A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 237:

The Lady Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth waited until the white crow had gone for a long time before waking up from shock. Both of them had ugly faces. In the world of shooting, the main **** is not the strongest existence. The existence of the gods is wealth. Goddess and Liberty see these today. Eight ]]

These level powerhouses are truly immortal. Even if the entire God Realm is destroyed, these existences will not die. These are the level powerhouses of the God Realm. The reason why the level powerhouses become the level powerhouses is that they have the power of origin. , Possessing the power of origin is really immortal,

But Cook, a human being who is less than two hundred years old, actually comprehend the power of the source. No one believes this. The goddess of wealth was also frightened by the words of the white crow. The two looked at each other, and the goddess of liberty gritted their teeth. Said: "Let's go, let's see if it's like this.

"Okay." The goddess of wealth now has almost no fighting spirit. The powerhouses with the original power are not the goddess of wealth that can compete, because the powerhouses are the real rulers of the gods, just the goddess of wealth and others. I didn't participate in it, I don't know the relationship inside.

The Statue of Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth walked towards the meeting place. This time they felt that the distance was extremely long. They soon reached the place where the meeting was going. The Lady Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth returned to their positions with great heart. Did not feel the surprised eyes of other gods.

The meeting continued. The Lady Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth didn’t know when the meeting ended. They knew that the God of War had found these two people: "Hey, what's the matter with you?"

"It's okay, it's okay." When the goddess of wealth was called by the **** of war, she woke up immediately and quickly replied.

But this expression made the **** of war even more puzzled. The **** of war looked at the same unsuccessful Lady Liberty and asked angrily: "Did you give up?"

The goddess of wealth and the goddess of liberty looked at each other, and then sighed at the same time, ignoring the **** of war, turned around and left. The **** of war hurriedly followed: "The **** of conspiracy is still waiting for us, should we just let this Is the hillbilly messing around here?"

The goddess of liberty and the goddess of wealth did not seem to have heard this. Seeing this, the **** of war stopped and watched the two leave. The **** of war muttered in an angry voice: "Two, if not... ."

The **** of war then left and came to the floor where the servants lived, and entered an ordinary building. As soon as he entered the door, he saw the **** of conspiracy. When the **** of conspiracy saw the **** of war, he smiled and said: " It just happened, I have good things here."

"Those two must be scared." After the **** of war sat down, he said to the **** of conspiracy dissatisfiedly.

"What's happening?" The **** of conspiracy asked frowning without knowing what happened.

"Cook today..." The God of War told the story again.

After hearing this, the **** of conspiracy stood up, walked back and forth, and said, "Cook's trick is powerful, it's too powerful, let's do it quickly, otherwise these two will leave us nothing. Up."

"But they won't come, what can we do?" The **** of war looked at the **** of conspiracy and asked.

"It's not in a hurry for the time being, it's not when we are in a hurry, it's when they are in a hurry, and it is not convenient to do it here." The **** of conspiracy thought about it, and then said calmly.

The **** of war also said with a sneer: "These two thought we would help them. If they didn't have a lot of wealth in their hands, we would help them? But we have to plan a bit so that Cooke's hillbilly won't take advantage. ."

"Well, it really doesn't work, we will leave God Realm after we succeed." The **** of conspiracy also agreed, and the two began to conspire.

The Lady Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth returned to the residence of the Lady Liberty. The two looked at each other, and then sighed at the same time. The Goddess of Wealth complained: "I knew that Cook was already such a strong man. We shouldn't bother those careful thoughts. ."

"Who knows, this Nima is too abnormal and possesses the original power, how is this possible?" The Lady Liberty also said helplessly.

"Yeah, who knows, the power of the source, those of us don't know how to understand the power of the source, others actually have it, the goddess of the dark night is really lucky, **** it." The goddess of wealth is more jealous now, jealous Goddess of the night, how could she hook up with such a strong man.

"Why don't we go and apologize to Cook?" The Lady Liberty thought of what kind of power Cook is, and she has no hostile thoughts. In the face of strong strength, all conspiracy and tricks are all clouds.

"In fact, we should have thought about it a long time ago. When Cook smashed the Sky City, why didn't one of those powerhouses stand up? Obviously it was the Temple of Light that provoke Cook first, and powerhouses like Cook started their hands. No one can say anything to teach offensive guys, and there is also the dragon clan. If you change individuals, I am afraid that you would have been killed by the powerful ones behind the dragon clan. But the dragon clan not only did not teach Cook, Instead, it has a relationship with Kukla. What did Cook say? The angels and the dragons did it all the same." The Goddess of Wealth recovered her calm and began to reason backwards.

