A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 238:

The goddess of Liberty was shocked when he saw these people who appeared. The goddess of wealth also had the same expression. The **** of war smiled at this expression: "Two, please sit down."

The Lady Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth sat down with weird faces, and the **** of conspiracy saw this and smiled: "Everyone is acquaintance, come, let's have a drink first."

"Two, come." Sitting next to the Lady Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth was a short fat man with a round body. This was the **** of the gods.

Deng Shen is a dysfunctional temple. Although it is dysfunctional, it is still a temple. In the entire God Realm, there are countless large and small temples. Deng Shen looked at raising the cup with excitement.

"Yeah." The Lady Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth hummed, and raised the cup.

"Hehe, everyone gathered today is fate." After a sip, the **** of conspiracy spoke.

"Yeah, yeah." Beside the lamp god, there is a halfling. The **** of the halfling is the **** of food and the **** of the halfling belief. Of course, the halfling is in the realm of the gods. It is definitely a weak race. Weak and small, it is also a temple, and it also has a place in the Council of Gods.

"We all know the dilemma encountered by the Statue of Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth. Let's talk about it. Is there any way to do it?" The God of War looked at the dozens of gods around him. There are a dozen temples. It is a relatively weak temple, but each temple has its own hole cards, otherwise it would have been swallowed by other temples.

"Our Deng Shen Temple is willing to help the Wealth Temple, but the interest may be higher." The Deng Shen was the first to speak, looking at the Goddess of Fortune, and said with a smile.

When the goddess of wealth heard this, her mind was full of thoughts. What these guys are going to do, the goddess of wealth said, "What interest?"

"Of course, your Wealth Temple gives us the high interest of the Deng Shen Temple, and our Deng Shen Temple can take out a large amount of wealth to help your Wealth Temple tide over the difficulties." The Deng Shen looked at the wealth goddess and said with a squint.

"How much interest is it?" The goddess of wealth looked at the lamp god, and sneered in her heart, but she still asked very flatly. At the point of god, everyone is a human spirit, of course, sometimes she does show some expressions. , As for whether it is true or not, let you tell it by yourself.

"It rolls in a day." Deng Shen said.

"One day rolls, you are robbing." The goddess of wealth did not expect such an answer, looking at the lamp god, replied in a cold voice, one day rolls, one is borrowed today, tomorrow is two, and the day after tomorrow is Four yuan, this kind of interest is basically not a loan shark, it is basically ruined if you borrow it.

"Haha, if you have something to discuss, it's easy to discuss." The **** of conspiracy said with a smile.

"Yes, goddess of wealth, according to our statistics, if your temple of wealth does not have enough funds, then the temple of wealth will collapse, and although the interest we want is high, the risk is also high, in case your temple of wealth It collapses, and our money can't be collected." The **** of war continued.

"Yes, we are taking risks." The God of Cookery also dangled his glass and said.

"That is, we help you, but you said that we robbed, without our funds, your temple of wealth will be finished." The **** of another small temple is even more direct.

When the goddess of Liberty rolled her eyes, she quietly pulled the goddess of wealth. When the goddess of wealth was touched by the goddess of liberty, she heard the message from the spiritual power of the goddess of liberty: "Accept, how many will receive, anyway, these guys will be finished of."

The goddess of wealth was so reminded by the goddess of liberty that he immediately understood that there are many gods present, but who is Cook, the goddess of wealth understands that at that level, quantity is not a problem at all, and quality is the most important thing.

And if Cook does not come, then the Temple of Wealth really needs a lot of funds. The Goddess of Wealth took a deep breath and asked: "How much wealth do you have?"

"Goddess of wealth, should we discuss it again?" The **** of conspiracy thought that the goddess of wealth wanted to refute or argue, but the goddess of wealth agreed, but the **** of conspiracy felt a little uneasy. The **** of conspiracy asked while calculating.

"Are you willing to lower the interest rate?" the goddess of wealth asked coldly.

"Haha, there, there, all of us sitting there can come up with 15 million high-grade crystals." When the lamp **** heard the words of the goddess of wealth, he immediately laughed, knowing that this is a dozen temples for countless years If the interest is reduced by one point, the loss will be very heavy.

"But we need guarantees for these 15 million high-grade **** crystals." The **** of war brightened his eyes and then put forward his own opinions.

"What guarantee do you want?" The goddess of wealth asked very calmly.

