddess of wealth was shocked. Flame's big face saw this scene and roared and asked: "What do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything. I warn you here. Don't think that you can ask me to ask questions after you have lived hundreds of millions of years. This time I will give you face. If you do this again next time, how much can you live? Years. I’m not sure.” Cook turned his head and said coldly. Then he strode out of the building.

The Goddess of Wealth and Liberty did not believe the facts in front of them. The two looked at each other. Then they asked the big flame face: "His Royal Highness. You..."

"Don't bother me anymore." Huo Da Lian heard this. He dropped a word out of breath. Then Huo Da Lian disappeared. All that was left was a huge hole. Then there was a huge pressure. This liberty and wealth goddess launched the building.

The goddess of wealth looked at the goddess of liberty and asked blankly: "Are these ancient gods also afraid of Cook, a hillbilly."

"It was Cook who just walked past." At this moment, a half-human metal puppet appeared beside the goddess of wealth and the goddess of liberty. Then there was a sound.

"Yes. Your Highness." The Lady Liberty replied, very respectful.

"Interesting. Interesting." The half-person tall puppet looked rusty. He murmured and left. It seemed to move slowly. But it disappeared in a flash. No one knows where it went or where it will come from. come out.

"Go. Let's ask someone to ask." The Goddess of Fortune gritted her teeth, and then walked towards another larger building.

This building is a large mage tower-like building. It stands tall on one side. It is lonely. But when this mage tower-like building comes closer, it turns out to be a whole piece of wood. It was carved by a mage in the city. The shape of the tower.

"Prophet." The goddess of wealth and the goddess of liberty came to the front of the mage tower. The goddess of wealth shouted, bowing.

"Come in." A misty voice rang. A portal appeared in front of the goddess of wealth and liberty.

The goddess of wealth gritted his teeth and went in. The Statue of Liberty followed. When the two of them lit up. A spacious wooden house. Inside the wooden house, there was a person sitting. I couldn't see the person's appearance. There were no furnishings around. .That is, there is a small table on the wooden floor. On the table is a huge extremely pure crystal. Sitting on a wooden base.

"What do you want to ask?" the seated man asked.

"I want to ask what Cook comes from." The goddess of wealth said through gritted teeth.

"One hundred and thirty top grade **** cores." The woman said a number lightly when she heard this.

If Cook is here, I will be a little surprised. The value of the top grade **** core is no less than that of the artifact. Although there are many **** beasts. But the **** beast is different from the beast. The **** beast often explodes the **** core when it dies. Even if it is not Self-explosion. Then after the **** beast consumes a huge amount of energy, what you get is only inferior products. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to obtain a high-grade **** core. One hundred and thirty **** cores, comparable to a high-level **** for tens of thousands of years The accumulation of the gods. And the gods can also replace the gods. You can also make some magic props. Stimulate these gods. Let the gods explode. Form a powerful one-time magic item that is impossible to prevent. There are also artifacts if they are Inlaid with the top grade **** core, the combat power is greatly improved.

The goddess of wealth really has wealth. She gritted her teeth and took out a box, and then handed it up respectfully.

"Very good. I will show you the origin of this Cook. In fact, I am also very curious." The woman behind the table looked through the box. Then said. A pair of slender hands touched the crystal ball.

"Boom." But at the moment when the crystal ball was just lit up, the crystal ball burst. Lady Liberty. The goddess of wealth was embarrassed by the sudden explosion. What shocked the two goddesses. Just touched the crystal ball. The hands above can actually see the white bones, and the golden blood is constantly flowing out.

"Let's go." The voice of the woman touching the crystal ball rang coldly.

"Prophet..." The goddess of wealth was also anxious.

"I can't see the origin of Cook. There is an extremely powerful force. I have lost a lot this time. At least I have to cultivate for hundreds of years." The prophet's voice was with a hint of helplessness.

Immediately afterwards, the goddess of wealth and the goddess of liberty flashed in front of them. Then they appeared outside the mage tower. the goddess of wealth asked frantically: "Cook, this hillbilly. What kind of person is this?"

The Lady Liberty thought of the terrible scene just now. After hearing the words of the prophet, she asked weakly: "Should we go and apologize to Cook."

"Apologize. How is this possible." The goddess of wealth screamed.

"If this is not the case, what shall we do?" Liberty muttered softly.

"Damn it. Damn it. My mother..." The goddess of wealth exploded without image.

"Hey. You two better apologize. I just went to see that guy in Cooke. I actually realized the power of the source. Not bad. Not bad. In this way, the super power of the Council of Gods is better than the dragon and the angels. It's too much. And there are still a lot of original power." At this moment, a voice rang.

The Lady Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth looked up. A white crow stood in front of them. Although the white crow was no more than a slap, the words of the white crow made the Lady Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth horrified.

"No. It's impossible. How could it be the power of the source?" The goddess of wealth didn't believe it at all. She screamed, but she screamed hoarse.

"The origin of the wind system. If it weren't for my keen perception, I would have been fooled by this kid Cook. If you don't believe me, you should feel it. See if you can see it. But you can't perceive it." The white crow said angrily. Then stepped away.

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