If there is a result, then the inference is easy, but if you don’t know the result, everything is in the fog. After hearing the analysis of the goddess of wealth, the Lady Liberty also sighed: "Yes, who can think of this result?"

"But we are going to apologize, how can we show our sincerity?" The goddess of wealth now does not want anything else, but how to ease the relationship with Cook, which not only concerns herself, but also the future of the entire temple. Before the two had It was a fluke, but after knowing the truth, the two men had no hope.

"The **** of conspiracy, let's catch the **** of conspiracy." The Lady Liberty thought for a while, and soon got the answer.

"How to catch it, you must know that the strength of the **** of conspiracy is not weak, and the **** of war is there?" the goddess of wealth asked. The combat effectiveness of the goddess of liberty and the goddess of wealth is actually very impressive, but the **** of war The combat effectiveness is stronger.

Regarding this question, the Statue of Liberty had nothing to do, and sighed: "The sincerity of the catch must be sufficient. It is really not good. Let's tell Cook the news of the **** of conspiracy and let Cook do it himself."

"This is okay, we don't need to come forward on our own. As long as Cook reconciles with us, we will also be close to the backer of Cook in the future." The goddess of wealth nodded and then said.

The goddess of wealth and the goddess of liberty also conspired, and the night passed. The meeting was held as usual. Cook's voice in the Council of the gods is also increasing. Cook's heart is more relaxed. After seeing the **** of fire , Cook knew that the God Realm also had a strong person who understood the origin, and that the origin power possessed by the Vulcan was not inferior to himself. At the same time, Cook also realized that there are still a few people with the origin power in this Council of Gods. The strong, this surprised Cook even more, but when he was surprised, Cook was extremely relaxed. After seeing the mighty strength of the star realm, Cook worried about the safety of the gods, but obviously there are still gods in the gods. Cook even guessed that whether the conqueror controlled by the wizard was solved by these original powerhouses is not known.

However, there is still a question in Cook's heart, how did the mother of the earth go to the star realm, and how could it be in a pond, is the mother of the earth also a powerful person who understands the power of the source? Since the Council of the Gods has such strong men, how many dragons, angels, and beasts should be? Cook looks forward to it when he relaxes.

"Cook..." Dilly quickly reminded him when he saw Cook's appearance.

Cook said, "I have no opinion."

After speaking, Cook looked at the Statue of Liberty, and Cook was puzzled. What happened to the Lady Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth today? You have to ask your own opinions about everything. It is simply Chi Guoguo's posture of being his own subordinate. This change made today’s meeting proceed very quickly. The reaction of the goddess of wealth and the goddess of liberty made the other gods more cautious. I don’t know why yesterday there was a posture of either you or me, but today is another one. Good baby, the same mind as a little woman, so other gods did not dare to express any opinions without authorization, and decided to wait and see for a while.

Cook wondered and wondered, but if he should speak up, Cook will never refrain from speaking out, but Cook will not express his opinions indiscriminately. Although Cook has not used the Council of the Gods as his back garden, it is almost the same. , Although Vulcan is a bit awesome, but Cook is not afraid of people, so he dare to talk harshly with Vulcan.

After three days of meetings, the entire resolution to be resolved was almost 80% completed. This is unimaginable. In the past, everyone quarreled about an issue, and I quarreled it over. It took a long time to pay attention, but this time it was absolutely fast. .

"Cook Lord, we have traces of the **** of conspiracy." At the end of the day's meeting, Cook got the message from the goddess of wealth to him, which was passed on by the **** of contract.

"What do they mean?" Cook wondered, what do these two girls mean.

"I think you are in love with Cook. I am rich and capable. I don't know the Lady Liberty. Although many people say that this woman is the Goddess of Wealth, I think it may not be so rich..." The God of Contract also saw Arrived, said with a smile.

"Go away." Before Cook could speak, Dilly yelled at the God of Contract in an angry manner.

"Hey, I'm just talking about it." The God of Contract smiled. The God of Contract has been with Cook for a long time. He knows that Cook's personality is more casual. As long as he doesn't offend Cook, there is still no danger, smile. Said.