"We need gold coins of wealth, the scepter of freedom, and the temple of wealth, half of the assets of the temple of freedom." The **** of war showed his fangs.

"It's impossible." The Goddess of Wealth gnashed her teeth and shouted loudly. Wealth gold coins are a symbol of the Temple of Wealth, and it is a perfect ancient artifact, but no one knows how to use it, but after all, it is an ancient artifact, and even more of the Temple of Wealth. Symbol, how could the goddess of wealth use this thing as collateral.

The Lady Liberty also asked coldly: "What does this have to do with our Temple of Liberty?"

"Hehe, first the goddess of wealth, without the temple of wealth, do you still want to keep the wealth gold coins?" Seeing that the **** of conspiracy had reached this point, he also revealed the most true face, hehe smiled and asked coldly.

"Anyway, I don't agree." The goddess of wealth finally understood that these guys were not here to help themselves, but to take advantage of the fire. The goddess of wealth gritted his teeth. If they were strong enough, they would have killed these people directly.

"I don't agree, I'm here, but you can't help but disagree." The **** of war sneered and threatened.

"You guys." The Lady Liberty didn't expect these people to be like this. Originally, the Lady Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth had handed over the **** of conspiracy, and there was some guilt, but now the two have no guilt at all.

"Hehe, we don't need to mortgage the Temple of the God of Love, as long as the two goddesses are the saints of the Temple of the God of Love." A handsome young man said with a smile.

"Go away." The Lady Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth shouted angrily. The saint of the Temple of Eros, who said nicely, was actually used by the priests of the Temple of Eros and also used to entertain honorable guests.

"Eros, are you trying to oppose me?" The **** of war has long been peeping at the goddess of wealth. Not to mention how long, the head of the goddess of wealth is very clever. War always requires a brain, and it comes from status. Said that the status of the goddess of wealth in the gods is far higher than the **** of war.

"The **** of war, with a rude fellow like you, is worthy of the goddess of wealth?" the owner of another temple said with a sneer.

"Looking for death." The **** of war stood up suddenly, glaring at the talking god.

"Okay, God of War, God of Twilight, don't quarrel, two goddesses, think about it, if you don't have us, your temple will not be kept, the temple is gone, then what you care about is still useful? "The **** of conspiracy said with a wave of his hand.

"God of conspiracy, I didn't expect you to be such a stuff, I am really blind." The goddess of wealth said with a sneer.

"Haha, thank you for the compliment, this is a contract." The **** of conspiracy threw the contract directly, and then coldly looked at the goddess of wealth and the goddess of liberty.

"Don't look, this is the outskirts of the mountain of gods." The **** of war also stood up, and the owners of the other dozen temples also stood up. The meaning was obvious, which was to force these people to sign contracts.

The Statue of Liberty was also so angry that she stood up and shouted loudly, "Are you sure to leave the upper god's blew?"

"Blast, haha, blew, don't you think there is something strange in your body now?" The **** of conspiracy laughed.

The goddess of Liberty and the goddess of wealth rose instantly, but then the two yelled, "You."

"Yes. Ancient potions, thanks to the God of Food, who made these potions so that you can't find them." The **** of conspiracy explained with a sneer.

"Damn it." The goddess of liberty and the goddess of wealth cursed secretly at the same time. Ancient potions have various side effects. Even if it is a healing potion, after taking the ancient healing potion, the divine power will be in a weak state for a period of time. It is the ancient medicine. Even if the divine power is used to repair the damage of the body, this is understandable, but this medicine is very dangerous when used inappropriately, just like some cold medicines can make people drowsy Sleep, at other times, cold patients would like to sleep for a while, but at work, especially dangerous work, this is very dangerous.

"Sign the agreement, otherwise we'll have a good time. You know that the two goddesses have been my favorite for a long time." The **** of war looked at the goddess of liberty and the goddess of wealth, and the words were even more fruity. Bad intentions.

"Okay, but I want to see the gods." The goddess of wealth was very worried when she saw this scene. In this state, if Cook does not come, it will be difficult for people to accept the ending of the two of them. .

"Good." Hearing this, the **** of conspiracy immediately praised a good word, these are two temples.

A group of people were excited when they heard this. You must know that although the goddess is attractive, strength is the most important thing in the **** world, and the **** crystal is the biggest representative of strength. The **** crystal is the purest **** power. crystallization.