Dilly gritted her teeth and said: "Conspiracy, Cook, this must be a conspiracy, these two women are in the gods..."

"Stop talking." Cook heard Dilly say at the beginning, thinking that Dilly would analyze what the result would be, but after a divine turn, Nima personally attacked, Cook quickly stopped Dilly's nagging.

The **** of contract said: "I think you can go to Cook. After all, Cook's strength lies here. No matter where you are, strength is the most important."

Cook agrees with the words of the God of Contract. Just like in the God Realm, Cook also needs strong strength. Of course, this strength refers more to your own strength, no matter how strong your background is, how strong you are, or your own strength. Not enough, it is also useless.

Cook's alchemy level is very high. If he doesn't have a strong strength, what Cook's ending will be, it is someone else's tool.

"I'll go and take a look." Cook nodded, and Cook wanted to figure out what these two women meant. He beat himself up yesterday, and today he looks like he is obedient.

"I'm going too." Dilly said when she saw Cook going.

Cook said angrily: "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going, I'm going." When Dilly heard Cook say that, he even wanted to go. In fact, Dilly had a great sense of crisis. After all, the relationship between Dilly and Cook was like that, compared to For women in the other gods, Dili’s biggest advantage is to have a leg with Cook. As for looks, other goddesses are not worse than Dili, but some are more beautiful than Dili.

"No, there may be a conspiracy this time, but I will have to take care of you when the time comes." Cook shook his head and said.

"Then...then I'll wait for you to come back." Dilly heard Cook say so, knowing that she couldn't go, and put one arm around Cook's arm and said.

"Yeah." Cook patted Dilly's hand and agreed. The God of Contract looked at him with envy, jealousy and hatred. This is the advantage of women. In the God Realm, the proportion of women is actually not much, but In the God Realm, the goddess occupies a very high position, which is a bit strange.

When the Lady Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth were preparing to use the **** of conspiracy as a nomination, the **** of conspiracy was also with the **** of war. The **** of war told the **** of conspiracy what happened today, and finally said angrily: "These two It's too shameful, it's just that Chi Guoguo wants to follow Cook's hillbilly."

"It seems that these two guys are ready to compromise. What is Cook's reaction?" Hearing this, the **** of conspiracy looked very solemn, thought about it, and then asked.

"Cook, of course, ignores these two. Do you think we are the first to start?" The **** of war said here, and asked.

"Do it, it's a bit dangerous to do it here, after all, this is the Council of the Gods." Hearing this proposal, the **** of conspiracy was also very excited, but the **** of conspiracy thought more comprehensively.

"If we don't do anything, wait until Cook takes control of the Council of the Gods, can we still benefit?" The God of War pouted his lips in disdain, and said.

"This is impossible, you know there are still some old guys." The **** of conspiracy shook his head and said in denial.

When the **** of war heard this, he was also silent. Just when the two gods were silent, a servant of the **** said at the door: "Lord, the message of the Lady Liberty."

"Come in." The **** of war said, this is a residence of the **** of war.

After the servant came in, he respectfully handed over a message crystal, the **** of war held it in his hand, and said: "The Lady Liberty invites us to a place."

"Huh?" The **** of conspiracy was shocked, with an inexplicable alertness in his heart.

"Are you going to discuss with us?" the **** of war asked guessingly.

"I don't know, but I feel there is a taste of conspiracy." The **** of conspiracy said.

When the **** of war heard this, he stood up immediately: "Could it be that these two are going to betray you?"

The **** of conspiracy shook his head: "I don't know, but there are two possibilities. One is that these two guys take refuge in Cook, but Cook refuses to agree, so look to us. If so, this is our opportunity."

"What if these two gangs of Cook?" The **** of war quickly thought of another possibility and asked.

"This is also our opportunity." The **** of conspiracy said with a smile.

When the **** of war heard this, his eyes lit up: "What to do?"

"First, we need to determine the place." The **** of conspiracy said with a smile.

"Well, where is it?" Hearing this, the **** of war couldn't help giving a thumbs up to the **** of conspiracy.

Changing places is a kind of temptation. If the Lady Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth need help, they will definitely not object to changing places. On the contrary, if they oppose or make excuses, then there is probably a conspiracy. The God of War praised: "It is indeed a conspiracy. God, it's solved all at once."

"Hehe, I want to play a conspiracy with me." The **** of conspiracy smiled, and the two began to discuss.