Seeing the space objects that these people took out, it was indeed a crystal, the goddess of wealth looked at the contract, and then said: "This must be added at the back to ensure our safety."

"No problem." The **** of conspiracy agreed first, and the **** of conspiracy was also very excited. With this contract, then most of the wealth of the Temple of Wealth and the Temple of Freedom will be taken away by himself, and this wealth is sufficient for conspiracy. The temple of the gods becomes a first-class temple.

Then the supplementary content of the contract was completed, and both the Lady Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth signed their names. Seeing the completion of the contract, the **** of conspiracy laughed and said, "Good, good, good."

"Hey!" At this moment, the goddess of wealth and liberty sighed.

"Haha." Looking at the contract, the **** of war was also very excited. As for the sigh of the goddess of wealth and the goddess of liberty, no one cared.

"Did I show up again?" At this moment, a voice surprised everyone present.

Looking at Cook coming out from the back of the room, the goddess of wealth and liberty were not surprised, but the moment the **** of conspiracy and the **** of war saw Cook, his divine power skyrocketed.

"Boom, boom." After two dull voices, the **** of war and the **** of conspiracy slumped directly to the ground, and Cook did not explode the slightest divine power fluctuation.

"It's rare for everyone to gather together, hehe, there is such a good wine, why do you want to leave?" Cook smiled and looked at the remaining dozen gods. These gods are in Cook's eyes. Scum, Nima, a group of highest high-ranking gods, dare to join in this fun.

"President of the Assembly." The little short legs of the God of Food kept trembling.

"Leave things on my body, let me go." Cook saw the **** of food, and shouted angrily. This **** of food is halfling, and Cook has the most halflings, and Cook does not intend to be right. Hands-on with these dysfunctional temples.

"Yes, yes. Yes." The demigod, the **** of food, immediately took off everything on his body.

"Just leave the crystals, and take the rest." Seeing this guy wanted to take off his pants, Cook shouted angrily.

"Yes, yes. Lord Speaker." The God of Food hurriedly took out the space equipment containing the crystals, and then left in a hurry.

"You, and you, you, you, leave the crystals behind, and then roll." Cook pointed a finger, and the masters of a dozen temples hurriedly pulled down the space equipment, and ran away in disarray.

"Sir, I am wrong, I am wrong." The rest is Eros. Seeing Cook leaving him alone, Eros' legs kept trembling and stammering.

"You leave everything on your body, and then go away, don't let me hear you deceive other women from the Temple of God of Love, otherwise." Cook said coldly.

"Yes." Eros pulled the space equipment down and wanted to leave.

"I'm talking about all the equipment, don't you want to leave yet?" Cook asked lightly when he saw this guy like this.

"No, no." Eros stripped herself naked, seeing that Cook didn't say anything, and then she hurried away with her **** bare.

Seeing this scene, the Lady Liberty and the Goddess of Wealth bowed their heads respectfully: "Sir."

"Forget it this time, before you fight against others next time, you must think carefully and take these two people." Cook said with a wave of his hand when he saw the appearance of the two people and their soft tone.

"Thank you, Mr. Speaker, what should you do with these two people?" The goddess of wealth breathed a sigh of relief and asked.

"Betrayal of Parliament." Cook said lightly, and then left, leaving behind the goddess of liberty and wealth with big eyes and small eyes.

The goddess of wealth quickly took out the contract from the **** of conspiracy, and then tore it to pieces face to face, the same goes for the goddess of liberty, and then the two checked the status of the **** of conspiracy.

"The Godhead is broken!" This check does not matter, the goddess of wealth almost screamed.

"The same is true for the God of War." The Statue of Liberty also shivered.

This is really weird. God’s greatest capital is the Godhead. The Godhead is in the body, but the body is not damaged. The Godhead is broken. After the Godhead is broken, the realm will fall below the God level. In other words, Now the **** of conspiracy and the **** of war are not gods, let alone the master of the temple.

"This is the method of the powerful!" The goddess of liberty and the goddess of wealth trembled, this strength is too terrifying.

When the goddess of wealth and liberty came out carrying the **** of conspiracy and the **** of war, they saw that the servant of the **** of war was still guarding outside. The two goddesses were not so shocked. Obviously, the servant did not know. Cook came in just now.

The two goddesses have a deeper understanding of Cook's terrifying power, so if the powerhouses who come and go without a trace want to do something bad, I am afraid that no one can stop it.

The next day, two huge news surprised the people of the Council of the Gods. First, as the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Lord Cook received punishment from the two temples of the God of Wealth and the God of Freedom. Many people wanted to take advantage of the fire. The guy was very upset, and then the goddess of wealth and the goddess of liberty made a proposal that shocked the four.

"Doka, the **** of conspiracy, Modo, the **** of war, betrayed the council. I propose to punish these two councils of the gods." Liberty's proposal stunned all the temples.

Yes, at the beginning of the parliament, there were various regulations, but this kind of regulation in the last 100,000 years, that is, it is decoration, everyone participating in the meeting is constantly wrangling, as for punishment, it is even more Nonsense.

"I agree." The God of Contract was the first to agree.

"I agree too." The night goddess Dilly spoke a second.

With these two openings and the proposal of the Lady Liberty, everyone present understood what the wind direction was and agreed.

"Well, I declare Doka and Modo guilty. The Council will impose downgrade punishment on the Temple of the God of Conspiracy and the Temple of the God of War. At the same time, in accordance with Article 156 of the Council of Perform more to break the godhead." Cook's faint voice rang in the entire council, and the gods who heard this shook his heart. Knowing that Doka and Modo were over, the godhead was broken.

After this day, the two news shocked everyone, but no one rushed out to object. Just when everyone was a little nervous, a new topic quickly covered the disturbing news.

"This motion is the last motion, and that is about the establishment of the Guards Corps of the Council of Gods. Let's discuss it. Let's talk about the number of people in accordance with the stated proportion." There are still many things to do with Cook, but the matter here is not finished. , Cook has no way to leave.

"According to the number of people!" Dilly stood up and said first.

"No, according to the level of the temple." The **** of contract immediately vetoed it, because the largest number is now the goddess of the night.

"How to evaluate the level of the temple?" Someone saw Dilly and the God of Contract arguing, knowing that this time he could participate in the matter, and immediately stood up.

"That's right, the last time the rating was graded was hundreds of thousands of years ago." Seeing someone stand up, others also hurriedly shouted, knowing that this is related to the Taoist artifact, the entire artifact.

"This should be submitted to the Senate." The goddess of wealth also shouted boldly.

"No, the Senate is a bunch of bastards. A bunch of selfish bastards." Immediately, the small temple quit.

"You said yes, Lao Tzu belongs to the Senate." someone shouted immediately beside the small temple.

"You dare to threaten me, I want to propose that you, who break the rules of the parliament, be expelled from the parliament." Not only did the people in the small temple not shrink back, but yelled loudly.

"You, when did Lao Tzu threaten you?" The fellow in the Senate also yelled loudly, but denied the accusation of this small temple. You must know that the two guys who were shattered the godhead are good examples. After the council of gods, it has come to an era of rules.

"Yes, you are threatening me." For the first time, the people in the small temple shouted out loudly, for fear that others would not hear it.

"I didn't threaten you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just like you, I don't have so much idle time." The fellow in the Senate yelled, not to be outdone.

"According to population."

"By rank."

"According to whose territory is big."

"According to whose gods there are more crystals."

"According to the number of artifacts."

"According to." The entire council is like a vegetable market, and everyone expresses their own opinions.

Seeing this noisy scene, the gods of contract, the goddess of nature, and the goddess of the night were silent. They all looked at Cook, and Cook smiled: "This is what the council should be!"

The gods of the contract and others were puzzled when they heard this. Fortunately, if these people knew that in Cook’s consciousness, the council should be a place where loud noises were made for their own interests. As for efficiency, , This is not what Cook cares about, anyway, the life span of God is very long, very long.

"Okay, just notify me of the result." Cook left a sentence, and Shi Shiran left the meeting place.

"According to the number of people." Cook walked to the door and heard Dilly shout loudly.

"According to the level." The **** of contract is not to be outdone either.

When the goddess of wealth saw Cook leave, she also shouted loudly: "According to the amount of wealth."

"According to the number of people." The Lady Liberty retorted beside the Goddess of Wealth.

"Wealth, wealth." The goddess of wealth did not expect that the goddess of liberty would target herself, and immediately shouted.

"No, level, level." Another goddess of victory also joined in, shouting loudly, and the entire venue was even more chaotic. The huge roar of many gods could be heard throughout the mountain of gods, making the **** servants under the mountain of gods Trembling.

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