The Lady Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth waited for the servants to return, and the Lady Liberty sighed: "I don't know if we do this, how will Cook react?"

"That is, we must solve this problem before the end of the meeting. Otherwise, our temple of wealth will probably not survive." The goddess of wealth said with a wry smile, because the two already knew that the temple under the sanctuary had been attacked. The leader is the Free Chamber of Commerce, and there is no situation in the God Realm. After all, the Council of the Gods is currently holding a meeting, but it has clearly felt that others are alienated.

"Master." The **** servant who soon went to deliver the message returned.

"Changed place?" After hearing the reply, the Lady Liberty looked at each other with the Goddess of Wealth.

"Yes." The servant didn't know where he changed, because it was in the message crystal.

The Lady Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth touched the message crystal, then looked at each other and waved to let the **** servant leave.

"Should we not go?" The goddess of wealth looked at the goddess of liberty and asked.

"No, how can we get Cook's forgiveness if we don't go, or should we ask Cook for his opinion?" The Lady Liberty shook her head.

The Goddess of Wealth nodded, but then said: "It's okay to ask for advice, but I guess there must be someone watching on our side, and the other party is the **** of conspiracy."

"I'm afraid that if Cook doesn't come, then we will suffer from the enemy." The Statue of Liberty also nodded and said.

The goddess of wealth thought for a while, then gritted her teeth and took out a silver scroll: "This is a space teleportation scroll, which can be teleported to any place."

The Lady Liberty looked at this scroll, and she was envious in her heart. She was indeed the goddess of wealth. She had so many good things. The Lady Liberty summoned a servant to come in, and then gave orders, and then the servant withdrew.

When Cook saw the servant of the Lady Liberty, he frowned and asked, "Change place?"

"Yes, Your Highness." The **** servant nodded.

"Okay, I will go there when the time comes." Cook nodded. The **** of conspiracy is not a good thing. The attack Lina suffered in the sanctuary contained the shadow of the **** of conspiracy, but after she came to the gods , Cook has never seen this **** of conspiracy.

After the servant left, the **** of contract asked: "What does this mean, temporarily change place?"

"Haha." Cook smiled, thinking about it in his heart.

"I think there is a conspiracy." Dilly still insisted that there was a conspiracy.

"It's okay to have a conspiracy, I like to destroy other people's conspiracies the most." Cook replied with a smile.

"Cook, this is the God Realm. Some guys have cards that no one can think of." Dilly said to Cook in warning.

"It's okay, my strength is not bad, and my brain is not stupid." Cook gave Dilly a relieved look.

After the **** of conspiracy and the **** of war got the reply from the goddess of liberty, the **** of conspiracy said with a smile: "Let’s split up and act according to the plan. I hope this is a conspiracy. I like to deal with conspiracies the most.

"Hehe, I like to see others unlucky the most~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As long as the hillbilly Cook comes, keep him back and forth." The **** of war also smiled, and then the two separated and prepared Good things discussed.

A city on the outskirts of Zhu Shenshan, this was originally an outpost of Zhu Shenshan, but with the establishment of the post here, there is no danger around, so more and more ordinary people live here. Some of these ordinary people are families of soldiers in the post. Some are for growing food, herbs and other things. Over time, here has become a city, and finally one of the supply points of the gods.

"This place is remote enough." The Lady Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth came here and looked at the ordinary people around. Ordinary people are the name for all people who have not reached the **** level. This kind of people is the most in the gods, and these people interact with each other. There are also deals. Even if it is a god, the family of this **** may not necessarily be a god, and the children may not necessarily be gods, so these people also have huge needs.

"This is it." The Lady Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth found the meeting place in a small street.

"What if Cook doesn't come?" Lady Liberty asked worriedly.

"No." The goddess of wealth shook his head, but the goddess of wealth answered without the slightest confidence, after all, the two knew the details of Cook.

"Hehe, the two goddesses are here, please come in." Just at this moment, the **** of war walked out of the house and greeted him with a smile.

The goddess of wealth and the goddess of liberty walked in. The outside of this house seemed very ordinary, but after entering, the space inside instantly became much larger, and there were dark energy fluctuations around it.

"Haha, you guys are finally here, and it just so happens that I also have a few friends here." The voice of the **** of conspiracy came over. When the goddess of liberty and the goddess of wealth saw the scene in front of them, they couldn't tell what it was like.

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